
Monday, March 11, 2019

Jana the Handy Woman

Jana Duggar
"Handy woman" Jana Duggar

"Jana has a very broad skill set. She's our handy woman, if you will. So any time we need a project done, she's the one we call on. She can handle the saws and drills and build things, and she's very creative."
-Jessa Seewald

"Jana doesn't wait for people to ask her to get something done. She...can figure it out herself and get it done."
-Josiah Duggar

Tonight on Counting On, Abbie Burnett (now Abbie Duggar) arrives in Arkansas to try on wedding dresses delivered by Duggar dress designer Renee. In the video sneak below, you'll see Jana Duggar, with help from the other Duggar siblings, build a "pop-up dress shop" for the occasion. And down in Laredo, Jeremy keeps infant Felicity while Jinger runs errands.

For those who have TV service, you can visit the TLC website to watch the episode before it airs on prime time. 

Monday, March 11, 2019
8pm ET/7pm CT: Love and Loss
9pm/8pm CT: The Abbie Gown NEW!
In Laredo, Jeremy is on daddy duty as Jinger runs errands. Meanwhile, John and Abbie's wedding is just around the corner. John and the boys partake in a thrilling competition, while Abbie tries on wedding dresses. Will Abbie be able to find "the one"?
60 minutes

Tuesday, March 12, 2019
12am ET/11pm CT: Love and Loss
1am ET/12am CT: The Abbie Gown

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. A thrilling competition? Who can name the most cheeses? The most Greek gods? Who can eat the most hot sauce? Bake the tastiest gluten-free cake? Eat the most baby food blindfolded? I can't wait to see what TLC came up with this time.

    1. You sure have watched a lot of their shows for throwing so much shade at them. 😂

    2. Ben and Jeremy can compete and see who wins the "Babysitting Competition".

    3. Most of what they film is absurd, very far from any kind of reality. I doubt any of the Duggars would do these things without the cameras rolling.

    4. It turned out to be throwing bags of flour out the window of their plane. Some people have more money than sense.

  2. So Jana can do everything else, except bake a cake.

    1. There's a big difference between baking a regular cake and baking a gluten and sugar free cake, especially if you're not accustomed to cooking with those limitations (assuming you're basing her baking skills on the episode with the groom's cakes)

    2. She can bake a cake, and she did successfully bake the gluten free sugar free cake, it just didn’t taste great. If it’s your first time baking a dessert without sugar it probably won’t be great.

    3. Dude, have you ever tried to bake a gluten-free, sugar-free cake? It's not easy to get it right.

    4. 11:55 - oh, but didn't you know that all they have to do is follow the recipe? I wish the people who commented things like that could eat all the professionally made gluten-free garbage that I've tried over the years. Thankfully there are better options now than there were 12 years ago when we started our gluten-free journey, but the scratch baking can still be tricky.

  3. If you have video on demand with your cable service you can watch it now. I watched tonight’s airing this morning before I went to work. I can’t wait for next week when Jeremy, Jinger and Felicity are off to North East and s visit to Great-grandma Vuolo’s house!!’

  4. That's lovely she knows so many things on her own. And if she is wondering about a man, maybe it's because she does do alot on her own guys are like... "what would she need me for?" Either way she is a great woman

    1. Husbands are for more than doing yard work for you.

    2. If a guy is put offf because she’s a strong competent women then she’s better off without him.

    3. If a man feels that way, it means he's insecure and immature, and why would she want a man like that? She needs a man who thinks it's wonderful that she is so capable and will support her in all her endeavors!

    4. The logic that a man might not feel attracted to Jana because she.can do many things on her own is absolutely ridiculous. Consider women doctors, lawyers, pastors who are successful and the men who have fallen in love with them for who they are. I’m sure there are many men who would absolutely love Jana for her strong faith, beauty, intelligence, and resourcefulness.

    5. A strong confident man is going to be attracted to a strong competent woman. Like attracts like.

    6. 1:56. If the men who are in Jana’s Circle are put off by her capabilities then she needs to find a new circle of available men.

    7. So I guess if she wants a man she should pretend to be a weak, simple little thing who can’t make a decision on her own. She should stand lovingly staring at him while he talks about, well anything.
      Any man who would be intimidated by a strong woman isn’t worth having.

    8. Maybe men that run in her Christian circles would be put off but real men wouldn't.

    9. @9:07 That's what the other girls did when they courted - giggled and sighed and stared.

    10. to 7:56 pm. I am a female doctor. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find a husband when you have a high level of education. Same for a female principal or a female pilot. Yes, I did find someone but ask any female doctor and she will tell you how hard it is. So I totally believe that Jana would have trouble finding a good match of a husband, if she even wants one.

    11. Yes all true that a competant man would be okay with her being so capable on her own. as for her looking at a different circle of men, that would be hard seeing as the family pretty much hangs with the same type of people. But if she is content than cool.

  5. A "dress shop"? Really? Don't they have a spare room they could use in the "big house"?

    1. 1:56. When I read pop up dress shop I reread it to make sure I seen it right. LOL. That's a whole lot of time on their hands to build a dress shop so someone can try on wedding dresses. Some of these people need to get jobs!! Good grief!!

    2. Anon @ 1:56 They need content for the show, and this is it. If they were not on TV none of this would have happened, no fake boutique and no free dress. All the others have gone to Miss Renee for their dresses, surely JD could have flown Abbie to her bridal shop, it all getting more and more staged/fake imo.

    3. After watching the show, I was pleased to hear Abbie say how welcomed John David Duggar's sisters made her feel. She also seemed to have a good time trying on dresses. Perhaps flying Abbie, her mother and 2 sisters would have been a problem. I thought it was a great idea; Abbie's new sisters in law really made her feel at home. And, how do we know the dress was free? Again, John and Abbie both work and perhaps her parents "chipped in". Everyone knows what happens when we "assume".

  6. I know that most people on this blog our Christian, so I wanted to make sure you all know about the movie, Unplanned. It will be in theaters at the end of this month, and please, please support it. It is time that we show our support in the pro-life movement and speak for innocent who are not able to voice their opinions because they don't receive a chance to do so. Please tell others about this movie and ask your churches to promote it. So many people don't know about this movie because no one is willing to endorse it--we live in a sad time when people deny to promote and protect life. I am not writing this comment in judgement or condemnation, but in love because I want to share Abby Johnson's inspiring and eye opening story in hopes that maybe her story can encourage someone, like it did me. And making sure the word gets out about this movie.

    1. Since it's widely believed that babies lost to miscarriage go to heave, it stands to reason the aborted babies also go to heaven. If a woman wants to send her baby to heaven for some reason I think she should have that option. I'm not into movies with an agenda, but others may be.

    2. Ellie will probably be posting about it on her blog, I’m excited to see it.

    3. Thanks for posting this comment. Let's all get the word out about the Unplanned movie!!

    4. Way to change the subject, OP. But since you did, I'd like to know how you and other pro-lifers plan to deal with the problem of thousands of unwanted babies each year being raised by parents who didn't want them. To me, that's also a wrong thing to do to an innocent baby who doesn't have a voice in the matter.

    5. 4:56, so if my three year old is an inconvenience for me is it alright for me to murder them and send them to heaven?

    6. We are all going to see it too. Church's in my area are all telling their congregation to see it.

    7. 4:56, if moms should have the right to send their pre-born babies to heaven, shouldn't they also have the right to send their post-born babies to heaven? They're the same person in or out. Seems hypocritical to me to say that ending a person as life is acceptable if they live in a certain place, or if they have a certain level of physical development. If it's not okay to kill someone after a certain point then I don't think it's okay to kill them before it either. But if it is okay then I think we all better be trying hard to stay on our moms good sides!

    8. So If a woman has the right to send her baby to heaven, does she also have the right to send her 7 year old?

    9. I think documentaries (if you can call it that) are actually very harmful. I've had an termination and I will tell you my story. I was in an emotionally, physically, sexually and financially abusive relationship when I fell pregnant. Initially, my choice was adoption, however in my country (not the USA) you require both parents consent, something which I would not have been able to attain, I spent nearly $1000 on lawyers trying to find a way around it if I would be able to prove the abuse. The outcome was that it would be next to impossible for that to occur. Even when a child is in foster care and there has been proof of abuse towards the child they can be removed from care but for adoption to take place is very difficult even in those circumstances without consent from both parents. So my preferred option was out. The second was using the Safe Haven laws (where you can surrender your baby to a hospital/police station etc without fear of prosecution) thinking that was law in my country, after doing research, it was only talk a few years ago it never made it to law so I couldn't do that. Then what about raising the baby as a single parent? Looking at my own situation including financial, lack of family support, my work and how the hours don't at all suit day care centres etc etc That'd also be a terrible option to raise the child in an environment that is not safe. So I had to look at termination. The option I didn't want. I am pro- choice because no one has the right to judge what is best for another woman but I honestly thought I'd never be able to do it myself as I have seen my own parents loose a twin pregnancy and the heartbreak it caused them and the fact that many women desperately want children but can't due to reasons beyond their control. I went to the clinic and the nurses and doctors were beyond supportive. I was in tears it was a horrible situation, I've seen pro-life stuff and didn't want that for my baby so I spoke to the staff begging them not to torture my baby, they explained how they do it and that the baby will not in any way suffer. I also asked them if I could take my baby home (as I was not required to register the baby or have funeral at that gestation) I was allowed to pick up the baby from the funeral director a few days later and the baby was intact and beautiful. At no point did the clinic force me to anything and they offered a lot of support. I didn't want to make this decision, but the life my baby would have lived would have been potentially horrible despite my best intentions of raising the baby well and as I said earlier my first preferences were ruled out. Instead of shaming mothers people should support them, lobby for it to be easier to place the child up for adoption rather leaving no real other option. One thing my area did do right was make an exclusion zone for any protestors as for years women going into the clinic would be harassed. It just makes a horrible situation even worse. It was not something I did lightly I did what was in the best interest of my child. I will not be looking at replies so don't reply with abuse, questions or any of that nature because it will not be seen by me. This is simply my story and why I came to that decision.

    10. Nobody has ever been given a chance to decide if they were to be born or not, and no one has ever been able to choose the home into which they are born. Criminalizing abortion isn't going to solve anything and our court system is already overwhelmed and our prisons full. How about this- a movie that tells the story of all the children currently in our foster care system, waiting for permanent homes?!

    11. Sounds like a good movie! Btw, I am Christian and pro-choice. :)

    12. This movie is promoting an agenda. I firmly believe that abortion should be left up to the pregnant woman. No one should have to be guilted into making a decision to either keep the child or place it for adoption, nor should anyone be prosecuted for terminating a pregnancy. (Do the pro-lifers hope to have every woman who miscarries at home be investigated?) Preferably, she has access to the morning after pill or is able to have the procedure done as soon as possible. Putting up roadblocks only delays this and puts the pregnancy further along when she does end it.

    13. “If a woman wants to send her baby to Heaven...” I....I...what??? People should have the authority to send people to eternal destinations at a time of their own choosing? What?????

      First of all, when people get abortions, they aren’t thinking of eternity. They’re thinking of a finite NOW.

      Second of all, you just opened up a whole realm of “I want to send my 4 year old to Heaven now. I want to send my 12 year old to heaven now. I want to send my coworker to Heaven now.”

      Third, and sort of repetitively, no person should have any control over when someone else dies. That is a monstrous comment. I am actually disgusted.

    14. I agree- especially in light of the recent laws signed in NY regarding late term abortion. Go see it if possible.

    15. Anon 6:02. That's a good question. In MY state they don't seem very interested in them after birth. There's a very high addiction rate here and due to the roadblocks the GOP controlled legislature has erected the drug addicted women can't get through the hoops to have an abortion and their babies are born addicted. The babies are often abandoned and end up in the state system which is overwhelmed. The babies born addicted suffer greatly, not just after birth but throughout their entire lives because of the damage the drugs did to them. No one seems to want these babies and I don't see the pro-lifers on the front lines in the care of them. They're too busy raving about abortions outside the state's only remaining abortion clinic. I may sound cynical but that's what is happening in MY state.

    16. I stand amazed at the excuses people make to kill their own child. Who do you think you are to think that the child's limited to your circumstances? There are millions of people who were abandoned, or in Foster homes, or left on Church doorsteps in boxes, left in the hospitals while the Mother left right after delivery, given over to family etc. etc. and have become some of the greatest of us. There is NO reason to kill your child, period!! It is murder and always will be murder. For the person who said they were a Christian and pro-choice, that is a lie!! Google images of aborted babies and see if God is ok with what happened to them. Look and see if a Christian should be ok with what you are seeing.

    17. @Anonymous 6:02: Better to murder "unwanted" children?! We are "fearfully & wonderfully made, knit together in our mother's womb"! God creates families. Adoption is always an option. Choose life. Choose JOY; Jesus, others, yourself. ❤

    18. This movie is apparently about the story of a woman who used to work in the abortion industry. Those who think abortion is ok or just a woman's choice should see what this woman who was involved in the industry has to say. She was there in the trenches and she has deep compassion for both women and abortion industry workers and wants them to see the true picture as she has seen it.

    19. @7:35 "the abortion industry" -??? My sister was a nurse at a woman's clinic that performed abortions (among many other things) and they certainly didn't refer to it as an "industry." And you said "the true picture as she has seen it." That means it's her biased opinion, which can be far from the truth.

    20. Anon 1:26 That is absolutely not true! There are countless couples waiting for babies and they would not hesitate to take a special needs baby. There are couples so desperate for a child that they are on waiting lists here and abroad for a child. I thank God that the GOP has placed some roadblocks to make abortions harder to get, and I bet the babies who got spared being butchered will be so Thankful that someone stood in the way for them not to be murdered. Don't make excuses for murder!!

    21. As someone who is involved with foster care I find it very disgusting that people try to use those children as their poster children for an excuse to abort. You people are sick.

    22. Oh my goodness, there are many pro life/ pro abortion blogs where this conversation can take place...I come here to read about the Duggars. Please don't fill the space with political topics.

    23. My buy in with movies that have an agenda is rather limited. If the human race was tottering on the brink of extinction I would be more on board with urging women not to get abortions. My state is overwhelmed with abused, neglected and "throw away" children. There are a few heart warming stories of ones who get past that but the vast majority of them end up in our state prisons. Our legislature regularly cuts funding to education and social programs that might reverse that trend and keeps passing laws to try to stamp out abortions. So I'm firmly on the pro-choice side of this issue as women should be able to make their OWN decision regarding their pregnancy.

    24. Just throwing this out here—if anyone knows anyone considering abortion, my husband and I will adopt their baby.

    25. Why is this thread regarding abortion allowed on this topic? It has NOTHING to do with the episode or Jana's gifts as a DIYer. No one is going to convince the other side of their beliefs and I do NOT want to be told to go see a movie with an agenda when I am reading about an episode of reality tv!!!

    26. Anon 11:13 Most of us who come on this blog are pro-life so it is never inconvenient for us to stand up for life at anytime or any place. As far as no one is going to convince anyone to be pro-life, well the very movie we are talking about dismisses that myth. Knowledge is power and so to show people and explain to them the atrocities of the abortion industry absolutely changes woman's hearts and minds about allowing their own child to be the victim of this barbaric practice.

    27. Anon 11:13. True but it's far more interesting than talking about the Duggar's antics.

    28. Anon 10:09. If that's a serious offer, go to your nearest Planned Parenthood clinic. They can set you up with a woman.

    29. 10:09- Why not adopt an older child? There are many waiting for permanent homes.

    30. 10:37. There are plenty of older children available for adoption. The problem is most couples want an infant. I don’t think any woman should be forced to give birth in order to provide a child for someone else. It’s her body and it should be her choice to continue the pregnancy or not.

    31. Thank you for reminding me about the movie! I plan to go see it.

      If people choose to do things God’s way, then there will be few unwanted pregnancies. Wait until after marriage to be intimate and have children! It is never a babies fault that his parents made bad life choices or were a result of rape. We are punishing an innocent baby for what someone else has done. Thou shalt not kill!

    32. @ 6:44PM Married women have reasons to terminate pregnancies too. You're assuming that every marriage is a bed of roses with knights on white horses and fairy tale endings. They're not. Waiting to be intimate until after marriage is not a guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen.

    33. The abortion industry is very much an industry, one where the CEO of PP makes an exorbitant salary, doctors pull in large salaries, baby parts are sold for a profit, and women are pressured to go through with an abortion when they express doubts. There is a ministry specifically all about helping abortion industry employees leave their jobs by giving financial assistance, etc., and a number of former employees have used their services because they can't take working in the industry any more.

    34. You can not be a real Christian and be pro-choice . S

    35. Maybe Jana doesn't want to have a lot of kids/no kids, so she is wanting to get married at an older age, because they aren't allowed to use birth control. Maybe her future spouse is working on his doctorate, and can't come knocking yet until he starts working . Maybe Jana isn't interested in males. Maybe she is destined to become a step mom, after a man tragically becomes a widower. Maybe she just wants to stay single.

  7. Kudos to Jana for taking on construction projects. However, I really wish she would put her hair up when working with power tools. It would be way too easy for it to get caught up in an electric drill or power saw.

    1. I also noticed the lack of safety equipment. Kendra shows up twirling a pair of safety glasses, but by then it's too late. Jessa just about has sawdust in her eyes. These wonderful examples of handiness are once again doing things without taking the proper safety steps.

      That loose skirt hem worries me, too. A pair of jeans would be far more practical here and there would be nothing to worry about showing when squatting down to use the saw. And soft sneakers or open toe sandals on a construction site? No.

    2. Yes. That is a safety issue. Probably she does pull her hair back when she's not "on camera".

    3. Instead of putting her up, put the dang saw up onto a table! So dangerous to be sawing at that level! This is coming from a woman who uses a miter saw for home diy projects too 😉

    4. I agree with that! I took wood shop when I was in middle school and if your hair wasn’t tied back along with jewelry removed, you couldn’t go into the classroom. Loose hair around power drills is asking for trouble.

    5. Uh, did ya'll not see the picture above, she has her hair pulled back, lol🙄

    6. First rule of using a saw- Safety glasses! Not meaning to be offensive here, but the Duggar young adults are being horrible role models in these "construction" episodes. Totally agree that the saw needs to be elevated and no open toe shoes. Not trying to be critical, but we've all been repeatedly told by Jim Bob about his children learning all these construction skill sets-you'd never know it from behavior like this. My dad would have killed me if I had gone near a saw without safety glasses (especially with the wind blowing in this segment). I'm not trying to dog Jana (she's my favorite Duggar) or any of the Duggars, but young kids and adolescents look up to this family (particularly in the IBLP and ATI world). If you're going to put yourself in a position of influence (as the Duggars did, per Jim Bob, when they signed on with "14 Kids and Counting"), you have to act responsibly.

    7. The hair and other safety issues are concerning. Power tools like that are no toys.

    8. Anon 4:59. Yeah. I can't imagine laying a piece of wood on the ground and running a saw over it. You'd think she'd have a couple of saw horses available. lol

  8. I think this is why Jana hasn’t gotten married yet. Men can’t handle her. Most men in her culture want submissive women, and she’s more strong and assertive. I hope she doesn’t change who she is for a man

    1. You make an interesting point.

    2. Men like that are to be avoided at all costs.

    3. Real men don't feel threatened by a woman who can use power tools. If the ultra conservative men in her Christian circle are intimidated by her, she needs to move on.

    4. That may be one reason. To me Jana comes across as very shy. It may make a guy very uncertain whether to approach her or not. I have a friend who reminds me of her. She is very beautiful and talented, and there has been interest from guys, it usually never leads to first date.

    5. Actually, I come from a "culture" very similar to Jana's, and I find that most men tend to admire women who can run power tools.

  9. Jana is so talented! Good for her!!

  10. Jana's not wearing safety glasses.

    1. That's the least of her worries. Her hair is loose and she running a saw over a piece of wood that's laying on the ground.

    2. No glasses, sawing on the ground, and wearing a skirt! Get some work pants at least and wear the safety glasses!!!

  11. Are they showing all this Jana stuff because she's about to launch a blog or a website where she tries to be an Internet "influencer"? Is she starting some sort of a business?

  12. was there a "Jill" and "Anna" gown years ago? It seems their gowns were just more plain and probably not a tailor made gown. I love these gowns, especially JInger's, but they seem to be getting so excessive. what happened to being thrifty like the Duggars' use to be?

    1. Anna wore her sister's wedding dress. Jill went dress shopping and was given the "princess treatment." Jill chose a gown that needed to be modified to meet their modesty standards while Jessa's dress was from a bridal designer's modest line. Jinger was the first bride to have a custom dress made.

    2. Jill bought her dress in another state, complete with the queen treatment. It was a beautiful gown. Anna was the only one with a plain gown, but there was a different set of parents paying for her dress.

    3. a different set of parents were paying for the "Abbie" gown too but she got a custom gown. Seems like Abbie would have had a plain gown too since she's not a Duggar daughter.
      Were Kendra's and Lauren's gown made custom by Renee too? Seems so excessive

  13. Too bad Chad Paine doesnt have a twin brother, that type a man seem like her type, very compatible

  14. It looks like the Duggars aren't familiar with how to safely use a saw. I cringe seeing this. I'm surprised TLC would air this.

  15. Jana isn't much of a handy woman if she lays a piece of wood on the ground and runs a saw over it. This from the woman that installed wainscoting in her living room and den. I run a mean jig saw.

    1. Oooh come do mine next!! Or teach me how :)

    2. Belittling Jana's skills doesn't add to yours :)

    3. Anon 7:14. Pointing out a safety issue isn't belittling Jana's skills. If you're going to saw something with a power saw, there needs to be enough room for the saw NOT to touch the ground while it's running. Otherwise it's dangerous.

    4. "Isn't much of a handy woman" is belittling. It's downplaying her ability, not her safety practices.

  16. I love their competitions

  17. They should show more competitions. They are so entertaining

    1. Yes. They should show John and his brothers dropping bags of flour out the windows of his plane.

    2. Wonder where they dropped the barf bags?

  18. If they're going to extol Jana's skills, you'd think they'd set up these photo to make it look like she knows what she's doing. No one saws a piece of wood that's laying on the ground.

    1. Yes they do. You can saw without having it on a saw table. It's on a flat surface and looks completely safe. They moved the saw so it was close to where they were working. What are you, the saw police!

    2. It doesn't have to be on a table, good work Jana!

    3. @2:38...LoL - what are you the saw police - this cracked me up! and thank you.

    4. Sawing on the ground is perfectly safe. If it's on the ground the saw can't fall more.

  19. Jana can be rather...authoritarian, especially when Jessa is around. I don't see a very cooperative relationship between those two. I also get the feeling that it's Jana's way or the highway when the cameras aren't around.

    1. I think Jana and Jessa have similar personalities. Jessa is just more upfront with her opinions on camera.

    2. Really? I think Jana is very gracious; I have seen her defer to Jessa many times. Feelings aren't fact.

    3. I agree. I I also notice that Jessa jabs at Jana about courtship/wedding rumors a lot. Maybe it doesn’t bother Jana but it doesn’t seem very nice.

    4. Were they (Jana and Jessa) the two who clashed pretty badly when they were trying to decorate Jill's house before she returned from Central America? I remember a tense "discussion" about pictures on the wall.

    5. Usual sibling rivalry. I think there's a lot more of that in the Duggar family than they want their fans to know about.

    6. The older girls seem to be the ones who clash or get jealous. The boys seem more laid back.

  20. You never see the people on HGTV doing stuff like this. They always wear proper safety gear and the proper equipment when sawing something. The Duggars should follow their example.


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