
Monday, March 18, 2019

Garrett Duggar Update

Joseph Duggar, Kendra Duggar, Garrett Duggar
February 2019
"As you can see, he's very curious at this point. He likes to try to sit up right now...but he's not crawling at this point. He's getting close but not quite there."
-Joseph Duggar

Last week, we shared a new video update from TLC, which featured Joy, Austin, and Gideon Forsyth. In February, the network shot an interview clip of Joe, Kendra, and eight-month-old Garrett. The link is below.

Garrett Duggar Update (8 Months)

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. I think Kendra’s Mom gave her excellent advice. Tackling one thing at a time and breaking the larger tasks into smaller so it’s not overwhelming is a great idea! The first year of parenthood is amazing, exhausting but so incredibly worth every minute. Making memories even when it’s tough because time speeds up once you become a parent! It seems like Kendra has an excellent support team from her family and I hope she leans on them when she needs to. I also hope Garrett is getting the proper medical treatment/OT/thereapy for his condition as opposed to just seeing a midwife for baby well visits. He should be able to sit up unassisted by 8 months unless there is a an issue, in which I hope it is being addressed properly. Regardless of his condition Garrett is a beautiful soul!

    1. Stop assume! He not have condition n not ur kid!

    2. I know the family. Garrett is perfectly healthy

    3. I think it's funny that so many people stir things up by saying their kids have down syndrome or that "there must be something wrong" and as time goes by we see that the babies are perfectly fine.

    4. It's amazing to me that people post tgings about babies and families they don't know. Garrett looks perfectly healthy and happy. Babies develop and hit milestones at different ages. He will sit, crawl and walk when he's ready. Funny how we want them to be mobil and when they are we miss our cuddly little one that didn't sqirm to get down and go go go.

    5. All the nice things yet had to throw in some bitterness...smh kinda makes all the alleged nice things mean nothing...

    6. please stop assuming that something is wrong with Garrett. I have five children, and they all hit different milestones at different times. You may have children but your children are not Garrett. It's different for every child. Please stop making comments like that it is not fair to Garrett or Kendra or Joe.

    7. @9:53 I've never heard of any midwife doing well baby visits past six weeks. Midwives are like OBs except they focus on normal vaginal birth instead of surgical birth.

    8. I agree as I also have 5 children and my first two crawled and stood up on their own before they even learned to sit. All babies will hit milestones when ready. There is not a one size fits all approach. There are guidelines but most babies, like grown people, dont fit into a pre ser mold. Garrett looks great.

  2. Adorable update. I'm sensing that perhaps Garrett has had more of a fussy first 8 months. He also appears to have allergies though some of that may be from teething. I sincerely hope Kendra knows that babies come in all sorts of temperaments. Fussy or happy is not a direct reflection on mothering skill. I am betting once Garrett gets mobile, he will enjoy life to the fullest!

  3. Aww hes cute! N its ok cuz its normal and babies have different milestones w things :) je will crawling in no time.. ofc we all know that felcity (his cousin who is a month young than him is already on going! I was behind w things when i was baby but i got it that mean garrett will get it! :)

    1. I agree, all babies hit milestones at different ages and there is a wide range of normal. My son was 15 months before he started walking, but he's doing his PhD in Chemistry now, at 27. I'm sure all is fine with Garrett.

    2. Mine was a preemie, didn't walk til 15 months either, although he crawled and scooted at 9 months. He could recite the entire alphabet before he walked. Now has two college degrees, a great engineering job, and a high-rise apartment with a guest room for his mother. I think he caught up. :)

  4. I see a lot of Caldwell in this little guy! Such a cutie.

  5. When do babies start to crawl?

    1. It varies anywhere between 6-12 mths really! Babies can then start walking anywhere from 6 mths to 18mths (some even don't start until 2 esp premie babies). Most babies can either sit with support or unaided by 6 mths it can take less or more time to get this skill though. My son was sitting unaided (lots of pillows around in case though) at 4 mths. My daughter didn't perfect that until about 7mths! My daughter crawled later than him but walked sooner (by two weeks)

    2. Generally anywhere between 6 and 10 months. But, he should be able to sit unassisted by this point. I hope Garrett is getting physical and occupational therapy as needed and that the Duggars don’t see this as some kind of “failure”. He is a beautiful boy and I’m glad he has Joe and Kendra as parents as they seem the kindest.

    3. He doesnt need physical or occupational therapy at all. Very rude to suggest they might see him as a failure? Wow. That's horrible to say

    4. All of the duggars are kind. One is not more so than the other.

    5. 10:54. I do agree that Joe and Kendra seem to have a very kind and gentle spirit about them.

    6. Babies are all different and all develop at their own pace

  6. Garrett looks like a sweet little boy. From what I can tell, he looks like a little blonde Joe. I think he has Kendra's coloring with Joe's features. Best wishes to the family.

  7. Adorable. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  8. PLEASE could U video, that Canadian's can watch, I'd Love to see Garrett, he seems very alert, and I think he's very cute!!!!!

    1. The videos belong to TLC so Lily and Ellie can’t just post them on the blog.

  9. right now garrett is a good mixture of both kendra & joe but i think he's going to look more like joe as he gets older. just a guess

  10. Such a cute family

  11. Garrett is adorable

  12. Garrett is adorable, but he doesn't look like he feels well in the 8 mo. update video clip. His eyes are pretty glassy, he looks exhausted, his nose is runny, he's pulling at his ear, and his coloring is off (pale skin w/ flushed cheeks). I feel sorry for the little guy! I wish they'd have just taken him home or put him in his crib/playpen and let him rest, rather than shooting the video. Poor little guy!

    1. I can’t watch the video in the UK but everything your describing with Garrett, glassy eyes, exhaustion, runny nose, & pulling on his ear along with flushed cheeks, to me all indicate he is probably just teething & nothing more. As for sitting up, all babies are different & develop at different speeds. I’m sure there is nothing to worry about but if there are issues then I’m sure his parents will be seeking the advice of a qualified paediatrician. My son never crawled at all, he went straight into walking at 9 months, whereas his younger sister was 13 months before she walked at all.

    2. It is possible that the problems were caused by allergies. If that is the case, there isn’t much that can be done at that young age. Waiting to film on a different day would not make a difference.

  13. Garrett is beautiful, and he seems so sweet

  14. She didn't realize how much attention babies needed? He didn't realize how many diapers they needed? Didn't they both grow up in large families? Seems by the time you're old enough to become parents, these realizations shouldn't come as surprises.

    1. I know what you are saying but my friend, who is the eldest of seven, went all to pieces with her first baby. So surprising to us all. Some women are great helpers for their mom yet find it overwhelming when they are the mom themselves and have to decide on everything. It can be an adjustment. Seems strange but whatever.

    2. Kendra is a young mom, while she helped to care for her siblings she wasn't their primary care giver. It is a whole different game when you are feeding, changing, shopping for all the supplies and 24/7 meeting their needs....let alone adjusting to being a wife. I have noticed that Kendra's giggly laugh has quieted, she seems to be maturing and doing a great job as a mom.

    3. Being a sibling and being a momma are 2 very different things!

    4. When I was pregnant with my son (my first child) everyone thought because I was a paediatric nurse & qualified midwife with a couple of degrees behind me at the time that I would be the “perfect mother”. I was a nervous wreck, every little thing he did, cough, vomit (he had severe colic for 11 weeks), not taking to breast feeding, just about everything sent me into a tail spin of anxiety. This went on for about a month then I began to be more rational & my instincts kicked in. However it sometimes doesn’t matter how much experience you have around babies, it’s incredibly different when it’s your own child. I now think because I lost both my parents when I was young & having no siblings that I was so amazed to have this little baby that was part of me, I was literally convinced it was too good to be true & every little sniffle meant he was ill. He grew up into a healthy 6 foot 6 inch strapping 23 year old man who is just about to graduate as a doctor, & now I laugh at how paranoid I was when he was a baby. I totally understand how Kendra feels unprepared even though she has many younger siblings, they were ultimately her mums responsibility, Garrett is her own child & she & joe are totally responsible for him.

    5. From what I can find, Kendra's siblings are a little more spaced out than the Duggar kids. She was not quite 2 when her sister Lauren was born. Kendra was only in early teens by the time the 5th & 6th kids in her family came along. It wasn't until her mom had baby #7 that she was old enough to truly be a "mother's helper". More than likely, Kendra and Lauren (being somewhere around ages 14-16) helped with the other 4 while their mom concentrated on the baby. Caldwell baby #8 is younger than Garrett so Kendra isn't even in the same home.

      As far as Joe, yes he has a lot of younger siblings. The 4 oldest girls are all before him. Good chance that he wasn't doing much diaper duty with the younger kids. He was just shy of 15 by the time Josie came along. The older girls helped a lot more with the little kids. The boys were helping out with other tasks to help their parents.

  15. Poor little guy looks to have a cold. I remember those days- not fun, especially when they have trouble sleeping and it's hard to soothe them!

  16. That was surprising to hear that a baby at 8 months "try to sit up". Babies usually sit up at 6 months and very well, and many try to stand. Some babies start walking at 9-10 months. In combination with some pictures they posted, when Garret's left eye was half closed, and his head was most of the times tilted to the left - I would think that the baby has some physical issues, but nothing that can't be helped with therapy and doctor's advice. I hope they are taking care of it.

    I understand that Michelle has 19 children and would not be able to pay attention to all of her adult kids and their children, but Kendra seems to be close to her mother, and I hope Kendra's mother would pay attention to this.

    1. I see what you're saying. There's always going to be something that seems off with every child. I personally didn't walk until I was 17 months, but it wasn't due to any physical issue (other than my personality). I think that, although they portrayed themselves as being very shocked at some of the basics of having a baby, they'd notice any developmental delays. I am confident that between both of their experienced mothers and themselves, they have it all covered.

    2. Well since they have Dr's I'm sure the dr will tell them what they need. They don't need commenters telling it for them

    3. Welk, guess what. The bloggers just posted a picture with both his eyes open, his head straight, and him sitting up by himself.

    4. Or maybe it was just the timing of when the picture was snapped. I've had terrible pictures of myself because of that. These are responsible people I'm sure if there was an issue they'd take care of it. Oh, and by the way, if there was an issue what makes you or anyone else feel entitled to being informed? It's no one's business but theirs.

  17. Garrett looks small for 8 months. But also Gideon looked small too, and now even at a year old Gideon can't stand. Maybe those girls don't know how to take care of babies?

    1. Or maybe you don't know that babies develop at different ages.

    2. Gideon is almost 13 months now and should at least be able to stand up on his feet leaning against a couch. Maybe they're constantly holding him or having him in a chair/carrier.

    3. Stop. This is an absolutely ridiculous and offensive comment. Every child is different. Stop belittling or just not make a comment if you don't have anything nice to say. And it's not because you're concerned, because it's quite clear you're just trying to put them down. If you were really concerned you would pray for them instead of making a disparaging comment

    4. Only Jessa's kids look very well taken care of, developing well, talking, and so on. Israel spent most of his earlier years in Central America, in heat and with moscitoes around. Sam was born in some emergency situation, and nobody knows what happened to him.

    5. We have seen pics of Israel and Samuel. They look perfectly fine and healthy.

  18. Nice to see the little guy

  19. I think baby Garret is adorable. I like how he kept grabbing Kendra's hair and saying Dada. I think there is way too much pressure about meeting milestones early. My son that walked at 8 months doesn't currently walk any better than my son that walked at 15 months. Some babies have floppier lower muscle tone and take longer to crawl and walk.


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