Sunday, March 3, 2019

Duggar #1 Turns 31

Happy 31st birthday to Josh Duggar!

Josh Duggar 31st birthday

Photos courtesy, Josh and Anna Duggar,


  1. Happy 31st birthday Joshua James Duggar, I hope you have a great day. I have forgiven you. It's not my place to judge. Hopefully you and your family will be back on Counting On. Natasha B.

    1. Good for you. I wish more people were like you. I agree with you.

    2. Isn't forgiving a kind of judging? Judging to be forgivable?

    3. Forgiving is a decision to let go of hard feelings and the right to be angry. Not judging. It's a decision of how you're going to think about and treat a person from that point on.

  2. Have a wonderful birthday Josh and may the Lord bless your socks off!

  3. Happy 31st Birthday Josh! Have a wonderful day with your sweet family...Jane

  4. 🎂🎈🎉Happy Birthday Josh 🎂🎈🎉

  5. Happy Birthday Josh. Still praying for you and your family. :)

  6. Happy Birthday, Josh and many many more!

  7. Happy Birthday Josh.

  8. Happy birthday josh 🎁🎂🎊🍧

  9. Wishing you a day of joy and a year of blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  10. Happy Birthday, Josh! Many blessings to you and your family.

  11. Happy birthday Josh and many blessings for your and your family's future.

  12. Happy 31st birthday!! I hope you had a blessed day with your wonderful family.

  13. Happy birthday Josh🎂🎈🎉

  14. Happy birthday Josh! Enjoy your day!

  15. Happy birthday Josh!!!��������

  16. Happy birthday Josh. Miss you and Anna and your sweet family on television. Hope things are working out for you. Wish you and your family nothing but happiness and good things in life. God bless you all.

  17. Hope you had a happy birthday, blessings to you and Anna and your children.

  18. Have an amazing birthday!! ��
    Blessings, Darla

  19. Happy Birthday Josh!! Hope you had a blessed day with friends and family.

  20. Happy Birthday Josh, keep following God’s word into the right direction! 😇🥳🎂🧁

  21. I hope you had a great day and that you're grounded in your faith, and identity as a child of God. May your marriage grow stronger each day, so that you and Anna are God's greatest gift to one another.

  22. Yes ~ 'Joshua James Duggar' ~ 🎼🎵🎶 Happy ~ Happy & Blessed '31st' Birthday & Year Ahead!!!!! I ~ Too ~ Miss Not Seeing You & Anna & Your Children On 'Counting On' :( People Have Absolutely No Right To Judge You For Past Mistakes... "GOD" Loves You & Has Forgiven You And So Has Your Parents And Siblings ❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Many ~ Many Blessings To You 'Josh' & Anna & Children 🤗💖

  23. Happy Birthday Josh

  24. Wishing you a Blessed Birthday and all gifts God has for you this year.

  25. Did Josh ever give a public apology for having lived a double life while being a spokesperson for the Family Research Council? He didn't just betray his wife and family. He betrayed a whole lot of people who gave their donations to this organization and trusted them to set an example for the standards of morality they promote. Sadly, his behavior is not uncommon within powerful organizations, many religious, whose goal is to influence public policy.

    1. He released a statement back when it became public.

    2. "He" released a statement (or someone writing for him), it was put out, withdrawn and edited almost immediately, and put out again. Josh has never stood before any camera to apologize to the public, his viewers, or his contributors. Fortunately, so far, he hasn't gone before a camera to sell his story of "redemption" either. But that may happen someday, who knows.

    3. You're right that what he did was deceptive and horrible. But look at King David in the Bible, what he did and how he was redeemed. God can redeem us if we repent and turn our lives over to Jesus.

    4. 11:29- I'm sorry. I don't buy the "just repent and turn your life over to Jesus" platitudes. That is not a substutute for professional counselling. I hope for his wife's sake that Josh has turned his life around.

    5. How about turning your life over to Jesus BEFORE you do something horrible that you have to repent? Especially if you're part of a family who became famous while telling us how you followed Biblical principles so closely? Or how about keeping your marriage vows and not go looking online to pay to have an affair? That's a heaping helping of redemption needed there.

    6. How did all of you turn a happy birthday post into negative, rude and judgemental comments. Put the past in the past and live for today!

  26. Tell me that isn't a picture from when they were living in Washington DC... Not a good time for their family.

  27. Happy Birthday Josh! Hope you have a great day!

  28. Josh and Anna too.
    May all your prayers and wishes come true on this day and the whole year through.
    Happy Birthday and God bless you always. Pejay Johnson.

  29. Anna is smiling in the pictures, but sadly her smile never reaches her eyes.

  30. Just wanted to wish Josh a happy belated 31st birthday hope you had a great day with your family and friends and may God bless you and keep you safe always

  31. Happy birthday josh I hope you have a wonderful birthday :)


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