
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Cold-Weather Honeymoon

Last week, John and Abbie Duggar revealed the location of their second honeymoon, which they recently returned from. For those who missed the post, they went to Finland. We just love this photo of the two lovebirds. And in case you were wondering, they did end up seeing reindeer.

Abbie (Burnett) Duggar and John Duggar
Abbie (Burnett) Duggar and John Duggar

Photo courtesy and Abbie Duggar


  1. They look so very happy together. It's wonderful to see.

  2. I hope you had a great time!

  3. Replies
    1. I had the same thought.

    2. Quite sure one for the cameras to be followed around and the second one with no cameras and

    3. Im pretty sure tlc filmed the second one, not the first.

    4. I think they mean 2nd part of the honeymoon. First part was somewhere closer to spend time alone and the 2nd part was the one in Finland.

  4. Awe great photo of them

  5. John should wear a hat. Heat loss in such a cold climate is a real problem and a hat helps a good deal.

    1. They look like they are well insulated from the cold and if they are not doing a lot of physical activity or staying out for long then a hat isn't really that important. Having said that John David does not have the fullest head of hair to protect his exposed scalp (unlike Abbie with her lovely thick curls), so a hat would probably be a good idea for him.

    2. I'm sure John, a grown man is appreciative of your "wear a hat" advice, MOM. Please stop making these childish remarks. Look for attention elsewhere.

    3. John is a grown man. Enough said.

    4. You do not know the temperature. Not everyday in a "cold" climate do you have to wear a hat

  6. Love the picture and I am sure you enjoyed Finland. You both look so very happy.

  7. Going hatless may help John look manly but is a bad idea in a cold climate.

    1. Oh no John, please do not wear a hat! I just love your handsome head without a hat.

    2. John does not need to be told to wear a hat. Come on people please grow up

    3. They are such a cute couple.

    4. Great place for a honeymoon. I also went there myself. Loved it.

    5. I love your hatless look John!

    6. I hope these negative nancys didn't lose any sleep over John's poor cold head.

    7. This is a beautiful picture. You should have it framed.

    8. These two are the perfect couple. So glad they found each other.

    9. He's old enough to cover his head if he feels like he needs to!

    10. Abbie isn't wearing a hat either. Given both of them have been seen since their trip, I am guessing these adults managed ok.

    11. I'm really sure that's not the reason he's hatless.

    12. Good gravy! There may be some legitimate criticisms of the Duggars, but not wearing a hat isn't one of them. Did you consider he might have just taken it off for the photo?

    13. I grew up in a temperate climate and never wore a hat. As an adult I moved somewhere with very cold winters. It still took me about a year to figure out to wear a hat and now I never leave the house without one.

  8. John has never looked so happy. Great Pic, and all the best Abbie and John. Continue to enjoy one another. You make a nice couple.

  9. I don’t think “staying warm” was a problem for John-David with love like THAT! :))

  10. Yes, they are so very much in love! God is good. ❤

  11. Finland is on the 1st place in the world for alcohol consumption :).

    1. So what? People aren't required to drink alcohol when they do there.

    2. I don't see that as a reason not to go there. John and Abbie aren't required to drink alcohol while there.

    3. Maybe that's why they decided to go there.
      I'm not sure what people can do in Finland except for drinking and being cold, or drinking because they are cold.

    4. Maybe John and Abbie enjoy some wine or champagne to celebrate. Alcohol is not a sin. Drunkenness is. Just like food is not a sin, but gluttony sure is. Nobody seems to want to be accountable to that one.

    5. Well thats a stupid comment. Not sure what else there is to do?! Plenty. It's a wonderful country.

  12. I thought the same! Maybe they couldn’t get off work so really didn’t have one until later? Hmmmm.��‍♀️ Maybe we will find out later....

  13. TWO honeymoons??? When did that become a thing?

    1. One of them was for the cameras, one was for off. Plus I believe they were waiting for a specific time of year to go on this honeymoon so they could see the Northern Lights.

    2. If you can afford them, why not?

    3. When you start earning and saving $$ LONG before you choose to jump into the wedding!! I’m sure John has saved up enough $$ for them to go on a few more honeymoons!!

    4. They went on a simple overnight to the beach for their wedding night, then a more formal "honeymoon" to Finland a bit later....many couples do this.

    5. We did something similar we had a week somewhere when we got married and a week at home this, was as it was an expensive time of Yr. We decided to save our money and go on a trip several months later to another location. It ended up being our baby moon as we were pregnant lol I can see why if your going abroad you'd do this local getaways are often a lot cheaper! We weren't going abroad just one of places was rediculouslt expensive

    6. TLC pays for the televised “honeymoons.”

  14. Can’t wait to see your wedding and honeymoon episode. So excited. Congratulations and many many blessings to you both for a happy and very long marriage.

  15. I suppose I missed a post. I don’t recall their 1st honeymoon

    1. They went somewhere without the TV crew so it won't be shown on national TV.

    2. Well that was a wise decision! Loving the couples who are shying away from the camara’s !!

  16. Oooh Finland!! I bet it was beautiful

  17. We went to Lapland with our 6 children and it was the most magical and romantic place I've ever been. I cried with sheer joy because it really was everything we'd hoped for. We stayed in saariselka, it was beautiful, everywhere is twinkling fairy lights. To the people moaning about john not wearing a hat, yes it's cold, but it's not always as cold you'd think. We had hired thermal wear during our stay and were so warm in them around the resort (only around -4C) you could easily do without a hat for a short time. It was only when we entered the Arctic circle that the temperatures really dropped, I think it was about -24C on our first day.

  18. John David looks extremely happy since Abbie came into his life. God bless them both!

  19. The one after you get married is the honeymoon. This was just a vacation. No such thing as 2 honeymoons. It's like virginity cause once it's gone you don't get to have it again. LOL!!!!!!!!!

    1. 3:42, good point!

    2. WOW. People often take a 2nd honeymoon, and some don't take a first til years later. The part about virginity and how once its gone you don't get to have it again. While physically you are correct, but the trip to Finland not being a honeymoon is wrong. Just my opinion, but like you I am entitled.

  20. Did any part of the courtship, engagement and wedding tie into Abbie’s life or interests?
    Everything seemed to be focused on John’s life and John’s interests.

    1. All we know is that Abbie was a nurse and just loves little old people.

    2. Maybe her interests are not suitable to doing together (like handwork) and/or she has made his interests her own?

    3. They look very happily in love. If John David had made their courtship, engagement, etc. all about him, I don't think she would be as enraptured as she seems to be. John David has always come across as a very humble, serving kind of guy.

    4. You can’t really incorporate geriatrics into a wedding lol

    5. Anon 10:41. It's extremely romantic to be courted by a wealthy young man with his own plane that flies you around. They didn't spend ANY time alone together and it was all fun and exciting. I hope for the best for them when the first glow fades into the reality of making a life together.

  21. That is one happy couple!

  22. If TLC didn't pay for the international honeymoon trips, I highly believe that these people would have NEVER left the country for their honeymoons. The same goes for those trips the entire family took; Europe and China a few years ago. Amy and Mary Duggar went along too..on TLC's dime. THis is not real life, folks.

    1. The only time they leave the country without TLC paying for it or tagging along to film is when they go on the mission trips. It seems TLC is done airing those because of how controversial they are.

    2. They are featured in a show on TLC and if TLC wants to send them on trips across the globe....good for them! Most viewers are aware that the family is sponsored on the honeymoons and other TLC featured trips. I've enjoyed watching these episodes and seeing the different cultures from afar...they are experiencing things for the first time like I would be if I went there. Who cares who paid for it?

    3. Oh my gosh, is there anything else we can say negative about this family? Lest we forget, John and now Abbie are being paid by TLC. John has how many jobs? Abbie is a nurse. If all people can say is negative, they need to visit other sites that encourage such.

    4. Who cares who pays for it? Really?

    5. "Abbie is a nurse." Well I've got a professional title too from going through school but after years of not working in that field, I don't call myself that any more. There's more to being a nurse than just having the title. Abbie probably has not been working for awhile, and we'll see if she ever goes back to work now that she's a wife.

    6. @5:36AM What other sites should people visit? Let us know which are your favorites.

    7. No not real life. But it must be kind of fun at times to have people watch you life roll by, and you get paid for it. Makes ordinary work seem kind of boring. But it is their life. And if they want to share it and get paid for it, and get the perks for it that is great for them. When they don't like it anymore they can stop.

  23. Second honey moon ?

  24. Good for them ,I hope they all get loads and loads of trips ,honeymoons, vacations,money,fame,ect.ect.ect.As I am not jealous or envious, I truly wish others good fortune.Happy people are content and don't feel the need to put others down and criticize with every single post.Blessing to all and good day...smiile now, ya hear?😆😘


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