
Friday, February 22, 2019

Modesty in Austria

"As they say in German, Siah looked 'fish.' It means, I think 'hot' in their language."
-Lauren Swanson Duggar

While Josiah and Lauren Duggar are in Austria, they pick out some traditional Austrian outfits. But Lauren quickly discovers that the dresses don't fit her modesty standards. Find out what she does to remedy the situation and see the clothing that she and Josiah end up choosing in the extended scene below. If you missed Monday's new episode of Counting On, check out our recap.

Also, do any of our German-speaking readers know what word Lauren is trying to say?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I didn’t like how it looked with her undershirt 🤷🏼‍♀️, but I get why she did it

    1. If you're going to buy and wear a traditional outfit from the country you're visiting then don't do this sort of thing. If she thought it "immodest" then she shouldn't have bought it.

    2. Really? I thought it looked great! She brought the perfect item to wear - the outfit looked even better with it.

    3. Not German, but German-speaking here! :)

      "Dirndl" (which truly is an extremely hard to pronounce word) is the name of the typical female costume.

      "Fesch" (which isn't pronounced ad "fish", but as "fashion" without the final "ion") means something between nice, hot, elegant, cute. It's a word that contains all these meanings and depending on the situation you might mean it more in a way or in another. It's a positive cool way to make a compliment.

      Laura (from Italy!)

    4. You can't tell someone they shouldn't buy something if they're going to alter it. Consumers have the freedom to do what they like with something once they own it. And adding an extra layer to something is no skin off anyone else's nose, including yours, 8:45.

    5. 8:45 The scene at the shop was obviously for TV, and I'm sure TLC paid for it, not Lauren and Josiah. So they pretty much just played that dress-up, so that we could get entertained now, in the new season of Counting On.

    6. I thought it looked fine. I can see how low cut it would have been without the shirt underneath, definatly outside the typical modesty standards for this family.

    7. I agree that it's worse with the undershirt, but she did the best she could.

  2. (Can't get video to play) Lauren may have misheard "f" for another letter that sounds like that. If so, I know what that means in both British slang and American slang. British, it's "a mistake," like he looked all wrong. In American...I won't say.

    I'll bet it's another one of those things the producers left in on purpose, maybe to show how naive the Duggars are. You know how they love to do that.

  3. Those outfits were super cute on them!!! Lauren looked gorgeous.

  4. Their language? I thought they spoke German in Austria.

  5. The word you are looking for is "fesch". It's a Bavarian idiom and means "stylish". The saleswoman calls Josiah a "fescher Bua", a stylish boy.

    Christine (from Munich)

  6. The shop assistant calls Josiah "a fescher Buab", meaning "a good-looking guy/boy/lad". It's an expression from their local dialect. Leo dictionary also calls it posh, smart or jaunty (
    And well, a dirndl is all about showing off your cleavage so definitely not Duggar modesty standards... ;-)

  7. Too cute! They are adorable, and I love the traditional clothes.

  8. Instead of the blouse that goes with the outfit she wears a T-shirt. That's weird looking IMO.

  9. She means „fesch“ which translates to „handsome“ :)

  10. Why buy a dirndl if it doesn't fit your "modesty" standards? Buy some other souvenir of your trip.

    1. Oh, goodness. She was able to convert it into something she felt comfortable wearing, and she looks pretty cute! She had every right to do that.

  11. "Fesch", she means "fesch". Austrian word for "handsome"/"pretty". Not used in Germany though ;-)

    1. I live in Germany. I felt pretty dumb for not knowing what Lauren was saying. Makes me feel better knowing it's not used in most of Germany.

  12. I think she is trying to say "fesch", which means good-looking / dressy. It is a common word in Austria and Bavaria (however, we rarely use the expression in the rest of Germany).

  13. What? No lederhosen? I think Josiah would have looked great in them. Too bad Lauren thought she needed to wear a T-shirt though. Spoiled the whole Austrian look.

  14. I don't like low necklines for myself either.

  15. the word you're looking for is "fesch".

  16. The word in German is "FESCH" (fesh) - meaning "handsome" or "good looking"... ;-)

  17. German here :)
    The word Lauren is looking for is "fesch". It means handsome, nice looking or friendly.
    She even wore the belt loop on the right sight of her Dirndl. As there is a hidden meaning in the way/place where the belt loop is worn. On the right side means "I am in a relationship", on the left side means "I am single" and on the back "I am widowed".

  18. The title of this thread is disrespectful to Austria. Austrians do not think the dress is immodest. Lauren may be uncomfortable with the dress; so do not put in on. All she had to say that she was not comfortable with the neckline.

    She does not seem to have a problem with her husband being served by one of the 'immodest' store clerks and with putting her hair up, simulating cutting her hair.

    The undershirt does look silly.

    1. Since when does putting your hair up "simulate cutting your hair"? I have legit never heard of that before.

      She looked far from silly, btw. She looked awesome.

    2. Putting your hair up is NOT stimulating cutting it.

    3. It doesn’t matter if Austrians think the dress is immodest or not. Lauren felt that it was and she had a remedy for it. The under shirt does not look silly. What looks bad are low necklines. There is no reason for it except to draw the wrong kind of attention. The dress did look too tight on her though and that is immodest too.

    4. Oh no, then there are centuries of women drawing "the wrong kind of attention" in fashion history with their low necklines. Poor Jane Austen and her contemporaries. They didn't know what they were doing. Nor did all those ladies depicted in art from the Middle Ages on. People are still staring at those ladies in museums!

      It's not the fashions that are bad, it's the way people treat them (now) as if they are bad.

    5. Yep, they weren't modest back in those days, either. You think perhaps men didn't notice the cleavage two hundred years ago?

  19. It's "fesch". It's actually only common in Austria. And altough we're speaking German in Austria, we have Austrian.
    Fesch means pretty, by the way.
    Greetings from Vienna ;-)

  20. The woman in the shop is wearing a dirndl and looks nice. Not the least bit immodest. Then Lauren comes out wearing a T-shirt under hers and just looks.....strange. I'll never understand Duggar "modesty". They have no problem being shown giving birth on national TV but then do this.

    1. One of the ladies in the shop definitely had cleavage showing, so yes, that was immodest. And they don't show anything while giving birth that would make it particularly immodest.

    2. @10:49 Modesty is subjective. I agree @10:29. The clerks looks nice and far from being immodest.

    3. We don’t see anything immodest when they film the births. They aren’t showing areas of the body that shouldn’t be filmed. The women are always covered up, and you just see the baby.

    4. 9:30, you’re exactly right, except the fact that the camera crew is in the room. Unless they have their eyes closed during filming they are seeing everything. Plus, there just seems to be something not quite ok with showing these young women in pain during labor for the entertainment of their fans.

    5. Anon @ 9:30 They allow a male crew in to film their births, I do not share their modesty standards but I wouldn't allow that as its far to intimate. Anna even went out of her way to find a female OBGYN, but allowed a film crew to record her giving birth on a toilet, strange way of thinking if you ask me!!

  21. The german word is "fesch". It means "pretty".
    With greetings from Vienna/Austria

  22. Good for Lauren wearing what she felt comfortable in. She shouldn't have to alter her standards for aesthetics.
    I was watching with the sound off and missed why she had to wear that specific style/neckline. There were other dresses displayed that had necklines that would have aligned more with her convictions or would have made the undershirt less noticeable.

  23. I love the modesty standards. I agree, it's hard to find a modest Dirndl.
    They look adorable. <3

  24. I think the work is 'frisch' or fresh

  25. I like that Lauren brought something to wear under just in case. I agree with Lauren's modesty standards.

  26. It‘s fesch :) my austrian flatmate used to say that word to describe good looking people... it‘s also about the style, I‘d say. Not too common in Germany!

  27. There is nothing immodest about Austrian women 's dress. Duggars are just ridiculous about what they think is immodest in clothing.

    1. Showing cleavage is immodest, as well as showing such an amount of skin that you are drawing attention to the chest area. If you think of modesty as not calling for attention, whether in the way you dress or the way you act, it makes more sense.

    2. The neckline of the dress was too low, so it was immodest.

    3. 12:14. Yes. And they are rude to go into another country and change THER cultural clothing! I mean honestly the nerve!!

    4. By wearing the undershirt, Lauren is drawing attention to her chest area.

    5. 12:07, not the same as a bare expanse of skin!

    6. 2:18 They didn’t go into another country and change their clothing. The Duggars didn’t tell anyone else how to dress. Lauren had a right to keep herself covered up in a way that was appropriate to her. I wear undershirts with a lot of shirts here in America. I have to for them to be modest for me. It still shows the style of the shirt on the outside while being modest with the undershirt.

    7. @8:33. It is the same. It is the 'thought process' of men staring at her that you all seem to be worried about. She is drawing attention to herself and that area of her body.

      Reminds me of a passage of a book I have read, written by a famous ex-Muslim woman. She was a refugee claimant in a European city and had been brought up to believe that if she did not cover herself up, when she went out in public, society would not function. Men would get so distracted by her uncovered body that there would be car crashes. Bus drivers could not take fares. She would be attacked, the minute she stepped outside. You get the idea. But on that first day, she went outside dressed like any other European woman, nothing happened. She was ignored since she was NOT drawing any attention to herself.

    8. 9:33. It’s not the same. Why would there be any ‘thought process’ if that area is covered modestly?

  28. The German word is "fesch" and it is used in Austria rather than in Germany. It can mean hot, but more often judt means "good looking" or "beautiful".

  29. That dress was not immodest, the little undershirt would not have exposed anything, nor shown cleavage (unless you were heavy busted which Lauren isn't). I understand they have modesty standards but no one is going to be thought a harlot for showing a collar bone! Also is it Lauren Duggar or Lauren Swanson Duggar, I thought all these girls took their husbands name on marriage?

  30. I was hoping to see Josiah in lederhosen and Lauren in a dirndl singing Edelweiss. This was a bit disappointing. lol

  31. The word Lauren tries to say is ˋfesch´. Pronounce it like flash without the l.
    The translation of ˋfesch´ is posh, smart, good-looking.

    Kind regards from Germany,

  32. They said ‘’fesch’’ that means ‘’fashionable’’ or handsome! Greetings from Germany

  33. at 1:27 the lady says the word, but sorry, I'm only French I can't help !

  34. It's nice to see Lauren came prepared so she could enjoy the traditional Austrian clothing without compromising her modesty standards.

  35. Probably tried to say the word "fesch". It's a dialect word not standard German I'd say.

  36. Fesche, means in English: modern, handsome looking

  37. It should say Siah looked 'fesch' ,meaning he was dressed very good.

  38. I live in Vienna and it was so much fun to see this video. I work in downtown Vienna and so I'm there almost every day. The woman said to Josiah "fescha Bua" which is austrian dialect and means handsome guy.

    I want to say something about modesty in Austria. In the last years the "Dirndl" became shorter and the neckline became lower. I don't like that. But I'm sure that there are "Dirndl" which are modest if you look in different shops.

  39. a "fescher Bursch"
    a handsome young man

  40. She said Dirndl, which is the traditional Austrian clothing and fesch, which means handsome

  41. I'm from germany. He is a "fesch bua" - it means "an attractive/beautiful boy" and she wears a Dirndl.

  42. Yes, the word is „fesch“ (pronounced like “fash”) which is indeed an Austrian and Southern German word for good-looking.

  43. fescher bue (pronounced fesher); means good looking man in a VERY strong austrian accent

  44. They probably said "fesch" (handsome, smart). But as far as I know that expression is not very common in the German language, only used in Austria or maybe Bavaria. Please note that Austria, Switzerland and Germany are very different places. Nobody here eats sausage and sauerkraut all the time... :-)
    Greetings from Berlin!

  45. She is trying to say „fesch“ 😊
    Greetings from Germany.

  46. Hi!
    FESCH means a smart, good looking person! ;)
    Greetings from Germany

  47. The word probably was "fesch" - it is an austrian/bavarian word and I think you could translate it as "handsome"...

  48. I have never heard of “fish” meaning got in German. I wonder if she meant “huebsch” which means beautiful or good looking.

  49. Lauren sounds like she is about to pass out from being out of breath.

    1. I've noticed that she often sounds like that. I wonder why.

  50. The word which is used is called Fesch. It means attractive, well put together and is a very positive word used for male and female.

  51. Lauren means "Fesch" but it does not mean "hot". It means something like "nice" "sporty".

  52. Fesch - it means chic or stylish in English.

  53. And since they mix it up in this video, Germany is not Austria. That would be as if you say Kanada and the US would be the same.

  54. I think Lauren is trying to say „fesch“.It means „good looking“ in austrian dialect:)

  55. She meant "fesch". It's a word especially used in Austria and Bavaria and means pretty or handsome.

  56. I wish she went for a student style, for example like the first shop assistant wore. This looks so wrong.
    The lady said Josiah looks like a fescher Buab. A fetching lad, I guess you could translate.
    Also, they all pronounce Dirndl wrong. Pronounce the I like in kitchen. Not like in bird.

  57. Hi, I'm from Germany. In Bavaria (which is a part of Germany) and Austria they use the word "fesch" for someone who looks well dressed, nice and handsome.

  58. I'm not the "modesty police" but the neckline on the top she wore into the shop appears to be quite a bit lower than her stated "dress code". On the positive side the top is attractive and becoming to her.

  59. I think she might have meant "fesch"
    which is a "slang" word I'd say as you'd never find it written in a book.
    It means pretty/handsome, attractive, good-looking.

  60. The word might be frisch, which means “fresh” or “healthy”. Think of the connotation “fresh fruit”, where the fruit is enticing or appealing

  61. she is trying to say "fesch" which is a austrian-german expression and could be translated with fashionable, good looking, well dressed, attractive...

  62. I think that Lauren is trying to say „fesch“ which means dashing or snappy in Austria.

  63. Lauren is just so sweet. They make a nice couple. It’s obvious Josiah recognizes her
    many wonderful qualities and Lauren recognizes Josiah’s too. Seems like a match made in heaven!

  64. So I have two guesses for what Lauren said...because I speak German not Austrian German which was bizarrely different from one another. (Like so different that my grandmother who was BORN IN GERMANY can't understand Austrian people very well...)

    First, is she might have been trying to say what the woman in the store said to Josiah "Fescher Bua" which is Austrian slang meaning something to the effect of Frisky Boy but I'm having trouble finding a good translation...

    Second guess is that she could be trying to say "Frisch" which means fresh, cool, hot, etc. in German.

    Other than that I'm lost because fisch means fish in German so I doubt she's actually trying to say that haha.

    1. I live in Switzerland, although I'm by no means fluent. However, Austrian and Swiss German seems pretty similar.

      "Fesch ä Büeb" or something along those lines. Fesch means great. Büeb means boy. So a great boy or a nice boy :)

    2. Yes. I think she misunderstood and was trying to say frisch. Of course they speak Austrian in Austria. People keep saying it was a "joke" when others said that. They also speak a dialect of German in Switzerland (called "Swiss cheese" by a German speaking friend).

    3. So the official language of Austria is German also referred to as Austrian German which is then divided into several dialects. It's like saying in the US they speak American not English.

  65. She tried to say fesch. It is maily used in Bavaria and Austria.

  66. So nice to see modest young ladies

  67. I personally like it. I wear undershirts under all of my clothes to make them more modest so it's normal to see.

  68. Time 8:02PM Fri 2/22/19
    They both look cute in their outfits.

  69. The dress looked nice and she is really pretty. It doesn't matter where we are in the world we have to be true to ourselves. As she was.

  70. It's called "fesch" in the Austrian and Bavarian German dialect.
    For the meaning:

  71. Way to stick to your standards. I love that they are not afraid or self-conscious enough to buck current fashion trends of trends showing a lot of Skin.

    1. I say good for her for sticking to her belief system, however even if she had worn the traditional attire without extra coverage she wouldn’t have been showing “a lot” of skin.

    2. Well I can't see the video so I can't say for sure but but I know those kind of dresses do show cleavage. In our current fashion of plunging necklines it's not immodest but they have higher standards and I respect that. Too bad more on this blog don't. I would take someone dressing like the Duggars over some in Hollywood any day.

    3. @3:50. "Higher standards" imply "better" which is not the case. If she is uncomfortable showing some skin (and in her case, there would be no cleavage) then fine. But it does not mean she has "better" standards than other women.

      I personally do not care how a women dresses. It is what a woman does in her life,, how you cultivates her mind and how she contributes to society that matters more

    4. @ 9:51 You are so right. There are warm places in the world where lots of skin is shown and it's completely culturally acceptable. We've put these standards on our own culture and in the process end up thinking that the entire world has to follow them, too.

  72. Lauren and Josiah seem so well-suited to each other. They make a good couple.

  73. i personally find the austrian outfit lauren wore adorable! the fact that she would be uncomfortable with that style and brought a different shirt for underneath was smart. its not like she didnt she know what they looked like-she planned ahead and was able to modify it for her standards. good job lauren!

  74. And just in case we aren’t clear on the Duggar modesty standards here is Jessa to explain it all to us...............again

    1. I wonder how they explain Jill's nose ring?

    2. nothing to explain. Jill is a grown woman who makes her own decisions. Would you prefer they were not able to make their own decisions? No you would complain about that too. Shouldn't you give Jim Bob and Michelle credit for raising kids that can and do make their own way in life. Some do things differently while many are choosing (so far) to follow the same path as their parents.

  75. I didnt even notice the undershirt. Why so many people have their pants in a wod about what they wear I will never know... get over it or dont watch.I certainly dont watch or comment on shows that I dislike...what a waste of my y'all

    1. You didn't notice when Lauren made such a big deal out of it? Did you listen to them talking?

  76. At the end of the day, they DO speak Austrian in Austria which is a bit different than what they speak in Germany (except maybe in Bavaria). lol

    1. It is not Austrian but low German common to Bavaria and Austria.

  77. Would not be at all surprised if TLC staged this visit to the clothing shop, knowing full well the dresses would be too low cut for Lauren's taste.

    1. Of course it was a set up. The women in the shop were smirking and pulled out the lowest cut dirndl they could find. I'm strongly reminded of the "sparkling water" scene with Austin and Joy.

    2. I'm sure it was one of TLC's pranks. These things wouldn't work if the couples weren't so naïve. Remember the water on Austin and Joy's honeymoon?

    3. Anon 12:19, you sound very condescending. I find it ridiculous how many people on this blog act like they are so sophisticated worldly the Duggars not knowing certain cultural or language differences. I bet most making fun of them would have plenty of moments like this in a foreign country. Most Americans don't have a strong knowledge of other cultures because we haven't experienced it. I read and have a college degree and I am sure I would have moments of cluelessness in foreign countries. By the way when I moved to New York when I was about 19 I had know idea what sparkling water was and was just as surprised that the water tasted terrible. My boyfriend teased me a bit and that was that. My part of the country doesn't serve sparkling water even in nicer restaurants and I thank them for that.

    4. @12:19. The women were NOT smirking. They pulled out the standard dress in her size. Lauren would have known that she was going to put on the dress, that is why she brought the shirt. If it was a set-up, it was so Lauren could talked about her "modesty standards" and appease to the fan base.

      The Duggars approve what is filmed.

  78. I thought the women in the shop were just playing Josiah and Lauren. Calling him a "cute boy" and when Lauren asked for a high neckline dirndl they pulled out the lowest cut one they had in her size. lol

    1. I looked on the shop website and there are "Dirndl" with a higher neckline. I wonder why the woman gave her a "Dirndl" with a low neckline. Maybe she didn't understood Lauren.

    2. Anon: 9:05 It was all a set up. The women were just playing games with Josiah and Lauren. They spoke English and could understand her.

  79. I couldn't see the video but i get the jist* of it. I applaud her for trying it on but she knew it was immodest before doing so.

  80. Why didn't they get a high-necked dirndl blouse? Dirndl are traditionally worn to mass, and very modest.

    1. It wouldn't have made good TV. She didn't NEED to put a T-shirt under just get a blouse with a neckline that suited her "dress code". However, this solution had more fan appeal.

    2. Those blouses come in a wide variety of necklines. The shop would have had something that fit her modesty requirements but she chose to bring a T-shirt instead. It's how they roll.

    3. Lauren couldn't do that after sounding off about European modesty standards and bringing her own T-shirt. lol

    4. Lauren couldn't do that because dirndl blouses are immodest no matter what neckline they have. lol

  81. Looks like the TLC crew was bored and set up another prank. Are these couples really that oblivious? They're not what I'd call good at acting so it appears they don't realize it's a set up.

  82. For someone who is so dead set on modesty standards her clothes sure are form-fitting.

    1. Thats what I was thinking, Laurens wedding dress was very form fitting and hugged every curve and really showed off her figure, she has also been photographed in other tight fitting dresses. She is very young and has amazing figure (if I had it I would show it off too), but as you say it kind of contradicts her modesty standards imo.

    2. That top was showing a lot more than just her neck. lol

    3. why do you have to be so hateful? The Duggars can't do anything right for you people. You hold them to an impossible standard of your idea of perfection. I guess you just can't handle anyone who bucks the culture and has the courage to go their own way. She looks great and I wish more people refrained from wearing low cut shirts. Women wear them so low now you can't help but look down at them. It's terrible. I am a straight woman and have no desire to look but if their half covered... And you are complaining that her dresses are not frumpy and loose? Ridiculous.

  83. This dressing modestly theme is wearing thin. It's like all they've got. They aren't the first or last people in the world to dress conservatively. I do and I don't even go to any church. I'm just old and saggy and don't want to frighten anyone!

    1. "We dress modestly in skirts" has become pants and those tops when pregnant that we've discussed endless times. It's time for the Duggar girls to stop talking about their clothes, period.

    2. I'm always amused with the modest dress thing because as soon as one is pregnant they wear the tightest shirt possible. Not to mention that their buy used and save the difference has gone out the window .

    3. Michelle never wore tight tops when pregnant. I don't know why her daughters think it's OK to do that.

    4. They can wear whatever they want. Their life, their body. What’s so bad about form fitting tops during pregnancy anyway? You want them to hide away their pregnant belly as if it’s some kind of abomination? Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and there is nothing wrong with “showing off.”
      Also I’m pretty sure they still buy used. Who says they stopped doing that? Anyway if they have the funds they should be allowed to spend their money however they want. Some people are just never happy, geez.

  84. Is TLC trying to show viewers how ignorant the Duggats are?

    1. OP - TLC has always enjoyed doing that with the questions and the situations they put the Duggars in. I don't know why viewers stand for it.

    2. IDK. The Duggars are given air time. What they say and do on air is up to them. I wasn't sure if the "peanut gallery" were trying to be funny or were just dumb.

    3. I would not cast blame on TLC.

    4. 7:09. I completely agree. The Duggars are 100% responsible for their actions, not TLC.

    5. Not at all. They ASKED to have this show after 19K was cancelled. They have a say in what is filmed and shown. Apparently the content is OK with them.

    6. Evidently the Duggars don't see the stuff they say and do as ignorant. I get the impression they believe it's perfectly normal.

  85. They draw way more attention to themselves and their womanly figures with the modesty mantra. (Maybe that's what the want!) Just keep quiet about it. There's an old saying, “Never explain — your friends do not need it, and your enemies will not believe you anyway.” –Elbert Hubbard

  86. My take away was that she didn't know her size.

  87. If a female is dressed in a way that is truly modest, with the right heart attitude she might draw attention, but it is not the wrong kind of attention. The only reason she draws attention is because she is dressed differently than a lot of other people and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is very pleasing to God.

    1. You are implying that if a woman receives the "wrong" kind of attention, she is somehow inviting it with the clothes she wears. Violence against women happens no matter what they wear. You are victim blaming and I find that abhorrent.

    2. 12:36, you made a big leap from drawing the wrong kind of attention to acts of violence. Jesus said that if a man lusts after a woman in his heart, he's committed adultery. That is a sin that harms the man and his wife, if he has one. Lust is a very addictive, warping kind of sin that could lead to violent acts but doesn't always. When a woman dresses modestly she is refraining from contributing toward making a man stumble. Does he ultimately bear the responsibility for his thoughts and actions? Of course he does! But that doesn't make it right for a woman to dress in a skimpy way that opens the door wide open for him to fall into sin. There are many Christian guys who have expressed that they wish Christian women knew how their dress affects them. God made men to be more stimulated visually than women are, which is part of the reason why women so often have trouble understanding this.

    3. If a woman is dressed immodestly she is inviting it whether she knows it or not. Yes, it can happen even if the woman is dressed modestly, but it would be a bigger chance of it happening if she is not dressed modestly. If the woman invites it she is sinning against God as well as the man.

    4. A woman is never responsible for her assault. The one who commits the violent act is morally guilty and legally liable for their crime. Blaming the victim for someone else's actions is repugnant.
      A woman could dress modestly and still have a man lust after her. It's on the men to control themselves and stop blaming others for their moral failings.

  88. I don't understand how Lauren could go from wearing a wedding dress that was incredibly form-fitting to thinking that a traditional Austrian blouse was "immodest." I think her own wedding dress was more revealing than any Sound of Music style costume.

  89. The first two city scenes (with the convent on the hill) were Salzburg not Vienna. I'm surprised they made that error as they knowingly filmed in Salzburg.

  90. We don't say "fish" in German. It's called "fesch".


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