
Friday, February 15, 2019

Josiah and Lauren's House

Previously, Josiah and Lauren Duggar were planning to live in the 9,000-square-foot Baylor House while Jim Bob Duggar fixed it up to sell. But the Duggars have been busy with other projects and weren't able to make the house livable by the time Josiah and Lauren got married, so the newlyweds moved into a different house.

Get a glimpse of that house in the video below. Another new episode of Counting On is coming your way on Monday. It will feature Josiah and Lauren's honeymoon and more footage from Jinger Vuolo's birth.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. They didn't move into JB and Michelle's giant "fixer upper"? Good.

    1. Agreed. 9,000 square feet is about 7,000 more than a young couple would need. They would get lost in a house that big! I can’t imagine how much it would cost to heat and cool such a monstrosity.

    2. Anon 5:48. So true. I have a 3 bedroom house and now that I'm an empty nester it seems too big for just me. I do close the door of the bedroom I use as a guest room and turn off the vent in it in order to save a bit on the electric bill.

  2. Very cute video, thanks for posting it. I like Jeremy's advice to keep the toilet seat down, lol! We were just visiting our friends, and they have 6 sons, and that toilet seat was NEVER down. Good advice for sure!!!

    1. Leaving the toilet seat up is asserting their manhood. You get used to it after a while and just get on with your life. lol

    2. We have four boys and I rarely find it up. It wasn't that hard to teach them.

    3. And why should it be with 7 men and just 1 woman in the family? Always wonder why are men required to put it down and not women up?

    4. I have 4 sons and 1 daughter, and the toilet seat is rarely down at my house. My daughter and I have just learned to look before we sit. We are capable of putting the toilet seat down if we need to, just like they can lift it after we’ve put it down if they need to.

    5. Be glad there is a seat. My daughter is an architect and she said one of the first things she learned when ordering toilets for a building was to order seats for them. lol

    6. Anon 8:26. Yes. They can be trained. When they get married their wives will be grateful to you.

    7. We have pets so my boys were taught to leave the lid down whenever the facility was not in use. Toilets are neither drinking fountains nor bath tubs for pets...

    8. What is needed is a toilet seat with an automatic lowering mechanism. 10 seconds after the man is done, it automatically drops down. lol

    9. It's just plain old good manners to put down the seat and the lid before you flush, to be polite for the next person and to avoid spraying the bathroom with toilet germs if you leave it open. It makes no difference if you are male or female. A monkey could be taught to do it. Any human who doesn't is just inconsiderate and lazy. And not taught manners well from an eatly age.

    10. Duggar Family AdmirerFebruary 17, 2019 at 10:47 AM

      I really don’t understand why people don’t think of the toilet seat issue as important. It’s a matter of showing respect for the other people using it. Whether man or woman or child. Would you not put the seat down if you were at someone else’s house, say your boss’ or in-laws? It’s common courtesy. If you dropped trash on the ground would you leave it just because someone else will pick it up? No. Not if you care about the surroundings. So isn’t your wife at least that important to you? Would you like her to touch a filthy seat and then take care of her business and even with washing her hands have a modicum of a chance to give herself an infection? Men use the toilet then wash their hands (hopefully). Should a woman have to put down the seat - then wash her hands - then use the toilet and wash her hands again? Wake up guys. It is an important issue!

    11. 7:04- The only thing leaving the toilet seat up is asserting is just plain lack of consideration of others. I won't put up with it at my house.

    12. 3:56 -- You're right. The lid should be down when not in use, both to keep animals out of it and for aesthetic reasons. That's the rule in our home.

  3. There are only two of them how much of a mess do they make that would require Lauren to need help from anyone with the housework?

    1. Yes, I was wondering too why she had a hard time keeping up with her housework... I do understand though, that it takes a bit to get used to doing the house cleaning by yourself as I was also used to having up to 3 sisters helping with the ‘Saturday cleaning’. Even now, (with 4 children and myself married over 21 years and 2 of my sisters married longer) I still think about how we would choose who did what and see who could be done first! 😊

    2. She needs to learn not to let things go, especially if there are only two of them now and she's not working outside the home. Her job is the house, so she shouldn't have that attitude about letting things go. I'm also a housewife and I know that getting yourself into a daily routine and digging in to do things even when you don't feel like it is the way you keep order in the house. You need self-discipline. Maybe she's too young to realize that.

    3. Who knows? She comes from a large family, you'd think she'd be used to doing housework and cooking.

    4. Dust builds up all the time. It doesn’t matter how many people live there, your house will require cleaning and dusting.

    5. Apparently you isn’t run a household. Let’s see, dishes
      , floors mopped, vacuuming, dusting, laundry ie wash, dry, folding, put away, changing sheets, cooking, scrubbing sinks, toilets, shower scrubbing. Need I say more?

    6. She didn't say she needed help, she said she was used to having sisters to do it with. Going from four or five people splitting the work to doing it yourself would be a difference, of course.

    7. Maybe her mother assigned chores and Lauren isn't used to doing it without someone setting up the chores for her.

    8. Anon @ 8:05 OP here I do indeed run a houshold with four people to wash clean and cook for. I also work part-time three days a week and manage to stay on top of it all, it just takes some planning and routine on my 'off days', although I really just switch from one job for another lol!

    9. Well I'm sure she's in addition to cleaning still decorating and organizing their new place. They also have to film 1-2 times a week. She might also be active in church who knows. I'm currently a stay at home wife and I don't get everything done every day. It seems I always have appointments and errands to run.

    10. Half the battle with keeping a house in order is if everyone cleans up after themselves. Declluttering is everyone's responsibility. I'm wondering if Lauren has a job outside the home. How does she spend her time?

    11. Wasn’t she in the early stages of pregnancy at this time? If so she probably had morning sickness and at the very least would have Brennan more tired than usual.

    12. Been more tired than usual😂😂

  4. Time 4:17PM Fri 2/15/19
    I don't understand why people hate this family every clip I see on YouTube is mean comments & Sometimes about JB & Michelle Duggar. They aren't perfect nobody is except God himself. Some people blame Michelle & JB for what Josh did years ago. Some people need to realize it's time to move on to the past focus on your lives not theirs.

    1. Yeah, it's kind of hard to understand why anyone would go online and post mean comments about a TV show, isn't it?

    2. @1026- What I see happening today is a broad public skeptisicm of organized religion in general, which is well deserved. It's not hate. I think any ultra-conservative evangelical mega family that is making a lot of money off of being on a reality TV show is going to be held to the same skepticism and criticism. As far as the Emperor's New Clothes analogy, the story has a profound lesson. Having had some horrible church experiences, I've always thought of religion as the Emperor. Doesn't matter if it's Catholic, Lutheran, Muslim, Baptist, or what have you. They all are pretty much naked, but too many sheep are unwilling to see things as they are.

    3. 12:23 - It sounds like you have had a terrible experience with an organized religion. I am very sorry. Though organized religion doesn’t seem to be for you, I hope you will understand that it is important and a life source for many people. But even more, I apologize for whoever hurt you so deeply that you need to strike out against all members of all religions. There are “bad apples” in every large group, but if you get to know people, there are by far more good folks than bad in religious groups. Again, I’m sorry for whatever has caused you to throw all members of religion into one horrible group of hypocrites.

    4. So what are you and the haters of "organized religion" expecting? It sure doesn't sound like any of you are seeking God. You follow the rules of society, follow rules at work and school, demand that everyone have "equality," but then you turn around and condemn the Lord and His churches with scepticism as "organized religion." I don't think you proud people have a problem with "organized religion"; I think you think you're too good for God. It's just easier to blame His churches. When you seek God with love, you'll find Him.

    5. If viewers didn't focus on the Duggars, they wouldn't be on TV at all. Harsh criticsm is a part of the media bargain. If they don't like it, they can stop sharing their lives with the public.

    6. Anon 12:23 I don't know about saying that the skepticism of organized religion is well deserved. We have all had bad experiences in all areas of our lives, wether it be at school, in marriage, in Church, or at the local grocery store. I just find it so ironic that people are so quick to point their finger when it comes to anything that has to do with God, Church, or Christians. Perhaps the emperor isn't organized religion but people who reject God and don't walk in His love, wether that is in any Church, school, marriage or any walk of life.

    7. Anon 1:32 I think the skepticism revolves around the fact that organized Christian religion preaches a set of standards that the leaders of the churches fail to observe. Just look at the non-stop efforts the Catholic church has engaged in to cover up misdeeds by priests. We also see televangelists taking in huge sums of money from their followers and wonder what entitles them to do that. The Duggars live a lifestyle far beyond the means of most of us while preaching living frugally. When you see that sort of disconnect it does leave them open to criticism.

    8. @1:32- I think of those who have rejected organized religion as the child in the crowd who calls out that the emperor doesn't have any clothes on. Without healthy skepticism, we are nothing more than blind sheep, willing to hitch our wagon to any preacher or religous organization promising eternal life and escape from torment. All the while they have their hands out for money.

    9. Anon 1:32. I don't think we should compare experiences at churches to what happens at school, the workplace or a business such as a grocery store. Churches advertise themselves as followers of Christ and that the members are our brothers and sisters. People therefore have a reasonable expectation of being treated better than they would be treated elsewhere. When they are treated badly of course it hurts more because their expectations are crushed. You seem a bit condemning of people that have been hurt. Of course people aren't perfect but please don't make excuses for churches when someone is hurt.

    10. Anon 9:15 When I used those comparisons it wasn't to make light of anyone's pain they have experienced in a Church. I have heard and read horror stories of abuses that happened to people young and old in Churches. It is a devastating experience for them and has shattered their faith and hearts. I have also seen and heard horror stories of people's experiences within their marriages. They also went into marriage with the highest of expectations and yet were damaged both spiritually, mentally and some physically. I have also heard horror stories of abuses that have happened to children in the school system. They also went to school with the highest of expectations of learning, excelling, and friendship making. But they were also scarred for life from some of their experiences from being bullied, rejected etc. There are also the workplace violence, and the society ignorance to others. But in all these different areas of life we still don't give up and call marriage, Church going, attending School, going to work, living in society a lost cause or the Emperor, why? Because these experiences are exceptions to the rule. They are still horrible experiences and nothing to make light of but they are the exceptions. The reason these horrible things happen is because people who do them do not love God and do not love their neighbor. That's why God said if we love Him and love our neighbor we have fulfilled the law, (Commandments), because in doing those two things we won't hurt one another. Not doing that is the emperor.

    11. Anon 2:44 Despite your lengthy post and justification of your views, at the end of the day people have a right to expect better treatment by the members of a Christian group than they receive elsewhere because of the claims that they made regarding who they are and what they believe. It's that simple.

    12. Very interesting conversation for a change. The bottom line IMO is that any group's priority is to perpetuate itself no matter who's name they invoke. I'm wary of organized religion. Although the motives are pure the execution of the motives aren't. Organized religion took Jesus' life as they saw him as a threat.

    13. Since Christianity strongly urges people to be involved in their local church as a sign of their faith, being treated badly is a betrayal of their faith in God. The argument that "it happens everywhere" doesn't have a lot of legs IMO. Due to social media we're more aware of how people have been treated in churches and hence the growing skepticism of organized religion.

  5. Time 4:20PM Fri 2/15/19
    Almost forgot I love LD & JDS new house.

  6. Their new house is very cute. When they were talking about living in the Baylor house on the show, I thought that was an awful big house for two people to try to keep clean when you first get married. They need to take things a little slower and enjoy each other's company without pressures of cleaning/maintenance of a doubt thousand square-foot house.

    1. Doubt thousand? I thought Baylor House was 9,000 square feet.

  7. Thank you for a glimpse into the daily lives of Josiah and Lauren. would love to see an update on Kendra and Joseph as well as Joy and Austin. Also what is Jana up to? She's such a talented, well rounded young woman.

    1. Jana is supposed to have a "big announcement". Guess we'll find out what that is one of these days.

    2. I don't think Jana has an announcement. The trailer you're thinking of was probably referring to Jessa's baby. No surprises there.

  8. Good morning Josiah and Lauren! Thank y’all for sharing about your new home together as a married couple! I have been married now for 23 years and am so excited for y’all starting out! Do y’all feel like you’re still in honeymoon phase? I feel as though that first year is not inly exciting but a time of laying a solid foundation for the many years to come... wishing you both a special and blessed life together! Nikki

  9. Praying Jana will meet her life partner. ❤

    1. A spouse to grow old with!

    2. Keep praying. There's no sign of man in her life yet. Tim Tebow is out of the question. He's engaged to someone else.

  10. It just seems that no matter which couple it is people have to be nasty, Either why are they having babies or way haven't had one yet. Just say dugger and out comes the nasty mean people who think they know better than them. I think maybe people should run there lives and let the duggar run there's.

    1. What? I don't see any nasty comments about Josiah and Lauren.

  11. Josiah
    You need to help Lauren around house every day. You need to share responsibility in the home. It does not mater that you are tired. Wife always needs help. Pick up after your self.

    1. Thank-you for posting 9:22. I thought Lauren's comment about Josiah working hard and not having time to work around the house was not the right way to start. I was young when I got married and learned the lesson the HARD way. It is his house, too. I regret that my husband and I did not share household chores from the beginning. Lauren needs time to do her thing, too, whatever it is. She is not a slave. It starts out just wanting to be nice. But eventually she won't be happy.

    2. If Lauren isn’t “helping” with the income, then the housework is her job.

    3. I disagree to an extent. We have a rule in my house that is “if you get it out, put it away”. So if my husband gets something out, he needs to put it away. It tends to eliminate a lot of messes. But other than that, I don’t expect him to share responsibilities at home. He works 80+ hours a week to provide for our family, and the least I can do is keep the home. There are times when I feel like I need help, but I remember how hard he works, and I push on to get everything done.

    4. Division of labour is just fine. If the husband works full-time and the wife is not working, then her job is to look after the house. They sound like a nice typical young couple getting used to doing things for themselves and finding their own rhythm. It is a TV show and probably Lauren was asked to address issues like how does she find it different to be the two of them versus growing up etc. I think she did a great job. Josiah looks very uncomfortable in front of the TV. I hope he is happy and more relaxed in real life.

    5. 2:40 I would agree with your division of labor if the wife stays home and their are no kids. However, being a mother to small children is a full time job all by itself. In this case, a SAHM should be getting equal help from her husband with the housekeeping/cooking/laundry chores. If she doesn't get it, she may very well burn out very quickly or become resentful.

    6. I agree with 8:04AM. I was a SAHM to three kids, while my husband worked. He left at 7am and got home around 6pm M-F, and the home and children were my responsibility. There was burnout for sure, because my hours didn't end at 6pm. I was on demand 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, until about 9pm every night and sometimes in the middle of the night. Even though I loved being home, and being a full time mom, and I loved my family, I did want some help once in a while, not only to ease my burden, but also to create a bond between my husband and his children. Sharing the work load in the home is good for all relationships!!!!

  12. TLC is going to rehash Josiah and Lauren's honeymoon where they learn to speak Austrian and Jinger in FINALLY going to give birth. I can hardly wait.

    1. Austrian isn’t a language. They speak German

  13. How far the Duggar married ones have come to newer and nicer homes since Josh & Anna married!

    1. Wow. This comment just makes me so very sad. I’d love to watch you try to explain why Josh and Anna’s house was not good enough, to literally anyone in any country in the world besides America.

    2. Anon @ 6:31 I'm not American and I know exactly what the OP means. All the recently married Duggars (maybe with the exception of Joy and Austin) moved into nice, if modest homes which were nicely decorated. Josh and Annas first home was small and in bad need of decoration in fact if I remember correctly it had a problem with mold which needed to be fixed before Ben and Jessa took over. All of the girls have decorated their homes well especially Kendra and Lauren.

    3. Excuse me@6:31; I didn’t say J & A’s house wasn’t “good enough”. I said; how far the newer married Duggar couples have come from a smaller home that needed some fixing The recent couples all have had newer and less fixer upper homes. Is that clearer?

    4. Well, Joy and Austin's was totally a fixer-upper. Remember how they had yo live in a trailer for months after they got married?

  14. Baylor House? It sounds like an official residence. The Duggars own one. So cool.

  15. Obviously still in honeymoon stage Josiah saying 'she's perfect' noone is perfect in a marriage.

  16. Looking forward to Josiah and Lauren's honeymoon. Why are they showing Jinger giving birth again. We have seen the birth numerous times already.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. I guess they don't have any new stuff. I won't be watching. I hate reruns.

  17. I like Lauren a lot. She seems real easy going and I think she’ll be a really great partner in life for Josiah. He really lucked out! Glad he was patient and waited. If things aren’t a perfect fit or they don’t click exactly right it’s good to slow it down like he did in his first courtship. And if it’s meant to be it’ll work out in the end but if it’s not then God has something else for you!

  18. Such a sweet and lovely couple. Their new home is very nice and bright.It was so cute watching the new bride cooking her new husband's breakfast before he goes off to work. Lauren will be a wonderful wife and homemaker. Josiah will be a wonderful husband and provider. This may seem too old-fashioned to some however, it worked for centuries. And, it's becoming very popular once again. I wish them God's blessings in their marriage.

    1. Actually, the stay at home wife/mom really took hold post WWII. Prior to the war; moms/wives worked outside the home at various jobs. So, definitely not centuries of the SAHM system!

    2. Kathryn- If it's financially doable for either spouse to stay home with young children, I think that's great. I did it. But I also had an education and a career to fall back on. I went back into the workforce once my youngest started school. Just because SAHM was the norm for our ancestors, doesn't mean women were necessarily happy with it. Housekeeping was back-breaking work. I remember my grandmother telling stories about how exhausted and unhappy she was much of the time. Today we have contraception and modern conveniences that have lightened the load for women. There's no reason a woman shoudn't have a job outside of the home to help with expenses, especially if there are no little ones to look after.

    3. @ 11:20 You're right. And - Moms worked during WWII, too. Factories needed all the help they could get while the male workers were off fighting. Remember "Rosie the Riveter"? There was a system of child care set up for those female workers. Some women wanted to work as something to take their minds off their husbands being away, and some wanted to contribute to the war effort. So no, Kathryn, SAHM's have not been happening continually in this country's history, especially not in the last 80 or so years.

    4. Re 8:35 I remember reading about women in Britain being called up to work during the 2nd World War. At the height of the war, something like 80-90% of all women were put to work in some capacity.

  19. This is the first time I’m hearing about the Baylor house. Who in the world built or wants a 9000-sq ft house?! My husband and I have 5 children in a 1300-sq ft house, comfortably. That’s about 186sq ft per person. To fill up the Baylor House at this same proportion, I’d need 40 more children. Hahaha

    1. To some people owning an enormous house is a status symbol. I think the Duggars bought it with the intention of renovating it and selling it for a profit. The plan seemed to be for Josiah and Lauren to live in it and work on the upgrades but for some reason that didn't happen.

  20. I hope these young kids know how really lucky they are to be able to afford a home at such a young age. I am middle aged and still have never been able to afford to buy a house. That they have money to have a house when they first marry is a blessing many never receive.

    1. The reason they own a home at a young age is because of them being on tv. The make a lot of money to be on reality tv show. You can't compare them to your average young couple.Unless they invest their money once show ends they will have to live a different life style.

  21. I will probably get a response that says "none of your business" but I am truly curious. So many of the boys work for Jim they all make the same amount?

    If Josiah is able to rent such a nice house, they all must be fairly well off?

    Its also interesting that Jill's house and to a certain extent Jessa's just don't seem as nice as Kendra's, Jinger's, Joy's and Lauren's. I mean in terms of decorating/fixing up.

    1. I wonder if the house they are renting also belongs to Jimbob, if so that might make it more affordable?? I think at some stage in the not too distant future Jessa and Ben will be moving as they are going to need more space for their growing family. Jill and Derick are currently renting a home so their might be restrictions on what they can do to the house, although I get the impression Jill isn't as into home decor as some of her sisters.

    2. I think Jill and Jessa got lesser houses because the Duggars weren't as well off as they are now. I'm not sure if they're renting the house but if they are, they sure put a lot of work into a house they don't own.

    3. Not all of the guys work solely for their dad. Several of them buy and sell cars as well as working for their dad’s business. I am sure it is like everything else in life. The harder you work, the more you make. If they sell cars on the side, they make more money. Ben goes to school as well as working so he probably doesn’t have time for a side business. That just means it will take longer for them to have a nicer house.

    4. Jill did not get a lesser home. They had a beautiful large home when they were newlyweds.

  22. It has been fun seeing glimpses of Lauren (and also Kendra's homes.) Those two have very good taste and an eye for details. I love that they both have that clean modern farmhouse vibe. Great job Lauren!

  23. Most young people their age would not be able to afford such a nice house, fully furnished and decorated with new items, still afford a lifestyle of travel, and only one partner working part time. It would be more interesting and real to viewers if the Duggars would address how they’re able to make ends meet. It is disingenuous to advise others to live like them when doing so would be impossible for most.

    1. I have watched the show since day one and have never heard them tell people to live like them. Obviously they get paid to be on the show. Why would they let someone film them without any payment? The Duggars have been taught to live without debt. They don’t have college loans or car payments. When you aren’t giving others all of your money, then you have the money for a house and furniture. I wouldn’t assume that Josiah works only part-time. They seem to only be filming a few episodes a year, so why would they show them working on every episode? Just because we don’t see them at work everyday doesn’t mean they don’t go. Not all of them travel frequently. It seems like one of them is always going somewhere but that is fairly common in a large family. I don’t think we can count their honeymoons as a lifestyle of travel.

    2. I don't know that Josiah and Lauren meant any harm. They are proud of their new home and rightly so. However, they seem rather out of touch with life as the rest of us know it. That's why the show has lost its appeal to me.

    3. Obviously they make a lot of money being on the show. I'm sure they make more money as reality TV stars than they make at any other job.

    4. @8:35-yes, exactly!

    5. It's possible for people. I'm at sahm and my husband and I have a house payment, car payment and we are expecting are second child and I'm only 26 and he is 24. Some months it's hard but we make it. Day care is far too expensive, we figured out that I would have to make what he does and even after that my paychecks would be going to day care. So why should I have to work and not see my kids for nothing when I want to be home with them and my husband doesn't mind. He goes out and makes the money I stay home an take care of the house, pets, our child soon to be children, and I pay all the bills. Like I said it's hard some months but we figure it all out.

    6. 6:07- I am happy for you that you're doing what makes you and your family. I know it's not easy to make ends meet on a tight budget. However, I'm sure you are not traveling extensively, eating out frequently, gettinng manicures, or planning large parties on a regular basis. I think this was the OP point, that the Duggars are maintaining a TV lifestyle that most people cannot afford on one income. It's simply not realistic.

  24. Josiah and Lauren come across as very nice. However, I'm left with the uncomfortable impression that they believe that every newly married couple starts out in similar circumstances with a nice house they own and the wife not working outside the home.

    1. I don’t know why you would think that. Joy certainly didn’t start out with a nice house. They had to fix it up. Jessa doesn’t have a really nice house. I don’t think they live in a bubble and just think everyone has what they have. Since they go to church and hang out with people that aren’t family, they can easily see all things are not equal.

  25. TLC and counting on is showing old tapes/ellipsoids with outtakes included. BORING nothing new to watch..saw all the weddings births and i no longer enjoy counting on.... i have been watching for new ellipsoids....or people will lose interest...


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