
Friday, December 21, 2018

Duggar #6 Turns 25

Wishing Jinger Vuolo a very happy 25th birthday! Jinger has been a wife to Jeremy Vuolo for just over two years and a mom to Felicity Vuolo for five months.

Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo

Photos courtesy,


  1. Have a very happy day on this most special of birthdays, your first one as a mummy. I'm sure the greatest gift you will get today is hugs from your gorgeous little girl. Have a fabulous day jinger 🎂🎉

  2. Happy Birthday to a very admirable woman. I sometimes wish we could see more of Jinger, but I think she's so independent and such a private person, we're limited. Hard to believe this is the same person that was such an annoying lovesick girl for Jeremy that is now a woman very much in blossom mode. Have a cool birthday, Jinger. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Lol to be fair, we all go through the lovesick phase when we first marry and then we mature and grow into the relationship. I wish we could more of her too

  3. Surely there is more to say about Jinger than that she is a wife and mother. She is her own person and a post about her birthday should reflect who she is, not who she is in relation to other people.

    1. That is true.... But I'm still thankful to Lillie and Ellie for always posting birthday posts! Thank you so much Lillie and Ellie!

    2. Who she is IS a wife and mother. It's not a title or a job. Its a reflection of her whole life.

    3. I thought the exact same thing and what a strange way of saying it as well. Why not say "shes been married for 2 years and a mom for 5 months." These roles aren't the defining marks of. er life. h

    4. My mother was a nurse in a trauma centre. She saved countless lives. She was respected by every nurse and doctor she ever worked with and a couple hundred showed up for her funeral. She also had many hobbies. Yet every colleague knew her greatest love was me, her daughter. She defined herself as my mother. Everything else was secondary. How sad if you think being a mother or a wife shouldn't rank first over any hobby or job.

    5. Christian women know that their most important ministry is to their husband and children so yes, their identity is strongly attached to their family. Obviously Jinger has many wonderful qualities and if you’d like to list them in your own birthday message to her, then go for it! But why criticize and be negative towards this kindhearted post? I’m sure Jinger would be honored and thankful for Lillie and Ellie’s thoughtful birthday wishes!

    6. 10:16- She may be a wife and mother, but first and foremost she is a person in her own right, with her own identity that hopefully came about long before she was married and had a child. I've been married a long time with now grown children. I have never thought of my being a wife and mother as what defines me as a human being. We have many roles in life but I don't think any of them should consume us to the point where we lose ourselves. Kids grow up and leave home. If you don't have a sense of self apart from being a mother, you will not be very happy- IMO.

    7. I'll bet if you asked Jinger who she is, wife and mother would be at the top of her list, second only to child of God. So I think Ellie and Lily's description (they know Jinger personally) is perfect.

    8. I wonder what role she plays, if any, with Jeremy’s ministry? She’s such a beautiful and poised young women; I hope she will use her God given talents to follow her dreams. Happy Birthday!

    9. 10:16- That’s like saying that being a son or daughter is a reflection of their whole life. The essence of who we are as a human being goes way beyond the roles we play. If Jinger wasn’t married, how would you define her then?

    10. I find it very odd that people are offended by this.

    11. I dont want to sound mean cause Im not writing it in that way, but when it comes down to it in the end tombstones dont say things about schooling, jobs, tons about the person. Its usually just wonderful and loving wife, mom, gramma, friend etc... This does not take away from the person.

    12. @1:20 Commenting is not being offended. It is discussing different POVs.

      There are many women, Christian and otherwise, who do not marry. Nuns, for example, dedicate their lives in the care of others. And a woman's life is a sum total of all her roles.

      Motherhood is a series of letting go, as children grow up and have lives of their own. We will one day be secondary in the lives of our children.

      I too have been married for a long time, with grown children. I also had a career and have hobbies that, now that I am retired, take up a lot of my time. I adore my children and husband but they do not define me. I am more than just a mother and wife and grandmother. I am a sister, a good friend, a niece, and a professional. No role in my life was "secondary" to any other nor did any one role define me. They were 'aspects' of who I am as a person.

    13. 9:12. Very well stated!

    14. Anon@2:57 After I read your comment, I couldn't help but think about Louisa May Alcott, the renowned 19th century author. I recently visited her Concord, MA home and her grave. She was extremely close to her family, although she herself never married. (This is contrary to her character, Jo, in Little Women. Her publishers insisted that Louisa write in a husband for her.) Louisa was born with an extraordinary talent for writing and her parents encouraged her. It was not easy in those days, for a woman to be recognized for her abilities outside of homemaking, or to be taken seriously in the literary world. Had Louisa married, she may never have put pen to paper in the way she did. Since then her books have been published in many different languages, and read by countless people from all over the world. I doubt that many of her fans are too concerned that she never had a husband. Today, visitors to her final resting place find a simple headstone bearing only her name, as well as the tokens of appreciation left behind by her admirers... piles of pens and pencils. I guess the point is that people can tie their identity to whatever or whomever they wish. However, I think you have to be careful in assuming that being a wife and mother is the only way in which a woman can feel fullfilled or valued in this world.

    15. Are y’all the birthplace wish police? Gee whiz, poor girl can’t post anything! I’m not sure when it became mandatory to express every opinion that pops into our minds. The Duggars and Vuolos are very positive people, I’m sure they are sickened by all the nit-picking.

    16. I have heard in many obituaries about the most important thing in the deceased persons life was having their children and the joy they and their spouse brought to them. Schools, jobs are talked about too but not the way the family is.

    17. 8:30- I was a teacher for almost 40 years. I am also married and have raised two wonderful kids. I love my family dearly and they bring me great joy. However, there is this other very important part of me that will always remain a teacher. It began when I was a little girl, lining up my dolls and playing school. Being an educator of small children is who I am. I think it’s in my DNA, because my sisters are all teachers, too. Nothing gives me more pleasure now than volunteering at the local public school, where I can sit beside a child who is struggling and help them learn to read. Juggling a career and family has its challenges. However, I am lucky to have had the best of both worlds. I hope one day my obituary says just that.

    18. @8:30. Of course many obits say that about the deceased. They are written by the deceased's family and they want to believe that one-dimensional view of their parent. Children, even adult children, have a difficult time seeing their parents as nothing more parents, especially their moms. Only the actual person can talk about the joy their children may or may not have brought them. (I have read many whitewashed orbits.)

      I know parents whose children were a constant source of heartache; others who should never had children and were overjoyed to walk away from their parental responsibility. There are women and men who feel trapped by parenthood.

      A woman is more complex than her biological ability to have children.

  4. Happy birthday Jinger! May God bless you! You are a great example and role model! You are such a wonderful Godly woman! May you have a wonderful 25th birthday! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you! Happy happy happy birthday Jinger!

  5. Happy birthday Jinger! Thank you Lillie and Ellie for always posting birthday posts! May God bless you both! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you!

  6. Happy 25th Birthday Jinger Nicole, I have watch you grow since the first variety hour show. I can't wait for baby #2. Felicity is a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to watch Jeremy, Felicity and you on season 9 of Counting On. I can't wait for the premiere date. Natasha B.

  7. Happy birthday Jinger

  8. Happy birthday Jinger Vuolo! You have a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing pictures of your adorable daughter, Felicity! I can't wait to see you all on the new season of Counting On!


  10. Jinger is still 'lovesick' for Jeremy. Can't you see it in her photos?

  11. I bet Jinger wishes the picture 2nd from the top on the far right had been left off.

  12. Wishing you a day of joy and a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. I agree with anonymous..there is a lot more to Jinger that mom and wife!!!! She is a beautiful smart women!!!! We as women hold many titles!!! Not just mom and wife!! I sincerely hope Jinger gets a job and has a career.. instead of just being a stay at home with Mom!! There is more to life than having babies, staying at home and serving your husband..the Duggar values!!! Jinger you are so smart..use it to your advantage!!!

    1. I could not agree more! May Jinger's 25th year be her best yet.

    2. Being a 'stay-at-home' mom is a privilege & a blessing! ❤

    3. Anon 8:30, yes it is, but woman are capable of doing more. The majority of woman love making their own money and not dependent on their husbands for money. Making your own money is a privilege & blessing.

    4. 8:24&8:30- How about we just let women decide for themselves whether or not they want to work outside the home or be a SAHM, without the pressure or guilt to conform to someone elses’s idea of what is right or proper?! Men are part of the equation as well- some are SAHD s and it works fine.

    5. I don't think girls should be encouraged to ONLY be SAHM's. You're young once, and you don't get youth back. It's not always fun to reach your 40's or 50's and realize your kids are grown and gone, and you never fulfilled all the dreams you had and things you wanted to do when you were younger. No girl should be raised being told that the only dream she should have is motherhood. What if one of these girls becomes infertile? Do they not work AND stay at home feeling sad? Sounds like a miserable proposition.

    6. 12:06- I agree that women are doing themselves a favor by furthering their education or having some kind of job training to fall back on. Life can throw curveballs and you cannot necessarily rely on a man to support you indefinitely. That said, I would never disparage a mom or dad for staying home with the children, at least before school age. I was thankful to be able to do it for five years and had an established career to go back to after my youngest started school. We were lucky that we never had to leave our kids in daycare. Every family has their own needs an dynamics. You do the best you can and move forward. As a senior citizen, I think it's sad that there's such strife and judgment between working out of the home and stay at home moms or dads. Maybe people tend to criticize one or the other because they somehow feel a bit insecure with their own choices.

    7. They don't just stay at home having babies and serving their husbands the duggars home school which is a huge responsibility and privledge using their skills to nurture & teach their children.
      Ive no doubt Jinger will use her smartness to the advantage of her children' education if they decide to homeschool. 8.24pm

    8. I agree with 4:22PM: I would never disparage a mom or dad for staying home with the children either. I stayed home for 10 years, raising 3 children, and it was wonderful. My husband travelled with his work, and, I felt, my staying home gave the kids stability. True women's rights should give the woman the freedom to choose what is right for her family. A lot of people tried to make me feel guilty for my choices, but also, a lot of people said "good for you, all the power to you, enjoy!" I cherished every moment.

  14. Just wanted to wish Jinger a very happy 25th birthday today hope you had a wonderful day today with your family and friends . and may god bless you today and always keep you safe .

  15. Three Birthday Candles: 1 to praise the Lord for the years that are your past. 1 to celebrate the gift of today. And 1 to celebrate the blessing you are granted of each new day in the year to come that you get to glorify God!
    Happy Birthday Jinger


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