
Friday, December 7, 2018

Dillard Update December 2018

Jill Dillard and Israel Dillard
Jill Dillard and Israel Dillard

It has been several weeks since we have posted a Dillard update. Derick Dillard is nearing the end of his first semester at University of Arkansas School of Law. He is in the midst of final exams, which began this week and run through next week. Israel, three-and-a-half, and Samuel, 17 months, are as adorable as ever.

Israel Dillard, Samuel Dillard, Jill Dillard
Israel Dillard, Samuel Dillard, Jill Dillard

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  1. Aww... Thanks for the update Ellie. I have trouble keeping up with the timeline of the Duggars, since the show is so behind. This blog helps me keep up with the duggar news. Thanks Ellie! You're the best!

  2. I so wish they would be on counting on but I do understand the issues involved with being in the public eye. Israel has grown so much!!! Haven't been able to see much of little Samuel. They all look really happy thou! :)

  3. Jill and the kids look happy and healthy!

  4. Thank you for posting this update!I love their family! Are they not doing mission work anymore than? Just wondering if anyone knows....

  5. THANK YOU for the update on Jill & Derick - I am a big fan of theirs. The boys are so cute and happy.
    Keep on letting us know how they are doing. THEY ARE MISSED

  6. CUTIES ARE getting BIG!!

  7. I know Dereck isn’t allowed on “Counting on” but why hasn’t Jill and the kids been on the show?

    1. Derrick QUIT Counting On. The decision was a mutual agreement as far as I can tell.

    2. Derick, as head of household & head of family, decided that his entire family would "go in another direction."

    3. I never ever ever ever heard that Derick wasn't allowed on counting on? Where did you hear that? I never heard that....

    4. Hmmm... Thats new news to me.

    5. TLC released a statement after Derick made controversial comments that the network had no intention of featuring Derick in future episodes of Counting On. The statement also said that Derick had not filmed with them for several months prior. It sounded most likely that Derick made the choice to leave the show but that, after his comments, he would not be welcomed back for any future filming. The statement said nothing about Jill or the boys. It is available to read online.
      We've seen small glimpses of Jill and Israel since they left the show. Jill was present and speaking in Joy's birth episode and briefly shown at John's wedding. Jim Bob held Israel at Joe and Kendra's gender reveal. Jill doesn't have segments devoted to her life like the rest of the family since the Dillards chose to leave the show, but isn't edited out like Derick and Josh.

    6. Jill and the kids have been on the show. This despite Derick saying they “quit.”

  8. Israel is looking so big he could pass for a five or six year old,both boys are so cute

  9. Israel & Samual are so cute. JILL looks good too. I miss them on Counting on

  10. Both boys are so precious; but, to me, Israel is just so cute! He looks so much older than 3 1/2. I bet he is one sweet child. He always looks like such a caring big brother. I miss seeing them interact within their family and with their cousins.

  11. I thhiight Derick was just in school to be a minister.

    1. No. Last year he was in "missionary training". This year it's law school.

    2. Derick was a missionary, an accountant, and another missionary, too.

  12. Why doesn't Jill work?? Having children is no excise not to work. How does Derrick pay for law school? It is my understanding that he nor Jill work. How does he pay for his education and provide for a family with no job? Can someone please explain this to me. This is not an unusual question to ask. I would greatly appreciate a response.

    1. Her children are not in school yet, and it's good for the kids to be able to be at home and not in day care. Maybe they saved up the money they got from the show.

    2. I have asked basically the same question several times and have never gotten any reasonable explanation. Jill and Derrick asked for donations to support the family while Derrick was in that missionary training program which was far less expensive than law school. Now out of no where he's able to afford law school while neither he or Jill has any sort of paying job. Who knows how that works?

    3. 2:11PM: How does anybody pay for school? Loans, scholarships, parents. Combined with his accounting degree, a law degree will make him pretty employable. If he's taken out loans, he's making a good investment in his future, and his future income will pay off any debts, like everybody else.

    4. Why is it any of your business?

    5. Mind your own business!
      The Duggars had/have a TV show - period. We are fans, but do not have the right to their personal financial dealings.
      For all you know they are using past income (from the show).

    6. I’ve asked the same thing before and am still not understanding how they are affording life with him in school and her not working. Maybe they have money from when they were on Counting On? Derick probably has student loans too, but I’m with doesn’t seem like they would make enough to support them all.

    7. Why should she work? I'm sure she isn't using your money to pay her bills

    8. There are always loans or scholarships.

    9. It is completely not your business at all, to know how they make ends meet!!

    10. @2:11 pm
      We have five kids and my husband and I decided that I will stay home with the kids for various reasons. (not as an excuse to not work as you say.) And let me tell you one thing we have experienced firsthand: the Lord provides in the most interesting and unexpected ways. On the other hand, they are not required to inform you on how they get money or pay for their things or who works. You should not be worrying about this.

    11. Grants, loans and scholarships can cover education and living expenses

    12. Maybe he donates plasma for $$

    13. What do you do for a living?

      I am only asking because you seem bitter, or discouraged with the course of your life. Perhaps you feel as though you were called to do something more inspiring with your life, and you aren't satisified. I am sorry if that is the case, but rest assured that you can still do God's work in a number of other ways.

      It takes more than money to be succssful at anything. It takes lots and lots of hard work, dedication, and yes, often prayer and faith. Law school is certainly not easy and not cut out for everyone (Congratulations Derrick! We are all proud of you!!). But even if Law School is not your calling in life, I think that you (and everyone else) are still able to have a fulfilling life where you can be an inspiration to others and bring people to Christ.
      God Bless you. I hope that you find your calling in life.

    14. Hi, I think it's highly likely that Jills parents help out. The church that he was working out may be to in return for legal advice later. It would be nice if the family were more transparent about their finances as many people look up to them on how to model their life.

    15. From my own personal experience... it’s actually not hard to pay for law school if you plan ahead. We were able to pay for my husbands full first year with scholarships and savings (we had 0 debt from our undergraduate degrees). For his second year, we took out small loans and continued using savings for the rest. 3rd year, he applied for a graduate teaching position at his school and they paid his tuition. As a result, he graduated with only about $40k in debt, which was paid off within 4 years of graduation. Many of his classmates have $200k+ in student loan debt.
      It’s not hard to do if you are smart about it. I imagine the Dillard’s are being smart with their money.

    16. I believe the reason Jill doesn’t work is because their religious and/or personal beliefs encourage women to stay home once they are married, and especially after the have children. I think both Derick and Jill believe in that principle. It’s Derick’s fundamental belief that the husband is the head of the household and the bread winner and has the final word. Jill grew up under that principle. I personally don’t follow this way of thinking for myself, but I respect their right to believe as they wish, as long as someone isn’t being hurt by that belief or made to do something against their will. And it doesn’t seem that this is the case. It’s something they would have discussed and agreed to before marriage, I’m guessing.

    17. Daycare expenses for two children often make working wages irrelevant. It is often better to stay home and focus on SAVING money instead.

    18. Being a mom and homemaker is very important work! I'm glad Jill is able to spend these early years with her kids. As to their finances, that's their personal business alone.

  13. I, too would like to know how the Dillard support themselves with neither of them employed. Law school is NOT CHEAP. Who is paying for the tuition/ books/fees? How are they paying their rent, food, etc? Doesn't add up.

    1. TLC/book royalties?

    2. 4:05 pm. It’s none of our business. If you were paying their bills, you could certainly ask for an explanation. The Duggars open their homes & lives for what is shown on the show. They are not required to answer questions that you and others feel entitled to know the answers to.

  14. Samuel is such a cutie, he looks like Jessa's boys !

  15. They both had been called to be missionaries. Why did that change?

    1. That didn't change. You can certainly do missionary work as an attorney. Actually, you can do a substantial amount of good,Christian work in this country and abroad as a Christian attorney and missionary.

    2. Probably because they weren’t truly “called”. I think they were somewhat off on their timing or mindset for being missionaries in that country. Maybe Derick should have stayed at Walmart until they were more prepared for missionary work.

    3. They could do mission work at home when Derick is finished with law school, and their boys are older. But I feel their call is to mission work in poverty stricken foreign countries, and this is not a good time to do this. Once they had their two children, maybe they chose to be home rather than in a hardship missionary call. Maybe Derick felt a call to serve God through law. (It will be interesting to see what area of law he pursues.). Perhaps he will practice law as missionary work some day when the boys are grown, and he doesn’t have to worry that he is putting their children into a possible dangerous situation. After Jill can no longer have children, she won’t have to worry about such diseases as the Zika virus. Then maybe Jill can practice her midwifery and do women’s health in a mission field. When you have a family, it’s one thing to put yourself at risk; another to put family members too young to object at risk.

    4. @12:45 You do know that attorney's can only practice in the State/Country they have been called to the Bar to?

      An American Attorney cannot be an attorney in any foreign country. They do not know the laws or the legal system

  16. I imagine they are living off their savings from tlc. And Jill is working teaching and caring for her sons. Motherhood is a 24hr job. Plus she has her husband and a home to look after.

    1. Being a mom is certainly a 24/7 job; but does not earn a paycheck sadly.

    2. I totally agree anon 11.33, being a mother is a 24/7 job & anyone who says otherwise is so very wrong. It is the most important job most women will ever do & if it were paid, then mum's across the world would all be millionaires as the cost of employing someone who is effectively a teacher, nanny, nurse, cleaner, cook, & a multitude of other things inbetween would cost a fortune. As to how they pay for law school well I wonder that too but ultimately it's non of my business & I wouldn't be happy at strangers asking me how I pay for certain things in my life, that's my business, just as this is jill & Derick's.

    3. The reward for parenting your child should not have to be a paycheck! If your child is a success in life that should be good enough

    4. I absolutely agree anon 8.05, the reward of being a good parent & watching your child achieve success in their life is the greatest paycheque in the world. I gave up 10 years of my career to be a mother & always said when I had children I wouldn't work as I wanted to devote all my time to them, unfortunately their father left us after us being together 12 years & I had to go to work for financial reasons as he wouldn't pay anything toward the mortgage or the children, however I was lucky enough to go back to my job part time four hours a day until my children were a little older (they were 11 & 9 when their father left). I always felt bad I wasn't at home Baking cakes for them & preparing activities for when they got home, however I did spend hours helping them study & both went on to university. My son only last week came home for a visit, (he is hundreds of miles away studying medicine), it's his final term after Christmas before he graduates as a doctor & I shall never forget what he said to me when he was home, "mum without you I would never have achieved going to med school, you gave up so much for me to do it" my son finished top of his year in his exams & intends to persue a career in cardiothoracic surgery, what he said to me made me feel like a billionaire & made everything worthwhile. I do so wish people would not go on about SAHM getting a proper job, it is so insulting.

  17. Best of luck on your finals Derick! I think that you are a great inspiration for your kids and your family. I know that you will continue to do God's work as an attorney.

    God Bless you guys. I hope that you have a beautiful and blessed Christmas!

  18. I asked the question about how Derrick pays for law School and why Jill does not work. I seen a comment stating that it is no one's business how they make it financially. That would be absolutely true ordinarily, however when they started asking for donations from anyone that would donate money to them that is when it becomes everyone's business!!!!!!! Perhaps if Jill would put her time and energy into fingimg gainful employment instead of asking for donations these questions would not be asked. Jill should be working period!!!! I would much rather go get a job then ask complete strangers for MONEY!!! I am not trying to put Jill down in any way just stating a fact!!! Why has no one answered this question?? By no one answering the question it makes it look like Jill and Derrick have something to hide. The fact still remains that no one seems to want to answer the question!!?? I would appreciate a answer at some point!!

    1. I disagree. I still think it's only your business IF you want to give them money and IF you make your giving contingent on having a financial statement first. Otherwise, not your business.

    2. You are most certainly putting Jill down by saying,”Jill should be working period!!!!” As I said above it is a tenet of their religion. I don’t agree, BUT I RESPECT THEIR RIGHT TO BELIEVE THAT, as long as no one is being forced against their will or hurt by it, and I just don’t see that happening.
      I understand your concerns about asking for money. Yes, they need to be forthcoming about the money they collect. I understood that after similar complaints, when they were in Central America, they offered people their money back. I’m sure if contributors are still concerned, Jill and Derick would gladly give refunds. I don’t read their personal blog. Can you tell me if they still are asking for money. I really doubt they are.
      You sound so frustrated. As long as you haven’t contributed to them, you really don’t need to worry. If you have, check their policy. Then just let it go.

    3. It is still none of our business. They have not asked for donations for Law School. As a family, I’m sure they have discussed how to manage financially. Obviously they feel it is important for Jill to be a stay at home mom. How they manage financially and raise their children is their business. As much as you and others may demand answers to your questions or ask to be informed of their most private decisions, they are not obligated to answer.

  19. SAHM work their tails off. It is also economical to have one (mom or dad) parent stay home to take care of the children, house, errands, laundry and meal prep. Very often the second income earner spends most of that income on child care, gas/ car, cleaning services and convenience foods as well as a larger wardrobe for work. Why do that when you can be with your kids?

    1. Sooo true!! I’ve been wondering when people will finally get it that when the mother is working, it’s all for naught as almost all that money is going for the things you listed out plus a higher standard of living. Yes why work to pay for your work when you could just stay home and be better off in the long run? Families are happier anyway when mama is home. Brings security to the kids.

    2. “How can it be a large career to tell other people”s children about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one’s own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone and narrow to be everything to someone? No. A woman’s function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. I will pity Mrs. Jones for the hugeness of her task; I will never pity her for its smallness. “ -GK Chesterton.

    3. It really depends on where you live. Where I come from, life is quite expensive. Food is expensive as we have only small supermarkets, nothing like Costco or anything like that. Houses are super expensive. Appartments... almost as expensive as a mortgage for a small, old, 2-bedroom appartment. Gas? 1.50$/L. So yes, most families have both parents working because they don't have a choice. What is the point of staying home with my kids if I can't put enough food on their plate?

  20. Thank you for the updates.

    Merry Christmas!!

  21. It is so sadly telling of a person’s ability to think independently, when they spout off “why isn’t this mother working?” It tells many things:
    1. They believe work is only worthwhile if it produces monetary income
    2. They believe work is only worthwhile if mainstream, modern thinking says so.
    3. They have no concept whatsoever of what proper caring for children entails.
    4. They believe daycare workers, teachers, maids, nurses, therapists, and cooks all “work,” but one woman doing all of those jobs does not.
    5. They don’t consider that stay-at-home moms can generate income at home, and they don’t consider money saved by staying home.

    So sad. Don’t be so uppity about your own life choices that you don’t see the value in others’.

    1. Yep, Hayley. You hit the nail on the head.

    2. Go girl! You said it!

    3. Very well stated! Yes!

    4. I don't see this question as a judgment. When both parents are not working, then of course people are going to wonder how they provide for the family. It would not be a shame for Jill to find a job outside the home to make an income while her husband is at school, and when he is done with school, he will go to work and she will stay home again. It's just a few years of sacrifices for a better future for their family.

  22. I don't understand how some women can be so catty and mean to one another, especially regarding being a SAHM vs working outside the home. I've seen this go both ways. There is no perfect solution that fits for all. Every family has their own set of circumstances and way of addressing their needs. I prefer to think that people are doing the best they can and leave it at that.

  23. think some answers r rude because question r asked how nobody is working . its just question and readers opinion. to ask how they live without working share with readers some of us r just curious.

    1. Nothing wrong with being curious as long as you can accept the fact that they doon’t owe you or others an explanation. They obviously prefer privacy and readers/viewers should respect that.


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