
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Cousin Amy's New Clothing Store

Jessa Seewald visits 3130 Clothing
Jessa Seewald visits 3130 Clothing

For those who have been asking for an update on Duggar cousin Amy King, she has just accomplished something big that warrants a blog post. Today is the grand opening of her new boutique, 3130 Clothing!

Located in the Duggars' hometown of Springdale, Arkansas, 3130 offers women's clothing of all shapes and sizes. The name is based on the Bible verse Proverbs 31:30 ("Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.") On the store's website, Amy shares that her mission is to "shine a light in Arkansas, our online presence and the world" and to "show women their beauty shines from within." 

Congratulations to Amy and her husband, Dillon! What a huge accomplishment. 

Photo courtesy


  1. This is AWESOME! I want to go visit it one day. Maybe this spring or summer! God Bless them!

  2. That's great news. Now all the Duggar women can shop at Amy's store instead of thrift stores.

    1. um that's kinda rude

    2. Why would they do that? I'm sure they might buy a piece here and there from Amy, and she can give them a good deal, but it will still be more expensive than thrift or possibly old navy.

    3. a person can find good clothing and other things at thrift stores. don't knock it.

    4. Nothing feels better than a great deal when shopping for clothing items.....thrift stores have great prices on gently used items and bargain hunting makes a fun hobby. I also like looking for kitchen gadgets, toys, books and furniture. What’s that saying “buy used and save the rest”.

    5. Totally agree Kathy, I love bargain hunting in little second hand stores as we call them in the UK. I have had many great bargains including a poor new wool winter coat that I paid £10 for (not sure what that would be in dollars) & this will be my 9th winter wearing it & it still looks brand new. As for books, I can't remember last time I bought a book new for myself, Iv often had books where you get buy one get one free & paid £1.50 for the 2 of them. I also got some lovely kitchen storage jars brand new for virtually nothing, It frees up so much money to use on other things like my children. I don't understand why more people don't use these kinds of shops & the money you give is going to a good charitable cause, my favourite shop being a shop that sells goods on behalf of our local hospice.

  3. It's Great news for Amy!!!! She must be very proud, as all the Duggars must be. Congratulations on the New store Amy!!!!

  4. Such a nice endeavor. Best wishes Amy!

  5. I wish her much luck but wow, very pricey!

  6. I thought Amy announced she was pregnant?

    1. No she didn't. Believe it or not, some women have goals other than having children. Congrats to Amy on her new business!

    2. Being pregnant doesn't prevent her from opening a store.

    3. No she didn't. Speculation on another site by someone who does a lot of assuming and speculating.

    4. Amy said she wants to get pregnant any time now. It was in an article in the same magazine the Duggars always use.

  7. Congratulations to Amy! I also don't usually speculate but I wonder if Jessa might have an announcement soon too?

    1. I guess you’ll just have to wait for any announcement. I think it rather strange that so many Duggar fans seem to be looking for any signs of pregnancy.

    2. 10:21- not so strange when they plan on any amount of kids. Hey, good for them of they are

    3. 8:21pm I thought the same as she looks a little fuller in the face than usual but maybe she's just sleeping better & into good routine with her little ones now. Time will tell.

  8. I check this website regularly and I believe that a number of people often look to make negative comments. I do not, but I just went on to the website to see Amy’s new products and I was a bit shocked at the “ Sexy Chick Deep V Neck Mini” dress being sold. Hardly a Proverbs 31:30 woman. Also, the home page quotes Proverbs 31:25 at the bottom of the page instead of 31:30. I don’t understand.

    1. Maybe a woman wants to wear that in the privacy of her home for her husband's eyes only.

    2. I don’t recall a single verse spoken by Christ about women’s clothing. Can you share some?

    3. Not to be contrary, but there's nothing in Proverbs 31 that talks about modesty in terms of clothing, so I don't see the contradiction. Also, Proverbs 31:25 reads, "strength and dignity are her clothing..." which is why I assume she's used that specific verse.

    4. I agree. I don't believe I have ever made a negative comment on here, but I was definitely thrown by some of what I saw on the 3130 site. I am not super conservative in what I or my daughters wear, but it just seems like some of the clothing went a little far. Especially given the name of the store. Could be confusing. I like Amy, always have. She is fun and genuine. It is just a little disappointing. We can dress in chic, modern, and attractive ways, without having to have deep cut tops or short hemlines.

    5. 10:31 -- I, too, am not one that makes negative comments here, but was a little shocked at some of the garments, myself.

    6. True, though clothing like that will sell faster than more conservative clothing. I agree that the name of the store contradicts that particular style of dress. Now I buy LulaRoe clothes from friends who sell them and they are pretty conservative. I heard that the founder is Mormon faith

    7. So anonymous 6:29, are you implying that because there may not be a direct Scripture from Christ on women’s dress, deep, cleavage bearing V necklines and short hemlines are fine?

    8. There are actually scripture in the bible that women should dress modestly and not with their parts on show as it creates a wrong impression.

      It never ceases to amaze me how people have no issues with dressing appropriately for with their parts covered but they take exception when the same thing applies outside of work. Could care less how non believers dress but most of the people complaining about modestly standards are Christians. I

    9. A women can wear whatever she wants. I wouldn't wear them, but I won't judge a woman that does

    10. The point here is that some of the clothes are very immodest, but the store is named after a Bible passage. Somewhat of a disconnect.

    11. 1:59

      Do you stay covered head to toe for your husband?

    12. I do think that is pretty contradictory. I was sad but not shocked to see some of the dresses on the website. Amy may share the Duggar name, but she doesn't seem to share the same principles or values as the rest of the family.

    13. So sad to see the immodest dresses. She said she wants women to know there beauty shines from within, but she is selling clothes that seem to be all about vain beauty. Really dissapointed.

    14. In 1 Timothy 2:9-14 in the Bible it talks about a women dressing modestly.

    15. @6:29... Look at 1 Timothy 2:9-11

    16. Timothy doesn’t quite Christ. As Christians, shouldn’t we follow Christ’s teachings? Show me the verses where Christ talks about women’s outfits. Those are the ones we should be following.

  9. The bible verse on website is actually Proverbs 31:25

  10. After looking at the website, I'm not sure that Duggar women would be allowed to wear some of the clothing shown there. Those jeans and shorts are a definite "no-no".

    1. You do realize that people other than the Duggars will be shopping there, right?

    2. The short short dresses! Only now a little bit left to the imagination...I looked at the description thinking they were lingerie but it said “dress”!!?? Wow I sure wouldn’t put a bible verse on that. No wonder Christianity is sometimes confusing

    3. Jinger and Jill wear jeans though....
      Plus Amy has never adhered to her counsins’ modesty standards so I don’t see why her store would be any different

    4. I don't see how the clothes reflect the Bible verse either. Most of the stuff there is not wearable by Duggar standards. Amy might not follow those standards herself but why did she try to incorporate a Bible quote in her store's name when the clothes don't match up?

    5. There are some items that are modest. The blouses and two of the wear to work dresses. Anyway, she is in business to sell clothes and her mom says that there is a wide range of clothes available.

    6. Anon 2:53 I think what people are saying is that if someone is going to claim Christianity and the standards of Godly dress and life then turn around and have provocative clothes in your store and name your Store after a scripture, Well that is a problem. We Christians would not be wearing a lot of those clothes. Maybe Amy will change that and fill the store with clothes that fit the name of her store, I hope so.

  11. I'm very excited for Amy, however, I'm disappointed in the name of the store, as it leads one to believe that the clothing would be modest, and some of it is immodest.

    1. Immodest clothing in a store owned by a Duggar? I don't think Amy would sell anything immodest.

    2. Agreed. I scrolled through and didn't consider any of the pieces modest, but that's something we all have to decide for ourselves. Very little specific guidelines for clothing in the Bible.

    3. Anonymous 3:38... did you see the website???

  12. Congratulations Amy! I wish you much success. Retail is a tough business these days for sure

  13. Jessa's face looks a little rounder... pregnant maybe? I hope so!

    1. There's no way to tell if she's pregnant. When or if Jessa becomes pregnant she will be more than happy to tell everyone about it.

    2. I also thought she looked a little different.

    3. Why would you hope that someone else is pregnant when you have no idea if that person wants to be right now? Maybe they’re done with two, maybe they want to wait.

    4. 10:28, they aren’t done with two, they said recently that they want more kids

    5. Jessa is a beautiful young woman, but the hairstyle in this photo doesn't do her justice.

    6. Or maybe she's been having some sweets

    7. 3:51, can't believe you went there. Kudos to Jessa for keeping it real. So she felt like pulling her hair back that day and didn't rush to a mirror before her picture was taken to make sure it was perfect. So what?

    8. Turns out you were right! She's 4 months pregnant when photo was uploaded.

  14. Congratulations to Amy and Dillon! Hope your clothing store is a success... Jane

  15. Yeah, Jessa looks pregnant.

    1. So....RUDE!!!!๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    2. Hey, EVERYONE stop saying that, Jessa will let us know when she is pregnant OK, and Jessa I love U 4!!!!!!

    3. At 3:41, I agree with you.

    4. We do need to let the people enjoy the two that they have. There is more to life than popping out babies like gumball dispenser.

    5. she was very pregnant in this picture but just hadn't announced it yet. The girls seem to be very strategic in their announcments about pregnancies and births. I think the way the picture does not show her whole body leads one to believe she might have been pregnant. 3:41 was right after all.

  16. What a great accomplishment to open a business! However, I do agree that if she’s going to claim her company is founded on Godly character and virtue, she needs to reevaluate some of the items she’s selling. Skin tight, super short, plunging vnecks are not very modest. The verse at the bottom of the page is Proverbs 31:25, though she does quote Proverbs 31:30 in the “about” section. I hope in time Amy will reevaluate some of the clothing to make her brand more consistent with how a Godly woman should be dressing.

    1. Godly women dress in many ways!

    2. Sorry, skin tight, plunging necklines, provocative is not How a Godly Woman dresses no matter how anyone tries to spin it

  17. Congratulations Amy in your endeavors! I hope you have nothing much success!

  18. I can't find the address. I live in Springdale and would love to check it out.

    1. Here's the address:

      7321 W Sunset, Suite B
      Har-ber Crossing Plaza
      Springdale, Arkansas 72762

  19. Perhaps they should have researched or googled as there is already a store by that name or number in Tennessee they are bound to have people get them confused with, and that store does not have very modest clothing.

    1. I think Amy's store is called 3130 Boutique on her web site so people should be able to figure it out.

    2. Her store is in Arkansas not Tennessee and she can name her store what she wants to.

  20. let amy be. she is trying to make a living. duggars dont wear it its fine! the store is for other womens taste. not cater to her cousins. nobody said it was all about the duggars its amys adventure not theres. mary keim mennonite

    1. Well said Mary. Non Mennonite

    2. Exactly. She can go her own route and that's a good thing.

    3. Of course she can go her own route and carve out her life selling clothes she chooses. It's just People on here are highlighting that taking Proverbs 31:30 and sticking that bible verse as a name for a boutique store that sells immodest clothing is misleading and frankly not honouring to God. It's inappropriate it would have been wiser to call the store something else.

    4. Exactly! Well said

  21. Proverbs 31:30 charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting,
    but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised....proverbs 31:25.....strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the days to come !
    and she can laugh at the days to come.

  22. These are really cute clothes! But some of them are NOT modest at all. Pretty sure no Duggar woman will be shopping there.

    1. Why wouldn't the Duggars shop there? They are capable of choosing appropriate clothing from the wide selection offered there.

    2. Anon 707. I don't know about that because Jessa is standing right out in front of the store with a smile on her face so she is just fine with what Amy is selling. She is pretty much advertising for Amy. I don't think the adult Duggar s live by the dress standards they were raised with so they no doubt buy stuff in Amys store. A lot has changed in Duggar world lol

  23. I think the store reflects Amy perfectly...She is not as extreme as the Duggars, but still a Christian who loves the lord.So of course her store would be a little of both...thats her.Best wishes and congrats๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‡

    1. Those clothes don't say "I love the Lord" to me. More like "I love to party."

    2. What do you mean by a little of both? God and Satan? You can’t serve 2’s either one or the other. It will never work with the Lord to let Satan in a little, He’ll withdraw and just watch, in time Satan will have taken completely over. It happens little by little at a time.

    3. I agree. In order to have a successful business she needs to appeal to a wide range of customers, not just the ultra conservative segment of Christians.

    4. If she wants to appeal to a wide range, then she needs to disassociate herself with the conservative Bible quotes on the business and remain religiously neutral.

    5. What I mean is...Some what conservative and not so conservative...I never said ANYTHING about Good or evil...God or the Devil...Come on, it's just clothes...lighten up✌

    6. Really people? By "a little of both" she means a little conservative with a little trendy. A good mix! If you don't like the clothes, you don't have to buy them. Plenty of women like me would shop there and love it!

    7. This is actually an interesting topic, in that Forever21 has always put "John 3:16" on the bottom of their bags, yet they sell some very immodest clothing.

  24. Nor really for the Duggargirls... But great job Amy ๐Ÿ‘

  25. Congrats Amy on your new opportunity!

  26. Congratulations Amy. Wishing you success in your store.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  27. So is Amy still singing at all?

    1. I'm thinking she is not singing professionally. She tried the Nashville thing, but I did not hear there being much success there. She tried though.

    2. That's true. She is a good singer. Thanks for the reply

  28. I think it's important to dress more modest as to not draw unwanted attention. If the skirts are shorter, leggings would go nice. I know too many women who wore very immodest clothing to gain attention but it went very wrong. Men should exercise self-control, but women need to as well.

    1. All adding leggings under a short dress does is...add leggings. It does nothing to men's eyes or thoughts.

    2. You sound like the woman that was in the room with me when I was hospitalized. Her teenage granddaughter came to visit her wearing a very attractive outfit (cuffed shorts and a scoop neck T shirt) that was not the least bit "immodest". The woman instead of appreciating the visit began scolding her granddaughter for wearing shorts. Needless to say the girl never came back to visit again.

    3. 8:49 your idea of what is modest may be different from someone else's. Needless to say, Original Poster wasn't slamming the clothing, just that it's wise to use good judgement

    4. If anything, leggings under a short dress only bring the eyes to the legs even more.

  29. As far as I can tell what is "modest" and what isn't is pretty subjective. The stuff on Amy's website didn't seem immodest to me. Some of the things I wouldn't wear because I don't think they would be becoming to me at my age and with my body type. However, I think people can choose what they wear and it's really not OK to sit in judgment of people based on what they wear.

  30. Love how real Jessa looks. Not the extreme makeup and fancy outfits.

    1. ??? I'm not sure what you're talking about. I've never seen Jessa wear "extreme make up". I think she dresses nicely, but there's nothing wrong with that IMO.

  31. I recommend the book "Feminine Beauty" by Evelyn Miller.

    1. There are many misleading and downright false claims in this book.

    2. OK. However, living and dressing like a Mennonite woman isn't my cup of tea.

    3. The author of the book does not imply that dressing "Mennonite" is the "correct" way. She shares Biblical insight concerning how God desires women to dress and how the way we dress affects those around us, either positively or negatively.

  32. Thank you for sharing this! That's great news.


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