
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Seewalds Celebrate 4 Years

Jessa and Ben Seewald have a reason to be joyful today, and it's certainly not the Northwest Arkansas weather, which is cold and rainy. They are celebrating their wedding anniversary! Four years ago, it was another chilly day, as more than 1,000 guests watched Jessa Duggar marry Ben Seewald at First Baptist Church in Bentonville and then joined the elated newlyweds for an outdoor celebration. We remember the day very well.

Happy anniversary, Seewalds!

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald on their first date
Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald on their first date
MarketPlace Grill, September 2013

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald
Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald, August 2014
(Just days before their engagement)

Jessa and Ben Seewald honeymoon
Jessa and Ben Seewald
Honeymoon, November 2014
Jessa Seewald, Ben Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald, Henry Seewald
Jessa Seewald, Ben Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald, Henry Seewald
Early 2017

Photos courtesy


  1. This first weekend in November is always a big one for the Duggars, with anniversaries and birthdays. They're about to add another one to that list......

    1. Is it John and Abby's wedding this weekend?

    2. Yes. No doubt there will be an announcement here shortly.

  2. Happy Anniversary!!💥💥💥💥💥

  3. Happy Anniversary. Love these two. Ben sure seems like a wonderful husband and father. Very patient and loving, a very Godly young man

    1. What is with everyone saying they are "Godly??" No one can be like God. We are sinners...

    2. 11:29, the Bible talks about those who "walk godly in Christ Jesus," so it is possible. It's living a life of faith and obedience to God. The New Testament has a lot of guidance for every saved sinner.

    3. Anon @ 11:29 I have said the same thing before. No man can be Godly, only God himself. We can strive to be Christ like in our lives, but can never be Godly as we are flawed human beings.

    4. The word godly means, filled with love for God. I'm also a godly person...Jane

    5. 'Godly' in this context means the person is reflecting Gods character. That's something every living Christian needs to attain to ie become more Godly. Yes we are sinners but the bible also says we are saints and Gods sees us as righteous.

    6. 11:29, the Bible actually teaches that we should be godly. (Titus 2:12). That doesn't mean we'll have the power and omnipotence that he has, but means we'll live according to the way he desires. If we believe Philippians 4:13, we know we can do ALL, including being godly, through Christ which strengthens us.

    7. 11:29 Godly woman, Godly man, Godly parents or couples which ever is a term used for a Christian person.

    8. Hello Christians! "Godly" is a Biblical term. Look it up.

    9. Then say Christian, not Godly.. or lower the g. God is not to be mocked!

    10. Amen,2:04! Thank you for explaining to these people. Such a fuss over mistaken capitalization and not knowing the scriptures!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary and many many many more

  5. They really make a great couple and I think they're great parents, too. Wishing them many more happy years together.

  6. Happy 4th Anniversary - we fans have enjoyed being able to see both of you grow together, have two beautiful sons and "we" hope to be able to keeping on sharing your milestones.
    ALL good wishes to you.

  7. Happy Anniversary, Jessa and Ben. Do something little for each other that's nice,and than have a super special Wedding Anniversary!!! Jane

  8. Happy Anniversary to this very lovely couple. Hope you have a very special day together. 🎉🎉🎉

  9. Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple!

  10. Happy anniversary Jessa and Ben

  11. Happy Anniversary to Jessa and Ben!

  12. Happy this sweet couple and their precious boys.

  13. Happy Anniversary to them! Such a nice couple

  14. Wishing you many,many more years of love,happiness and peace. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  15. Ben looks so young in the first pic ! Happy Anniversary to them both,
    God bless their beautiful family always ! :)

    1. That’s because he was (is) young.

  16. Any news on John David's wedding?

    1. They are getting married December 8th

    2. Nope they are already married. I guess they sold the first rights to US weekly who posted pics on line.

  17. I hope Jessa actually does something special for Ben. Wasn’t it last anniversary that Ben gave Jessa a pedicure and dinner with the girls? They should do something special together.

    1. Jessa probably did something for Ben on that anniversary, maybe just not something she felt like having on tv.

    2. TLC stages the episodes of Counting On. It's possible that Ben gave Jessa the necklace, pedicure, and made dinner for her to celebrate her November 4th birthday. Maybe that's why Jessa didn't give Ben anything.

    3. Of course they will. However, traditionally, the man is the one that got on one knee to propose and he is the one that gave his wife his last name. He has to be the anniversary planner majority of the time.

    4. 4:54- The man has to plan? Absurd... and completely unrealistic.

    5. I am the sole anniversary planner in my marriage. But remember Bens proposal? He loves planning thoughtfully. Everyone has there strengths/likes.

  18. They got married on my birthday! :)

  19. Have a blessed anniversary! Such a cute couple!

  20. Dear Ben and Jessa, happy 4th anniversary. I enjoyed watching the courtship and wedding on T.V. I enjoyed watching honeymoon when you went to Venice. Hopefully we get to see you on season 9 with longer episodes. Natasha B.

  21. Dear Ellie, being the techno phobe that I am I cannot seem to work out how to leave a comment on your own personal blog so I'm being forced to do it this way. I just wanted to know how things are going for you & your precious bump & your lovely husband too. I truly hope you are fit & well & any sickness you may have had has dissipated by now. Every time I write anything here I think of you & wonder how you are doing & how amazing that you manage to keep up doing this blog while you work, take care of your husband & home & are growing another little human, you must be exhausted. Hope you are well greetings from the UK

    1. Hi Fuzzyferet,

      That's very kind of you! I still struggle with some sickness, but I haven't been overly tired, which is nice. Starting to feel big and uncomfortable, though. Thanks for being a loyal reader from the UK.


    2. Thank you for taking the time to reply Ellie. I'm glad to hear your not overly tired, however I know what you mean about the sickness, it can last such a long time with some mums, I myself was sick for 9 months with my daughter but had very little sickness with my son, sometimes I find mums that suffer a lot of sickness go on to have baby girls so who knows. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well & you have a safe delivery, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your new arrival in due course.

  22. That was a sweet gesture by Ben. I would think Someone in the family could have babysat for a few hours so they could have gone out together.

  23. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY FAVE COUPLE!!!!!!!! I just love the way U 4 work together, and U 4 are a tight unit!!!!!!!

  24. I hope Jessa got something nice for her anniversary.

  25. Happy anniversary Ben and Jessa!

  26. Congrats Jessa and ben !
    Also, can't wait to hear about john and abbie's wedding today ! I hope we'll get to see a new season soon

    1. There have been conflicting dates for John & Abbie's wedding date. I too look forward to hearing about their wedding.
      I wish them a blessed life together.


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