
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

John-David's Big Win

John and Abbie Duggar
John and Abbie Duggar
Now that John-David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are husband and wife, where will they settle down? The wedding took place in Abbie's home state of Oklahoma, in a town about four hours from the Duggars' home in Northwest Arkansas.

The couple will settle in Northwest Arkansas, where John Duggar has just won the Washington County district one constable race. That's great news for the Duggar clan!

If you have been a long-time reader of our blog, you may remember the photo we posted back in January 2013 showing John being sworn in as an Arkansas constable

Photo courtesy and Abbie Duggar


  1. Is this a full time paid position?

    1. From what I understand it is an unpaid position

    2. What do you care!!!!

    3. I believe it is unpaid.

    4. Why do people look for these Duggars to have it a full time paid position in anything? That's just none of nobodies business and rude to ask.

    5. Constables in Arkansas are generally not paid, or are paid a token salary ($1 or so) by the townships they represent. They must fund their own training and uniforms. They only have 3 weeks of basic firearms and other training, not the rigorous 12 weeks of training followed by 16 weeks of supervised field training required for a police officer. Constables don't have to pass the intensive screening and testing requirements needed to get into the police program. People who want to become police officers are given a physical fitness tests, a civil service test, interviews, and physical as well as psychological testing before being accepted to the police training program. Constables are elected positions, and most have limited authority to go along with their limited training. Hope that clears up the common misconception that John David is "a police officer."

    6. @1:38—just interesting, that’s all.

    7. In Arkansas, constable is an elected office at the township level, although constables are considered county officers.[8] The office of Constable, which is a partisan office, is guaranteed by the 1874 Constitution of Arkansas, which provides for the election of a constable in each township for a two-year term.[9] Constables are peace officers with full police powers.

    8. 3:12- The Duggars have made a big deal on their show about being debt-free and self-sufficient. Questions about their work and how they're supporting themselves is not out of line.

    9. 3:12, why do people become so incensed over an innocent question? Seems a little rude to me.

    10. "The Sheriff & Constable have the exact same power", are on-call 24/7, serving in rural areas. That should clear up any misconception that John-David is less than a police officer.

    11. Thank you for posting. Very interesting :)

    12. 3:17 It sounds like the same risks are involved in being a constable as being a police officer without the pay. I would be thankful for anyone willing to give their time to help our town. I can’t believe he doesn’t get paid! God bless him for trying to keep his town safe!

    13. I don't understand why he doesn't just go to do the real police training and become a real LEO instead of playing at it. Zach Bates did it, why not a Duggar?

    14. anon@3:12- It's not rude to ask someone how they earn a living when they've been outspoken about how financially savvy they are and live debt-free.

    15. 6:03, unless he’s undergone full police training, he’s not a police officer.

    16. @6:03 If John David were a police officer or even a sheriff's deputy, the county would call him that and pay him accordingly, after considering his resume and his qualifications. What police officer gets 3 weeks of training and then gets voted into place?

    17. I doubt that those who hold this elected position are "playing at" anything. What a rude thing to say.

    18. I am sure John David is using this as an opportunity to further his political career. Nothing wrong with it.

  2. what's a constable? I don't think we have that in our state.

    1. Constables are elected officials and most are not paid salaries, so the county and city budgets don’t take the hit for the additional law enforcement. Training, uniforms, equipment and all other expenses are paid for from the individual constable’s pockets. Not all states have constables. It is a way to have back-up or reserves for rural areas where a lot of ground is covered.

    2. Depends on where you live. In my state they are process servers for the courts and have no police powers.

    3. A Constable is a sworn Law Enforcement/Peace Officer that can arrest for felony crimes and breaches of the peace committed in his presence, or by warrant anywhere in the commonwealth. ... They have statewide authority, thus, the title became "State Constable"

    4. Every state has one and it's a honor. John-David is likely to be nominated for President one day.

    5. Neither do we! I was wondering the same thing.

    6. Everyone, please recognize that 3:13 is trolling, do not feed them comments

    7. @3:13

      Thank you for making me laugh. This is the hardest I've laughed all week.

    8. Wait, what? John David is likely to be president some day? Because he's a constable? Alrighty then.

    9. 3:13- Not all states have constables- a little over half do and they don't just have one. Their duties vary from state to state. Most are unpaid postions. What makes you think John is qualified to be POTUS?

    10. John-David as president? Never happen.

    11. Not every state has one. We don't.

  3. I love John David. I’d vote for such a fine person too.
    Best wishes to John David and his new bride!
    So happy for them both.

  4. I could never live in NW Arkansas. I don't agree with that state's politics at all.

    1. You could live there and affect change.

    2. Well we probably don't agree with your States policies

    3. Since you brought up politics --- I'm Trump supporter in blue California and very happy to be here. Home is wherever my family and friends are, whether red state or blue, and God is with me wherever I am! Praise the Lord!

    4. Good attitude, 3:37!

    5. We can let our light shine wherever we are...and so we should! God bless you in CA!

    6. Unfortunately, politics and religion are what divide us- at least it seems more so today in these volitile times. This time around, I voted for the candidates that had the most postive messages- didn't matter if they were red, blue or something in between. It was a tall order....The attack ads and fear-mongering coming from both sides were disgraceful.

    7. I always vote for the people who will try to get us out of the mess that the other people have gotten us into. Seems to work every election cycle, unfortunately.

    8. As Christians, I believe God would have us vote for those who have the strongest moral stands, and whose background and track record prove that they're not just saying things they think will get them elected.

    9. @8:33 You vote to get out of the mess "other" people got you in? Who are these "other" people?

      @5:33 politics and religion do not have to divide Americans. They do because too many Americans vote for the "showmen" who will tell them what they want to hear, who appeals to their fear of others and allow for the dehumanization of their fellow human beings. It is easy to blame "others" for the problems facing the US.

    10. 9:55 -- You're right -- we had a "showman" for eight years, and now we have someone who doesn't have much of a bedside manner, but who wants us to unite as Americans and who rolls up his sleeves and gets the job done. The Bible tells us that God has put our leaders into position, and regardless of who it is -- the last President, this one, or the next, our family prays daily for that person to have wisdom in guiding our great country.

    11. @3:07 Do not assume that everyone who posts here is American. I and mine pray for all the people of the world and their leaders to come together in peace and friendship. God does not favor one country over another. We are all children of God.

    12. @10:11 Did anyone ask where you could live or about your political preferences?

  5. Good for you. John. Hope this propels you on to higher office eventually, likeCongress or state government. One step at a time.

  6. Congratulations! Constable Duggar! Has a nice 'ring to it'! Raining God's blessings! ❤

  7. Great news! But i do hope she does not quit working as a nurse, i hope she finds a job in Arkansas.

  8. A constable official is a person who deals with court matters, like civil and criminal issues. Just Google it.

    1. I think it depends on where you live. In my state constables work with the courts. They serve paperwork mostly and occasionally do some tasks for the police but they don't have any LEO training and are elected officials who are unpaid.

  9. Was it a close race or did John win by a large majority?

    1. It was a fairly close race, about 42% to 57%.

      Lily and Ellie

    2. That's a big win!

    3. In politics...that’s not a close race. Looks like he won handily.

    4. Look at the vote count. There were over 7000 people who did not vote for him.

    5. I agree that it is a wide margin in politics. Big win.

    6. Hard not to win when your family probably accounts for half the county lol!

    7. So about half the people of that area wanted him as constable, and the other half didn't. Don't they have rules about how many times you can be an incumbent?

    8. The vote spread was big enough that he had a decisive victory, 10:54. Why the negative spin?

    9. I'd say about 7000 other people agree with 10:54.

  10. Congrats to John-David! He so deserves it.

  11. Congratulations John-David. Way to go. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. So happy for them. May God bless them tons!

  13. CONGRATS John(x2) and Abbie.
    Wishing you love and happiness!

  14. Congratulations John David. I pray blessings over your marriage and your new position. This a beautiful time in your life. Continue to carry out all God have in store for you and your family.

  15. Congratulations John David on you marriage and new position. I pray blessings over your marriage and new position. This is a great time in your life. May you and your family continue to carry out your God given assignment.

  16. Wow! Congratulations John!

  17. Congrats john-David in ur new post 🚔

  18. I think it would make sense for the Duggars to explain to their fans how they afford to live their lifestyle. No because we’re in their business but because if they intend to be role models they should show us how it’s possible to have men work and have the mom at home while still spending significant time together and having money for leisure.
    I researched this and the constable in that county makes $7.50 annually. There is no way they are surging off that. Is it just the show?

    1. The Duggars never explain how they afford a lifestyle I consider quite affluent. The women don't have jobs outside the home, the men seem to work for the "family business" and have more vacation time than anyone I've ever known that has a job with a regular business. However, many of their fans take this on faith and never question how they can do something the rest of us can't.

    2. We already know that John David works as a pilot. That could anywhere from $20 000 to much more per year if he is an instructor or if he shuttles business people around etc. We know that most men in his family own rental properties and do all their own maintenance and repairs so that brings in good money. Some of the boys sell used cars that they repair and maintain themselves. All of these are good income, just not a 9-5 office job that most people have, so I realize it is hard to understand for people who go to an office daily what self-employment must be like.

    3. I think they all make their living from the show and speaking at conferences as well as other media from the show.

    4. Most of the boys have jobs a few of them sell used cars, some are in real estate with their dad so they have an income outside the show!

    5. Anon 2:22. I'm not sure what you're talking about. John is not listed as a FAA certified instructor, so he's not qualified to teach anyone to fly. As for the "family business" providing the lifestyle the Duggars live, I can't buy into that. My husband and I owned a business for a few years. In order to make a decent living for our family we worked long hours and didn't have the time to flit around the country visiting family and friends or to take numerous vacations. Owning a business is more like 12 hour days 6 days a week, non-stop. That's why we no longer have the business and work at regular jobs. Time with each other and or children was more important than owning a business.

    6. But does he really work as a pilot? I always thought he just used the family plane to ship his family members where they want to go. I never got the impression it was a job.

    7. Damara- For starters, the Duggars earn a substantial income from TLC, as well as from tabloid magazine features. Without these connections, they would be living more like how they were at the show’s start.

    8. @5:02 You are so right. We had our own business too and it was long hours, with hardly any time off.

      Also, people forget that the cost of maintaining the planes the Duggars own and the insurance on those planes would be not cheap. J-D may be able to teach non-instrument flying (daylight, good weather) but I doubt he is qualified to teach more than that.

    9. But they've had their family businesses for more than a few years. It's been decades. The show has to have brought in good money over the years, and we know they don't carry debt. They live fairly frugally, as far as shopping at consignment and thrift stores, doing their own car and home maintenance, hair cuts, etc. I don't think it's such a mystery.

    10. Before they went private with the info, you could see where the Duggar planes flew. Seemed to be more trips than just family travel, but who knows for sure.

    11. Anon 8:38. The thing is no matter how LONG you've had a family business, you still have to put in long hours for it to be profitable. I've never seen any of the Duggars (with the possible exception of Josh) put in the hours needed. So the logical conclusion is that the bulk of their income comes from the show, speaking engagements and their media contracts.

    12. We actually have no idea how many hours any of them work. None.

  19. Congratulations John David!! May God bless you as you start your new journeys as husband and constable.

  20. In Arkansas, constable is an elected office at the township level, although constables are considered county officers. The office of Constable, which is a partisan office, is guaranteed by the 1874 Constitution of Arkansas, which provides for the election of a constable in each township for a two-year term. Constables are peace officers with full police powers.

    1. Why in the world do they put an unpaid person with a few weeks training on the street with the same police powers as someone who went through months of training, earned a badge, and has their income riding on their performance?

    2. Anon 9:44. I don't think the above information is all that accurate. As far as I can tell a constable is an elected official of the county where he/she is elected who is unpaid. I think they can arrest someone who commits a crime in their presence but they don't have the same duties or authority of a LEO.

  21. Washington County district one constable race.
    what is this please as i,m from the UK i have never heard of it before

    Thank you

  22. Congs to John and Abby. God bless your home

  23. Thats nice... i thought i saw a picture of his house he already owned somewhere...

    1. The one I saw was a little ranch house that he got in return for doing some construction work. I thought it was at the time under foreclosure or in some other financial distress.

  24. Don’t forget to add “John-David and Abbie (Burnett) Duggar; November 3rd, 2018” to the ‘anniversary’ column under the ‘birthday’ tab!😊

  25. Congrats John. It doesn't matter if you get paid or not. It's even more impressive if you are doing it without being paid but either way, thank you for serving your community.

  26. JOHN-DAVID!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF U!!!!!!!! I remember when U ran years ago, and now U won, and married too!!!!! Talk about a stellar year EH!!!!!!! I love U 2!!!!

    1. A little over the top, but ok then!

    2. Not really, John-David is my fave Duggar!!!!! From the start, and I've watch The Duggar's since 2007!!!!

  27. looked it up online . he could be a baliff, deliver summons etc . doesnt go around in police car with a GUN! more like like a court baliff. mary keim mennonite


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