
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Duggar #16 Turns 13

Three days after celebrating Mackynzie's 9th birthday, it's time for the Duggars to honor yet another family member turning one year older. Today is Johannah Duggar's 13th birthday, which means she is officially a teenager. At this point, only three of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's 19 children are still "children."

Johannah Duggar birthday

Photos courtesy


  1. Johanna such a big girl now! Can't wait for the courtship and wedding and babies!

    1. She's 13! Why on Earth do you want her to get married and have babies so soon? Her ambition is to be a doctor. Wouldn't it be awesome if she was the first Duggar to go to college and have a career that is not one of the family businesses or flipping houses?

    2. Wow. That’s a very awkward comment for a new teenager. Let her grow up first,

    3. Slow down a little lol. She’s 13..nowhere near ready for marriage!

    4. Why be a Doctor? She can be a Doctor's wife!

    5. Slow down let her enjoy her teen years,then go to college and get her degree before having her get married and having kids. I just don't see why they think they have to have so many kids in the first place. That's my opinion

    6. Anon @ 1:09 She can be the doctor, he can be a doctors husband!

    7. Woah! Let her be a teenager first, have fun and discover herself. My daughter turned 13yrs two days after Johanna I won't give permission for a serious courtship until she's 18yrs!!

    8. That comment is ridiculous, you’re awfully excited for a young lady who just turned 13 to start doing all that. Is this how you would let your own daughter start her teenage years?
      And Yes, Johanna can be a Dr, not just the Dr’s wife and stay home and be a baby machine.
      Happy Birthday Johanna 🎈
      Enjoy your teenage years 💐

    9. So if she changes her mind and decides to be a wife and mother, are you saying that is somehow less? Most wife and mothers work very hard, and raising children is an important job too.

    10. I don't think being a mother makes you a machine.

    11. Anon @12:17 Being a stay at home mom and raising a family is indeed a hard but very worthwhile job. What I do find strange is that not one of these kids has gone on to college or achived their dreams. The one who got the closest was Jill, although she wanted to be a nurse but her father said no, so she did midwifery training via a correspondence course, I find it all very sad.

    12. I think I remember Jill's dream was to be a missionary. Jessa's was to be a makeup artist, Jana's was to be a midwife, and Jinger's was to be a politician. So really, Jill has fulfilled her dream, she was a missionary in South America, and I believe continues to do so, but not out of country. I remember people didn't think much of the outreach her and Derrick were doing with their group, to outreach to young college students . Some college students it's their first time away from home and family, and they can feel a bit lost, fall prey to alcohol, drugs , loneliness or depression. I think it's great to have Christian outreach to them. I don't think Jill's life is sad at all. BTW, she can still go to college if she wants to, her life isn't over.

  2. Happy 13th birthday Johannah Faith Duggar! I watched you before you were born. Your sisters were so excited to have a little sister. You were one of your Mom's quickest births. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I can't wait for you to be on Counting On. Hope you have a great birthday today. Natasha B.

  3. Happy Birthday to Hannie! hope itsGreat!

  4. Huh? A thirteen year old is most definitely a child.

    1. A thirteen year old is a teenager

    2. Old enough to start thinking about her future.

    3. Thirteen is a minor child.

    4. Yes 13 is still a child

    5. Still doesn’t change the fact that a 13y/o is a child.

  5. That is incredible that there are only 3 kids now under the age of 13!!! Wow, cannot believe it! It's hard to believe that in 10 years, everybody could be married and gone, and Jim Bob and Michelle could be empty nesters.

    1. Some of them are married but most still live in or near the "family compound" so they're not gone.

    2. But, the 'big house' will never be empty, filled with kids & grandkids, always a birthday to celebrate! ❤

    3. I wonder who will inherit the big house someday? Maybe the one w the most kids.

    4. The house will probably be turned into a religious theme park and roadside attraction, with an RV park. Duggarland! They can use that D banner from Lauen's reception. :)

  6. The eldest of the four 'little girls' growing up, taller than Jackson! Blessed wishes on your 13th, Johannah! ❤

  7. Happy birthday Johannah - you were a rough and ready little girl and kept up with Jackson. . . it has been a pleasure to watch you grow into a young lady.

  8. At the rate the family is growing, they should just start doing monthly birthday celebrations.

  9. Happy 13th birthday Johannah I hope ur day is filled with happiness !!!

  10. she looks like jinger

  11. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. Johannah is too pretty a name to change it to Hannie.

    1. But I love the nickname Hannie!

    2. I agree Jean! If they had to shorten it why could they have said Hannah? Hannie just odd, I hope they drop it as she gets older.

    3. I hope that people respect Johanna as her own person and call her by the nickname she likes or her full name if she prefers. Its really the only opinion that matters in this discussion.

    4. Why do you care so much what her family calls her? I’m sure she doesn’t so why should you? Relax

  13. Happy birthday !!! God bless you.

  14. think about this ellie: when you've doubled your time doing this blog, (another 9 years) josie will be an adult and ready for courting! the header is going to be huge!!

    1. Why do assume Josie wants to get married at 18?

    2. Yes. There will be lots and lots new babies. Can't wait!

    3. So many new babies the header will be huge.

    4. Dude, "ready for courting" does not mean married at 18. Why do people like to argue here for no reason?

  15. Happy Birthday Johanna

  16. Happy Belated Birthday to Hannie! She is a teen now! time flies

  17. Ellie; could you catch us up on the young kids? Are they still homeschooled and what grade are they all? Are any of them playing an instrument or participating in a sport?

  18. Maybe Johanna will be a nurse someday. like Johns fiancee.

    1. She wants to be a doctor. Just because she is female does not mean that she has to be a nurse. It's not 1958 anymore.

    2. Nothing wrong with being a nurse. It's an honorable profession.

    3. There are male nurses, too. It's not 1958.

    4. Ihope she will be allowed to go to college to pursue her dream of being a doctor.

  19. happy birthday Johannah I hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  20. Happy Birthday, Johannah! You are a precious creation. 13 is a great age to figure what you do and do not like. We have a 13 yo girl we homeschool and it’s a great age!

  21. This is going to come across as negative but I must say I was appalled Michelle to Hannie to assist with Boy's birth. She is much to young for that. It seems Michelle is training her for marriage and birthing babies. I look for her to be a teenage bride like Joy.

    1. Joy was NOT a teen

    2. Yes, Joy was a teen bride since she married at 19. Joy, Kendra, and Lauren were each teen brides.

    3. Yes she was Joy was nineTEEN when she got married.

  22. Sorry but I do not agree with the header. Hannie is still a child at the tender age of thirteen

  23. Happy Birthday to the new Teen. It is honourable to be a SAHM, actually underrated. A Nurse is very important. Still, she always said, she wanted to be a Doctor. So if their is any chance for her, I hope she achieves that. She can still be a wife and mother. Even a Doctors wife. Important is, that she gets to make the choice. If she decides, she would be happier as a coalminer, than that is her choice oe should be. Nor before the time has come though. We would not qant others to direct, how we are to be happy and so we should not do it to her. Let us wisg her happyness!!

    1. My family and I wisg Johanna much happyness.

    2. Mom's are everything! Teachers, nurses, nurtured, psychologists at times, etc..

  24. Wow Johannah's all grown up, I can still picture her running after her older brothers being a little tomboy! She has blossomed into a beautiful young lady!

    1. Helen- Johannah has a long way to go before being "all grown up."

  25. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Johanna married a Bates boy. Isaiah, Warden and Jackson are such nice boys, and close enough in age.

  26. That would be so sweet. The families have been friends for years.

    1. But maybe not tomorrow. In a few years maybe.

  27. I hope she got something nice for her birthday.


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