
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Birthday Lunch with the Twins

On Wednesday, we posted a new photo of Gideon Forsyth, and a few readers requested a picture that shows his full stature (see below).

The Forsyths have had a busy week. Tomorrow is Joy-Anna Forsyth's 21st birthday, and twin brothers Jedidiah and Jeremiah took her out for an early lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse. Joy is only 14 months older than the twins, and the three were very close growing up. Carlin Bates is also in town, so Joy and Jana took her wedding dress shopping at David's Bridal. Carlin is six months younger than Joy and was a bridesmaid in her wedding.

Jeremiah Duggar, Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth, Jedidiah Duggar
Jeremiah Duggar, Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth, Gideon Forsyth, Jedidiah Duggar

Photo courtesy and Austin Forsyth


  1. davids bridal is closing up so if they go there up they take a dress with them

    1. They're not closing...yet. They purposely defaulted on a loan while they're restructuring. Bankruptcy may be next. In any case, I'd be leery of placing orders with them and counting on (ha ha a show title pun) getting the dress delivered as promised.

    2. I understand the company is in financial trouble. I'm not sure that it means they won't give customers the dresses they order though. It probably depends on which store you buy from.

    3. She could buy off the rack and one of her talented sisters could do the alterations.

  2. Gideon is thin and looks like Austin.

    1. He's not thin, he's long. He's going to be taller than his dad.

    2. He’s both thin and long, he’s not malnourished thin, just thin thin.

  3. Such loving brothers!! Cute photo and Gideon is so sweet! Happy 21st Joy!

  4. Still so young, just 21. Married at 19, baby at 20. But on the positive side, you can get a lot accomplished as a couple if you start young. Pay off a house, raise your kids, and by the time you're 50, you're all done with raising kids and you're free to enjoy each other as a couple again. My husband and I are 59, still have one young adult child at home, none are married...we had our freedom when we were younger, but I think we'd rather have it now, lol!!!!

    1. On the positive side? Both sides are positive. You make getting married and having a baby sounding bad. They are happy and that's what they wanted. It's their choice and that's what is positive and beautiful.

    2. No, by the time you're 50 you could still have a 5 year old or an 8 year old.

    3. I disagree. When I was in my 20s, I finished my education, worked, and travelled. When I married, I had already bought a house. The house was paid off within 5 years.

      My husband and I were able to live a comfortable life,with our chidren. I worked arround the kids'schedules, no expensive babysitters required. And we still were able to afford music lessons and extra like that for our kids.
      Our kids graduated from college,with graduate degrees, debt free. Now retired, I do not regret not getting married young. We have the money and time to travel. And having had my kids latter in life kept me young at heart and active.

    4. I think there are pros and cons to both sides, no one needs to downplay one or the other. (Not that either of the the two above comments did that, but people frequently do on this blog.)

    5. I'm an older parent and love it. My husband came with a house already paid off. I agree that having a young kid keeps me active and healthy. We all travel together

    6. If she's like her parents she'll keep on having babies until she's in her 40's so I don't think your logic applies to Duggars.

    7. My husband and I started young and are going strong! We had our first daughter in Jan of ‘07 at 17 years old, second in Feb ‘08 (18 years old), tied the knot in Aug of ‘08 (days before my 19th birthday), had our first son in Oct ‘09 (I had just turned 20), had our second son in Sep of ‘11(22 years old), then when we thought we were done... surprise! Baby boy #3 came in Mar of ‘16 (26 years old) and now we are expecting our last one in mid 2019 (29 years old). So before we turn 30 we will have all of our children (6 of them!!!) and have the energy and patience to raise them and have a good amount of time as adults without young children to raise and just enjoy each others company. Wouldn’t have it any other way!!

    8. MommaOf5- Glad you're happy with your life and continue to be as you get older. My husband and I were much older when we became parents. We were both financially stable and I was able to take an extended LOA from my job and stay at home with the kids when they were little. It may surprise you, but you don't have to be a teenager or a twenty-something to have plenty of energy to raise children. Now we are empty nesters and I'm enjoying retirement with a good pension. Wouldn't have it any other way!

    9. I'm able to be a stay at home mother and not have daycare raise my kids :)

    10. I was able to be a stay at home mom also & I wouldn't change anything.The difference being that before I married & had babies I was also able to make my own decision about my life .I chose to be a nurse.After completing that & seeing some of the world I got married .This is the issue here .Most of these girls never got an education ,just married & had babies .That is the sad thing about all this .They think they are happy because the know no difference

    11. Some women have no choice but to earn an income to support their family. I don't think stay-at-home moms deserve any shinier halos than the working moms.

    12. People just need to be content with their life path, knowing God travels with them all the way. As so many have said, there are pros and cons, and those pros and cons are in the eyes of the beholder. Your attitude toward your situation makes that situation what it is. Joy seems very happy. We all should have such a grateful attitude for gifts given and the timeline of those gifts. Thanks be to God.

    13. 12:59 -- I agree with you!! :)

    14. First, you are assuming they are going to stop by the time they are 32. I don't blame you thinking that. I got married at 19 and got pregnant at 20, and had my kid three weeks after I turned 21. My kid will be 18 three weeks after I turn 40.

  5. Ive never noticed it before but Gideon looks a lot like cousin Israel in this picture. How nice of the younger brothers to take Joy out to lunch.

  6. It seems Jed didn't get the "wear stripes" memo. lol

  7. Wow, Joy, Gideon, is sooooooo big, happy looking, and U are a great Mother, I can tell, and I love U 3!!!!!!


  8. Just shocked Carlin is not going to Renee's bridal like Tori did

    1. Carlin and Tori's sister Josie also did not go to Renee's

    2. No one said Carlin IS BUYING her dress at David's - perhaps it was just a girl's day out to get ideas.
      OR - David's is (was) having a super good sale. We don't know.

    3. Me too!! I love Renee's designs and I live about 2 hours from her shop in Mt. Sterling. I've already told my family that's where I'm gonna go dress shopping for my wedding dress.

    4. She was just shopping. Perhaps she wanted something a bit less expensive than Renee

    5. Maybe she just went for fun while she was with her friends. I doubt she'll do any serious shopping without her mom and sisters.

    6. I think she was just getting an idea of what she likes

    7. I doubt she had any intention of buying anything. It was probably "just looking" to get ideas about what she wants.

    8. I doubt there will be any serious shopping until all the family and TLC can go.

  9. Okay, all you negative Nellie's, you got a picture of Gideon full size because you were so rude about his size. He's fine.

    1. Yes. I never could figure out what was supposed to be "wrong" with Gideon. He has always looked normal sized to me.

    2. He sure dosen’t look 8 mons old considering he was 11 lbs at birth

    3. 8:12, Joy probably had gestational diabetes, that would account for Gideon’s large size at birth, and smaller than what you would expect size now.

  10. Giddieon is simply adorable!!! he’s still on the small side but Austin isn’t very large in stature so I’m sure giddeon is small due to genetics and not bc of anything else like some of the concerned fans feel like it is. Yes he was a big at birth , but that doesn’t indicate anything about his future size or development

  11. Sweet picture of the twins, Joy & Gideon. Nice of them to take her out to lunch

  12. I was thinking exactly the same thing, so lets hope all the rude commenters that said Gideon was small & looked undernourished can clearly see he Is a perfectly healthy 8 month old. I also think joy looks very pretty in this picture, her smile is lovely & she looks so grown up. Joy is only a few months older than my daughter & it's been lovely to see her & my own child grow up at the same time. Happy 21st joy 🎂

  13. Love them all!! I got married 10 days after my 19th birthday and have been married 40 years, so don't listen to the nay sayers!

  14. Sorry, still thinking Gideon was a robust newborn & now looks scrawny, scary skinny.❤

    1. That’s not “scary skinny” he’s just little, if anything he was overweight at birth.

  15. How come the grandmother is no longer in the banner picture?

    1. Why does she need to be there?

    2. She dosen’t live with them & isn’t part of the show

    3. YA I KNOW WHAT U MEAN, GRANDMOTHER WAS PART OF THE SHOW!!!! I MISS GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!!!! She has a great energy, and I love how she takes to everything the family does!!!!!!!!! I MISS U LADY DAGGAR!!!!!!!!

  16. Happy birthday Joy! And Gideon is beautiful by the way!

  17. What loving brothers Jedidiah and Jeremiah are. It is obvious that the Duggar siblings are all close and loving toward each other. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. Just think. In a year or two the twins will be courting. It would be a real trip if they marry twin sisters.

    2. Just think, in 20 years they could all be grandparents, too!

  18. Happy (now belated) Birthday, Joy! You were an adorable kiddo oh my goodness, precious, and now, such a gorgeous woman with a handsome hubby and the cutest son ever! So nice to see you are close with your brothers! Very touching and thoughtful they took you to such a yummy lunch to celebrate your special day! You deserve it awesome Momma!

  19. Congratulations, Joy Anna, on the new baby.

  20. Happy birthday Joy! The twin brothers are so handsome

  21. What happened to Joy-Anna's hair!? It looks like a highlighting session went awry! Yikes!

    1. Accident with household cleaner?

    2. You think so? It looks pretty much like it always does IMO.

  22. I don’t think it’s always been light brown on one side and black on the other.

  23. Wow, comments have been all over the map! First, happy birthday to Jed & Jer! There are a pair of twin guys in my life who have a true-blue blessing, and I'm sure they are that to all who know them. Hair accident?? Just the lighting. Wimpy Gideon? No way! You just try calling his Daddy wimpy! "They think they're happy because they know no better"? (re girls getting an education before marriage) Everybody wonders sometimes whether the grass is actually purple or pink if they had been on the other aide of the fence. I once pointed a (very) young homeschooled, sheltered Christian in the direction of his future wife. She got her high school diploma after married him. No babies yet, about 3 years have past, they moved far from family and seem in no way lacking for happiness. My husband's first date was with me when he was 34 and I was 28. 7 years and 3 babies later, we have lived and learned a huge amount and God is the sam loving Shepherd to us that he is to our early-to-wed friends. So you guys better quit dissing other people's love stories, man! (Letting my Philly roots show. . .)


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