
Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Struggle is Real

Lauren Swanson Duggar

How many adults does it take to install a car seat? 
Lauren Duggar: "It should take one. However,, with guys, it usually takes a little bit more than one person."

For those of you who have installed a car seat, how long did it take? When Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's friends visit Laredo with their three children, the four adults are faced with the task of securing three cars seats in a rental minivan. It ends up taking quite a bit of time, as you can see in the video below.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. How long did it end up taking?

  2. We have 4 kids, and believe me when I say I rejoiced the day we didn't have to mess with kiddie car seats anymore. I think it's easier to gear up astronauts for a launch than it is to deal with a car seat. I always hated, especially, having to take the car seat out, if we had to, then get it all strapped back into the car again.

    1. Wow. Putting a car seat in a vehicle is very simple, despite the antics in the video. And how hard is it to put a child in the seat and snap the center piece in place? I never found it harder than putting on my own seat belt.

    2. HA! As a grandparent that transports grandchildren often, I can relate!!!!

    3. Car seats are simple and easy to install despite the antics in the video. Putting a child in one and clicking it into place is not difficult. They keep our children safe as the seats and belts in cars are designed to fit adults not babies and small children. Sorry disliked them so much.

    4. 8:42, you have no sense of humour and no children! Car seats are a pain in the neck and, yes, helpful on highways at high speeds but don't do anything if just doing a few errands in town. However, the children must be strapped in and most parents rejoice when car seats are no longer required!

    5. 12:49, You have either no children or no knowledge of physics and traffic statistics. "Errand" speed can be just as dangerous as highway speed. Where I live, the speed limits on the streets are between 25 and 45. Airbags are set to deploy in accidents where objects are hit between 15 and 25mph. Because there are more side streets, thoroughfares, and rural roads than there are major highways, and more traffic on those combined than on highways, more accidents happen off the highway than on. Try telling the police and EMS that you didn't need that car seat or that seat belt because you were only running a few errands...

    6. Car seats are horrible. When I was babysitting my first grandchild, I had to take her for a check-up. I had to find a mom to help me get the carrier part back into the car seat base.

    7. Actually.... if you're trying to install the car seat as tightly as possible, I don't think it's all that easy. And yes, some people here really lack a sense of humor!!!

    8. I must be really blessed, my area is very proactive about car seat safety. Every fire station is staffed with crew members who will install your car seat and personally teach you to install it yourself, checking it after you. You can pull in at any time and have your seat installed or checked. They literally put out signs daily advertising this service. BONUS INFO: If you're in an accident of any type (regardless of damage), your car seat(s) must be replaced. They can develop "invisible" stress fractures that can cause your car seat to fail. Never dispose of the old car seat in the trash/dumpster, set it out at the curb, or donate it. Our officer advised us to cut ours up and bag it as trash. Likewise, you're taking a terrible risk buying any used care seat. Saving money can't compare to saving your baby/child.

  3. The manufacturers are making some seats more difficult. It's ridiculous. It does depend on the car seat but you should be able to just put it in and strap and go. It's not necessary to make it so hard for people.

    1. It is if they save you child’s life.
      Ask any paramedic how many times they’ve seen what happens with your way of thinking.
      Maybe you don’t have children. I’d spend the extra time doing things properly to save mine.

  4. I say we go back to the days of just putting the kids in with no strapping on. It was so much easier. And now they want to force a child to have a car seat until they are about 9 years old. That's going a bit overboard.

    1. Go back to no car seats.....I guess we can also go back to the days when a much higher percentage of babies and young children died in car accidents. Cars are designed for adults, the car seats make travel save for babies and young children under a certain weight. No it’s NOT going overboard to require a car seat or booster until a child reaches a height and weight that makes it safe to use a seat belt. I am actually angry that you would suggest such an ignorant idea.

    2. @1:35. Huh? Another example of someone who has no idea how dangerous it can be for a child in an accident,even a low speed one. There are valid safety concerns for keeping a child, whose weight and height are below a certain threshold, in a car seat. Saving lives and protecting children from serious injuries is worth any inconvenirnce.

    3. This is a ridiculous comment. You basically implied that it’s better to have kids be unsafe out of convenience.

    4. I hope you do not have children. Do you realize how dangerous and irrational your thinking (or lack thereof) is?

    5. Only 9? Wow! It's 12 in the UK. They have to be a certain height before they can come out of a car seat. Newest advice is to keep them rear facing until age 4...

    6. Seriously?? Car seats save tons of childrens’ lives. Seat belts are built for an average man’s size, they do not protect children correctly. You would change your mind if you had a loved one injured or killed in a car accident.

    7. I hope you’re not serious, and even if you aren’t that is not something you joke about.

    8. So what you’re saying is it’s too inconvenient to keep your kids safe. And nine year olds aren’t being forced to stay in a car seat, just a booster so if you get in a car wreck they’re safer.

    9. Ack! I hope you're kidding. Easier doesn't equal safe!

    10. If car seats keep my children safe then every second I spend putting them in and out of cars is worth it.

    11. 9 year olds have to sit in booster seats, not car seats, there is a big difference. And if you can do something to protect your children you should always do it even if it may be inconvenient for you.

    12. I thought it was a weight limit, not an age limit, and in that case, some kids 9 or older would still qualify. Kids 13 and under are supposed to be in the middle of the back seat, if possible. I remember when there were no seat belt laws or car seat laws for anyone, and bodies went flying in accidents. We can't go back to that. Personally, the way I see other people drive while talking on the phone, I'd like cars to have double shoulder harnesses like roller coasters have, and everyone be required to wear football helmets! They've got to make driving while holding a phone illegal in all states. It's too much of a distraction and it's causing too many accidents.

    13. American kids are generally fatter than children in Europe so it would make sense their body size would graduate from child seats earlier. “Standard American Diet” = SAD!

    14. If people drove more carefully, car seats would not be required so I will definitely chime in and say how annoying they are and I wish people would drive better so they weren't necessary. In much of Canada, you have to be 80 pounds or 8 years old til you are free. In my family, we joke about fattening up the little ones to get to 80 pounds and we also joke about my cousin's 5' wife and tease her that maybe she still needs a car seat. She laughs right along with us. Have a sense of humour!

    15. What are you talking about 11:22? English babies are some of the plumpest you'll ever see. The overall obesity rate in the UK is up there with Canada and Australia, in the top 6 obese countries in the world. If you want to talk "sad" food, try British cuisine.

    16. @ 11:22

      Obesity rates are on the rise in Europe as well. The UK's obesity rate is nearly the same or even higher than that of the U.S.

    17. @ 2:32

      I loved the food in England when I visited last year! The scones and tea were my favorite. Do not refer to other cultures' food as "sad," just because you don't like it.

    18. Anonymous 12:51, not all accidents are caused by careless or unsafe driving; weather, road conditions, unforeseen natural disaster. Car seats will be here forever, they aren’t going away. You tell us to have a sense of humor....the death of a child due to not using a properly fitted car seat or booster seat is not a laughing matter.

    19. These people seriously need to lighten up.

    20. I agree with the overboard comment. They are getting too strict on safety.

    21. Kids today have no idea how much fun it was to sit on the parents lap while they drove. We loved that. Things have changed so much.

    22. I loved the "antics" on the video. Installing car seats is a pain. Every seat and vehicle are different.

    23. I will agree that dealing with car seats is a pain.

    24. Loved the hilarious video. We all need a good laugh and that sure did give me one.

    25. Wow. Looks like the safety police are working overtime on here.

    26. I like the back in the day comment. I took it to be lighthearted and humorous myself. And it really was so much easier and more convenient.

    27. Yes putting car seats in can be difficult. Especially when you have to switch vehicles and they are all different. Funny video.

    28. Haha. These people have some serious anger issues. No sense of humor in their lives.

    29. The rear facing is too much also. That is an uncomfortable position for the child as they get taller. In the past you could turn them forward at around a year old and lots of people still do. Weird.

    30. A carseat didn't save a three yr old who was thrown from the car while in the seat. Of course had the sorry excuse for the mamma buckled the carseat in....

    31. If cars were made in America like they were in the 50s,many accidents prob ably wouldn't happen. Majority of people were more careful since a car was expensive and most boomers were never buckled in as kids, sooo...

  5. Hilarious video. Joseph is so confident. He will make a great dad.

  6. Oh poor Jeremy... cute video

  7. They should take lessons from Prince William who has no difficultly installing car seats for his kids and driving off in a matter of seconds. lol

    1. Love Prince William

    2. They must be made in England and not China...

    3. Prince William was just placing the carseat into the base, that's just snap and go. The difficult part is securing the base of the carseat so it as tight to the seat as possible and it doesn't move around.

  8. It usually has a picture on it how to install it... So it should be easy enough! I have 4 different ones and can install them all in 10 minutes.
    But that's the experience talking haha.

    1. This Grandma took 1/2 hr. the first time!

  9. Oh wow.. yeah it took a the husband was red-faced and sweating a bit! Our son is in a booster seat now. Easy peasy :)

    1. I thought they were just hamming it up. Installing a car seat is not difficult.

    2. 8:48, some car seats are very difficult to instal, my family has used two different kinds and one was super simple but the other one😬

    3. In my experience, carseats can be frustrating. Some are easier than others. It can depend on the design of the carseat and the manufacturers.

    4. It also depends on the space in the vehicle. I have five children in carseats. And some of the seats are hard to install and they are heavy. I've had one carseat where my husband had a hard time and I struggled but finally got it. They are definitely not all easy to install. They are worth it, but unless you've actually used multiple carseats, you can't say they are all easy. And putting five carseats in at a time is difficult. I'm not even talking about adjusting the straps, that is a totally different topic. Some carseats are way easier and some are really hard.

    5. Depends on the carseat. It would be nice if they were American made..

  10. One good way to get someone to do work you don’t want to do is to pretend you’re not good at it and they are. For example, “you’re just SO good at taking out the trash!” Seems like the Duggar men have this tactic down well and the women haven’t figured it out yet.

    1. Makes you wonder if any of the Duggar males know how to cook a meal doesn't it. lol

    2. Lighten up. They do have a sense of humor.

    3. Lots of men don't cook. Some women don't either.

  11. I'm amazed that people are here complaining about having to use car seats to keep their kids safe. The few seconds it takes to put your kid in the seat and snap the belt into place is worth it. I would never dream of driving or riding in a car without wearing a seat belt and my kids grew up using a car seat, booster seat and eventually were big enough to use the regular belts in the car. Ask any first responder about what happens when there is an accident and people aren't wearing seat belts. Then buckle up yourself and your kids.

    1. Car seats can be made more standard and less complicated. Some of them are very easy to install but others are not. I think everyone takes the safety of children very seriously. There should just be an easier way to do so.

    2. I don't even like wearing a seatbelt as an adult. Too confining.

    3. Car seats are safe but still frustrating.

    4. Funny video. The struggles when you have children!!

    5. Funny video. The struggles when you have children!!

    6. They re not complaining about using them, just having to install them. Big difference!

  12. Yes car seats are annoying. Most people just won't be honest and say it out loud.

  13. I hate installing car seats

  14. Funny video! Keep it up Duggars! I love you guys.

  15. I had triplets and my husband and i were so glad when they didnt have to be in car seats anymore. It was rough.

  16. While i agree with havjng car seats i do remember the easy days when we were on long road trips. You could just sit the kids in your lap and pacify them while the husband drove.

  17. This funny little video has somehow turned into this "serious" safety debate. Some of these comments are truly funny.

  18. I sympathize with Jeremy's friend. It can be difficult when you have 3 to install. Good luck Jeremy! You will survive.

  19. Sometimes it can take more than one person to put a seat in. Nobody is perfect.

  20. My first child's car seat was simple but the last two were pretty complicated.

  21. For those having difficulty with car seats... they do actually come with instructions. I think if you can't figure out how to work the seat, you probably shouldn't be operating the vehicle LOL!

    1. Anyone who has kids has had difficulties at least once with a car seat, despite their superiority

    2. I am not saying I'm superior, but it truly doesn't require a genious IQ to read simple instructions and install one.


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