
Monday, September 24, 2018

Fall Visit from the Vuolos

To kick off the fall season, Jinger and Jeremy enjoyed a visit from Jeremy's family. As he often does when he is in town, Jeremy's dad, also a pastor, preached a message to Jeremy's congregation at Grace Community Church.

The weather in Laredo has finally gotten cooler, with temperatures in the high 80s and low 90s. You can imagine how welcome of a change that is for the Vuolos. And in other news, Felicity Vuolo, whom Jinger and Jeremy call Lissy, recently turned two months old.

Chuck and Diana Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo
Valerie Vuolo (Jeremy's sister), Charles Vuolo (Jeremy's brother), 
Chuck and Diana Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo, Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo

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  1. That family picture is great! Lissy is such a doll. :)

  2. Ok, what ever happened to the Duggar family that use to be active in their community, and volunteered in different causes, that lived a humble frugal life. How did it become about broken air conditioners, about elaborate gender reveal parties, families flying here and there for vacations and visits. What happened to these kids that were all raised to love others and serve others. My goodness I don't even recognize them anymore. It's all about them now.

    1. Or MAYBE, they don’t brag about their volunteer work

    2. AMDN 9:48. If we can see this disappointing change, why can't others?

    3. Anon 9:48. Money changes people, that is what happened to them. I miss the Duggars too and I have a feeling they are gone forever.

    4. They are living their own lives! Leave your judgement out of it.

    5. I agree with the original poster. The Duggars have way too much money to live the way they did when we all fell in love with them. I am so tired of the extravagant parties, marriage and baby preparations and awkward games. I think the show has run it course.

    6. These “kids” are forging their own way in the world, they are not Jim Bob and Michelle and are going to develop their own lives. Air conditioning is life saving in places like Texas. It’s their business how elaborate their parties are. Being frugal was a necessity for JB and Michelle and may not be for these young people. I believe these are very caring and generous people who don’t speak about every good deed they do..

    7. Thank you! Seriously! People need to mind their own business instead of being jealous of this family assuming they know every aspect of their lives. They belong to God! Mind your own business!

    8. Uh, what about Jeremy and Jinger volunteering at the charity run by Jeremy's own mother? Does that not count?

      Let me guess...some people think all that was just a publicity ploy to get good PR for the "Duggar brand". But if they don't make their charitable efforts public, then they get accused of not doing anything to help others.

      Obviously some people here have already condemned the Duggars as selfish and superficial, and will never change their minds about it. I wonder why such people continue to visit a Duggar fan blog, though.

    9. Why did it take so long for J&J to attend that charity? Did Jeremy do it before he had a famous wife??

  3. Jana needs to sew some lace on the bottom of that dress...

    1. Why? Jinger looks amazing in it!

    2. LOL Jeremy likes them dresses short

    3. Great modern dress, Jinger. Looks great. Lissy is a "doll" and if I were related to them, you can be sure I would be flying out to see my grandbaby.

    4. Jana does not need to sew anything. Jinger is an adult woman. She does not need her sister or anyone else to decide what she wears.

    5. Jana isn’t in the picture. Jinger looks great!

    6. She looks great but let’s face it... wearing a dress above the knee was considered immodest not so long ago, so I totally get why people are commenting.

    7. 10:46, one hundred years ago is a long time

    8. Anon 11:27. One hundred years ago?, Where do you live, because where I come from we still dress modest. Two questions, What is Jinger telling her younger siblings about wearing pants and short dresses and why that is now unimportant? They have got to be wondering what is going on. Question 2 is she still making money off the book that says she believes that the way she dressed is modest and HER conviction?

    9. 2:58, it is not immodest for a woman to wear pants!!! Or a skirt above your knees. And your convictions typically change from the time between adolescence and adulthood, obviously Jinger’s have changed. She lived under the roof of her parents where it was drilled into them from a young age that skirts were immodest, Jinger has moved out and is living her own life away from her parents STILL as a Christian. Her siblings will have to make their own choices as adults.

    10. Jinger's dress isn't much higher than Jeremy's MOM's dress. People need to CHILL.

    11. 2:58 -- Maybe they have different standards for an unmarried girl vs. a married woman?

    12. Considering the way Michelle dresses, the parents obviously don't have different standards for married vs unmarried women.

      But Jinger is no longer under her parents' roof or authority, she is under no obligation to follow all their standards. JB and Michelle themselves have very different beliefs from their own parents.

  4. Very nice looking family!

    1. Jeremy's family comes from my old hometown Philly. His family looks like people In use to being around, down to earth people.

  5. Cute photo! Jinger looks radiant.

    1. LOL Jeremy's sister looks more like a Duggar then Jinger does. His family seem like such good people.

  6. Nice family pic! That’s a really pretty dress Jinger is wearing!

    1. Dress is a little short.

    2. How is it short it hits right above her knees

    3. It is not right above her knees 8:35. Look again. Mom Vuolos is right above her knee but jingers is a good 3-4 inches above her knee.

    4. I don't know why people come to this site.....unless it's to criticize. If you can't enjoy this family for who they are, please hold your critiques.

    5. Even judging the length of her dress! No ones business but hers!
      Why is it that people think their opinions matter? They don't unless they involve yourself. Period.

    6. 11:30, more like two inches, but either way it’s not at all immodest

    7. 8:04- Good to know you're THE authority on the appropriate length of hemlines. You should write a book, or start a blog of your own!

    8. Jinger’s dress is cute and modern and not too short. I am so glad to see Jinger and the other Duggar ladies looking like modern women, I have seen enough long denim skirts to last a lifetime. When people set themselves apart they limit the audience for their message, by looking more modern they may bring more followers to Christ. 👗 👗 👗

    9. I cannot believe the length of Jinger’s dress generated this much conversation.

  7. Beautiful family! Jinger is so stylish!

    1. Yep Jinger is going Hollywood on us. Now she dressed like the Housewives on Bravo. No more long skirts for her.

    2. Hollywood? Have you ever looked at a Hollywood actress’ outfit. Jinger’s style is nothing like that at ALL.

    3. That’s why the poster said “going”. She is not too far from dressing that way.

  8. Aww!!! Lissy is my nickname, too!! <3 So sweet!

    1. I personally do not care for the nick name. But hey, not my kid and if they like that’s all that matters.

    2. Why bother giving your child a perfectly good name if all you're going to do is change it to a nickname? "Izzy," "Spurgey," etc. If a name is too long to say all the time, then you should have chosen a shorter one.

    3. 11:10, I’ve found that the nickname suits the child and the full name the professional adult.

  9. Nice picture! Jinger looks so pretty! Love her short dress and wedge shoes. She dressed so cute since she is married. Guess her dress above the knee and wedge high heels would not be approved by her parents. So glad now she can dress as she wants.

    1. She wore heals before she ever got married, and her dress isn’t even short, it hits right above her knees. But yes, I feel like she’s been able to dress more to her liking since she got married.

    2. She tossed aside Mamma and Dads rules and dresses to be noticed now.

    3. She wore wedges heels before she got married.

    4. What’s wrong with her shoes? I realize they aren’t brown sandals but there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. As far as her dress is concerned, it’s not too short. She looks like a stylish young woman. Quit judging.

    5. Calm down anon 8:45. Geez nobody is judging. We are all pleased Jinger is getting to express herself through her clothes to now. She looks amazing. If you watched 19kac you would know she dresses different since marriage which is fine.

    6. I think Jinger looks so pretty and love her dress and shoes. Was not judging. Just Duggar girls don't dress stylish till they get married.

  10. Are the Duggars filming year round now? Just wondering cause of the way you worded the heading.

  11. I have never been fond of nicknames, but Lissy is adorable.
    Lovely picture of the family. Enjoy cooler temps and autumn - mother nature's most beautiful season in my opinion.

  12. What a nice picture, the Vuolo's are such a sweet family. Baby Felicity is so cute, Jinger looks great for just having a baby.

  13. Very good-looking family!

  14. Nice picture of a classy family

  15. Jinger & &Jeremy Felicity is absolutely beautiful. You have been very blessed.

  16. Wow, Valerie Vuolo sure outdid Jinger in the modesty department this time.

    1. There is nothing immodest about Jingers dress, what is wrong with all of you.

    2. Bear in mind that both Michelle's and Jill's knees had to be blurred out on the show before, for modesty's sake......

    3. Valerie always looks so modest and pretty. I bet she and her husband are really nice people.

    4. I agree! Valerie looks more like a Duggar than Duggar herself. I think Valerie looks refreshing in this pic.

    5. You can see Jinger's knees! Big whoop.

    6. I agree 8:36- I would love to hear the critics tell us what they wear! Good grief!

    7. Well she has to sit down sometime. Then her dress will be even shorter.

    8. Valerie always looks modest? Not from the other pictures I've seen.

    9. I'll tell you what I wear, 2:58 - clothes that have always been in keeping with my modesty standards, which have been the same my entire adult life. I didn't go on TV with my mother to proudly proclaim that my whole family was super-modest, then turn around and appear in public later wearing short skirts, tight pants, and shorts, with no explanation. It's not so much the attire, it's the complete abandonment of previous strict standards that's so puzzling.

    10. It was between 80 and 90 degrees that day, Valerie’s dress looks sweltering

    11. Anon @ 8:33 Jingers mother in law is double her age so it is hardly surprising she wears hear clothes a little longer. I am 50 and wouldn't wear a dress the same length as Jingers but if I were her age and had her fantasic figure I would certainly wear it, it is in no way immodest, kness are not immodest!

    12. 9/25/18 @ 9:49. Valerie Vuolo is not married. The picture in this post shows Valerie and her brother along with their parents and Jeremy, Jinger & Felicity. No husband pictured with Valerie.

  17. Lovely family.... Jeremy and Jinger are my favorite couple and should have their own show. Baby Felicity is just precious and very loved! God is so good all the time!

  18. This is a beautiful family photo. Keep doing your own thing no matter what others say, God bless all of you!!


  20. Jinger and Jeremy remind me of the duke and duchess of Cambridge

    1. I can't imagine what you mean by that statement, OP. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge openly stand for LGBT rights and anti-bullying of gay people. They went to the US Embassy in London after the Orlando incident and signed a condolence book. They do enormous amounts of charitable work for mental health, young people, addiction, those serving in the armed forces, and the environment. I really don't see how you could be reminded of Jinger and Jeremy when you think of William and Kate.

    2. @6:29 Please don't elevate them to the level of royalty. They most certainly are not that!

  21. I didn’t know Jeremy had a sister.

    1. I thought that was Charlie’s girlfriend!? Didn’t know, a sister.
      I like that Felicity’s name contains the word ‘city’ in it because they got engaged in the city of all cities. And jinge has always seemed like a City Girl!! Really matches.
      Faithful follower from OK

    2. His sister Valerie was a bridesmaid in their wedding. His brother was the best man.


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