Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dueling Duggars and Vuolos

Duggar Vuolo gender reveal party

Jeremy Vuolo: "If you are undesiring to crawl through [the child-sized tunnel]..."
Jim Bob Duggar: "Or you don't fit!"
Jeremy Vuolo: "...Or you don't fit, then you can have a pinch crawler for you."

Last night on Counting On, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo set up quite the obstacle course for their visiting family members. At the end, everyone says it was worth it because they were able to find out the gender of Baby Vuolo, but some of the activities are a bit embarrassing, as Jeremy puts it (video below).

Missed the episode? Click here to read our recap of the first hour (the Vuolos' gender reveal party and baby shower) and here to read our recap of the second hour (Josiah and Lauren's bachelor/bachelorette party and Garrett Duggar's arrival).

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I'm cringing just watching this. Eating ice cream then spinning? Shouldn't this be a FUN event for everyone? I'm not sure exactly who would enjoy this :/

  2. Were only people wearing pants allowed to be crawlers?

  3. How could they do that stuff in skirts?

  4. I highly doubt that ANY of the Duggar children were ever allowed to hula hoop.
    Why does a 'tutor' go on these personal family trips? I see Laura was there again. What's going on with her living with them. I don't think she's their tutor after all....If they are including her in the filming, they should clarify WHY she is there.

    1. She has said that she's neither their tutor or there as a girlfriend for anyone. All I can think of is that they gave her a place to stay when she had none? Yes, they should clarify.

    2. It's pretty obvious she's there in the capacity of a family friend.

    3. 10:25, she’s Jana’s friend, she probably moved in because Jana is now the only adult girl in the house, that would get lonely, especially when you’re used to having tons of sisters around you.

    4. Wow! Do you never take your friends with you anywhere? I am sure she is friends with Jinger too and wanted to be there for the shower. Why should she have to answer to anyone for who her friends are and who she visits?

    5. To 1:15... what is so wrong with hula hooping that they wouldn't be allowed to?

    6. If dancing is sinful, then hula hooping would be.

  5. Was this the last show of the year like Bringing Up Bates?
    Hope not!

    1. Judging from TLC’s commercials for new shows, it kind of sounded like a new show would be taking over the 9:00 time slot ( eastern time). I hope I’m wrong though... I would watch this and the Bates shows all year if they were were on.
      Thank you Lily and Ellie for these blogs.

  6. They waste so much time and money putting on these parties. All that travel to get the family there, put them in hotels, and feed them. That sign must have cost a pretty penny to buy or to rent, too. Who needs to light up a neon sign to tell their family what an ultrasound saw? These gender reveals are getting completely out of control. I'm not amused. I hope those toys went to children who could use them. Imagine what that travel, hotel, and party money could have meant to a family in need, too.

    1. How about instead of complaining on how another family spends their money, you do something to contribute to families in need in a positive way?

    2. Yes of course its optional, but I like the options they chose and the way they share, share, even to the world! When it comes to that they are not going to just sit around like a bunch of Quakers and whisper girl after an hour of quiet. If that is what you choose find a chair and save on cable too!

    3. Yes the families have had a wonderful gathering, and treated children like they matter that much, such a shame.

    4. Maybe you should donate all your money and your home. Then live in a one-room hut in the woods and cut your own wood for your stove and grow your own food. And make your own clothes with your own fabric. That's how silly your comment is. Why shouldn't a family do whatever they want? No one who works hard should be forced to donate their things. If you want something, go out and work for it.

    5. anon@11:41- This is all staged for the cameras. TLC likely foots the bill for the props and such. I wouldn't take a "reality" show too seriously.

    6. I was amused!! Why watch something you don't like??

    7. Again, the suggestion for people to stop watching! Have to chuckle at that, which defeats the purpose. There won't be a show if enough people stop watching.

      It's evident that these parties are staged by TLC, and it's still sad to think that someone else has to throw the party for you, for TV purposes. It certainly is wasteful to go through all that so there's something "interesting" to film.

      So I don't understand 1:21's last comment about going out and working for something. That's not the same as TLC providing everything.

    8. And yet you watch the show! Why don’t you sell your tv and donate the money you use for your cable bill to someone who needs it more than you?

    9. 4:12PM: Sure, this is reality TV with a real family. But it would make for pretty boring TV if you just showed the daily life of any family, sitting and eating their PB&J sandwiches, washing dishes, cutting the grass, grocery shopping, dusting, sweeping floors. They do it perfectly, with a family party, so we can see the lighter side of their life, lots of family members, how to have fun without alcohol, and how they really just love being together. I think they did that episode really well!

  7. Seemed a waste of time. Everyone was chattering while he was explaining and few seemed to be paying attention. Such a long process for something that could be done in 5 seconds... just announce the gender and be done with it and either celebrate or relax. This all seemed tedious, unnecessary, chaotic, and boring IMHO

    1. I think it’s totally cool! Fun! 😊

    2. Boring would have been your suggestion

    3. I fail to see how having fun with a family announcement is something to criticize. If you choose to be plain and simple, that's your choice. They choose to celebrate these occasions together, creating memories.

    4. 10:57- They choose to "make memories", courtesy of TLC. This stuff is done for filming purposes. Otherwise, there would be little to no content for the show.

    5. Memories can be created without wasting money and without a bunch of carnival like shenanigans. Give the saved money to an orphanage, if you really want to celebrate children. A party for every little thing gets really old really fast, and then nothing is special anymore, it's just yet ANOTHER party.

    6. 10:37, sell your tv and donate the money to an orphanage. They could sure use the money more than you, especially since you just seem to complain about the things you watch.

    7. 10:37 You decide for your family what you want to celebrate or not. Christians see every life as special and a blessing from God. How someone chooses to celebrate that blessing is their choice. It looked like a lot of fun, and I bet all of the kids really enjoyed it.

    8. 10:53- Christians aren't the only people who treaure their children. It really rubs me the wrong way when the devoutly religious imply that their beliefs are far superior to all others. They're not.

    9. I guess the whole thing I don't get about any of this from the manicures to the weddings to the big gender reveals is that for years part of the Duggars whole persona was how simply they lived. Then came Jessa's wedding and from there it snowballed into a seemingly endless round of parties, manicures, getaways for the girls, over the top weddings, and Pinterest gender reveal parties. What happened to their values of living simply, not drawing attention to yourself, hard work (we don't really see anyone work on this show other than as actors with scripted scenes and responses), etc.? What happened to that philosophy: "We're just going to live our daily life and let a camera crew follow us"? You really can't blame the disillusioned fans for being upset and questioning or complaining about the direction this whole thing has taken. Many of them feel taken, lied to, deceived and have pretty much expressed that. Can you blame them?

  8. The nay sayers always like to vent their negativity! I thought this was a positive feedback blog. Excuse me this was called a gender reveal PARTY!!!! It is a PARTY!!!! Get the concept a PARTY!
    The children were probably absolutely so delighted that they were waiting to get at those toys that rules and turns was ho hum! In the USA I thought there is freedom of assembly and freedom of association and a thing called LOVE....no one dictates. The gender mystery is one of the wonders of the world if they use it as a party theme and the object and prize of a contest it heightens and emphasizes the unknown that is about to be known and everyone is in the loop after they have a loopy time playing together. Have a heart and some imagination, its not illegal.

    1. .....Just as the yea-sayers have to have their say, too. Both opinions are welcome here. Not everything you see on TV is going to be perfect.

  9. It must be hard having such a big crowd of people at every event and trying to come up with an idea of how to keep everyone entertained. I know if I had attended this get-together, I would have just wished for an announcement and a nice BBQ. Let the kids do the obstacle course.

    1. I agree. Just make the announcement about the sex of the baby and be done with it. No need for all the preliminary waste of time and useless semi organized noise and craziness.

    2. If the Duggars want to do something novel that hasn't been done yet, how about phoning the family, long-distance, and telling them the news, off-camera?

    3. I think the problem with the gender reveals (and maybe even the wedding proposals/weddings) is that with 19 kids, it tends to feel like each one is trying to "top" the others. The bar keeps getting raised a little bit higher and it gets harder and harder for each successive sibling to "achieve" a "successful/memorable" Instagram-worthy event. Just because it's your family culture to be on TV and "smile for the camera" doesn't mean you're actually enjoying all the activities. How free do the kids actually feel to decline the "invitation" to participate in any and all activities? They really can't because there's a parental expectation that they'll participate, as well as an ever present audience (camera crew and otherwise).

  10. I love you comment and completely agree! I don’t understand people complaining about someone having a party. People throw parties all the time for unimportant events like football games. Why not have one to announce what they were having? They were still going to have to feed everyone when they came to see them. With so many little kids in the family, they will certainly use the toys.

  11. I think there's some people who are not happy, unless their complaining about something. I wonder if they say, "If you want to complain come sit with me." I enjoy watching their parties. I enjoy seeing lots of family members all together...Jane

  12. These gender reveal events are something quite new, not TRADITIONAL. Jinger seems to think they are an 'old thing'. She stated that her family has used up many of the 'traditional' gender reveal methods. They are not traditional; they are new and trendy among the millennials.

    1. I know many GenXers who had gender reveal parties too.

    2. I now present to you:

      A Baby Boomer's Gender Reveal Party

      Setting - The delivery room of a hospital.

      Guests - The mother, the doctor, the nurses, and an unclothed baby who just popped out. Maybe the father, if he hasn't fainted or left to get sick to his stomach first.

      Decorations - Some sterile sheets and some bright lights. A cart of medical instruments fresh from the autoclave.

      Games - Cutting the cord, taking the weight, and whisking the baby away to the nursery.

      Refreshments - Ice chips, if you were lucky. An IV if you were not.

  13. Too funny! Sounds just like when I had my babies!


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