
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Artistic Photo of Jana

We thought you would enjoy seeing this artistic photo of Jana posing in front of a colorful mural painted on a brick wall. Next Monday on Counting On, you'll watch the family celebrate Jana and John-David Duggar's 28th birthdays in style...they're going skiing!

Jana Duggar
Jana Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. Really neat background

  2. I must not be artistic because I don’t get what is “artistic” about it. It’s a regular picture of Jana in front of a wall.

    1. Totally agree. Words mean things, but not to some people, I guess. Surreal!

    2. In today’s world that’s typically what people will call an artistic photograph. Also I find your comment funny 9:07, because you used the word “surreal” incorrectly.

    3. Did you miss the huge piece of art (the mural) behind her?

    4. If Jana had painted the mural you would say that was artistic, but shes just standing infront of it. Maybe its a play on words, not sure?

    5. The way Jana is posed next to the mural and if you looked very closely, it represents Jana walking down a road. It's okay to not be artistic. Not everyone can see what the photograph trying to convey in the photo. They did a great job if you ask me.

    6. Sorry. Still not seeing Jana “walking” down a road. I don’t walk front ways with my feet sideways. Yes, 12:05 I did see the mural which is on the wall. Obviously I didn’t major in art or graphic design.

    7. Nothing against Jana at all cause she is a lovely young woman, but her pose reminds me of how I do when the arthritis in my hip acts up and it ain't artistic at all!

    8. Some people just don't have an artistic eye. This is coming from someone who enjoys photography and this is a great artistic photo.

    9. Anon @ 11:08 I think anon @ 9:07 used the word 'surreal' incorrectly on purpose as a joke as the Duggars used this word a lot, and often incorrectly!

    10. Jana is photographed in front of a mural. That’s all that needs to be noted.

    11. Yeah, the pose is odd. I don’t get the walking down the road thing.

    12. At least this discussion has moved us off of the whole thrift store controversy. A breath of fresh air . . .

    13. Anything can be art. If I think a piece of dog poop is art then it's art.

  3. Interesting mural. Where is it at?

  4. She is standing in front of a mural. Is this artistic?

    1. If you look up the definition of artistic photography you will see why this is artistic.

    2. The mural is artistic, Jana standing in front of it is not. I took your suggestion and looked up the definition....there is no one definition of artistic photography. The one that fit this photo described a natural scene with no staging. A photo of only the mural would have been artistic, it lost that meaning when a person staged themself in front of it. Please don’t treat others like they lack intelligence, my original post was stated as a question. I wanted to hear why someone feels this is artistic. There was no other implication, however your response was insulting..Anonymous.

    3. At least it's not graffiti lol. Maybe they should have worded it different :)

    4. "At least it's not graffiti." I take it you never saw the famous graffiti area near NYC called Five Pointz. It has an interesting history, and even spawned a lawsuit when it was torn down. The court decided that graffiti is protected art and if destroyed, the artist gets compensation. $6.7M was awarded to multiple artists whose work was destroyed.

  5. Jana seems like such a nice person. I get very tired of reading the public's comments that her parents are "holding her hostage at home to babysit." I think that's nothing but wishful thinking on the Duggar detractors' parts. Jana has a very good head on her shoulders. I think she likes to stay with her family and help them out. This thing of being "held hostage," though, is just plain stupid. Give the woman a little credit for knowing how to run her life - she's 28 years old.

    1. It's interesting how very few people say similar things about John David, even though he's also a bachelor still living at home; he has bought his own property but doesn't live there, he rents it out. Obviously he'll move out once he marries, but as far as I know he's still sleeping in the "boys room" with a bunch of younger brothers. He's also in a situation most "worldly" 28 year old men wouldn't sign up for.

      While I can think of families (such as the Bates) where the unmarried boys seem to have much more freedom than the girls (Lawson apparently spends half his time living on his own in Nashville), I get the sense that the Duggars expect ALL their children to wait until marriage to live on their own; and even after marriage most of them are still living in homes provided by Jim Bob and working for him in some capacity. I don't agree with their take on "leave and cleave" but I don't think Jana is being treated unfairly compared to her siblings, either.

  6. Life-size true to scale three dimensional mural painted on brick, not easy to do; yes, consider it artistic! ❤

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this family and hate it so much that we don't get to see the whole family together like before. I miss seeing Josh's family as it grows. I know Josh did a very bad thing and TLC had to make choices based on what happened but I still feel this is a reality show and things like this happen for real in a lot of our families. If not this then something else. I would have liked to see how it all played out and how they got back together and worked it all out. I love Jana and know that her prince charming will come when the time is right for her. Every one of these children have found spouses that fit right in with their unique family. I always wished I could be a fly on the wall in their home for just one family gathering.

    1. What Josh and Anna went through (and are still going through) is a very personal thing. No one has a right to “how it all played out”, especially Anna’s side of it.

    2. I really like this family also, but I do not want to hear all about the married couples troubles and how they worked things out. It's good when you can work things out, I say HALLELUJAH, but it should be in private. Agree the children have found a spouse that fits them like a piece of puzzle...Jane

    3. We don’t have a right to Josh and Anna personal story, can’t help but think it could help other Christian couples facing similar situations.

    4. Great post, 12:36, and I agree with you.

    5. I really don't get the feeling Josh or Anna even want to air out all their dirty laundry in public. TLC fired Josh, but if he and Anna wanted to sit down for a tell-all televised interview, I'm sure there'd be many other networks willing to show it. Or would have back then. Likely not that as much now, as the scandal is over 3 years ago and has become old news.

  8. When God was creating Jana He definitely took a few extra minutes on her! Any man would be truly blessed to win her heart.

    1. She has spent so much time living at home, will any man measure up?

    2. She may not want to ever get married and that is FINE. I am 40 and my best friend who is the same age never got married. She lives at him with her parents and could not be happier. We have been beat friends since 8th grade. I got married at 18 but she had other plans and that is ok. God made us all different.

    3. It’s fine to be 40 and not married, it’s a whole different story to be dependent on your parents at this stage of life. Parents die, we all do. If you have never lived on your own and learned to manage life on your own how will that work out.

  9. This is a beautiful piece of art

  10. Definitely artistic. Some of the people commenting aren't really sure of the definition.

    1. Here you go again with “definition”, you are the one who needs to look it up 👀

    2. Artistic it is. True definition.

  11. Yes this is artistic. And Jana is so beautiful.

  12. Beautiful girl in front of a beautiful piece of art

    1. Yes, the art is the mural and Jana is beautiful!

  13. Some people just don't appreciate good art

  14. She is having fun !! If you don't like, don't look....I enjoy what they want to share with us. I really took a double take looking at this photo....she really looks like Jessa !!! Keep having fun !

  15. I see a little Jessa in Jana. She is beautiful:)

  16. The Duggar ladies are so pretty. You definitely can tell they're all related.

  17. It’s so nice to see pictures of Jana. Isn’t she beautiful?!? I love keeping up with the couples, but really enjoy seeing what all the Duggars are doing.

  18. Such an inane argument - is it art or is it not art? To me it’s just as artistic, and more pleasing, than a painting of a can of soup. I guess art is subjective. And does it matter? Not really. It’s a lovely photo of a lovely woman posing by a lovely mural.

  19. Beautiful art and a beautiful girl

  20. It’s really funny the things people get hung up on. Why so serious and stuck up? Relax! Does it really matter if the photo is artistic to you or not? I sure don’t care. It was just nice to see Jana so happy.


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