
Thursday, September 20, 2018

AC is a Non-Negotiable in Laredo

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo

"I'm 21 weeks along, and having this little one inside of me, I think it's like an in-built heater. And not having AC, that would be a challenge. My mom was always hot all the time when she was pregnant with us. She would always be cranking the AC super low."
-Jinger Vuolo

Just as they are leaving for a midwife appointment in San Antonio, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo notice that their air conditioning unit is leaking (video below). But thanks to a good friend, they might not have to suffer through the Laredo heat after all.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. why do they call a baby a little one?

    1. I would assume because there is one baby and they are, in fact, little. 😂

    2. Why shouldn’t they?

    3. Because it's not a big one

    4. Should they call it Lizard? Your point is what? It's a baby or little one. I call my grandson little man.

    5. Well I would say more than likely it’s another way to express that it’s a little child. We use different words to mean the same things all the time. For example, y’all vs you all, or over there vs over yonder, or children vs tots, or buggy vs cart.

    6. What country are you from? "Little one" is English for baby or small child.

    7. What do you want? For them to refer to their baby as a fetus? Incidentally, Fetus translated into English is “little one”.

    8. To the one that commented about them calling their baby "little one". Who cares?! This is still America isn't it???

    9. It’s a southern thang! Get over it!

      Ps I love the first comment on this! 😂

  2. I wonder what women did without a/c for thousands of years? They still managed to have babies. In many parts of the world, a/c is non-existent, yet the population numbers remain high.

    1. They get hot. Trying to stay cool becomes a part of life. In the Deep South, Texas, and Arizona, people used to build houses for maximum airflow (no longer needed) and they would often sleep outside (sleeper porches) during the summer months. Populations in theses areas exploded after AC became common. As for the other hot parts of the world...
      There is currently a push right now to make AC more accessible to people living in the hotter places on earth (Africa, India) because it greatly adds to quality of life. Yes, there is a certain level of adaptation but extreme heat is still life threatening as it extreme cold. The elements have killed people for years so I’m not sure what your point was? That they shouldn’t have AC because not everyone has it? Have you given up all your creature comforts?

    2. I think because we grew up with ac our bodies get used to it, but for people who didn’t grow up around it, their body accommodated to that particular surrounding. Also, people who like around really warm weathers have certain clothing made out of fresher material I.e linen suits used in the Caribbean

    3. A lot of women probably had heat strokes

    4. Yeah so is Unpasteurized milk. Why suffer

    5. No one is discrediting the many women who have had children without a/c or that still do today.

    6. I bet they didn’t/don’t wear a ton of restrictive clothing, and likely they labor without any on at all.

    7. Bodies adjust. If you are brought up without AC, it’s not as big a deal than if you were brought up with it and then lost it.

    8. So I moved to Germany from the us, but ac is rare in homes even though it can get quite hot in summer. Their solution is airing out the house and just accepting they suffer when it's still 90 inside. Ac is too expensive for most.

    9. People have had to find ways of adjusting to climate throughout history- "siestas" during the hottest part of the day, architecture that promoted better air-flow, kitchens that were housed in separate buildings, etc. I grew up in the midwest without ac and we had some memorable scorching summers. Cars were not air conditioned either. Open windows and fans were our friends! (We even had to hand crank the car windows down... imagine that!)

    10. Put lots of ice in a shallow tray or bowl in front of the fan and have the fan blow on it. Works in a pinch like an ac for relief. It really works and feels so good when you can’t have ac.

    11. They probably lived in mild climates- not Laredo or Phoenix!

    12. "It's a dry heat."

    13. I grew up without a.c. it was a luxury back in my day. We had fans

  3. Another "good friend" who repairs things? Why not just call an a/c company and have a professional fix it like normal people?

    1. They rather give their money to a friend who can fix. Who probably needs the money and will do it cheaper than a company.

    2. I’m normal. Therefore I don’t always have the money to pay professionals. Yet, I have good friends with skills.

    3. If I have friends who do a certain job I hire them. The Duggars know lots of people, so it would make sense that they know people who do handyman jobs

    4. Many "normal" people don't have the money to call in a professional for every single home repair. Or they live in an area where such professionals are very scarce, and very busy, and won't come right away. Some actually LIKE to fix things themselves, or they happen to have friends who do.

      Same for cars. Do you also think it's "normal" to bring a car to a professional for an oil change? I actually do that myself as I am very busy, but many prefer to do it themselves and I don't judge them as "abnormal".

    5. Hey, if you had a friend who could fix something, and was willing to, wouldn't you rather do that than pay unnecessarily?? They're very normal people!

    6. If you have a friend that you can pay rather than a stranger why not. I'm sure they were certified A/C repairman. It's hot in Laredo and South Texas so it's a viable career choice

    7. They trust the friend. If they were to call a professional how do they know if they can trust who the company sends out? The friend is trustworthy, knows about hvac, so they thought to call him and invite him in. I’d choose trusted friend over complete stranger any day. Wouldn’t you?

    8. 2:00- I was brought up never to take advantage of people. My husband and I would never ask or expect a friend to fix something without paying them the going rate. You can also run into problems if the friend is not licensed and bonded. I assume that the Vuolo friend was a professional AC technicican and they paid him for his time.

    9. Commercial companies would have to schedule something further out. How nice that they have such a responsive community of friends that could come right away!

    10. If you're on your A/C company's paid maintenance plan, they prioritize your call and you do get same-day service. Every house system company I have has a plan like that.

    11. I'm sure they paid their friend, and I have used friends also. They are professionals

  4. What a good friend! It is such a blessing to have the church family with all different trades whom we can help each other! Love when Jeremy and Jinger look so classy but yet modest! AC is VERY important here in South Carolina too!

  5. Why do the girls keep referring to their babies as a "little one"? Just call it a baby!

    1. A baby is a little one 😀!

    2. Why can’t she call her unborn baby whatever she wants?

    3. It must be a southern expression! It's cute though

    4. Little one is a term of endearment. Why does it matter?

    5. Idk, seems pretty weird to me too...

    6. What's the big deal? Babies are little!

    7. I call my baby little one all the time. Guess I should stop too since it weirds you out, lol.

  6. Good that they found that before they left! Uggg.. Last they need is mold issues

    1. Jinger should put on a loose, sleeveless, cotton dress. Those long, tight sleeves are making me hot

    2. Pregnant ladies shouldn’t always assume what their mother and sisters went through during labour and delivery will automatically apply to them. Everyone is different. 2 1/2 hours is a long drive while having contractions. I remember Anna being driven to Fort Smith and she cried and prayed the whole trip and that was only one hour.

    3. Anna isn't a biological Duggar and it was her third child. Labor with first children usually take longer than subsequent ones.

  7. We just had our A/C out for a whole week in southern Georgia! It was in the high 90's all week- and inside our house! I'm 18 weeks pregnant and have 6 little kids so it was definitely a rough time! But a good lesson in building character! Jinger's decision to drive hours to a birthing center makes me so nervous! You never know how fast a baby might come, regardless of family history. That's a long time to be in labor on the road!

  8. I agree that Jeremy & Jinger have catapulted to the top of the ‘classiest couples’ list. The last will become first, although I get a good giggle at the latest rumors of Jana and ‘her friend’ and they may be 1st but I’m’s untrue, the rumor. Keep it classy ladies.

    1. George I really don't understand how people like yourself say that Jinger and Jeremy are at the top of the classiest list as if the other Diggers who live by the standards that they were raised with and most of them chose not to throw away their standards once they got married. There was always something very endearing and precious about a family who loved God, lived frugal, dressed not like the world, that made people want to watch their older show. I think people who hold onto their standards show class and prove that what they have been saying all along is really their true convictions. It isn't hard to just change, but it takes courage and true faithfulness to honor your beliefs that you have always held to because they are true convictions.

    2. Outward appearances count for very little. Remember, these people have the same beliefs as the rest of the family, Josh & Derick included.

    3. 10:54 - Jinger lives the same standard of life as her siblings, the only difference is that she wears pants. Jill also wears pants now as well as tank tops. Even when wearing pants, Jinger upholds the modesty standards she grew up with and followed them while pregnant. A love of the Lord is the most important thing the Duggars have tried to convey and Jinger and Jeremy are a couple who walk the walk. That hasn't changed from how she grew up. The Vuolos live as frugally as her siblings who have similar electronics and fly on private plans. The whole family also takes trips internationally and across the country.
      It's a shame people are more hung up on what the Duggar women wear than how the live their faith.

  9. Jinger looks hot with her hair down and a long sleeved maxi dress.

  10. Why this level of judgment about little things such as what Jinger calls her fetus (which is what she'd call it to REALLY be accurate) and what Jinger calls her husband? Or whether they have a friend fix the AC or a pro fix it?

    I also know some people judge Jinger for being TOO "normal" and blending in too much with the "world". If we're going to be so judgmental let's at least focus on actual major issues, not just petty nitpicking.

  11. I agree that 'little one' has gotten old. They never refer to children as children or babies as's kids and little ones. Just part of their church-speak.

    1. I always say kids instead of children, and I’m a completely normal person. Why do you care if she calls her baby a little one, that’s what a lot of people in parts of the south say.

    2. They aren't the only people in this world that use the term "little one." I call my baby little one all the time. But since it's getting old to you, I guess I'll have to stop.

    3. It’s southern speak. Not church. People who live and work by each other start using the same phrases. It’s how language works.

  12. As I’m reading comments I’m noticing so much judging of the Duggers (vuolo’s). Just curious why you read and watch if you dislike them so much. Great families, selfless and kind who have used heir way of living just like we all do.

  13. Why is it so bad to call it a little one?

  14. Why would anyone wear long sleeves in the summer anyway? Wait until the hot flashes start!!!!!

  15. Who is she trying to fool? Only the very poorest people in Texas don't have air conditioning.

    1. What are you talking about? How is she fooling anyone? Their AC was leaking, and they had a friend fix it. They said that it would be challenging not to have air conditioning. They didn’t say anything about other people not having AC.

    2. At what point in time did it seem like she was trying to “fool” people? Their unit broke.

  16. hope he paid him? doesnt appear he did.

    1. We obviously didn’t see every second of the time that he was there. Jeremy may have paid him, but since no parts were necessary (and it took seconds to clean the drain) his friend may have said no charge.

    2. Most of the time when I employ a service I am billed or invoiced and then pay, cash is never paid at time of service.

    3. I'm sure they don't need you to worry about it!

    4. I also do. Though I understand if the friend wanted to gift him a helpful visit. Especially if he feels enriched by Jeremy’s sermons.

    5. As a pastors wife we always offer to pay market price for service performed by people from our congregation. However, most of the time they offer to help us as a gift. Don't be so judgmental folks!!!

  17. Good grief is this a Jinger marathon? Seriously there are so many Diggers why is every other post about Jingerand Jeremy? How are the adult boys doing, or Jana?

    1. Write to TLC and ask them to feature Jana and the adult sons more. John David will be on the blog and Counting On a lot more in the coming months since as they will focus on his courtship with Abbie and their wedding.
      The blog posts clips TLC produces as well as pictures the family shares. Ellie recently posted a photo of Jana, but can't write more if the Duggars choose not to share what they are up to.

    2. When they are being featured on the show, they have more entries about them. Also Ellie can only post the information the Duggars give her. Maybe the rest of them don’t want to share anything right now.

    3. They’re the ones we all want to hear about! 😄❤️❤️

    4. Sorry,.i don't know any Diggers lol

  18. This was clearly being filmed. They all seem awkward. Jinger probably threw that dress on for filming. I grew up without AC on a farm in the Midwest; it’s definitely way hotter than it was in the 70s. Global Warming is real! We got window units in mid 80s. Also, we slept downstairs when it was really hot. Of course now, the house has 2 central Air units, and the new addition even had heated floors as well as garage with TV, AC and heated floors.

    1. Not entirely true, 12:41. You can go back to any decade in recorded weather history and find summers with high numbers of days over 90 degrees one year, sometimes followed immediately by a summer with a low number of 90+ days. Summers in the 1950's in Chicago, for instance, were particularly hot and record-setting. So summer heat is nothing new. Neither is winter cold, extreme storms, and so on. These things vary year to year but can also be somewhat cyclical. Climate change is natural. If not, we'd still be in an ice age in North America.

      Humans are not entirely at fault here, BTW. Solar flux and geophysical changes also drive weather patterns. I studied solar anomalies and climate effects while in college 40-some years ago, about the time the "global warming" term was first used. There still isn't agreement about what's going on with climate or what exactly is driving it. But don't rely on memory alone to make summer heat comparisons. You have to look at the weather records, which vary by city and can also be rather surprising on the whole.

    2. WRONG! Global warming is NOT real. It's a money making scam

    3. How does global warming make people money? And actually it's now referred to as climate change. Yes, climate change has always happened, the rate at which it is happening is unusual and thought to do with increased levels of carbon gases in the atmosphere.

    4. 4:44, legitimate scientists all agree that climate change is real. Only in this country has it become a political issue. Everywhere else, regardless of your political leanings, people realize the seriousness of this issue. Just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t mean it’s not real. This is something that will impact us in a very terrifying way very soon if not checked. In fact it is already causing major changes to our planet; the planet that God gave us to be stewards over. I would argue that we haven’t done a very good job and are reaping the consequences.

    5. ...Yet people won't change their love for transportation and material things, and they won't support nuclear power...

  19. Lily and Ellie? You evr think of having a members only blog? Get rid of some of the trolls?

    1. What some people refer to as trolls are only fans have questions and opinions about the show, you may not like. The Duggars along with Lily and Ellie do not mind adult conversation about the show that is in good taste.

  20. I wouldn't go as far as to say they comments are "hateful" but it is sad that this site has, overall, followed the ways of the world with people so convinced that "The way I live my life is the only 'normal' way to live, and anyone who does things differently, deserve my negative attacks on them".

    And yes, I admit I get tempted to do that, too. I know it IS actually possible to express disagreement respectfully but it's so tempting to just attack people

  21. rest easy 10:54pm, just somebody giving there feeling on this. as mennonite we dont have air either. not only r duggars God fearing so r many others. LIKE ME! think your comment was kinda mean! mary keim mennonite hambden twp ohio

    1. I am not being rude...just curious. Do mennonites watch tv and use the internet? I go see the Mennonites in TN close to my house to have furniture built and buy fresh farm food. I thought Mennonites did not believe in technology like tv and internet?

    2. You're confusing Mennonite and Amish.

  22. I wonder how old that unit is, and how often it's maintained? Our unit is 10 years old but had to, by code, be installed in a 3" deep metal drip pan to catch such "leaks," with an auto shut-off switch in the pan if the collected water rises enough to pose a flooding danger to house or drywall. The fact that their unit is on plywood, and without the "cover" they talk about makes me think it's past time to have that unit looked at or replaced (12-15 years is average life span).

    I knew exactly what they were talking about with "dust" getting in the system. If you don't maintain it (have it cleaned professionally at least once each summer), the drain line will clog from dust and/or algae. Their unit, without the drip pan and cut-off switch, looks like it was still producing cold air (and dripping condensation water) even after the problem happened. So they didn't seem in danger of the house getting hot, just in danger of having a puddle.

    Both J&J seem pretty clueless about their a/c in that clip. If it's something they depend on so much, then they should learn how it operates and what routine maintenance is needed - starting with cleaning the drain line and the fins inside the air handler (where dust accumulates) each a/c season. Also, most units have a way you can clear the drain line yourself (compressed air, water + vinegar, the coat hanger, simply blowing it open with your mouth) in a pinch. The guy who came knew that, but J&J didn't. I thought the Duggar girls were raised to be handy?? This is not rocket science. It's something every homeowner with a/c should know.

    1. Well don't you just know everything? Learning the ins and outs of home ownership generally comes over time, as issues arise. They can't know everything they will ever need to know right from the start. I'm 36, have owned 3 different homes over the course of 12 years, and just a couple months ago had this happen to my A/C for the first time, at which point I learned that the drain line can get clogged with algae. Never had a reason to know that before - now I do. And so do they.

    2. This house seems to be their first house, and they haven’t been in it for years. It takes time to learn all of the maintenance issues that a house needs.

    3. Agree, OP. If cold air is so vital there, it should have been the first thing they learned to maintain. Otherwise it's like driving your car until it stops then claiming you had no idea it needed gas and oil. Obviously it wasn't the first time Jinger was around air conditioning, so didn't she ever see someone working on it?

    4. Yes it does take time to learn the in and outs of up keep on a home. However for years all we have heard is how handy ALL the older Duggars are from JB's realistate renovations and building the big house. So I am surprised Jinger did not know from her experience.

    5. O.p. give them a break!

    6. Hey 7:00 some people do know a lot about the things they own and are in charge of! What you don't know will end up costing you $$$$ so why not take the time to learn?

    7. Yes, where are all those handy Duggars who know all about house repairs and house building? This isn't their first summer in that house, plus they've had plenty of other family members visit them, people who should know how to keep a house running properly even if Jeremy doesn't.

  23. Antique- These comments are screened by the blog adm. It’s their website, their call.

  24. I really don't understand all the comments about AC. Does it really matter?

    1. Good question and why is it even a post about their
      air conditioning going out, but deal, just get it fixed.

    2. Were they trying to show how wonderful J&J were to "hire" someone from their congregation? Trying to tell us of how "caring" Pastor V is of his flock?

  25. Since nearly everyone in Texas has A/C in their home, why is this even a "talking point"

  26. I don't believe this is their page but I do agree that it would be nicer to be more kind in general. That being said, they are a TV family and they choose to open their lives up for observation. It not unusual to ask questions about things that are different from our own experience. I am also not familiar with the term "little one" and wondered about it myself. Judging goes both ways. I think everyone has the right to speak their opinion and express their curiosity.

  27. If Jinger claimed to be so hot during her pregnancy, why was she wearing a maxi dress with long sleeves? Seems to be contradictory to me.
    The reason Jinger's sisters had such long labors is because they had COMPLICATIONS during their labor that their 'midwives' were unable to detect. Once they got to a hospital, their babies were born.
    On another note,it seems that Jinger's midwife of choice, does not provide any medical testing or equipment in her offices other than a stethoscope to listen to a heartbeat as Jinger had to go to a vanity sonogram center to find out the baby's sex.
    Not smart IMO.

    1. I still think Jinger handled her delivery well considering her sisters deliveries. Imo Kendra did the best. I just don't understand why they do not see actual doctors for their care. Surely it is not a money issue. You would think they would spare no expense to make sure their blessings were in the best professional hands.


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