
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Forsyths' Babymoon

Joy Duggar and Austin Forsyth

"Being on a boat in water can be romantic. I don’t know if, necessarily, fishing is."
-Austin Forsyth

Five weeks before their due date, Joy and Austin Forsyth spend time together in a yurt cabin in Wesley, Arkansas (video below). Did you catch our recap of last night's show?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. When you're young, in love and dating your first boyfriend, anything can seem romantic. Going to McDonald's can seem romantic! So it's no wonder Joy would go, googley-eyed, doing whatever Austin happened to be up to - working on projects, hunting, cooking deer steak in the cold woods over a camp stove. That doesn't necessarily indicate those are her preferred things to do. I wonder if Austin has ever asked her. Of course, judging from what we saw on the show leading up to their wedding, Joy opts to not have many personal preferences or opinions.

    1. Joy def has her own say, I must admit it was alittle odd that she couldn’t pick her dress or hair stydle without his input but some women are like that esp when they have a sheltered upbringing. I believe she would have her say if she didn’t like it or didn’t want to do something

    2. I don’t understand how anyone can say Joy doesn’t get to have an opinion. She just stated in that clip that a Austin wanted to find out the gender but she didn’t so they weren’t. I don’t think the baby book was his idea but he helped. I think he takes great care of Joy, helps her put boots on and is always making sure she’s okay. She has always been a tomboy so I think she naturally enjoys the things Austin does. I don’t know anyone who is married that doesn’t do things their partner likes to spend time with them. He did the baby book, she might help him at a job site. I think they seem really happy, nervous but happy.

    3. Well, the other sisters did not seem to have problems expressing their opinions, likes, and dislikes, and they were raised in the same home. These people are far from sheltered. Joy is just very undecisive in general about most everything.

  2. I was terrified for Joy and Austin when they were in that fishing boat in the icy pond! If that boat had tipped, and dumped Joy into the frigid water, that would have been extremely stressful for her pregnancy. A babymoon should be something a little more relaxing and carefree.

  3. I used to think Austin was nice to Joy but now I'm seeing signs of insensitivity, and Joy meekly having to go along with his ideas. She seemed really sad last night, but couldn't say much to Austin about it.

    1. I think Austin is resentful...he did say that he didn't expect that they'd be having a baby before their first anniversary, and that at only 24 years old, he doesn't feel like he's ready to have a child.

    2. Some men are overwhelmed the closer the due date gets....but look at him in the pictures where he’s holding their son...grinning and glowing an so proud.

    3. I think your reading too much into it. His camera shy and not used to the cameras like the duggars are. Some people are just that way on camera..I’m one of them haha.

    4. Just because Austin didn’t expect a baby so soon doesn’t mean his resentful, his being honest. Not many people have a baby less than a year after. And Austin isn’t used to cameras like Joy so he may appear that way.. I know people like that and they are great when there’s no phones or cameras around.

    5. It's part of how each were raised. Personally I think they both need to learn to communicate. It's not just talking and listening. Its understanding each others needs and makes choices together that do your best to fulfill both whenever possible. And when not, learning that one person should not always be compromising. Though their parents had them go through courtship and talk, I think they may have missed teaching them this step.

  4. What exactly is a “babymoon” for? This couple already spends all their time together. Guess I’m old; I just don’t get it

    1. I think it means they spent some time "together" before the baby arrived. I agree with you though, they don't need time together as they appear to be joined at the hip anyway.

    2. It’s a time to get away from everyday life and just really focus on each other. No one has to do it, but if you can it’s really great.

    3. I think babymoons are for instagram.

    4. Seems to be a newer trend. The expectant parents take a little getaway before the baby arrives. This wasn't a thing when I was pregnant!

    5. A babymoon is a vacation you take with your spouse before you have your baby. Its a time to get away and relax before the sleepless nights, and all the work that is needed as a result of taking care of your baby.

    6. Babymoon?, Why not just say a little vacation, baby moon sounds weird and a desperate attempt at trying to sound cool.

    7. Yes, but on a babymoon you're not going about your normal routine. It's a time to relax, away from your normal responsibilities, before the baby comes.

    8. 12:20, well aren’t you a stick in the mud. It’s like a honeymoon, but before you have a baby, it’s not a desperate attempt to sound cool

  5. Of course everyone should get to take a vacation prior to giving birth. I wish I had been that lucky.

    1. Right. I’m a college grad ( no loans, did the military route) and work 10-12 hr days just to survive debt free and live somewhat comfortable. What is a vacation precious? Haha

  6. Joy and Austin are such a sweet couple.

  7. If I were 8 months pregnant and my husband had pushed me out in a rickety boat on a cold day on a frozen pond to handle live worms and fish for something that made my morning sickness worse, that would have been the last time I was ever pregnant. At least with him.

    1. Morning sickness is usually long over by 8 month. Your opinion is a bit cut and dry. Everything worked out just fine, I’m sure they got some family feedback about the safety of their decision....refusing to have more children with him because of this...laughable.

    2. Well,spoken. He didn’t even help her out of the boat!

    3. Morning sickness over by the 8th month? I threw up the morning before I delivered!! And I felt queasy during labor and afterwards, too.

  8. Austin doesn't treat Joy very nicely or with what she wants in mind. The more I see the two of them together on the show, the more I'm convinced of this. Joy used to be headstrong and in charge of her own life. Now Austin is. Here, let me cut that splinter out of you with a knife, the same finger where I showed no sympathy when you had to get your glucose test and were scared. Then I'll push you out in an old boat onto a frozen pond so you can get chilled and get morning sickness from worms and fish smell. After that put your construction sandals on and let's get back to work on the house I'm going to sell while you have an 8 week old baby to take care of. All in all, Joy doesn't seem very Joyful any more. :(

    1. I think Austin is sweet with Joy. He doesn’t baby her in any way, but I don’t see Joy as someone who wants to be babied. He knows her better than we do. He was very sweet when he teared up when she was in labor. He didn’t like seeing her in pain at all. He is a young man, and he will learn how to be a better protector as he ages.

    2. You mean Joy will have to wait til Austin gets old before he comforts her and takes care of her well?

    3. I think people are having a problem with Austin's behavior just because it's not what THEY want in a husband. But I think it fits Joy's personality. And to be honest, I'm looking for about the same thing! Women aren't dainty little flowers. Some of us don't want to be pampered.

    4. I worried about Austin and Joy the day he said, considering marriage, “I got up; put my feet on the floor; and thought, what about Joy Duggar.” It’s got as much feeling and caring and love as saying, “I got up; put my feet on the floor; and thought what about bacon and eggs for breakfast.” By the way, it’s not pampering to be considerate and caring of your spouse.

    5. I, too, was uncomfortable watching this segment: a young woman in her 8th month of her pregnancy sitting in a small metal boat in the middle of a frozen pond; đźš« life jackets; while the other person stood up and rocked the boat ... even with a film crew on shore ... this was unsettling to watch. What was missing? My guess ... a husband being gentle, caring, and protective of his very pregnant wife. I'm "scratching my head" on this one.

  9. Being on a boat in freezing water while you are as far along as Joy was is not safe. Neither is all the construction work she was doing.

    1. Austin doesn't seem to take her feelings into consideration, or put her wants and needs first.

    2. The boat wasn't any more likely to tip because she's pregnant. And construction work is just as safe as it is for a non pregnant person. My own OB did the demo work on a bathroom and then tiled it by herself at 39 weeks.

      Pregnancy isn't a disability. Any activity with increased risk of injury to the stomach (such as falling off a horse while riding, or falling off a ladder) is discouraged. Otherwise all daily activities previously carried out by the pregnant party are acceptable.

      Pregnancy isn't a disability. The rule I've been given by my OB with regards to restrictions: No cramping? No problem. If it hurts, back off.

    3. I was worried the boat was going to tip over

    4. Agree. I am sure her doc would have advised her against it.

    5. True!!! But on the other hand with production filming I’m sure they were watching her like a hawk to prevent anything from happening but very true production isn’t always around hope they use Wisdom and know better one day then again they young the wisest lesson is if something was too happen

    6. I totally agree and can't help but wonder what is wrong with Austin for allowing her to do it. He treats her like "one of the boys". I know she's outdoorsy but she needs to think of safety first.

    7. The construction work in sandals is so dangerous (and I don't care how often they or fans say Duggar girls can do anything in sandals). Austin is wearing boots while Joy is in Birkenstocks, if something heavy falls he is protected, she has broken toes and or lacerations. The area around their house was full of rubble and wood, and Joy was pulling nails out of wood which were falling on the ground waiting to be stepped on! A nail in the foot could lead to tetanus or worse sepsis which could be fatal, why take such unnecessary risks especially while pregnant, its almost like these girls have no common sense.

    8. The girls seem proud of their barefoot lifestyle. Jill didn't even wear shoes to her own wedding, for goodness sake!

    9. I wouldn't say doing manual labor during pregnancy is inherently dangerous especially if you did it before you were pregnant. Plenty of women exercise, run, swim, lift, bike, etc all while in the third trimester. Having a lazy pregnancy only makes labor and recovery harder

    10. Maybe pregnancy isn't a disability but at least she could have worn a life jacket. Being that late in her pregnancy on a frozen lake without a life jacket is dangerous !

    11. That pond may have been shallow and that boat stable enough, but Joy was nervous, Austin was standing, and had the boat tipped, the shock of the cold water could have caused all sorts of automatic responses from her body. Rapid heart rate, blood pressure spike or drop, hypothermia, etc. Definitely not good things for a baby in utero.

      What I worry about with construction and Joy while pregnant would be how she seemed to be pushing herself, seemed weary, and seemed accident-prone. And of course, the lack of safety wear, both on feet and eyes and hands.

    12. I can understand Joy cutting wood and doing construction work in sandals. When you are young, you just don’t think of all the bad things that could happen. You just want to get the job done. As she gets older, she will think about those things.

    13. I think people don't realize that nobody lives life according to a safety manual 24-7. Living in an outdoors family, being around construction myself, I know we often do things that aren't technically as safe as they could be - not always wearing steel-toe boots at the work site if it's 100 degrees. . .not wearing life jackets if it's pretty calm water and we can all swim. . .I think people who aren't around these activities as much freak out over apparent safety violations, but in reality, nobody's perfectly safe all the time! You try to have common sense, but I haven't seen Joy do anything close to ridiculous.

  10. Such a sweet mature couple!

  11. I was a bit concerned, ice fishing when you are only a few weeks from delivery didn’t look safe. A baby moon is a great idea....I’d go for something cozy and warm.

  12. Didn’t like seeing Joy get in that boat in that cold weather. She always was a tomboy though. By the way Austin, remove your hat at the table!!!

    1. Agree on both counts. Bothered/worried me seeing her in that boat. . . even though we know that everything went well, baby is born etc.
      Hats at the table - bad manners. . . .I notice some Duggar boys doing that as well. Manners should be taught just like any other subject.

    2. Manners & not looking in your neighbors windows. That was Joe & Kendra's concern (that younger siblings would look in their windows).

    3. Austin can wear a hat at the table if he wants too. He not at the Duggars house.

    4. @9:50-removing your hat at a dinner table is modeling good manners!!! It has zero to do whether or not you’re a Duggar!

  13. Even if they do spend all their time together, i think it's really sweet to do something special before the baby arrives.

  14. They look so happy together

  15. I think it's great that they are so mature for their ages

  16. They are a good looking couple.

  17. You can make just about anything romantic (within reason) ;)

  18. This is a sad clip.

  19. Looked like the activities on this 'babymoon' were geared to Austin's interests mainly. Scrapbooking is something Joy could have done at home. Joy was obviously unwell during her pregnancy, uncomfortable, etc, and her care giver failed to recognize signs that should have been attended to by a medical doctor. She is not a work horse, she is a very young woman. She isn't being treated as such. Austin doesn't have a clue.

    1. We've seen this behavior all along in their relationship, and it's troubling. It was one thing when she wasn't pregnant, but Austin needs to understand that it's hard work being that big. He should be pampering her and not letting her anywhere near power tools and construction sites and freezing ponds.

    2. We were not surprised when the midwife found Joy's glucose was high. How many people said that she probably had gestational diabetes, when we saw how large she got so fast? High risk of pre-eclampsia, too. She should have been resting, not building. What's more important to them - babies, or projects?

    3. Joy was actually the one that suggested fishing, when they’re first shown discussing it Austin was kind of skeptical about it.

    4. Yeah, Austin is definitely my least favorite husband of all the Duggar girls. He seems very self centered to me, and doesn’t take into consideration what would be good for his wife and child, eg; getting a totally wrecked house to fix up with the intention to sell it right after his wife has a baby, taking Joy out on a boat over icy water without a life jacket on.

    5. I don't think young women need to be treated like dainty little flowers. Joy seemed capable and willing to work so that's all that matters.

    6. I thought it was a strange vacation at that stage of her pregnancy. Fishing on a lake when you have to pee every few minutes wouldn't be my idea of a good time. I think Joy just does whatever makes him happy and makes the best of it.

    7. I'm not sure Joy is capable of saying no to Austin, that's the trouble. You saw her reaction when she said sell the house in 3-4 months and he held up 2 fingers. She didn't protest. I would have been asking my husband if he'd lost his mind at that point.

    8. 10:58, there’s a difference between being treated like a dainty little flower and protecting your unborn child. Going out on that boat without a life jacket was very dangerous. Austin was standing in the boat, if it had flipped it would have been very hard to get Joy out of the water

    9. Austin is by far my favorite of the Duggar girls' husbands. Every girl is different, and requires/wants different things from her husband. I love going on outdoor adventures with my man, and I would look at him like he was crazy if he tried to help me in and out of the boat. I also resist wearing a life jacket most of the time.

      As for being pregnant, yes, it's limiting in many ways, but you can still run power tools without trouble! It's not like she was up on ladders or staging.

    10. 6:41, resisting wearing a life jacket is stupid and immature. If you are going out into icy water you should ALWAYS wear one, and when you’re pregnant life isn’t just about you it’s about you AND your baby.

    11. The scene where Austin had to put on her boots was a huge indication that Joy should not be in a frozen pond fishing. Her body had limitations at this stage of pregnancy and if she had fallen in the ice cold water the situation could have had a tragic ending. Glad they are ok and hoping with the next baby they will take their baby moon in a safer location.

    12. She did protest the two months!

    13. 6:40 that water wasn't deep. You could tell when he was pushing off. At most it was probably 4 feet. Nothing about sitting in a boat that's in a few feet of water is dangerous.

    14. @9:03-There is plenty to be concerned about at 8 months pregnant in a boat in any depth of water without a life jacket! Should that boat flip Joy could hit her head to unconsciousness, drown, her body could hit the bottom of the pond or whatever is underwater causing an injury or a fall off/out of the boat could cause her to go into delivery early.

  20. I don't think Austin comes across as domineering. Lots of young people are a bit clueless. My cousin had their first baby and planned to move from a condo to a house 5 hours away when the baby was a few months old. Everyone told them to move BEFORE the baby but she was 100% sure it would be easier to move after. Of course, we were all correct but some people just don't quite understand how much work a baby is. Anyway, Joy also has her family right there and so there is plenty of help if they decided to move before or after so not as much a big deal as for those of us with little family to help.

    1. Austin is definitely bossy. He was a little too insistent that they sell the house 2 months after the baby when Joy expressed dismay and wanted to wait long. At the very least, I would call Austin inconsiderate.

    2. Since Austin is the only one in their household earning a living, of course he gets to say how the job is done. "Poor Joy" doesn't have the burden of bringing in financial support to the household; she can deal with a little inconvenience from moving.

  21. I'm not sure why anyone would go on a boat when its freezing, no lifejackets and heavily pregnant. Did anyone notice how he didn't help her in or out of the boat. Feel sorry for this sweet girl.

    1. I didn't understand the lack of life jackets either. Who on Earth would WANT to be out on a lake at that stage of pregnancy anyway? You're uncomfortable enough and there's no bathroom readily available on a lake. I would have balked at that excursion if I were in Joy's place.

    2. Somebody had to hold the boat steady.

  22. I can't picture any of these girls having 19 kids of their own. I hope they're sensible and limit things. Bad pregnancies & deliveries, husbands with unknown employment futures, and nomadic lifestyles with constantly flipped (or donated) houses all mean an uphill battle and stress for any family.

    1. Not to mention the stress of a camera crew hanging around during labor and delivery, having to "look good" for the camera at your worst, the pressure of knowing you will be seen worldwide,etc. Who chooses to live like that? I think it is one MAJOR reason these Duggar girls have so much trouble laboring--there are extra, random people in their personal space, and, no, you don't ever really get used to it. It is not normal.

    2. Not sure why they like to record their labors. I'm like if anyone takes any pictures of me during labor, they are in trouble. You really aren't at your best during that time, and it's very personal.

  23. All the best Joy and Austin, you both are hard workers .Natasha Marie

  24. I feel like Joy and Austin should've done something safer on their babymoon. Especially since Joy was about 5 1/2 weeks away from her due date and she had a cold at the time and being outside could have made it worse.

  25. I, personally could not care less if Joy is wearing sandals or sitting in a boat without a life jacket. Why do all of these people feel the need to judge and nitpick?

  26. I love to see Joy and Austin having fun and i think it's really sweet how they work together on their projects. A lot of females would have nothing do with that type of work.

  27. These comments implying that Austin is an abusive husband, are extremely uncharitable considering no one actually knows the Forsyths, they border on calumny.

    I do agree Austin does not strike me as having much use for stereotypically romantic gestures. But neither does Joy herself. Why assume Austin is forcing her into helping out with house construction or to try fishing from a boat?

    It's one thing to question these choices and quite another to accuse a man of abusing his wife or not caring about her well-being.

    Joy certainly has spoken her mind on prior occasions -- I recall a webisode about the house renovation where she did and then people on this blog actually criticized her for not being a properly submissive wife.

  28. Without picking on one thing or the other, Austin is not likeable in my opinion.

  29. I have seen men who weren't romantic because if the way they were raised. They weren't coddled or cuddled so didn't know how to do that. They learned how to do things without expecting someone else to do it for them. They learned from that. They aren't mean or unkind. This is just their way. They show they care in other ways. They are often very good providers and are stable. I see this in Austin.

    1. Lauren, that's my take on Austin as well. Everyone who's criticizing him seems to ignore how he helped Joy put on her socks and shoes and helped with the scrapbook. And I wouldn't say he's "selfish" for wanting to sell the house, since his house flipping business is how he plans to support his family, not to buy "toys" for himself.

      Not all women have to be "cherished" in some stereotypical way with their men always holding doors for them, giving them flowers, etc. Joy knew Austin wasn't conventionally romantic, this was obvious from their courtship scenes. She obviously didn't care and married him anyway.

      I actually like seeing how Joy and Austin help each other out instead of adhering to strict separate "male" and "female" spheres. I recall Jessa talking about how bored she was when she first got married, just sitting at home waiting for Ben to come home, but Joy's certainly not doing that.


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