
Sunday, August 19, 2018

John Announces the Gender

John-David Duggar

"Nothing you can do is going to work to pull that information out of me, except for maybe we could talk a price. This is world changing stuff right here. I mean, this is information that dictates whether the room is going to be painted pink or whether it is going to be painted blue."
-John-David Duggar

Tomorrow on an all-new episode of Counting On, Joseph and Kendra Duggar reveal the gender of their baby to the family! They want to be surprised along with everyone else, so they invite John-David Duggar to accompany them to the ultrasound (see video below) so he can be the one to share the news in an exciting way.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I love his sarcasm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. John David is such a sweet man. He will be a wonderful husband. I have never seen him as happy as he is since he got engaged to Abbie.

    1. I know I can't wait for his wedding. John David and Jana are my favorite

    2. I love all them :) But, I think their my favorite :)

  3. Why not just say “ it’s a boy” and call it done. Why does everything have to be such a big deal?

    1. That's what keeps life fun! Having fun in life is very important to well-being. It's very exciting to be expecting a baby, even more so with the first one. Life is what you make of it.

    2. They need the attention.

    3. Because that's what makes this family happy, and who are we to tell them not to do it??

    4. Gender reveal parties are very common right now. And they are a lot of fun!

    5. We always do something special for our children for the gender reveal. We just tell everyone else, but we do a simple reveal for our children on the same day. It's fun.

    6. It would be nice if non fans would stop commenting. Period.
      They do not NEED the attention, but they are on a tv show. Wouldn’t be very entertaining if they did just say it’s a boy and call it good, would it? With my fourth and final baby I had a gender reveal lunch and it was so fun. Especially because it was a girl after 3 boys!

    7. gender parties are the in thing now. I wished they had this when I was pregnant with my four children.

    8. Gender reveal parties may be common in the US or amongst certain groups. But here,they are not. Young couples may announce the gender in Baby Shower invitations but that is as far as it goes.

      I know several 2018 babies,no gender reveal parties and some did not have showers. Traditional baby showers are also less common as the majority of new mothers are over 28, with resources. Of course, baby showers are held only for the first baby.

      Most couples have two children,many have only one. So, children are being brought up gender neutral, with the same expectations. None of this pink or blue stuff.

      Gender reveal parties might be more popular with young women who follow and try to emulate celebrities.

    9. Anon 6:43 What do you mean by gender nuetral?, and none of this link or blue stuff?

    10. Baby showers are only held for thr first baby?!? Since when?! That is absurd. Just because a child is not the firstborn doesn't make them less than! Every child is a blessing and should be treated as such!

    11. Having every child does not mean people need to shower you with gifts every time! I never liked going to second baby showers, not unless a significant amount of time had passed since the first one, and the new infant was going to be a different gender than the first. Nobody needs another shower within a year or two of the first one, which is how fast the Duggar girls seem to be populating. Joy didn't seem able to put away or organize all the stuff she got before the baby came. Why would she need a second shower later?

  4. They’ve already had the baby. It’s a boy!!!!

  5. Can’t wait to find out if it’s a girl or boy!
    Yesterday’s news

  6. They’ve already had the baby. It’s a boy.

  7. What John David said is so funny.

  8. So are they already having another one?

  9. I love his dry sense of humor.

    I understand that all reality TV shows lag months behind real-time events, since editing and scheduling are necessary. Given that, facts like the sex of a baby are not surprises to many viewers.

    A filmed "gender" reveal party is as enjoyable to watch as any other baby shower, but the suspense leading up to it falls flat to those of us who know. So my preference is that it not be dragged out by the producers.

    Maybe they figure anyone who already knows is a committed enough fan we will watch it regardless, whereas anyone who is on the fence about watching the show is unlikely to be in the know, and they want to cater to them?

    1. It’s possible when these episodes are filmed they don’t actually know when they will air. Kendra had the baby in June and it’s August...just a thought. The comments about how far behind they are, well they’ re getting old. It probably won’t change. So either enjoy the show or don’t bit stop complaining.

    2. It doesn't bother me that I already know the outcome. This was real stuff and I haven't seen this particular episode. I wanted to see more of John David, so I will definitely be watching.Blessings...Jane

  10. Please don't title posts like this. It sounds as if he's announcing the gender of his own child. "John David Announces Kendra & Joe's Baby's Gender" would have made more sense.

    1. That is what I thought but since he is not married he couldn't already be expecting

    2. Yes! When I saw the headline I immediately thought “Oh my, Abbie is pregnant?

    3. I’m pretty sure everyone knows who’s baby he’s announcing the gender of so there will be no confusion. Besides, that title would be too long, this one says exactly what he’s doing so it makes more sense.

    4. You CAN'T be sure of whose baby is being announced on any of the new episodes, since the timeline is so messed up and the babies are coming so fast!

    5. I didn't know whose baby he was announcing. I can't keep all these new marriages and pregnancies and babies straight any more. Even the header isn't much help.

  11. John David always seems so calm and collected. And so handsome too. I thinks Abby is a lucky gal.

  12. So was Garrett named after John-David for his middle name then? ❤

    1. I don't think John David has a middle name but isn't garret Josephs middle name

    2. David IS John's middle name. He just goes by both names.

    3. His name is hyphenated, like Joy-Anna's name is. It is a compound first name, not his middle name.

  13. John David is just so funny. He cracks me up.

  14. I don’t understand the obsession over the sex of a not-yet-born baby.

    1. Because you’re finding out if it’s a boy or girl which is a fun moment. How is that hard to understand?

    2. Ultrasounds can be wrong, and sometimes nature fools us genetically when it comes to babies. Can you be completely sure when you throw that confetti or slice that cake or send out that smoke? Medicine tells us no.

    3. @11:59 you are correct that ultrasounds are not 100% correct but many women give a blood sample for genetic testing and that does give 100% accurate male or female.

    4. It's not an obsession, it is a celebration of a new daughter or son coming into the family. Especially for the first child, like with Joe and Kendra, it is so fun to find out -- will that be the first son, leader and protector, and first daughter - like Kendra, sweet and active.

    5. @12:59. Unfortunately, some couples are getting 3D ultrasounds,just to determine the gender, which can cause problems if done too often. And there is the problem of couples terminating the pregnancy because the gender is not what they wanted.

      And yes, 2D ultrasounds can be wrong. You may think the child is one sex but find out the child is intra-sex or has a congenital hormone imbalance. Better to just celebrate the birth of a child only.

    6. @11:59 You're right there are surprises all the time, and I remember as a kid my mother and the neighbor lady whispering about a baby born to another neighbor and the doctor wasn't sure what to tell the parents about "pink or blue."

  15. I wish they aired faster, the Bates show is more in real time, it really makes it more enjoyable and interesting when the baby is not already born

  16. Oh he is such a sweet and nice brother

  17. What happened to simply telling people what you're having, when asked? Yes, it's nice to know what kind of clothing to buy, if you like drawing gender lines with babies' clothing, but there's no need to throw a party for it. You don't have to make a big deal out of every moment in life. I didn't throw a "make and model reveal" party when I finally decided which new car I was getting. I drove it home, parked it in the driveway, and some of the neighbors noticed and congratulated me the next time they saw me and "my new baby." Nor did I announce gender ahead of time when I decided to get a pet. These reveal parties have gone too far.

    1. Lol, you can't be serious??? Comparing your car or pet to a baby? Anyways, what ever happened to "LIVE AND LET LIVE."

    2. You will change your new car in a couple of years, but the baby will stay with you forever. It is either a son or a daughter, and it will affect your life drastically. A family is getting a new child, who will grow up with you. Of course it is important if it's a girl or a boy.

    3. You obviously have no children since you’re contributing comparing them to getting a car or pet.

    4. @1:17 Some people can't have children or don't want them, so a pet or a new car is a big deal to them.

  18. I think these gender revealing parties and babymooning are ridiculous. Just have a baby shower and be done eith it, You can tell people the gender on the shower invitation or just tell them on a birth announcement. Not by text, facebook, or a tacky party.

    1. Having babies is what the Duggars DO so of course they're going to have reveal parties, babymoons and have the births filmed by TV crews.

    2. I agree. It is too much the me generation.

    3. I remember when you might receive a birth announcement with the couple's name engraved on a white card, with a smaller white card attached at the top with pink or blue ribbon through punched holes. The smaller card would have the baby's name and birth date. It was like a double layer calling card, very formal, very tasteful. That was your "gender reveal."

    4. The baby gender reveal parties come across as selfish on the part of the parents like they just want and crave attention and free stuff. Just my opinion is all

    5. To me, gender reveal parties come across as a fun way to celebrate the news with family. It's not like they're asking for gifts, like a shower. They're just getting together to have fun with the announcement.

    6. Are you expected to bring a gift to a gender reveal party? I honestly don't know the answer.

    7. 3:28 -- Yes, many aspects of life were more understated and tasteful in the "good old days."

  19. Lol, I think if I'd been in John David's shoes I'd of shot off green smoke... just to see everyone's confused reaction...

    1. That would have been fun. I don't think his family would have appreciated it though.

  20. In my opinion, finding out the sex of the baby ahead of time and have a reveal party and a shower all takes all the fun out of the actual birth and arrival. Just have a party after, so people can actually meet and see the baby.

    1. A newborn doesn't really need to be around a bunch of people. You have to be careful with germs. So, a reveal party is fine and fun.

    2. I disagree. You need to be prepared for the baby. Buy clothes, decorate the nursery. Also you need to adjust to what you are having. What if you want a boy and it is a girl instead? If you find out in advance, you'd have time to get over your disappointment.

    3. Why don’t you do what you want to do, and let them do what they want to do? And people typically want to relax after having a baby, that’s why you have parties ahead of time

    4. 7:41, I'm going to pretend you didn't say "disappointment" about the birth of a baby......

    5. We could let them "do what they want to do" if it wasn't always something that went completely against what the viewers have been told over and over were the family's values. Modesty being one huge one. "Yourself last" being another. This is what's not making sense with all these big parties and TV camera moments.

    6. @7:41 What do you think parents did when we all wanted till the birth to find out?

      Prepare for a baby? You buy simple clothes, that are gender-neutral for an infant and that can be used again. Babies grew so fast anyways. With a few months of birth, you can buy "gender" specific clothes,when the baby grew out of infant clothes.

      Decorate? You decorate a baby's room like a baby's room. No need to make it gender specific.. time enough for that when the little one is old enough to sleep in a normal bed.

      Disappointed over the gender? If someone is disappointed and needs time to get over that, they should NOT be a parent.

    7. Agreed 11:19! Well said.

      People did manage to survive centuries before now without knowing until the baby was born.

      Seems anymore that people go way overboard. Baby doesn't need all the stuff people buy and decorate with. It's more for the parents than the child and seems a terrible waste of time, effort and money. I for one would love to see all that decorating money go to an orphanage or shelter for single moms or for something that could help other children who need it.

    8. I think a lot of the baby stuff sold these days is so some company can make a quick buck from a vulnerable market - new parents.

  21. It's great to appreciate and celebrate the simple things in life. They get it, and celebrate each other's lives.

  22. He has always had a great day sense of humor. One of my favorites was when he was asked if he likes rap and he started talking about food wraps he liked.

  23. All people are beautiful. Boy or Girl not matter. It beautiful family we all have. I have only 1 daughter she is 20 years old. I have 2nd miscarriage Sept 1999. I never forget it. I believe miscarriage go Heaven. One ex friend said they have no breath or soul. I won’t believe it. I cry and I was 5 weeks lost it unknown it cause it happened. I believe more children I have struggled get pregnant but I wish have more children. I’m 41 years old it might be to late. God blessed more children.

    1. I'm so very sorry for your loss! It is very brave and caring of you to share your story and heart ache. Blessings to you. 41 is definitely not too late. {{hugs}}

    2. Big thank you. πŸ€ŸπŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‰

    3. I'm so sorry, Connie. God bless you. Your baby is awaiting you in heaven. John 14:6.


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