Earlier this month, Jim Bob Duggar and some of the Duggar guys attended father-son camp at Fort Rock, owned by Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth's in-laws. They were joined by Anna Duggar's brother-in-law, David Waller, and nephew Paul. Meanwhile, Anna bonded with her sister, Priscilla Waller, and David and Priscilla's other children, Davia and Phillip.

Paul Waller and Marcus Duggar
Photos courtesy duggarfamily.com
Jackson Duggar
Jim Bob Duggar and Tyler

Paul Waller and Marcus Duggar
Photos courtesy duggarfamily.com
Love it!
ReplyDeleteOff-topic, but Neddie are you out there? I miss hearing from you! Hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteThis is Barb. I, too, noticed Neddie absense and wondered if everything is ok. Hopefully she is just at some camp that ask she campers to put away cell phones and tablets.
DeleteAnd also what happened to James?
DeleteI wonder how she is also, and I wonder what happened to "superjames" haven't seen him in a very long while in the comments.
DeleteI was wondering the same!
DeleteNeddie has always the nicest comments here :)
DeleteI was wondering the same thing!
DeleteWondering toooo!!!! Where is Neddie?
DeleteNeedle might be having computer problems. I know I have had that problem off and on so that might be what happened.
DeleteOh that was probably fun. Nice seeing the younger ones.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see the men/boys having a little guy time
ReplyDeleteLooks like fun!
ReplyDeleteThat is such a wonderful thing for men to take time like this with the younger men and boys and have teach them how men should act. If more men did things like this our country wouldn't have areas in it that are more like war zones then neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteI agree!
DeleteAbsolutely not a cause and effect relationship there, 8:07. Social problems on the scale you're talking about are far more complicated than that and could never be solved simply by a man riding horses with a boy at camp.
DeleteSo true!!
DeleteMy eyes got stuck rolling. Teaching men to be macho (which is what this camp is doing) is what actually contributes to violence.
DeleteAnon 8:56 That is absolutely not true. Statistics show that nearly all repeat offenders sitting in prison have one thing in common and that is there were no fathers in the home. So for father's to take their sons to a Christian men's retreat and spend time with them, teaching them the valuable position and responsibility that a man has in his home, society, and with God is a priceless lesson for these young men. What teaches men to be violent is when a dead beat Dad out sources his parental responsibilities to the neighborhood thugs and then wonders why his child was shot or in prison. That is the main reason for violence in boys and young men.
Delete3:04, what you are describing is nothing more than a stereotype that you seem to be taking as absolute truth. In your structure, how do you explain all the young men who are from mother-only families and NOT in jail? How do you explain the young men who had fathers in the home but are in jail anyway? Where does unemployment and a minimum wage that nobody can live on enter into your scenario? What about the schools that are underfunded and teachers who have no motivation for student success? What about people who won't hire someone with a criminal record? What about hunger added to poverty? And so on and so on. Having a dad who goes to camp with you doesn't even begin to solve any of those problems.
DeleteAnon 5:16 Its not that complicated, it's as simple as the break down of the family structure causes chaos in the home and then in society.
Delete3:04, I'll give u just a little slack only because you said the words "nearly all" instead of just saying "all" which would be not true. My son never had his dad in his life from day one, and he is a very upstanding respected person at his job and in everyday life with his friends. He wants to someday be a police officer to get those "thugs" off the streets. My point is, a boy can grow into a respectable responsible mature young man, even with no father in the home!😊
DeleteNot entirely true, 8:42. You can have a stable home and still end up with kids who defy both you and the law.
DeleteI know 3 kids in drug rehab right now - and 6 parents back at home who are stressed and heartbroken.
Anon 3:04 My comment had nothing to do with stereotyping anything. My comment was backed up on facts and the fact is that most repeat offenders come from fatherless homes. Then you proceed to throw all these different scenarios at the wall hoping something will stick. Of course there are law abiding, hard-working good men who were raised by a single mother who never went to jail. I never said otherwise. As far as minimum wage and unemployment go, why would that be a reason for violence against others?, which was the topic of my response. A whole lot of people came from humble beginnings and became the best of people. If you don't like how your school is run and you have unmotivated teachers, then you take that up with your Board of Education and vote for people that will change that problem. As far as hiring someone with a criminal record, would you hire them? Would you let someone come work at your business who has spent time in jail for murder, theft, domestic violence, assault, etc.? Well so we know it will be hard for them, but they also knew that before they committed these crimes. But some people will hire them, so they will have to find them people. They aren't victims. As far as poverty goes, there is a direct link to single parent homes and poverty and that is also a gov. Statistics too. So the bottom line is that when a man abandons his children he has set the stage for hunger, violence, and all kinds of obstacles to now be in that child's life. That is a fact.
Delete@4:17pm totally agree with you!!
DeleteComing from a single mom an alcoholic father who was never part of our lives second of six siblings and never in my life tested alcohol or drugs and I've never been in any kind of problems with society!
I hope this will be on a TLC episode!
ReplyDeleteJust for the record, I think TLC has done a great job with this season’s shows.
I couldn’t care less what order they show them in or if photos of family activities are on this blog. It’s all good! And this blog is wonderful too, as are the Duggars. I am not related to anyone on TLC or the Duggar family. Just tired of all the nit picking that goes on here. Bless you Lily and Ellie...I don’t know them either.😊
Horseback riding is good for male bonding. I'm sure they had a great time.
ReplyDeleteThey should be wearing helmets while riding horses.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be wrong with the women and younger girls doing the same at the camp. I am a woman and my 6 yr old daughter and I love to horseback ride, fish, and walk trails in the wilderness, etc...
ReplyDeleteFort Rock!! That has a very manly ring to it. Fathers and sons should be able to bond there.
ReplyDeleteJB is a dedicated dad! Nice to see their extended family join the 'father & son' time! Love the new banner btw! ❤
ReplyDeleteLooks like lots of fun,nice to see the guys having a fun time together,great that Fort Rock is now in the family as Joy & Austin’s parents/in laws own the area.
ReplyDeleteSending my love to you y’all.xxxx
Is there a father/daughter camp too? Be nice to think that they encourage fathers to spend quality time with all their children....
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:31 I remember seeing pictures of Jim Bob with his daughters at a Father and daughter camp retreat.
DeleteYes there is a father-daughter retreat. Jim Bob has taken his girls and others whose fathers have passed away
DeleteYes. It was on an episode of 19 Kids and Counting when Jim Bob took all the older girls to the same camp. It may have been on the last season to air or the one before. None of them were married yet.
DeleteOh yes, David Waller, the one who liked to mud wrestle with Josh. I remember that episode.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct! Married to josh’s sister in law, Priscilla. Interesting.
DeleteJackson is the youngest of the Duggar boys; can't believe how quickly he's growing up! ❤
ReplyDeleteThe children need their helmets!
ReplyDeleteThey should wear helmets when horseback riding. I used to take horseback riding lessons and the stable that I went to would not allow riders into class unless they had helmets on. You can suffer permanent brain damage or death if you fall off of a horse.
ReplyDeleteI agree, OP. I can't believe any place would accept the liability of allowing children on horses without helmets. My neighbor's daughter got thrown, and she was wearing a helmet. She still needed several reconstructive surgeries on her face. You never know what loud sound or what sight could spook even the tamest of horses.