
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Jessa Has Baby Fever

Ben Seewald, Jessa Seewald, and newborn Henry Seewald
As we shared yesterday, Michelle Duggar and Jessa Seewald headed down to Laredo, Texas, to help Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo care for newborn Felicity. Ben, Spurgeon, and Henry tagged along.

In a new Us Weekly article, Jessa admits that seeing Jinger's new addition has given her baby fever.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. I think Jessa will be pregnant this year! I wondered if seeing Jinger's baby girl would make her want another one.

    1. I wondered that, too, and I thought it likely would.

    2. when will the header be updated w/ Garrett and Felicity as well as John David's fiance?

  2. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing how you grow your family!

  3. I really hope that Jessa is expecting again soon...and Anna and Jill. I hope that Lauren and Abbie both have babies next year also...if John David and Abbie are married before the end of this year, which I think it very likely.

    1. Jill had a csection only a little over a year ago. It would be wise to wait at LEAST another year before trying again, for her safety and any new baby’s safety.

    2. That’s a little dramatic. 18 months between pregnancies is the usual recommendation where I’m from. Either way, there’s no rush. It’s not a competition. People need to take the pressure off these ladies getting pregnant all the time. Just let them live their lives.

    3. She should be able to try again by now..

    4. They're going to be too busy for family expansion. Probably too cash-strapped, too.

    5. 6:50, since Samuel was her second csection, it would be wise to wait a while longer.

  4. They mention once again that adoption or fostering is "in their hearts." If they are truly serious about it, focusing on having more biological children may have to be put on the back-burner for awhile. I'd be surprised if they ever do that.

    1. I’d be very surprised that any reputable agency would place a child with any of the Duggars. Too many controversial things have occurred, just being on a reality tv series would likely be seen as a negative. She may be saying “I have baby fever”, however she seems well grounded likely to wait a bit and enjoy her handsome boys.

    2. I think her point was they’re thinking about putting having more bio kids on the back burner for awhile

    3. The adoption talk is fake for me.

    4. 9:55, adoption agencies don’t not let a couple adopt because they have a weird family member. And they wouldn’t be the first couple to adopt while being on a reality tv show, IG the little couple and the duck dynasty couple who adopted a baby boy a few years back. If you’re a loving couple who can provide for a new family member, and YOU don’t have any criminal back ground, you’re good to go.

    5. I would imagine that any of the Duggars will go back to Central America to adopt, where they went on previous trips. With the people they know there, they're bound to be approved for adoption there.

    6. I don't think the talk is fake, but I think that if it happens, it's going to happen the way 9:33 described. Go to one of those orphanages where they know everyone, sign papers, done deal.

    7. 6:48, adopting out of country is MUCH more complicated than that. The child they adopted would have to get US citizenship

    8. 2:01- Internationally adopted children automatically become US citizens when the adoption is finalized. This wan’t the case 22 years ago when we adopted our children. It was more complicated back then and dealing with the DOI was no walk in the park.

  5. I can attest to this happening. I have theee littles, ages 4, 2, and 14 months and every time I see a baby, I’m anxious for another one. Children are a blessing and I think all women have an innate desire to nurture, some women just nurture animals and plants instead of babies. My husband and I are hoping for10-15 kids but we’ll see how many God blesses us with.

    1. Men have the capacity to be every bit as nurturing as women. As far as having a huge family, I hope you have the means to support them, not only financially but also emotionally. I’ve known women who love having babies around, but once the kids are old enough to have a mind of their own, not so much.

    2. Agreed!! Preach it! Sitting here nursing my seventh baby and it never gets old. My heart aches as I imagine what it will be like when there’s not a baby in my arms anymore. For any struggling with infertility, these words aren’t meant to wound you, but validate your feelings and comfort you that we weep with you

    3. When there's not a baby in your arms, you appreciate the children you have and the stages where they currently are. Each age has its merits.

    4. Anon 12:43. It sounds like you have a bad case of "baby fever". I am a bit curious as to what your other six children are doing while you are nursing and cuddling your latest baby.

    5. I am pregnant with baby number 6. My children are under 7. You can definitely nurse a baby and take care of your other children. I do it every day. My youngest just turned one and he still nurses alot, and being pregnant or having other children doesn't hinder that. I have all boys but one so they really have to be watched, and they are. Not everyone can do it, and God's plan isn't the same for everyone.

    6. 9:55 do you have something against having seven children? Not trying to be rude but you seem a little weird about a woman who is nursing and cuddling her baby.

    7. Each age does have its merits, but that special connection between a mom and her baby after having carried the baby for nine months, sight unseen, is unique and short. My oldest is six, and while I'm trying to enjoy all the delight of this age, I miss having babies. Especially because they don't talk back. ;)

    8. Anon 3:03 Your family sounds beautiful!

  6. Jessa has very beautiful young boys I'm praying for you Jessa to have twin girls soon and I hope you and Ben will pray about adding a expansion on your house for the future nursery and a extra bathroom growing kids and future babies will need extra room soon

  7. Well, only if they didn't speak so loudly about adoption before and knowing that young infant doesn't match with adoption. (That's what they have been told) If they get pregnant soon again, then are adoption plans again in jeopardy and very doubtful of they wil ever adopt anyway.

    1. I think their plan had been to adopt after having Spurgeon, but then she got pregnant with Henry when Spurgeon was only 6 months old, which was a shock. Not for all women, but for many full time breast feeding works as a natural birth control, so that was probably what they had been relying on.

    2. I don't think they'll ever adopt. It seems more like a "talking point" than any real plan on their part.

    3. They should stop talking about it of it is never going to hapen. Or of it is not possible

    4. I think it's great that they've thought about it and are leaving their options open. They're young, and they have plenty of time to consider whether they really want to pursue it at some point.

  8. If she isn't already pregnant I'm sure she will be by the time the new season ends, with an announcement made just before John David and Abbie marry in September or October!

    1. I'm betting she's pregnant again.

    2. You think John David and Abbie will marry in September? I was going with October. We'll see.

  9. I was praying Hessa’s second baby would be a girl, but maybe God is planning one next time.

    1. Does it really matter that much? To pray for Jessa to have a girl is like saying that a boy would be a disappointment.

    2. I really wanted to have a baby girl, but all I got was a bunch of boys. Oh well...She can want a girl all she wants, but that doesn't mean she'll give birth to one. Its in God's hands. All that really matters is that the baby is healthy, and you can financially take care of it.

    3. I agree. I have one daughter and four boys. I'm hoping baby #6 is a girl but I know how special boys are. Girls are equally special. But really one isn't better than the other. It really is about God's plan.

    4. A baby being healthy is not all that matters. God’s blessings come in all kinds of bodies.

    5. Interesting comment

  10. Why would Jesse’s whole family tag along? How much help could she be with all of them?

    1. I wondered that, too! Why would you bring a one-year old and a two-year old to a house with a newborn? Schedules and sleep would be disrupted enough already.

    2. I agree as well. Unless they stayed in a hotel couldn't Ben stay at home with the kids?

    3. And many new parents enjoy time alone with their new baby to bond as a family. I’ve noticed that Jessa, Ben and kids travel frequently must be nice to have such a flexible work schedule.

    4. #1:They were probably in a hotel. #2:She’s still nursing Henry so he had to come. #3:Ben knows how to watch kids, it’s not like Jessa had to be with them 24/7

    5. What I find weird about this is the fact that Ben is always traveling with Jessa. He did it for Joy’s dress shopping in Kentucky as well. None of the other spouses were there. Doesn’t Ben have a job or something he has to do?

    6. I asked myself the same question. In all the episodes, I have never seen a Duggar girl go anywhere without her husband and kids along. Even on dates, I have seen their children with them. Maybe it is part of their belief system?

    7. Why would you not take your spouse with you? Having the cousins together even when one is a newborn is fun. They might have stayed at a hotel, so sleep times wouldn’t be too interrupted.

    8. I thought she said she wasn't nursing any longer. And I don't understand how staying at a hotel is any help to a new mother. You need help at night, not just during the day.

      Also, It's things like this that bring back the old "What exactly do the Duggars do for work" question.

    9. I thought Ben was trying to be some rap star now ?

    10. If I just had a baby I would be resentful having young toddlers around. I'd want to be alone to recover and have time with just my husband and baby. Having help is great don't get me wrong, but young tots are loud and need a lot of looking after lol.

    11. I totally agree with you at 7:05.

    12. So true 7:05. You need more adults around, not more toddlers. Unless they can pick up a crying baby, do a 2am feeding, make dinner, do the wash, or clean the house, they're not much practical help.

  11. This announcement comes as no surprise. Baby Fever is an epidemic with the Duggars.

    1. I think that pregnancy and having a baby in the house can become as much an addiction as anything else. Perhaps that is the case with most of these mega families. If it makes them happy and they can support their numbers, that's fine. However, I think it disingenuous to claim it's God's plan. If you choose not to use any form of contraception, then it's your own will and desires at play.

    2. Well holding a newborn kind of makes it hard NOT to have baby fever. They’re so sweet and tiny😍😍

    3. I think it means Jessa is pregnant.

  12. Right?! I honestly hope they wait until they are financially prepared and are truly ready for another baby within their family dinámica, and not just get pregnant because they “miss the newborn smell” or something

  13. Why does there have to be a story in a magazine to announce she has baby fever?

    1. Because jessa loves the limelight. She just can't get enough of it which cracks me up. Lol

    2. I agree. I thought this was to be Jeremy,Jinger and Felicity's moment. Someone always has to steal the thunder.

    3. Wow you’re all rude, the magazine would have ASKED her for an interview, it’s not like she just popped up begging for an article to be done on her family.

    4. I thought the same thing. Let Jinger have her moment, but Jessa likes to be in the limelight.

    5. Anon @ 12:07 I feel the same way as you. This was Jinger and Jeremys special time at the birth of their first child, Jessa has had her moments in the spotlight with both her babies, and we have seen numerous pictures of her boys (cute though they are), it almost feels like it is a competition to Jessa.

    6. I thought the pictures of Jessa and her boys playing in Jinger's nursery, as if they owned it or lived there, crossed the line.

    7. 7:00, IT WAS A PICTURE FOR A PHOTOSHOOT!! What line does that cross?!

    8. 7:00, that was a photo for a news article, not a candid picture of them sneaking into Jinger's nursery and getting into the baby toys behind Jinger's back. The photographer probably told them to get on the floor and play for the photo.

  14. Baby fever? As in "I'm pregnant again". lol

    1. As in “she wants to be pregnant again”

    2. Children are not something to keep having just because you want to hold a baby again. Weigh quality vs. quantity.

  15. Is her baby fever not cured by - her baby?

    1. I think baby fever really translates to newborn fever

  16. Jessa wants a baby girl more than anything. And she should stop talking about adoption of they are not serious about it. It is hurting real adoptive parents and waiting parents to be.

    1. Please explain how it’s hurting anyone. And how do you know she’s not serious about it? I knew couples who talked about adopting for years before it was actually time for them to

    2. How is her talking about adopting hurting real adoptive parents and waiting parents to be????

    3. This bothers me too, 12:34. Don't keep talking about adoption "someday." Do it, or stop talking about it. I think it's hurting most the children waiting long days for parents who never come.

    4. 9:26, I know families who talked about adopting for years before they actually were able to. Just because you can’t adopt at that exact moment doesn’t mean you can’t talk about it.

    5. Also 9:26 unless you have personally adopted or are planning to, I would be so high and mighty. Why don’t become one of the parents who steps up and does come, instead of bashing a family you don’t personally know because they say they want to adopt someday?

    6. Are they on the list? It doesn't hurt anyone else trying to adopt because if they're on the list and can't adipt, they would be passed over for another family. Your comment is foolish

    7. Being supportive of adoption is nothing but positive. I see nothing wrong with their happy views of adoption. Does not hurt anyone and in fact spreads the news how good adoption is.

    8. Maybe 9:26 is adopted and knows about this problem first-hand. Did you think of that before criticizing, 3:43?

    9. How would you like to be one of those kids at the orphanages they visited, and hear them talking on camera about adoption...but they never came back...

    10. 7:02, if they knew about the problem first hand then they would say so, instead they’re judging a couple for saying that they would like to someday adopt.

    11. 12:02, and the you know they’re not ever coming exactly?

    12. 12:02 - You think those kids in Central American orphanages watch TLC??

  17. Jessa, don't think U have to have lots of babies, U have as many as UUU truly want, and U don't have to have 19+ kids!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

  18. Agreed!!!! I think the same could be said, of any of the married Duggar women, including Michelle.

  19. Jessa is married. Easy fix.

  20. Jessa has 'baby fever', my first thought was don't they all?

  21. Jessa is pregnant thats for sure!

  22. Doesn't Ben have a job? How can he get so much time off work? Just curious.

    1. I am curious also. I presume he works for Jim Bob and helps with all the maintenance necessary for all their properties. I know some people would look down on this so they probably don't talk about it much publicly. My cousin is in his thirties and has never had a 'real' job; he just does errands for his dad. But someone needs to do those little jobs and might as well hire family than a stranger.

    2. He was supposed to be studying college Bible courses online. Haven't heard another word about it since it was first announced.

  23. I always have baby fever... I feel ya girl.

  24. I hope Ben and Jessa finally consider adoption. They talked about it when they first got married, they would be great parents to a child in need of a forever family.

    1. They are considering it, it’s more about when they’re actually able to.

  25. The first girl in the family. Fantastic work Jinger. Pray for you

    1. "First girl in the family"? There seems to be TWO other Duggar granddaughters in the "family" that I'm aware of.

    2. @7:09 Felicity is the first girl in Jinger and Jeremy's family. They might have other girls someday,but Felicity is their first child.

  26. I think Spurgeon needs to be potty trained. He is 2 1/2. I sure hope Ben is working with him because he is not a baby.

    1. Not your kid, not your problem.

    2. Who cares? I wanted to get rid of diapers ASAP, but not everyone feels the same way.

    3. 3:03- Do you give this type of unsolicited "needs to" child-rearing advice to all your family and friends as well? I highly doubt this little boy will be one day walking down the aisle of his own wedding wearing diapers.

    4. At 8:22 not your blog and not your place to leave a rude comment.

    5. Jessa said she'll do it when he's ready.

    6. Girls potty train earlier. It's not unusual for a 3 year old boy to still be in diapers.

    7. I have 1 girl and 4 boys. Boys potty train just fine. All of mine have been potty trained by 2 1/2. They went straight to underwear. About to start potty training my one year old. I really don't care how others handle potty training. I just do what works best for my family. Every family is different and will have different ways of doing things. And Spurgeon may potty train really fast because he is older. When they are younger it's more work on the parent, but I think when they get older they sometimes get where they refuse to go potty. So, it's all work.

    8. If she is pregnant and can't get Spurgeon potty trained before the next baby arrives, there will be 3 in diapers.

  27. Thinking about having more kids stresses the snot out of me!

    1. Some people want smaller families and some people want larger families and are able to handle them.

  28. "Baby Fever"???What are Henry & Spurgeon?..chopped liver? They are hardly independent, driving adult college students. She has TWO babies already. Enjoy the ones you have, my dear.


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