
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Baby Duggar Coming Soon!

 Joseph Duggar and Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar

With less than three weeks to go until her June 17th due date, Kendra Duggar is now 37 weeks pregnant with her son. That sure went by quickly, didn't it?

At this point, many moms-to-be find themselves in full-on nesting mode, as they anxiously prepare their home for their new addition. Baby is approximately 19 inches long and six pounds in weight but is growing rapidly.

We know you have been eager to see photos of Kendra's pregnancy progress. While the Duggar daughters have been more open about sharing their baby bump photos with the world, Kendra has chosen to keep hers private for the time being. You can be sure that we will let you know as soon as Baby Duggar's arrival is announced to the public.

Meanwhile, Jinger Vuolo is approaching her 33-week mark.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Maybe it went by quickly for you. Ask Kendra how it went for her. She's the one who may have dealt with morning sickness, bloating, back aches, headaches, fatigue, and every other ailment that comes along with being pregnant.

    1. Exactly!! My poor Daughter delivered at 37 weeks. Healthy baby girl but she was miserable. Second pregnancy!

    2. I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum and it still went by so fast. No matter how sick you were you look back on it and miss it from time to time.

    3. I’ve had 6 kids and never sounded as complain-y as you do here, lol. A lot of that is heattitude you choose

    4. Not everyone can keep a happy attitude when they're sick for those months then hospitalized with pre-eclampsia. I quit after one child because it was too much for my body. When anyone says it goes by quickly, I roll my eyes.

    5. I had five pregnancies, and despite the discomfort and other ailments, it was always a very special time.

    6. Amen!!! All my 4 pregnancies were a very special time in spite of them being high risk and needing bed rest for 3 of the 4, as well as having to abstain from intimacy due to how high risk they were. So yea even with that and the many pregnancy discomforts, my husband and I still occasionally wish for me to be pregnant again. We had to call it quits tho, on account of the high risk as well as the fact that I wasn’t young anymore either.....

    7. I have four healthy, happy, energetic boys. Two of them were not planned. All of my pregnancies were incredibly miserable. I didn't just have morning sickness, I was sick all day long...the bigger they grew inside me the more uncomfortable I got, and looked forward to them getting out of my body. Oh, how relieved I was when the day came for them to be born...Now that they're older but still living under our roof we often look forward to them growing up and moving away. We do our best to make the most of everything we have and try to enjoy each day we have with them.

    8. 2:11. It does not sound like you enjoy much about having children at all. We all get uncomfortable at the end of pregnancy. You don’t have the exception to the rule on that one. Looking forward to them growing up and moving away?? How very sad to rush their childhood years.

    9. That's your onion as your allowed to have one.

    10. 6:50 I said they were happy, healthy, know what that means they have a good life and are loved.

    11. 10:59, I think spellcheck got the best of you. “That’s your onion.” I am a terrible, horrible speller so it’s happened to me many times. All you can do is chuckle

    12. Yes, it's quite funny.

  2. This the time when the doctor says "any day now". I'm glad Kendra did her own thing with the pregnancy photos. I think there is exactly one photo of me pregnant and that was taken at my baby shower.

    1. I have one picture from when I was pregnant, taken at the beach. It was not summer so everyone was wrapped up. I sure didn't feel photogenic when I was pregnant.

    2. She is so much more modest with her pregnancy.

    3. I'm glad she didn't get subjected to dozens of judgmental people accusing her of immodestly flaunting her pregnant belly; and I DO wonder if she knew that had happened to her in-laws and didn't want to deal with it herself. Or she is just a more private person in general, yes she agreed to marry a Duggar but she didn't grow up with cameras in her face either.

  3. And she will be the first of the Duggar daughters/inlaws to be a teen mom (Ben and Joy were both 20, so not quite teens).
    They shouldn’t be encouraging that imo, even if she’s married.

    1. Time 2;24PM
      To me 19 seems grown up.

    2. Let them make their own decisions. I was a 'teenmom', married at 19 and had my first at 19. No regrets! I had more energy then, than I have now as I'm pregnant with baby 6 at 31.

    3. Go sit down somewhere. At least she have a husband and not a single teen mom.

    4. She is to young to get married and have a child. They should have had more time together

    5. Lauren will be second.

    6. She is young becouse they can have a big family with as much kids as possible.

    7. What difference does it make how old she is. They are married right? They leave having a child in God’s hands, so are you saying god is wrong in blessing them with a child because she isn’t 20 yet? Most ridiculous thing I have heard all day.

    8. They are married and choose to start a family. Age doesn't make you a good mother or father

    9. Why not, if she's happily married?

    10. Who is even encouraging them to get pregnant? It takes 2 to tango and it's the married couples business when they choose to start a family, not yours or anyone else's business, imo.

    11. If a woman that age without a marriage certificate got pregnant, you would be up in arms. A signed piece of paper changes nothing when it comes to someone's biological age! You're still 19.

    12. It's safer than having babies in your 30s and 40s, actually.

    13. 9:27, who cares if she’s only 19, she’s probably more mature than you and knows not to post nasty comments about people on the internet.

    14. 2:21. Marriage is a lot more than a signed piece of paper. You obviously, sadly don’t view marriage as God does.

    15. Great comment, 3:35! Very well said!

    16. You missed the point, 9:57. 2:21 said a certificate doesn't change someone's BIOLOGICAL age. Nothing about marriage. Read again.

    17. 2:21, do you understand what a marriage is? Honest question.

    18. I find some of these comments quite funny. Joe and Kendra are married and mature enough to have a child. As long as Joe or Kendra can financially provide for this child and love it that's all that matters. They aren't that young.

    19. There is SO much more to being a parent than being able to provide for the child financially! Now that I'm way past 19, I can say for sure that it's a terribly young age to have children. It can be done, but it sure is different (better) when you're older. Youth is for finding out about yourself, trying new things, and making mistakes and adjustments if needed. It's not the time to tie yourself down immediately with children and marriage. Plenty of people try that and regret it.

    20. Your opinion. Of course you are entitled to it. I also think 19 is young. But then again if we can trust 18 year olds to serve our military and die for our country and to be able to vote... then why not marry?

  4. I love that Kendra seems to be resisting getting sucked fully into the Duggar machine and instead is seemingly building her own family life with her husband. They ought to use Kendra's last name or a new one they choose together!

    1. Yes. She seems able to forge her own path and not get caught up in posting pictures of every step of her pregnancy.

    2. Just wait til the new season comes and it's all about Joe & Kendra. The machine is alive and well. There will be giggling.

    3. It is a Duggar son. Ofcourse they wil use the Duggar name. A firstborn is so important.

    4. My husband and I chose a new family name, it was a great decision :)

    5. Aww yes I would love to have seen that. I know its not for everyone, but I think its so special when new couples hyphenate or create a new last name, so symbolic of their new identities. My husband and I both kept our original last names, but we are thinking about hyphenating when we have a baby.

    6. You must be kidding. Why? The children are Duggars and if they want to hyphonate their name to include hers, so be it, but to choose a new stupid!!

    7. ? Use Kendra's last name or choose a new one?! Oookaaay : /

    8. I think Joe is very private as well

    9. this comment is ridiculous. this must be from one of the many haters who pose as fans and come to this blog and post inane comments! btw- what is the 'duggar machine'? - a Godly honest loving family?! wow how sad that people hate what is good.

    10. I think you might be confused. They live in that log cabin that was moved to the Duggars back yard. I imagine they remain close to Joe’s family simply because they are so physically close.

    11. Choose a new family name????? Most of us love sharing a name with our families. You want to disconnect from family that much?

    12. I’m glad that they kept her pregnancy low keyed. Better than having a belly growth chart in the news every week or so. I think they are a private couple as far as Duggars go.

    13. How would not using the Duggar name be any different than not using the Caldwell name? I doubt 4:25 would accuse the couple of disconnecting from Kendra's family simply because she changed her name, though it's the exact same thing.

  5. When is Counting On returning this summer?

  6. So happy together! 😊❤👣🎁

  7. Time 2:13PM
    Happy Tuesday she is 37 weeks already? Time goes by fast.

  8. I live to hear about everyone and fans are excited and sometimes we feel more like family than fan, with so much negativity in this world I respect their choice to be a little more private. Thanks for the update and look forward to hearing the birth announcement 👣 sending much love and hugs and prayers to All of you 💞

  9. good for her for keeping some things private! Best wishes to the happy couple and their new bundle of joy

  10. Wishing all the best things for Joe & Kendra - having "their" first baby will be wonderful.
    "Let them do it their way - not the way TV fans or family
    members want it.

  11. Good for Kendra for doing her own thing about documenting her pregnancy/sharing it with the world. I'm glad that it sounds like Kendra did not feel pressured or that she absolutely had to keep fans updated. Prayers for her and Joe as her due date approaches!

  12. After baby boy Duggar's arrival announcement, I hope we see a lot of baby pictures as he grows...Jane

  13. Kendra, you are beautiful and look so happy. Best wishes to you.

  14. I hope she wil go to a hospital and get her baby safe. And with a real midwife or doctor

    1. Me too. She seems quite sensible and I hope she had someone other than Jill doing prenatal care.

    2. Camera crews probably aren’t allowed at the hospital... so I fear that this delivery will be similar to both of Jill’s and Joy’s. Maybe Joe will put his foot down though. Guess we will have to wait and get the story from whatever tabloid the story is sold to afterwards.

    3. 7:53, they’ve had camera crews in the hospital before

    4. Counting On may be able to film a hospital birth if they plan out the logistics in advance. Michelle had a doctor willing to be filmed when she gave birth. Jill and Joy didn't intend to give birth at a hospital and showed up needing unplanned c-sections. It really depends on what Kendra wants and how much of the birth she feels comfortable having filmed.

  15. She is due on my birthday!

  16. good for her the wold does not want to see that. hope fully she will have a hospital birth.

  17. I love the episodes with them working on their house. Any word on if they got moved it or not? I hope TLC does some follow-up episodes on that. The log cabin looked really cool.

  18. I know she can decide what they’s just fun being along for the ride..

  19. Good for you, Kendra! Don't let anyone pressure you into any pictures if you don't want to.

  20. I respect Kendra for maintaining her privacy. Hopefully, they will do the same for their child.

  21. I'm glad shes not posting pics only because then the social media parent police cant attack her like they went after joy while she was pregnant


    1. Hey, I just thought of a great name, and it is a really great name 100%!!!!!! IT IS Gabriel Duggar, it sounds wonderful, and it rolls of the tongue, nicely!!!!!

  23. Anon 927 please explain what's wrong with being a month away from her twentieth birthday while having her first bundle of joy? I was 19 years and 3 1/2 months with my first. That was almost 37 years ago on my first anniversaire. Loved being a young mom! Had all four by the time I was 26. Enjoying a blessed grandmotherhood while I'm still young and healthy enough to play with them grands. Just last summer we took the then 13 year old to London and Paris. Best years are ahead!

  24. Dear Joseph and Kendra Duggar, a lot of people and I would love to see the gender reveal party also the birth of your baby boy on the next season of counting on. My family and I love the show. We would love for the show to continue. We always luck forward to new seasons. Natasha B

  25. Wishing Joe & Kendra well in the "home stretch" here. Hopefully, they have indeed made this time their own personal time to enjoy their sweet baby on the way. :)

  26. I too am glad Kendra and Joe are more private. Joe is very intelligent and knows that this whole TV thing is nothing but trouble. Hopefully they will be the next “kids” to drop the show. It is obvious that Jeremy and Jinger have drawn back quite a bit and most likely will continue too. Hopefully Austin will show Joy that all of the hoopla from the show is not necessary and they can move on and live as a family should as well. The entire family needs to go back to being who they were before all of this fame ruined them.

    1. What “kids” have dropped the show? Two have been fired, but none have voluntarily dropped out.

    2. Despite Joe and Kendra being more private people I rather doubt they will turn down a healthy paycheck for about three days work with the camera's. Don't know if this is accurate but someone said they receive about $25,000 for that week's work with TLC. In Arkansas or anywhere else that is a great start off for a young couple with a new baby. I'll agree that the fame can get them in trouble - just look at Derrick..seemed like such a nice guy in the beginning and then posted hateful comments I assume guessing he would be listened to. TLC dropped his but and his wife was forced to go with him off the show and then he had to audacity to complain TLC hadn't paid his babies bills for medical issues after birth. I really hope the rest of the couples keep God in their hearts and not let fame go to their heads.

    3. The fame didn't ruin them! They are obviously well adjusted and responsible adults. Some probably do crave the attention too much but so do the majority of non famous people taking selfies of themselves all the time. I see plenty of self absorbed people nowadays with social media. You don't have to be famous to like posting selfies.

    4. I agree. I think having and raising children in front of TV cameras is not in the children's best interest. I doubt Joy will give it up though as it's the only life she's known. Personally I believe the best thing that happened to Anna was for them to be forced to retire from the public view so she could raise her children "off camera".

    5. 5:43 - Would you say the fame didn't ruin Josh? If not for being on TV, he would not have suffered such public humiliation that will follow him the rest of his life. His parents should have protected these children while they were growing up.

    6. 9:03, Josh deserves everything he got. He was using his fame to speak out against the very things he himself was doing, so I don’t pitty him for a second.

    7. The fame harmed Anna and her children as well, by extension. It also exposed Josh's sisters to a situation that normally would not have exceeded their small town.

    8. Speaking of Anna, she was on the Counting On show for a couple years, and I assume that if she'd wanted to she could have continued that. So Anna did decide that the money she'd get from staying on TV wasn't worth it. So it's not like "all the Duggars care about is fame and money and they'll NEVER give it up even if it's harming their families".

      And if you take Derick at his word he did indeed choose to drop the show on his own, he was not fired. Though in his case he's claiming he never was paid anyway. And Jill certainly wasn't fired, she actually was still shown last season and in the Gideon birth special episode.

      I think every adult Duggar has to eventually make a decision as to whether the fame and money is worth exposing yourself to not just the adoration of the fans but the hatred of, well, the haters.

      And it's obvious some are still trying to get as much attention as possible and others are pulling back.

  27. So exciting for them! And I don't blame Kendra one bit. Why subject yourself to the body shaming that would be sure to follow (or the criticism of everything in the picture's background, to boot)?

  28. God Bless to this growing Godly family! They look so happy!

  29. No pic... but yay on baby coming!

  30. I'm so glad that Kendra chose to keep a private matter....private. Expecting a baby IS a private matter. Flaunting one's body for whatever reason to the public IS NOT MODEST nor is it in good taste. I don't know how this family justifies their modest beliefs with what they post of themselves on social media. They need to re-think their actions, IMO. Good for Kendra. I agree that they all marry as 'children'. They are all way too young and it all happens way too quickly.

    1. Having a baby isn’t private good grief

    2. Unfortunately, your comment makes it sound as though she should never be photographed while pregnant, or at least not let anyone see the photographs. I think there's a difference between wearing skin-tight pregnancy tops or taking those naked belly pictures and letting people see a picture of a pregnant woman in a loose top. It almost sounds as though you think that pregnancy should be something to be embarrassed about or something unnatural.

    3. What makes them modest? Maybe that they never where the Low cut shirts so popular? Maybe that they don't date and "get physical with several people before setting down? They don't party, etc... If you don't think there actions aren't modest then you don't know what the word means.

    4. Anon @ 3:15 'Having a baby isn't private', for many it is, myself included. When I had my babies it was just myself, my husband a midwife and my doctor, no cameras and no other family/in-laws, it was as private as I could make it. Giving birth 'on TV' is the opposite of private!

    5. 5:49 - Giving birth on television is not modest. They had to blur out Anna and Jessa because they were exposed. How many people from cameramen to editors saw?
      By even having a show they draw attention to themselves. I think you should re-evaluate what modest is as well.

    6. 4:29 —so when I was pregnant, I shouldn’t have gone to work because some of my work clothes were tight and my pregnancy is a “private” matter? Ha! Unlike the Duggars, I live in the real world and have to have a real job to help pay our bills. As far as pregnancy being private, my coworkers are like family to me so I was happy to share the experience with them.

    7. 11:56, no I agree that actually being in labor and delivering the baby are private things, but my comment was meant in response to OP saying “expecting a baby is a private matter”, which makes it sound like she thinks women should go hide away while they’re pregnant which is absurd.

    8. Anon @ 9:49 I misunderstood your post, sorry. Yes I agree you can't hide your pregnancy at least not once you start showing, plus its lovely to shaŕe with friends and family. I do agree with others who post about the Duggar daughters fondness for tight t-shirts while pregnant, it flys in the face of the modesty rules they and their have promoted all these years.

    9. 2:33, no problem. As for their shirts, I really don’t find a problem with them, and really think that once they get married a lot of the girls find that their parents rules were a bit extreme, and they choose to branch off a bit.

  31. Maybe Joe and Kendra have wisely decided to try to lead quiet lives away from publicity as much as possible.

    1. They are on tv! Her birth will al si on the show. Oh is the rule.

    2. The birth will likely be on the show and there will likely be an associated "exclusive" story published in a tabloid. However, I'm sure that if Joe and Kendra wanted to, they could have sold many more pregnancy pics and stories in the last 9 months. I don't get the sense they are trying to maximize their income from this.

  32. I don't understand why everyone is so happy that Kendra is being "private." You're the very same people who get happy when pregnancy pictures are shared and bellies are cradled! I feel like I've stepped into the Twilight Zone here.

    1. LOL, Anonymous at 2:24, it's hard to tell if those are the "very same people" since most of us use the term "Anonymous"!

    2. I think they’re happy because it shows none of them are “forced” or feel like they have to post pictures of themselves for more publicity.

    3. Actually many people who post here have made it known they are far from happy when the Duggars share pregnancy pictures, that they think doing that is immodest, classless and vain.

      Other people here indeed find no problem with pregnancy pics and may want to see more of Kendra, BUT they respect her for her choices NOT to share. (I would be one of them).

      It is actually possible to disagree with someone's choice yet respect them for it. Sadly these days most politicians and media figures don't understand this and think "if you disagree with me you are my enemy and deserve nothing but my scorn".

    4. How on earth do you know if they're the same people? Almost everyone posts as anoymous!

    5. The ones that are happy that Kendra is private are the ones who complain about the belly cradling. Many people post comments here.

    6. I see the OP's point. People have been asking left & right for updates on Kendra's bump. Now the consensus seems to be they're glad she's keeping private?

    7. Anon 1:11. Most people post here as Anonymous so the ones that complain about lack of pictures of Kendra's bump are NOT the ones who are glad she's more private. Hope that clears it up for you.

    8. I said on a post months ago that I was glad Kendra was keeping things private and got pounced on from all directions. Seems like many have changed their minds and now agree with me, go figure!

  33. Joseph and Kendra wishing you all the best with Baby Boy Duggar. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  34. What if Kendra had a complication during childbirth and the baby died while Kendras life was being saved. Would you “pro-lifers” criticize her for not choosing to die to save her baby’s life?

    1. Seriously? You didn't have to go there.

    2. First of all if there was a problem doctors would preform an emergency c section, my mom almost died in labor due to a placental abruption and both of their lives were saved. There is no situation I could possibly think of where they couldn’t both be taken care of.

    3. In what circumstance would that happen? If she is in labor in a hospital, they can do a c-section very quickly in an emergency situation. Doctors can work on a mom and baby at the same time.

    4. My brother had a girlfriend, whose mother was diagnosed with cancer during her pregnancy. Even though it meant she could lose her life, she continued her pregnancy and had her baby. Two years later she died. My brother's girlfriend was left grieving for her mother. But still had a beautiful little sister love on and hold. My husband's cousin was diagnosed with cancer, during her pregnancy and chose to terminate it, to save her life. A year later she died from her cancer. Her family was left grieving for two lives, and empty arms...

    5. 4:28 - those are both very sad stories. I know of a woman who was diagnosed with cancer during her pregnancy, chose to try and carry to term, and they both died. She left her husband and a little boy who was barely one year old. God has a plan that is greater than we can ever comprehend.

  35. There is a BIG difference in being IN a photograph while expecting and purposely wearing tight tops and posing to show everyone how your abdomen is expanding on public media. Don't misunderstand this posters comment. My mother was 'in pictures' while expecting....not in skin tight shirts showing the world her changing body. Big difference.

    1. She didn't have a chalkboard and fruit pictures?

    2. Why do you feel the need to get so involved with someone else’s clothes? It just seems weird to me.

    3. I bet most of the people complaining about tight tops are wearing just as tight tops themselves and probably low cut shirts since that is the current rage. Most of you saying this are hypocrites. Duggars aren't perfect but you probably aren't either. Besides you are being hypercritical of young women and young women make all sorts of bad wardrobe choices.

    4. Anon 1:22 People might not be so involved with the Duggar's clothing if they didn't post pictures so the public can view them Especially Jinger with her chalkboard and fruit.

    5. I knew a lady who - decades ago - took monthly pregnancy pictures in front of wallpaper with stripes to mark the growing of her unborn baby. During my last pregnancies (7 and 10 years ago) I got weekly updates from a very popular maternity/baby site that always included the approximate size of my babies and - guess what - gave the fruit/veggie comparison. Just because you have never heard of people marking their babies' growth throughout the pregnancies doesn't mean that it's weird or uncommon.

    6. In our home, we're modestly stylish without needing form fitting tops (or form fitting jeans for that matter). We've taught our daughter that she is far more than a body for guys to ogle. I agree that young ladies often make bad wardrobe choices (I did at that age and stage). So what we've taught our daughter: A lot of girls use their body, looks, and clothing choices as bait, then are miserably unhappy when they catch a bottom-feeder. Instead of judging them though, we need to educate them. <3

    7. There's also a difference between taking pictures for your own use and posting them online or on fan sites.

    8. To be fair to the Duggars, they only time they have worn form fitting tops is when they are pregnant. I think they have the same attitude toward pregnant bellies that BFing crusaders have toward nursing; anyone who actually gets impure thoughts from seeing a pregnant belly or a mother nursing, is a deviant whose weaknesses don't deserve to be catered to.

      I think the underlying issue is the limited idea of modesty as just a measure to avoid stirring up desire, as opposed to the overall idea of modesty as attiring oneself in a way to honor the Temple of the Lord.

  36. Wait. Jim Bob and Michelle will be in California on the 16th of June. They may miss the birth. Oh well they can "parent by Skype" for the event if it happens while they're there.

  37. I am sure there are pictures of her they have chosen not to share. I loved to watch the look on my kids faces when they see a picture of me when they were in my tummy. She is doing her own thing which I like. I wish for them a healthy baby!!

  38. No picture again... hmm but that's their choice and hope pregnancy is well. Plus my favorite "Duggar" (Vuolo) couple post their bump & progress enough, can't wait to see their baby girl!

  39. I just melted when he boo-hooed at their wedding as she was coming down the aisle. I think these two value one another deeply and are viewing this baby as a blessing not a ratings prop.

  40. No need to be private if you are on tv.

  41. This baby could come any day. Anything after 37 weeks is considered ok. My first was 17 days early, my second was 12 days early and my last was 14 days early. I hope Kendra has a safe labor and delivery

  42. Kendra and Joe come across as really nice. They don't seem nearly as burned out as the rest of the cast (especially Jinger and Jeremy) of Counting On.

    1. It agree that Kendra and Joe are a nice couple. They seem down-to-earth and a good match.
      I'm wondering rather than being burned out, the other family members are wary of sharing too much for fear of backlash or mockery. Joseph wasn't featured as much as his other siblings and hasn't faced the same criticisms (in part because he stays off social media).
      Jeremy and Jinger are my favorite couple to watch. I do think they are careful in what they show.

    2. I agree, and I doubt it is a coincidence that they have been relatively private, it seems they are doing no more P.R. for themselves, than whatever their contracts obligate them to do.

      While many celebrities go by the adage "There is no such thing as bad publicity", I get the feeling Joe might disagree and I can see him wanting to protect Kendra from all the hate directed at his family. Even on this blog it seems about half the comments are negative and judgmental; I realize the bloggers DO screen the worst of it out here and I appreciate that.

      But I'm sure processing all that negativity has to get to you at some point, even if you know the haters are also helping to keep you relevant and indirectly contributing to your income.

  43. Wil Joe be at the birth? It is more a ladies thing.

    1. I'm sure he will be. It's quite normal for the father to be in the delivery room. I do hope they'll dispense with a the TV crew though. I think it's a bit tacky to have a TV crew filming your child's birth for national television.

    2. Seeing as how Joe is the father of this baby, I'd hope he'd be there at its arrival. It's not a ladies' thing.

    3. He’s her husband, stop being a troll

    4. Actually the Duggars have really NOT been traditional in this area. All the husbands have been actively involved in supporting their wives through labor, not pacing in the hallway while letting the womenfolk handle everything. Even the more stoic types like Austin, who I admit came off as a little cold to me when I first "met" him; his attention to Joy Anna during labor improved my impression of him a lot. So I'm sure Joe will be at Kendra's side through the birth.

  44. Congratulations Joe and Kendra! Love both of them as a couple.
    They will make great parents!


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