
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Duggar Friends Become Family

Yesterday, we shared throwback photos from the trip that the Duggars took to El Salvador in 2009. Today, we have a handful of snapshots from another one of the family's excursions to Central America to share. But there is something about these pictures that might just have you doing a double take. 

This trip was taken five years ago by Jim Bob Duggar, his five oldest daughters (Jana Duggar, Jill Duggar, Jessa Duggar, Jinger Duggar, and Joy-Anna Duggar), and a number of friends. Do you recognize any of the friends? (Hint: They are no longer "just friends" of the family.

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Kendra Caldwell Duggar 2013

Photos courtesy


  1. The Duggars must be wealthy indeed to be able to go on all these trips and take friends along with them

    1. This was back in the day when TLC filmed these trips, and no doubt paid for them too.

    2. I am sure the others paid their own way. My children have been on missions trips. We are not wealthy. They did jobs for other people, sold items at a yard sale, had bake sales, etc. to earn the money to go.

    3. I don't think the duggar's paid for the people in the pictures to go on a mission trip. They could have I suppose but, all the mission trips I have participated in I paid for myself only not other people who went with me. Mission trips are not the same as a vacation. The kind I went in, I raised money prior to going through scholarships via church, fundraising and other activities. While there I worked in communities. Food and sleeping arrangements were provided by area organizations that supported the work we did for free.

  2. Younger photos of Kendra and Lauren and Kendra I think in 6th photo down.

  3. Oh wow, is that Lauren in the 6th picture?

  4. Kendra and Lauren!

  5. Who in the fourth picture is now part of the family? I don`t recognize any of the guys who married Duggar girls. Also that picture of Kendra and Lauren is cute. :)

    1. I think Kendra's Father, Mr. Caldwell, is in this picture, in the back.

  6. Is that Diane Vuolo hugging Jinger in the bottom photo?!

    1. No, they didn’t meet the Voulos until Ben and Jessa met Jeremy

    2. That was my thought, too! And Pastor Vuolo?

  7. Couldn't they have found better t-shirts? I don't think I'd want a foreigner coming towards me with a shirt that implied I was hopeless. If I could even read the why isn't the message in Spanish?

    1. Without Christ, all are hopeless. That's the point, and the verse appears to be cited there on the t-shirt.

    2. Anon @ 4:01 yes but as the OP pointed out they are in a country where most people speak spanish, so would not understand the tshirts message!

    3. 7:02 -- LOL -- So if the people can't read English, then what was the point of the original comment?

  8. Is that abundance of fresh food for the group or for the locals?

    1. When my daughter went on a short-term missions trip, they fed the locals at least as well as they ate themselves.

  9. Kendra was so little!! And is that really Lauren with Kendra and a younger friend?? The Duggar family sure has a tight social circle!

  10. Is it possible to give us an update on cousin Amy? How about the younger Duggar children? Rehashed news, no thanks even if it showed Kendra.

  11. I only recognize Kendra, is there another "friend" who became family in these pictures?

  12. It's a 10-11 year old! And, is one photo with Lauren Swanson?

  13. Kendra is now Joe's wife and is that Josiah's girlfriend in the pink shirt with Kendra?

  14. I spy Kendra!!!! Amazing how fast things change over 5 years! Jana is the only one out of the 5 older girls that is staying true to her convictions the daughters wrote about in Their book. It's not like the standards they changed to are horrible, it's just that it's different. And sudden. In the book they state several
    Times that they will always hold certain modesty standards such as no pants, no form fitting attire, no tattoos or piercings other than ears. Always staying covered from neck to knees... they wanted to avoid all of this and only dress in a way that draws attention to their countenance. Because they don't want to stir up desires in men that can't be righteously fulfilled. It's no big deal to wear pants and form fitting tops when pregnant. It's ok to get nose piercings but when you write a book about how these modesty standards are something you chose for yourself (i.e. Parents not choosing for you) I believe an explaination is needed as to why all the girls changed thier standards. it makes them all look like hypocrites. They say one thing yet do another. Lots of young women who look up to them, have read their books and watch the show may get conflicting messages. It would be nice to hear from the older girls how or what influenced them to change,what their new standards are and How has marriage and motherhood changed their perception on their standards and convictions...?

  15. im guessing the person in these pictures with the duggars is Kendra she was friends with the duggars even back then 5 years ago wow and now she is married to joseph and now part of the duggar family by marriage.

  16. I see Kenya and looks like Lauren in one of the pictures.

  17. Kendra is adorable!! She looks tiny in these pictures

  18. i see a lot of kendra but is that also lauren too?

  19. Kendra is in the first one right?

    1. Kendra is in all photos except the 3rd one.

  20. There is Kendra!! :)

  21. So cute - thank you for seeing Kendra and Lauren and the girls. I wonder how are the little ones that they took a picture with are doing.

  22. Kendra was a cutie!

  23. Aaw, such lovely pictures, thanks for sharing! Kendra is so cute! Is it Lauren in one picture too?


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