
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Working with the Duggar Brothers

Duggar brothers work

"The way it kind of works for guys in my family who are trying to move up through the ladder, first of all you start off doing the mowing and then may switching over to working on the properties my dad's working on...and then maybe from there transitioning into the cars, and then slowly transitioning over into real estate."

-Josiah Duggar 

Readers are always interested in hearing about what the Duggars do for work. They have a handful of different ventures, including car sales, rental property management, and a real estate business that is in its fifth generation. Last year, we shared that Jason Duggar, who is only 17 years old, had purchased his first house.

When the kids are young, the goal is to help them gain as many skills and types of experience as possible. In this video from TLC, follow the boys on a job, and learn about their career paths.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I find it a bit surprising that none of these boys would be interested in a working spouse. Most young women across the country have jobs and income. What a drain it must be for these young couples to depend on a single income while starting out.

    1. They put themselves in a great position, permanently, by not being burdened with a mortgage. Dramatically lowers the monthly living expenses and their stress.

    2. A mortgage doesn't have to be a burden. Ours is small and at 3.35%, while our investments, untouched for decades, have been raking in 12% and compounding it. Sometimes it's better to use someone else's money for purchases.

    3. If you can manage it, I think it's a great idea to have a stay at home wife. The house is clean, the kids are well cared for, the wife isn't frazzled from trying to "do it all," etc. (And I'm speaking as a former working wife.)

    4. They could have used the money towards an education. Get a certification as an electrician,for example. That is a MUCH better use of the money than buying a house at 17.

      I wonder are we suppose to think that what the Duggars boys are doing are unusual or an example for other young boys. Nope, it is not. Here, most young men (and young women) work at such jobs in the summer while in high school or during college. They work just as hard and perhaps even harder than the Duggars since they are also, at the same time, in school. Afer they finish their educations, they are accountants or lawyers or teachers or doctors or engineers or electricians or carpenters or whatever. Stress is reduced because they have GOOD paying jobs.

    5. But how can they not be in a mortgage, living on just one income?

    6. Anonymous #2-While that's true for the Duggars, it's not realistic or feasible for most young people throughout the US. Most don't have the benefit of a 5th-Generation business plus a reality TV show income. Most are working entry-level part-time jobs in Fast Food or Retail (and many of those to afford College). Apart from pursuing College or a Trade School, they have no family-owned fall-back earning potential like the Duggars. They certainly can't go from adolescent to single income family with a stay-at-home non-income earning wife and instant family. It's nice for the Duggars to have all those advantages (and please don't say it's because they follow the Lord because many others do as well, yet aren't in the same financial bracket).

    7. @ 12:26 That is true and with other adolescents looking up to this family, they are not setting any realistic examples.

    8. Anon 5:18: or working at McDonald's with a college degree. You can add that to your list. The Duggars show that you don't have to have a degree for work ethics. My husband didn't go to college either but he's a very sought out man for his engineering and construction. And he's climbing the ladder to success in his field. He always says he's went through The School of Life. Life and experience will always teach you much more than colleges ever can.

  2. Great, but why has literally not ONE of them branched out and, say, joined the military (not just ALERT,) attended Crown College, become licensed in a trade via an actual trade school, etc.?

    Is it completely discouraged, or is the drive just not there? Very odd.

    1. That is actually a good question

    2. Its not odd. A lot of children stay within the family business. The Duggars are blessed to have so many options within their family businesses. Why wouldn't they do something they obviously enjoy and why wouldn't they do similar things when its proven that they are successful at it? If it ain't broke don't fix it. If it is broke and you can't fix it buy used and save the difference. << see what I did there? :)

    3. At least one of the boys did attend Crown College.

    4. Crown College lasted one semester and was never heard from again.

    5. Join the military—LOL!! I’m a military wife. These boys/men wouldn’t last a day in the military. I don’t want them next to my husband.

    6. 1:01- It's odd that all the adult children live with their parents, unless they are married.

    7. KitKath and Daisy - Less than 2% of American boys between the ages of 18-19 even join the military - So -its literally not odd that one hasn't joined/ Believe it or not the Duggar boys do not yet come close to making up 2% of American population yet. And even less women join the military so you'll have to wait for a lot more Duggar girls to be born before you could say it was 'odd' that one didn't join. Its statistically impossible for it to be 'odd' However, the odds of a left handed person is 1 in 10 so I bet they have at least two left handed people in the family. :) It would be 'odd' if they didn't.

    8. Before Josh messed up, he moved his family all the way out to Washington D.C. And he worked for someone, who wasn't Jim Bob. They would properly still be there now, if what happened never did. I would call that branching out.

    9. Joseph went to Crown College for one year, but it was essentially for Bible Study, not a career or trade.

    10. No, I agree that it is a bit odd. Sure some of the children would want to stay in the family business but there are so many career paths in this world to choose from--it seems like at least a few of the boys would be interested in trying something different. I really wished they encouraged higher education/trade school for both their sons and daughters. It never hurts to have a little extra education under your belt.

    11. Yes, Josh went to DC for a job, but one that his father's political connections got for him. And you see what happened. These kids are not trained to handle the responsibilities and pressures of working outside the family. I have a feeling that Josh's failed attempt made Jim Bob double down on the efforts to keep the kids close to home and supervised while working.

    12. It would be interesting to see if the young men are paid a competitive salary for their labour’s and pay income tax or does their father give them an allowance and accommodation as they are working for the family mission.

    13. Anonymous at 1:01 agreed! I have a couple distant family members who chose to work their fathers businesses for awhile vs. college.

      one is 22 and single

      the other is the first guy’s brother in law who has a wife and young sonnjust over 15 months old. This guy’s age and background are largely unknown except that he was in the military when he met his wife who I believe procedded to drop out of college to get married although I am not sure. This distant family (2nd cousins) and i am not even sure when the 2nd guy married the first guy’s sister. I am not giving names out because of privacy

  3. It's good that even though their family isn't really into college, their kids learn different skills and ways to earn a living

  4. It's nice to see the boys learning a variety of skills, I just wish Jim Bob would take the time to teach his daughters the same skills. Even Michelle teaching their sons how to do "feminine" stereotypical jobs. Some of my best memories with my Dad was when I was helping him with his can and doing landscaping work.
    It nice to see Jana and John David, I really hope they find a special someone soon.

    1. The girls lay tile and other things that some people might consider stereotypical male jobs. They work at some of the houses with Jim Bob, so he is teaching them skills as well. Maybe the girls are not interested in lawn work.

    2. My daughter and I delight in being ladies, but we both enjoy driving Granddaddy's tractor and helping out with the yard work. We figure the more skills we have, the more we can help someone. :)

    3. Team Jana and John David all the way!! Jana is so underrated. That girl literally does it all... I wish I could be friends with Jana in real life. She seems like she would be such a thoughtful, intelligent, and well-rounded partner for any lucky guy. I hope she finds someone as talented as she is.

    4. Remember the ENTIRE FAMILY building their house and ALL THE KIDS had their own drill gun. And they did the huge addition into the Bates house. All girls cutting tile in their skirts. They’ve helped dad on rentals over the years on the show too. How else could Jana be some awesome! Have you seen their treehouse they made and the garden Jana did...looks great. And I love how the boys have learned to cook as well. They show them helping and I think Jason is a really good cook.

  5. Time 12:36AM Mon 1/12/18
    Good for them to learn job skills. I volunteer at a food pantry some Mondays but the staff from Human first takes us there. Human first is a program with grown ups with special needs like me. My career path is Actress / Screenwriter. Can't wait for my dream to come true.

    1. Neddy, I hope your dreams do come true!

    2. Neddy, you are such a positive person. When I read this blog, I look forward to your comments. They are so well said. I can actually see you becoming a screenwriter. Don’t give up on those dreams.

  6. I am so glad they are showing us more about the boys work. It will never stop the Duggar haters but I am glad people get to see what responsible and hard workers they are. To me it was obvious but I am glad we are seeing it.

    1. @11:53 pm. I thought the same. Maybe this will keep the Duggar Family critics' mouths closed for like 5 minutes, on what the boys do for a living. I wonder how many of those critics' sons could say, they bought their 1st house at the ripe old age of 17.

    2. They hardly showed anything about the boys working last night!

    3. @7:11 Most young people these days do not have the be benefit of earning money from a TV show.

  7. The TLC shows are much better this season. They are showing more of the family and the shows seem to be faster and show more than a couple of story lines. Love seeing the guys.

  8. Thank you for listening to your readers about wanting to know more about the other Duggars (non married) and also what they do.

  9. ok by showing this video they are saying all the boys will either be a used car dealer or house flipper? How many house flippers could be in a small town? How much real estate does Jim Bod own? I think they need to address these issues many fans want to know?

    1. John David pointed out that they have a starting place which is lawn care and then are taught more skills as they grow older. Then he said each person finds the area they want to work in. Some of them may continue to buy, repair, and sell cars while others flip houses. Some may buy and rent commercial properties. They have a lot of options.

    2. Yeah they have a lot of options, as long as they're all at home, with family.

    3. Buying and renting a commercial property...that will keep you busy for a few weeks. Then what?

    4. Don't lawns go dormant in October and stay that way til April? Every lawn care person I know of has a long stretch of the year without work, so they have to turn to another trade of some sort in the off season. Wonder what the mowing Duggar boys do?

    5. Anon @ 1:51 They are still totally limited to the areas they can work in. You can work with cars or real estate in some capcity and thats it. You can't have bigger dreams than that because thats all you are allowed to do? No college, trade school or apprenticeship with a professional, no self choosen career path to work hard at and achive your own goal, I feel really bad for these young men.

    6. Who ever said that they were not allowed to do do anything else? I never get why people disagree with them and assume they they are not allowed? Curious... Did you ever assume that maybe that they are exactly where they want to be?

    7. 1:44 I don’t feel bad for them at all. They are brought up in a loving, caring home. They are taught the values of hard work, honesty, high morals, etc. They have choices as to what they want to do. They don’t believe in debt. The Bible says a borrower is servant to a lender. If they want to go to college, they would have to save up for it. Maybe by the time they have worked in the family businesses for a while, they realize that they enjoy the work and decide to continue doing it. Once they reach adulthood, they choose. How can their parents not allow them to do something as an adult? Do you think the parents have time to follow them all around 24/7? They are a very close family, so it doesn’t surprise me that they enjoy continuing to work together once into adulthood.

    8. They live in the midst of several towns, Siloam springs, tontitown, Springdale, and Fayetteville. So there’s plenty of HOUZZ FLIPPIN at your fingertips.

      I’m such a “stalker” it seems, or either their biggest fan. We went on a family vacation to NW Arkansas because we live 2 hours away and we love Arkansas, the ozarks. one of our stops was to see if we could find the Duggar mansion—a guy at a thrift store told us exactly where it was. We did a drive-by and Jackson was out by the front gate between two cars watching us do several passes by, lol. They were in the middle of building their treehouse then, two years ago. So embarrassed!!! But I love them and wanted to at least try to spot the Graceland of my big Fundie dreams hehe. So far I’m 38 and I’ve got 4 kids. I’m tryin’ here. I’ve been watching the duggars since the first special and they have impacted me so much I had two more kids because I want my children to experience having more siblings. It’s just more fun.
      Another confession—I went to ATI one year just to see what it was like. But I felt weird being a fan to approach them. It was cool to see all them, and the bates, and the Wilson's. I already had gone to the IBLP week long course in years prior because my dad was big into bill gothards teachings and that week class was sort of a prerequisite to be allowed to do ATI it turns out. Not sure if it’s that way anymore or not. That was 8 years ago and we’ve not been able to get back there since. Bill Gothard ate in the dining hall with everyone else. At a separate table but close to everyone. I was kind of surprised to see him right there. Not sure if anything has changed since accusations came up.
      Glad I got that all out💕🤪 I’m really a normal person just a really huge fan.

  10. Are any of them licensed contractors, electricians, or plumbers? I'd assume these flipped houses must pass inspection, meet code, etc. There's nothing wrong with these family ventures, but it is surprising that not one of the Duggar adult children has had a different idea about what career path they pursued. Has not one of them ever aspired to be a doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher, architect, scientist, IT specialist, or any other profession? It's as if they're all sequestered while following a predetermined path laid out by their dad. Is this a part of their religious beliefs- that one must avoid any form of secular experiences? Certainly, having a TV show is about as secular as you can get. I'd tune in to any show that featured one of them, including a young woman, turning 18 and forging a completely different road for themselves- one that involved actually moving out on their own before getting married.

    1. I agree. Managing rental property, flipping houses and cars can only lead to a limited number of jobs. Competing with your brothers for the better jobs is sort of weird too. It would be nice if at least a couple of the "boys" had some ambition to go to college and pursue other careers.

    2. Probably only has to pass inspection if they are selling it to someone who isn’t family....

    3. Anon @ 7:04 I totally agree and posted something similar. Everyone has ambitions for careers growing up, they might change as we grow up but we still have career ideas which many do follow. These kids have in the past expressed some of the things they wanted to do, but not one has managed it. Not one has wanted to go to college or trade school or apprentice with a professional? They have any individuality squashed out of them, and all work for daddy all doing the same things. I feel really bad for them, to not have the opportunity to spread their wings and follow their own path in life.

    4. There is nothing strange about choosing the family line of business. You grow up knowing about it and if you have the skills and interest that it works for you, why not? Families in medical jobs often have some or all their children choose the medical field. Doesn't mean they are forced or expected to do so. Electricians often have multiple family members join the trade. Etc., etc.
      Nothing strange about a family that has 5 generations in the real estate field having kids interested in pursuing that.

    5. Josh did and so did Jill. John David does many things. Not just the family business. I think Joe went to Crown College.

    6. I really wish I had grown up in a family like this They learn many skills and I am sure if they wanted to be licensed plumbers they would get the training They have a tremendous advantage working for a family business. Families (especially Christian families) treat their children much better as employees than do non family employers. I speak from experience at 66 years old. I worked in retail for years in dead end jobs and wish my great grandfather had still been alive as he owned clothing stores where I would not have been dead ended. When you are not related to your employer for the most part you are just an employee and in all honesty I found in retail that I was treated like a bag of dirt. Low wages and very unreasonable demands for sales expectation were what I experienced all of the time. To the Duggar children: you are very fortunate your parents own these businesses.

    7. Anon @ 2:19 Josh wanted to be a lawyer, if you are referring to his short time with the FRC he got that job due to his families TV show and their political connection, he was not qualified in any way. Prior to DC he worked for his dad selling cars, and since returning to Arkansas he has returned to working for his dad. Jill wanted to train as a nurse, but had to settle for a midwifery correspondence course and is not registered and cannot work in most states. Joe did go to Crown college but it was only for one year and he earned no degree. John David does seem to be the only one who does have his own business, however he wanted to be a commercial pilot, but instead flies his dads planes. All these children have had their wings clipped, and their dreams squashed imo.

    8. @Anonymous 1:54 PM, it's not odd to grow up to want to do these things, what's odd is that NONE of them want to do anything else. My mom was one of 9 children, and her parents had an insurance business. Out of the 9, only three did anything insurance. The rest pursued other interests. It's odd that out of all the sons so far, they all do the same thing, and the sort of business that's going to mean they are going to compete against each other in a few years (especially given that none of them move away). It's not normal for that many sons in the same profession - it just isn't and I'm tired of people acting like it is. And before anyone calls me a hater, I LIKE THE DUGGARS. I just think they are not doing their children any favors in the long term by not allowing them to really branch out (and besides John David, they aren't).

    9. Anon @ 1:54 PM I said the same thing in a previous post.

    10. John Davids ambition growing up was to be a pilot. He accomplished that without military or 4 -6 years of student loans to pay back. He owns a home that he rents out, basically letting someone else pay for it for him. There is $$ in Real Estate. They make their own hours. Why would they do it any other way? Just to punch a clock, be in debt and making someone else $$? The kids know what their doing.

    11. Anon at 4:27AM: I totally agree. Most "family businesses" do not actually involve 100% of the younger generations. Some kids aren't interested, and some just aren't capable.

      And while working for family may be a better option than working for a faceless corporation, that only works if you have a good relationship with your family. And you're still not working for yourself. Just because your boss is your Dad, doesn't mean he's not your boss. And many people prefer to keep their home and work lives separate.

    12. If these kids wanted to go to college there would be no student loans. If you can buy 5 or 6 planes and you own commercial properties and multiple houses, not to mention a TV show (that has shown these kids since birth), you can afford to send your kids to Arkansas State U. debt free. If it's a budget squeeze, then you prioritize and cut back on travel or new cars or other frivolous expenses until the college is paid for. Those 19 kids would not come out of school with years of student loan debt!

    13. 4:27. With your grandparents being in the insurance business, it isn’t surprising that only a third of their children went into that field. It isn’t something you can start doing as a teenager. All of the Duggars have started working in their dad’s business as young teens. They have been doing it for years by the time they reach adulthood. It makes sense that they would keep doing what they know if they are making enough to live off and take care of themselves and their families.

    14. 2:41- It's sad that your early employment experiences were so negative. That's not true for everyone, I can assure you. While working my way through college, I worked for minimum wage, but my employer was a great guy who bent over backwards to accommodate my school schedule. Later, after college, I enjoyed a long professional career. My own kids have had great early job experiences in high school and college. They were learning to stand on their own two feet and save money. Although retail was not something they wanted for life-long careers, they learned a lot about dealing with people and customer service. Now, they have their own professional careers to enjoy.

    15. Yes thankyou, I agree with you anon 12:49. People just need to think a little in their head and think "smart". I think it real SMART to do what they're doing. A person doesn't need to wonder how they're able to make all the money they do when you think about it. Keep it in the family! Don't pay for someone else's life by working for someone else. Cmon people

  11. Finally, finally, a peak into the day in the life of the Duggar guys who have finished school. Thanks for not keeping us in the dark. It really looks better for the boys if viewers understand that these guys are busy and hard working. From so many social media photos it looks like all they do is hang around.

    1. Does your husband or children post pictures of themselves working? Social media posts are generally about what people are doing for fun not their work life. I can’t think of a single person that I know that has work pictures on their social media.

    2. This isn't social media, this is a reality show that's supposed to be about their everyday lives.

    3. I have work pictures on my social media.

    4. 6:59 So do I! :)

  12. Buffy Peterman-IsonMarch 12, 2018 at 9:01 AM

    I love seeing these kind of posts! Thank you!

  13. Good for them. Hard working, go getters.

  14. So instead of hiring people to work on his rental properties and car lot Jim Bob grew his own work force. That's not a bad idea, but with such a large family he will soon find himself in the position of having more available workers than jobs.

    1. Not if they are continually adding properties, or buying and selling.

  15. That was an interesting video. It is nice to see that they are taught to work hard and save money while they are young.

    1. No. The boys are taught to work hard and save money. The girls are taught they can find a nice husband to pay for their future life.

    2. Aww that's what's nice about being a girl!! I think it's kinda balanced out though don't ya think when you think about males not having to go through childbirth pains, monthlys, hormonal issues etc of everything a female faces? So they work and provide for their wives and families. That's what they CAN do! Why should we heap all the pains of life and work (for a living) too all on a female? God called men to be men and provide for their families and he likewise called women to bear and take care of their families at home. So thankful for my man to take care of me so I can take care of our home!

    3. I meant that reply for anon 1:12

  16. While it is commendable that the Duggars are taught to work hard from an early age, a family business in a small town is only going to be able to support a limited number of them. Competing against your brothers for positions in the business seems very awkward too. It's odd that none of them seem interested in leaving the family enclave and exploring other career options.

    1. Its not odd. A lot of children stay within the family business. The Duggars are blessed to have so many options within their family businesses. Why wouldn't they do something they obviously enjoy and why wouldn't they do similar things when its proven that they are successful at it? Also, in a town of over 4K people and a state of 3 million, I think they'll be ok. The family is not THAT big. really.

  17. Why can't these girls work??????

    1. I don't want to read 25 responses all saying that motherhood is work. We know that. The person who asked the question obviously means why can't these girls work outside the home, in a chosen field, for a paycheck, and somewhere other than for a family business. I have never heard the answer to that question in all the years of watching the show or reading any Duggar blog.

    2. I agree. Women in the Bates family work. Erin teaches piano lessons, Whitney is a real estate agent, Tori is going to be a teacher soon, Josie works in a salon, Michaella has her own sewing business, Alyssa has a cleaning business with her husband.

    3. They do work, they just don't do the same things as the boys. Don't minimize a woman's work in the home. It's just as valid, if not more so. (I don't know if they have other work outside the home, I'm just pointing out that just because they don't do the same things as the boys doesn't make their work less important).

    4. 7:24 Yes - that is the obvious difference between the two families. If the Bates girls can do it and not have their lives fall to pieces then so could the Duggar girls. Except what is holding them back...

  18. Interesting glimpse into their lives in their small town. Just like any other "ruling family" in a small community except for their overwhelming numbers

  19. Jana bought an old tattoo shop, and I believe was renovating that into another business; Joy works with Austin at Fort Rock; Jill became a mid-wife before meeting Derick and settling into a family. People find it strange that the boys want to go pursue family businesses - I am pretty sure if people look around their own towns, they will see Mom and Pop businesses where the family has decided to take over rather than pursue collegiate studies, etc.

  20. The girls do work they don't show it on the show. 2 of the girls worked at Starbucks, 1 of the he girls helped at the firestation.

    1. 2 of the girls most certainly did not work at Starbucks. Jessa and Jinger volunteered for one day at a coffee shop called Mama Carmen’s to raise tip money for an orphanage. If I remember rightly Jinger spent most of her time drinking coffee and espresso; it probably took her a couple of days to recover from all that all caffeine! Some of the girls and boys have volunteered as paramedics with the local fire station. John-David was one of the 1st responders when Josie had her seizure.
      I think it’s great that the Duggars have lot of experience volunteering and that does look good on a resume. I do think that some of the boys should look into courses and apprenticeships that would help with their chosen careers. Courses of study in landscaping, mechanics, carpentry etc all can be found at their local community college and it might be worth their while to get a diploma. Working for Jim Bob is fine for teenagers but grow men need to have a proper job with security and room for advancement. These young men need to plan for their future not work for pocket money and room and board with their Dad. As for the females working outside the home? I have watched this show long enough to know this will never happen. A pity really but that’s the way it is

    2. 2 of them volunteered at a coffee shop for a fundraiser. No Duggar daughter ever worked at Starbucks or any cafe. Or anywhere for that matter.

    3. I am not so sure that two of them worked at Starbucks... there was one episode where Jessa and Jinger (I believe??) helped out a local coffee shop for a day.

    4. No one ever worked at Starbucks, they just support it by drinking a lot of their coffee lol!

  21. I'm curious but does Jessa & Jill husbands have jobs, besides the tv show?

  22. So nice seeing the Duggar boys!


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