
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Kendra's Baby Bump

We know some of you have been eager to see a photo of Kendra Duggar's baby bump. This isn't a close up shot, but it's better than nothing, right? Pilot John-David Duggar recently took a group to Byrd's Adventure Center in Ozark, Arkansas, for a "fly-in" meal.

 Nathan Bates, John Duggar, Joseph Duggar, Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar, 
Lauren Swanson (soon to be Lauren Duggar), Josiah Duggar

Photo courtesy Josiah Duggar/


  1. Why is she pregnant and getting on what's called a little puddle jumper plane? There are two lives at stake there, not just one. Couldn't they have found a meal locally?

    1. Actually, you're statistically MUCH more likely to die in a car crash driving a few miles down the road to a local restaurant, than flying a plane to a place further away. Yes, even if you're flying a "little puddle jumper plane". Indeed, the most "dangerous" part of a plane trip is usually the car ride to the airport.

      And for those who think this is a luxury that shows how out of touch the Duggars are; I can think of a lot of people in Alaska who depend on planes for transportation, and most are far from rich and famous.

    2. You can be pregnant and still fly. She not that far along.

    3. Safer flying than driving these days.

    4. If my engine dies in my car, I coast to the side of the road and call AAA. If my engine dies in my single-engine plane, we all make the 6 o'clock news and the front page of the paper.

    5. You're statistically more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash because larger numbers of people drive every day than fly. Of those in the air, statistically, you're much more likely to be in a crash when flown by an amateur pilot in an aircraft such as this one. Most news of aircraft crashes are of small, private planes flown by non-commercial pilots like these young men.

    6. Anon @ 7:30 'I can think of a lot of people in Alaska who depend on planes for transportation, and most are far from rich and famous'. The Duggars do not live in Alaska they live in Northwest Arkansas, which has good accessible roads and is not under snow and ice for most of the year, so a plane is hardly a necessity to them. Most planes in Alaska are owned by small companies, and those that are privately owned are operated by individuals who make money through flying people and provisions in to inaccessible places, they are not solely for recreation. Also the Duggars show has made them rich and given them a degree of fame, if they had never met TLC and been given a show I can almost guarantee you they would not own one plane let alone a fleet.

    7. Just because your having a baby does not mean you can't have fun. You also only have one life, & only one young life, live it up !! Flying is much safer, & the cost is no different than owning a car or truck !! Remember they also buy at the auto auctions....which sell cars, trucks, motorhomes, planes, equipment, maybe you can stop putting a price on everything and enjoy their young adventures & just be happy for them. They are all good kids trying to live right in a mixed- up world.

  2. Thank you for putting up such a nice photo. I just love Joe and Kendra. I think they're perfect for one another. Kendra is just the sweetest thing - so kind and cheerful.

    1. Agreed Debbie! Would just love to hear more from her, they are just a precious partnership. Wonder if she'll share on her birth plan? Blessings to all

  3. A "fly in meal"? Does that mean instead of driving to a restaurant you fly there in a plane? That would really limit your choice of restaurants.

    1. I think she's just being cute : ) My guess it was just s fun activity to fly and share time together, and you naturally get hungry after some time on a flight, so they landed near a restaurant. Looks so fun! They're all dressed up too everyone looks so nice!

    2. There is a restaurant I know of in California ( and I'm sure many more), Harris Ranch that has an airstrip just for this. I've know some people who would take their small plane for date night and fly in for a great steak!

    3. You can't 'just land near a restaurant', you need to know there is a very large clear area to land. Byrds adventure centre has its own landing strip (with all the flying the Duggars do I'm sure they know that) but you need to get permission to land, so I don't think they were just flying around and felt hungry, this was a planned trip.

  4. Kendra's little baby bump was also seen on the preview of Gideon's birth.

  5. What a nice picture. Kendra is just to cute. Pregnancy suits her.

  6. We saw a pretty good bump shot of Kendra during Joy's half hour birth episode too!

    1. Where can we watch the birth episode? I thought it was airing later, am I mistaken? Would sure love to see that!

  7. Ellie I know this is off subject, but what does John David do for FT work?

  8. How neat! Everyone is looking so good!

  9. This trip is very extravagant, how much does it cost to fuel up a plane, not to mention air field charges? Its great to see the young couples out enjoying themselves but really flying in for dinner!! Last week Derick was complaining about being a volunteer on the show, and having huge medical bills, this week the family are flaunting their money. This family has really changed over the years, and not for the better, and before anyone uses the jealous card you couldn't pay me to go up in one of those small planes.

    1. Derick is not in the picture. I don’t pay for my brothers bills so why should this family take care of there in laws medical bills. I believe Joe has had his pilot license for years along with one of the Duggar girls

    2. How do you know there weren’t other reasons for the trip? Maybe John needed more hours in the air or Nathan wanted to go while he was visiting. Derick isn’t pictured and doesn’t have anything to do with those taking this trip. His family isn’t responsible for his bills. They are not being supported by the government, so they are free to use THEIR money however they want.

    3. You need to fly some hours a year to maintain your pilots license don't you so perhaps the dinner was just an excuse for him to practice.

    4. It's much less expensive per trip to fly a plane you own than to fly commercial. It's John's hobby, it's nice that he shares it. And it is a good idea to stay current on flying as a pilot. If you don't use it you lose it as the saying goes!

    5. Since when is one person responsible for another family members bills?
      Do YOU pay other family members bills?

    6. Duggars are supposed to be examples of good stewardship. Ever since they moved into the larger house, that's gone out the window.

  10. Hey, what a surprise to see Nathan with the group. Looks like a fun place to visit. Was it a special occasion or just a date night ? This would be good to see on the show. Not sure what TLC is up to, but there is lots of fun things we would like to enjoy seeing on the show. Not happy that it is over so soon, & repeated events. With this family there is always something going on ! We like seeing everyday things, not so much just trips, but would like to see more currant events, the wedding is over for Joe & Kendra but she is having a baby, we want to see this stuff also along with Jinger, heck I knew Jessa was working on her third baby for sometime, I am asking nice - please get us up to date & let us see more.

    1. Jessa is not pregnant.

    2. Jessa is not pregnant. People are making up lies

    3. You "knew" Jessa was working on a third baby? Are you close, personal friends? She's got her hands full as it is- this obsession with having kids at break-neck speed is getting old.

  11. Kendra looks just beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us. Now for some reason the term "baby bump" bothers me but the term seems to be the norm nowadays.

    1. I don't like the term baby bump either.

    2. Aww, I think it’s cute! But to each their own I guess😊

    3. Ditto. The term seems childish.

    4. It sounds like a cutesy term and it bothers me too. I'm sure they don't mean it this way (or likely never really thought about it), but it kind of devalues the baby to just a bump.

  12. If you enlarge the picture you can see her sweet baby bump. Adorable!

  13. TLC must pay well for them to be able to hop into a plane and just fly off somewhere for dinner.

  14. Kendra is a ray of sunshine her laugh is so infectious. Love watching her..

  15. So happy for all of them. Love the Duggar's

  16. Kendra baby bump so cute :) excited for you and Joseph. Sincerely, Tammy F

  17. Just noticed nathan Bates is in this picture... Is he courting Jana? I know they are all friends, but thought this was curious.

    1. Who why Nathan is there. He used to have a girlfriend but apparently it didn't work out and he's still single.

    2. What age is the next eldest sister under Jana, better hide her for awhile yet!

    3. Kim, nathan is 24 and jana is 28, something tells me jana is not interested in a younger man but I could be wrong, since jessa married ben who is younger than her! But I'm sure they are just family friends.

    4. Nathan is a pilot as well. Maybe he needs to get hours on this type of plane?

    5. There is only 4 years between Jana and Nathan. No Big Deal. I would love to see Jana with such a lovely man, and Nathan with such a kind-hearted beauty.

    6. 7:20..I think so too! Four years is nothing! Of course I don’t know them, but they are both so very attractive and would make beautiful babies!

  18. I am so glad she is not falling the ridiculous obsession with belly shots! Good for her! She is demonstrating true class. The royals don't have the need to display their growing stomachs with the world in skin tight shirts. I admire her - hopefully she will continue to "keep it classy". Her parents appear to be classy as well.

    1. Is her mom pregnant, too?

    2. Showing a baby bump is not unclassy. Just because your generation didn’t do it doesn’t mean you should criticize others for it. It’s not hurting anyone and it doesn’t effect you, so there’s no reason for you to say something rude.

    3. Belly shots as you call them are cultural norms today and are neither classy nor non-classy. Styles of maternity wear and what pregnant women do to document their pregnancies change as we navigate the spectrum of our culture and as the years pass we’ve seen lots of new ways they share. Kendra’s parents seem very nice, is it really right to judge who’s “classy” and who’s it based on what you see on reality television?

    4. I think any "Look at my body!" shots are not classy.

    5. 8:25- It isn't so much the photos themselves that are the problem, it's our cultural shift towards drawing attention to oneself by sharing everything through public social medial. The Duggars are ardent advocates of modest dress, yet one can argue that relentless
      self-promotion is a far cry from being humble and unassuming. They have certainly judged what's "modest" and what is not.

  19. That seems extravagantand unnecessary. Actually I fear for these people who are now entertaining themselves and take pleasure in such behavior. I hope there would be an important reason for this but it does not read like that.

    1. Jim Bob entices the adult kids with trips and airplanes. That's how he gets them to work for free on his TV show.

    2. Is impressing Lauren with a date to remember for a lifetime important? (A few good dates can then be recalled when the chores start!)

    3. Every pilot including John has to get enough flying hours in order to keep his license and this is a fun way to do it.

    4. Hate to break it to you all, but pregnant belly shots in a tight t-shirt posted on the internet are not refined no matter what the year or culture.

    5. Umm so YOU know the family to know they are not being paid? Must be nice to be their friends,

    6. There are many poor people in the world, many even the US, to whom eating out ANYWHERE is an extravagance reserved for special occasions, even if you're just walking on your own two feet to get to the restaurant.

      I know this, because that was my experience growing up below the poverty line. Eating out was a special occasion reserved only for birthdays, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. Even going to McDonalds was a special treat.

      Now, I did know people better off than me, who did go out to eat routinely. For some reason I never envied them or thought they were "extravagant" or flaunting their wealth. I didn't judge them the way so many people here are judging the Duggars. Hmm.

    7. Are a socialist? They worked for it so they can spend their money how they want. This class welfare crap is dangerous. In America it is still allowed to spend your money how you want. I would love a special date like this.

    8. Point is, you should not sell yourselves as a humble, thrifty, "buy used and save the difference" family, and then post pictures online of how you fly everywhere for fun in your private planes.

    9. I think we need a 1-hour episode of Counting On where the entire family explains to the viewers what has changed and why. Modesty, thrift, and everything else they used to stand for that they don't seem to stand for any more. I'd love to hear their reasons for why things have changed so much, and how that fits with Biblical principles.

  20. Nice picture love seeing y'all GOD bless

  21. Aww! Nice photo of the group. Kendra looks nice and I can see a little bump.

  22. So is Nathan Bates courting Jana? Who took the pictures that have been over the internet of this trip

  23. Good to see these Duggar ladies dressing conservatively. The older girls have really disappointed me in their dress lately. Makes me wonder why they changed their beliefs. Also still hoping the rest of the Duggar family (especially Jim Bob, Michelle, Grandma Duggar and little kids) will move to a better network with a better show1

    1. The other Duggar girls still dress very modestly, why do you feel the need to say unkind things?

    2. Betty not one of these young women has dressed in any immodest way. I take from your post that you are referring to Jinger and Jill wearing Jeans, shorts and shorter dresses/ skirts, not once was either of these two young women dressed any way other than modest. Dressing in a different way does not mean their beliefs have changed, they are still christians, I think it is clear now that when they were younger they were following their parents dress rules, as adults they set their their own standards, I for one am glad to see them spreading their wings and being themselves.

    3. Betty, thank you! They are beautiful young women, and they have no need to try to be more noticeable by tossing in nose rings and short skirts.

    4. Jessa was on camera when she said the girls in the family dress covered "neck to knees." Yes, they have changed that, with no explanation. So yes, they have gone back on their word.

    5. While many Duggar fans see their dress code to be an extremely important part of their faith, and so applaud Jill and Jinger for breaking it and therefore showing their independence; I don't actually think it does.

      Neither Jill or Jinger have, so far, actually rejected the idea that a woman's place is in the home, either under her father's "umbrella of protection" or bearing children for her husband. They have not gone to college or established themselves in a career. I'd actually find it much more of a "rebellion" for a Duggar woman to do that, even if she did it wearing a prairie dress.

      Also, Jill and Jinger are both married to men who do not share many of the beliefs that their parents do. Perhaps they are dressing as they are at least partly to please their husbands. If that's the case they're not demonstrating independence at all, just that they're now submitting to a different authority figure with a different set of rules.

    6. They should address why they are dressing differently especially since they have a book out and are now dressing differently than what they said previously were their standards. Could we ever have pictured one of them having her nose of all things pierced or a tattoo???

  24. i love seeing the bates & duggar 'children' together. i know he's 5 years younger but i think nathan & jana would make a great couple

    1. I don’t see that happening

    2. I think those who "ship" Nathan and Jana are assuming that just because they are from families with similar beliefs and are not that far apart in age, they must be compatible romantically. Or they assume courting is like arranged marriage. Yet I don't get the sense that either family views courting that way, that all it takes for a couple to be compatible is to be good Christians who don't actually find each other repulsive.

      Now I know some people who promote courting DO deride romantic love as just an illusion that will eventually go away, and focus on how it's more important to be compatible with a spouse as a friend and co-parent. But I don't get the sense that either the Duggars or Bates believe in this version of courtship that (IMHO) is essentially arranged marriage under a different name. Jana especially seems determined too remain single rather than "settle" for a husband she only has lukewarm feelings for.

  25. It's not just the far away shot that makes it hard to see it's the dress being dark as well that makes it hard

  26. Why isn't she holding her baby bump?

    1. Because she doesn't feel the need to flaunt it.

    2. Maybe her Duggar sisters-in-law haven't taught her to do that yet?

    3. Glad she isn't.

    4. Yet again the uncharitable assumptions that the Duggars "flaunt" their pregnant bellies. Yet I bet many of the same people bashing pregnant Duggar ladies, would be happy to see them taking pics "flaunting" their knees by wearing skirts with hemlines above them.

      Sadly this just goes to show that for many modern people, having an attractive body is something to be proud of and displayed. But a pregnancy is nothing to be proud of and should, I guess, be hidden away as much as possible.

    5. So happy Kendra isn’t holding her belly with painted on shirts. Perhaps Kendra, and so far Jinger, have some decorum after all?

    6. Totally agree@7:23. Totally agree😃

  27. What a cute tiny little baby bump! I hope her pregnancy is going well! And

    Let's hope Kendra is receiving proper prenatal care by liscenced medical professionals....

  28. I wish we could see some real close up shots of her baby bump like the other girls have posted, but I understand her wanting more privacy. Especially after the way people on the internet have attacked the other girls and accused them of getting pregnant pre-marriage, their shirts being too tight, etc. People have been so rude about their pregnancies so it's no wonder Kendra doesn't want to expose herself to that!

    1. I think it's pretty rude, and frankly distrubing, to ask for some "real close up shots" of anyone's baby bump. Why on earth is that important to you?

    2. I also didn't ask for photos. I said I wished we could see them, but I respect her privacy and decision. Chill.

  29. There is a rumor that John David is courting someone. Probably wrong as he didn't bring her to the "fly in". Nathan came along instead.

    1. Perhaps it was John's date taking the pic and Nathan is his sisters chaperone. It works two ways!

    2. Perhaps he was flying in to meet someone at the restaurant and Nathan was acting as his chaperone-just a thought. Not looking to start or feed any rumors.

  30. Kendra looks adorable with her baby bump!

  31. Because flying to dinner is really expensive and extravagant, and because Joseph is so much more dressed up than the other men in the photo, I keep wondering if maybe there was another reason for the trip. My first thought when I saw the photo was that Joseph looks like he’s dressed for a job interview.

    1. I also noticed that Joseph is dressed more formally than the others. There is often more information about a photo/post than what is mentioned here.

    2. Maybe John is dressed for his date,
      and she's the one taking the picture ! ❣

    3. I also noticed that Joe was dressed more formally than the rest. Wonder why?

  32. Why does Joe always look like his suit coat doesn't fit him properly? I noticed that in the pics of their wedding also.

  33. What a nice picture of them all! And dressed so nicely too! I too enjoy Kendra's personality. Thank you for sharing this. Ellie, I just have to add that I saw the comment appreciating all your hard work on the blogs. It is so true. And you are not thanked enough! When I see how many comments come in for each blog you do-wow, it is a lot to edit and post. So I thank you as well. I have enjoyed years of reading the factual information you share about the Duggars (an always growing group!) and the great pics and videos. I enjoy hearing about all of them and you do a great job to include bits about each one as best as you can. Eileen

  34. Nice that Kendra isn't doing the side poses and not cradling the baby bump. That's way more normal.


  35. Another episode of the "Duggars can't win". Some are praising Kendra for being classy while bashing her sisters-in-law. While others are disappointed that they don't get to gaze at her baby bump in more close detail.

    1. They could "win" by removing themselves from the public eye. That would work.

    2. Ha, so true, unfortunately.

  36. Can't see bump much, but Kendra looks well. along with everyone else.

  37. I think something might be happening here between Jana and Nathan Bates. He was skiing with them all too recently.

  38. To everyone judging the Duggars as reckless, irresponsible, as "flaunting" and essentially bragging about their good fortune...I'm sure most of you have some kind of social media presence and you post about special events in your lives. Would you want someone who is worse off than you, such as a homeless person or a refugee, to see your posts and judge you the same way?

    1. Most people I know have privacy settings and share their social media with friends and family only, not the entire world.

  39. What a lovely group!

    Do you have any idea when Josiah and Lauren are planning to have their wedding, Ellie and Lily? Looking forward to more updates on those two!

  40. Aw!! Kendra and Jinger look so healthy and beautiful instead of, you know, like they’ve eaten pounds of tator-tot-casserole.

    1. Wow, what a charitable classy way to bash Joy Anna yet again in the guise of praising her sister-in-law and sister. SMH.

      The poor girl has already suffered through not only fat-shaming, but nasty rumors of when the baby was conceived, 20 hours of labor and an emergency C-section. Why the need for further snide comments?


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