
Monday, March 26, 2018

Jinger's Pregnancy Nerves

Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Jeremy Vuolo pregnant
Jinger Duggar Vuolo is approximately 23 weeks pregnant with the 12th Duggar grandchild and is due in mid July (just a month after Kendra Duggar's due date). Last week, she admitted to Us Weekly that Joy's birth story has made her a bit apprehensive.

"I wasn’t super nervous until Joy had her baby, and then I thought, 'Oh my. What if I have a 10-pounder?'" Jinger tells Us.

The mom-to-be is trying to focus on the more positive aspects of pregnancy. Husband Jeremy Vuolo has been on cloud nine and is beyond elated to enter fatherhood.

"He just gets so excited when he thinks about us having a baby, and last night he could feel the baby kicking for the first time, and he was just thrilled," Jinger tells Us.

For more on Jinger pregnancy, as well as Kendra and Joy's pregnancies, pick up the newest issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.

Photo courtesy


  1. Pregnancy is an amazing experience, but for sure it is one of the most emotional times of your life. The more you know, the more you know things can happen, and I found that I had to just trust in God that He wouldn't give me more than I could handle. But the Duggar girls all seem to have these huge babies, lol, so.... I'd be nervous too!

    1. I'm not sure why they have such large babies. Joy appeared to have gained a great of weight during her pregnancy. That may have played a role in the size of her baby. So far Jinger doesn't look like she's put on a lot of weight.

    2. Big babies and delays to get to the hospital!!! Hoping Jinger will decide on a hospital birth from the get go!

    3. 12:24, Jinger is in Laredo and could get a real, qualified midwife if she wants a homebirth. Not a CPM like her sisters have had.

    4. That midwife at home wouldn't be qualified to give her an epidural if she wants one. If it's the pain she's nervous about, then relieving that should be Plan A.

    5. I agree,hopefully she will get good pre natal care also !

    6. cpms are qualified midwives...

    7. jeanna- CPM's do not have a nursing degree and are not consistently regulated in all states. A CNM has much more training and education and can practice in a hospital setting.

    8. Jenna Jackson: They are not as qualified as CNM, they have no degree in nursing or midwifery and as a nurse myself I would never use one. It is very telling that they cannot practice in the majority of states or work in a hospital setting, that is for a good reason, their training is not as rigorous as a CNM, the professional part of their title is very misleading.

    9. 7:05, she said she’s nervous about having a 10lb baby.

    10. Jenna Jackson, CNMs have WAY more training then CPMs I don’t see how CPMs are even allowed in America.

  2. Us Weekly is another tabloid magazine. Why are these girls so quick to associate themselves with a trashy tabloid?

    1. I don't know but it certainly puts out a mixed message about principles and that they will do anything for publicity.

    2. publicity or money?

    3. They sell their pictures because it pays very good money. It takes alot of money to raise children these days!

  3. It's Us Weekly now? What happened to People magazine?

    1. I was wondering the same thing

    2. US Weekly is a rag mag too..

  4. Dear Jinger, please don't allow a camera crew around while you are in labor. How can one relax and concentrate on the birthing process with cameras and film crew men around? And how is that modest?

    1. How about Jinger does what she wants, without some random person telling her what she should do?

    2. I agree. Feeling safe and comfortable are key to having a successful birth- home or hospital. How can you have that with a film crew around?

    3. It depends what they signed up for ,they have to honor their contract

    4. I say Jinger does what she's comfortable with, not what others expect of her.

  5. As a Pastor, why is Jeremy allowing himself to be associated with a raunchy tabloid? It is a poor testimony. What would Jesus do?

    1. Even if every cent they make is donated to his church, it's still not a good way to earn it. Can't someone get through to the Duggars about what they're doing to their images by taking money like this?

    2. She looks so young next to him still.

    3. Jesus ate with publicans and sinners

  6. I was very nerveus from birth stories around me and then it was just ok (despite hectic 40 hours long labor). BUT supportive husband and family is sure needed. Just follow your instinct and if is not something feeling well, consult it with professional obgyn or midwife! Good luck Jinger and Kendra! It will be ok!

    1. Time 2:11pm
      Can't wait for Jing & Jere to have a baby. Hoping It's a girl.

  7. Losing respect for the Duggars. Their modesty standards are all over the place. Only wear skirts but wear a skin tight top during pregnancy. Only read the Bible and bible related books but plaster yourself all over the filthy magazines. Only watch Christian movies but fine with associating yourself for the Freek show which is tlc.

    1. 9:11, re: the magazines.... if we are not "in the world", there are many that may not be reached. That being said, they do need to be careful that they do not become "of the world", and I think they are being careful, however I, too, would like to see them a bit more cautious when it comes to the dress code.

    2. The one thing I agree with is it is a filthy magazine. However, if you look at it another way, it is so nice to have a Christian couple appear in this type of publication. You never know, somebody reading it who is lost, may happen upon their article and they could be their light in such a dark world. Out of curiosity to who these famous Christians are, it may help them discover Christ.

    3. It would only help someone who is lost if the gospel were presented and that is not being done in these tabloids.

    4. Completely agree @9:11 but only in regards to some of the adult children. It seems like Jim Bob and Michelle are still the same.

    5. almost impossible to not have skin tight shirts during pregnancy..

    6. Anon 5:34. Your theory is a bit of a stretch. I would rather think that someone who is lost sees a church and finds their way in. I highly doubt US Magazine has saved any souls
      The Duggars sell their stories and pictures to the magazine for one reason only

    7. Responding to the magazines the family contracts with-- if they get a cover feature they get paid enough that if they are careful with their spending--its equal to what many earn in a year by working. Dont you think they are smart to do this?

    8. Not true at all 9:03.

    9. 9:03 - It may be hard to find looser maternity tops, but it is possible! Thankfully the skintight tops weren't a thing yet when I was pregnant. You already feel huge when you're pregnant, why let everyone see exactly how huge you are?

    10. @ 9:03 if there are modest swimsuits, there is modest maternity wear. also, one can always buy larger sizes than the normal. easy.

    11. Sorry 11:39. I'd rather do an honest year's work than get paid a big check by that magazine or any other magazine like it. At least I'd know I hadn't sold out or compromised my values.

    12. March 26 @ 9:11, I noticed on this weeks episode of Joseph's wedding that in one scene it looked like Jinger was wearing pants. Not absolutely positive. It might have been leggings. But if it was pants, I wonder when she started wearing them and what her family thought. I'm not "downing" her. Just curious.

  8. She should go to a hospital! And have real prenatal care. Die eats good so die wil not have a big baby.

    1. You can get real prenatal care even if you have a homebirth. But I do hope she gets a CNM, and not a CPM.

    2. DIe eats good?

    3. I “ate good” and had an 11lb 4oz Baby.

  9. Now the Duggars are appearing UsWeekly. Why? It's a gossip magazine that runs all sorts of lurid stories.

    1. They can give an interview or let them write a story based on fiction. Seems lately the public finds fault with everything they do.

    2. I seriously doubt US Weekly was the only choice/offer they had to do an interview. Lots of rag magazines have published false stories about the Duggars before, so I don't think their motivation was accurate information nor concern about accuracy for their pregnancies. Not to mention, US Weekly isn't exactly known for their wholesome, uplifting content.

  10. Hopefully she will not try to labor at home and will go straight to a hospital, where they can help her manage pain and those nerves. I'd be nervous too if all I had as examples are the ways the other sisters handled their labors. Maybe Jeremy can persuade her not to do what they all tried?

    1. Home births are fine, but the Duggar girls have been using CPMs, instead of CNM, who have real training.

    2. After seeing Jinger's reaction to others in labor, I'm betting she is epidural all the way.

    3. CPMs DO have training!

    4. 2:46, CNMs have far more training. In some states the only requirements to become a CPM are as follows: CPR training, you may not have TB,you have to be present at 20 births with another CPM, and then you take a test. That is NOT enough.

  11. Jinger looks amazing. Classy. No painted on top holding her “bump” sideways to prove how big she is. No “look at me” syndrome! My hope is Jinger will use common sense, have an educated Dr. or midwife and deliver in a hospital or birthing center.

    1. Agree.Hopefully she'll get good prenatal care.

  12. Yay,Yay,Yay for another classy picture of Jinger!

  13. Look on the bright side if you have a big baby you won't have to buy newborn clothes.Lol...Will be praying for you,Jinger...Jane

  14. Obviously jinger has stopped going to the tanning salon. She's about as white as Jeremy. Good for her. You pay a pretty penny to look good, later in life, considering how dangerous tanning beds are....

    1. I didn't know she went to tanning salons. I figured it was the warmer weather in Texas.

    2. I thought they were using that spray tanner. They always looked so orange. Either that or hanging around the guest house pool.

    3. I can't see any of the duggar ladies standing in their undies or bikini having a spray tan, I think the probably do the fake tan themselves. Jinger used to be edging towards oompah loompah land with the fake tan, since marrying she has thankfully stopped, toned down the make up (especially the eyeliner) and of course her fashion sense has improved (although she always had a nice style all her own), she has blossomed into a wee beauty! She has a happy pregnancy glow in this picture, and her outfit is young and cute.

  15. Pants again? Ugghh. Let the comments begin LOL

    1. No pants comment. Bonus points for not wearing a top that shows her belly button. I hope Jessa can borrow it someday.

    2. They've made it about pants vs skirts. No reason she can't crop the photo or have it taken closer so no one will see which she is wearing.

    3. I know...same here OP. Pants? Jinger always looked so nice and feminine in skirts

  16. The Duggars are doing interviews on a gossip magazine that many Christians don't see fit to have in their home. It just seems sad somehow.

  17. A first pregnancy is always nerve racking as you don't know what to expect, and from things she has said in the past I don't think she is as in to the whole birth thing as her sisters. Her sisters so far do not have a good record with their births so I hope they are not sharing too many gorey details. I hope Jinger is having good pre-natal care with an ob/gyn and has decided on a hospital or birth centre for her delivery. I wish her and Jeremy all the very best for the rest of her pregnancy and delivery.

    1. If she has a CNM, she will be fine even if she has a homebirth. Not so much if she gets a CPM.

    2. Anon @ 5:50 while I would always endorse using a CNM I really think other factors need to be taken into account especially how far away is the nearest hospital. Even a CNM will struggle in an emergency situation, although unlike a CPM or lay midwife they are trained to recognise potential problems and act before they become emergency situations. I also think a hospital or birth centre is a better choice for a first time mom, as first time labors can be long and no one knows how they will deal with the pain of the contractions.

    3. 1:52, I definitely agree that you need to be way closer to a hospital than 30 minutes away.

  18. Jinger, you will do great. You don't seem as big as Joy was in her pregnancy. Remember when Joy announced her pregnancy and everyone thought she must have been pregnant before she was married? Well, that was just all baby in there. But like I said you don't seem nearly as big. BTW I Love your outfit in this picture....the top is so cute....great pic of you both.

  19. Jinger's top reminds me very much of the tops I sewed for myself when I was pregnant. You don't need to stretch a tight t-shirt over a growing stomach. You can drape yourself loosely and still look good. Maternity clothing like that feels comfortable, too.

    1. Some people like wearing T-shirt’s, and they should be able to wear them without people making rude comments about it being “immodest” when it’s not.

    2. IMO There's a time and place for wearing comfy t-shirts. Jinger has shown 'classy dressing' when out in public. You don't see Princess Kate in skin tight tops. just an observation.

    3. 1:25 *Duchess Kate, not Princess. And she’s a duchess, not a random citizen

    4. It's Duchess Kate. Not princess. And she is a classy person.

    5. Hey leave our royals out of this lol!

  20. So far Ginger and Kendra have both dressed showing such good taste during their pregnancies. They look beautiful! I have to admit, I am not a fan of the apparent current trend of wearing skin tight tops, dresses etc. to accentuate ones pregnancy.
    It goes against what the public has been led to believe the Duggars and those like them, practice in dressing modestly, and all throughout their daughters lives in the Duggar type churches. Once they get pregnant, it’s like a contest to see who can squeeze into the tightest outfit. But that’s just my opinion. Maybe I am looking at this all wrong?

    1. No, you are not looking at it wrong.

    2. Yes, you are looking at it wrong. People are allowed to change their opinions.

    3. Your observation is accurate.

  21. My child was 9.6 all natural no meds..He got stuck and I ripped(most painful ever) .Second son was also 9.6 I had the epidural ..It was the most amazing birth got to enjoy the birthing without crying or yelling..Followed by 3 more births by a epidural. WATCHED the births on the mirror.

    1. And that was your choice to make, just as it should be Jinger’s choice, and every other woman’s, on whether they have a natural or medicated birth.

    2. I have had five children. I had an epidural with the first two. They were awful .I've had the last three natural births, and there's nothing quite like it. I was up and walking around and everything after a couple of the latter births. The pain is worth it. And it's not so bad if you know how to deal with your pain. It's amazing that you get to walk around and move during labor instead of being confinded to bed.

    3. Speak for yourself, 9:31. If they had let me get up and walk around during labor, I would have walked straight to the OR to demand an operation so I'd never go through that again.

  22. Her loose-fitting maternity top and skinny jeans combo is adorable!

  23. Jinger looks well. I hope she's learned from Joy's experience and doesn't attempt a home delivery with Jill in attendance.

    1. I doubt Jill is going to fly down to Laredo for Jingers birth. Michelle probably will, but not Jill.

  24. Proper prenatal care is essential to ensuring maternal and child health during delivery. Hope Jinger is seeing accredited professionals!

  25. Just go to a good hospital and have a good doctor and be prepared for anything with the surrounding of a hospital, not a home.

    1. Jean homebirths are safe if you have a qualified midwife. The Duggars in the past have had CPMs who ARE NOT the same as CNMs, who actually went to school to become midwives.

    2. That’s not true, Anon. My babies were delivered by CPMs, and they undergo academic training as well as serving an apprenticeship under a qualified midwife. I can assure you they are very professional and competent.

    3. 2:44, I’m sorry, I should probably adjust my statement. In Arkansas CPMs are required to have very little training, but that does not necessarily apply to CPMs in all states

  26. I'm sure she won't have a 10 pound baby, she carries very differently than her sister. She must be five months along and she's much smaller than Joy was at only three months along.

  27. You look amazing, Jinger, and I love your maternity outfit! If you are worried about labor and delivery, please have a hospital birth. They are prepared, equipped, and trained to handle all types of situations.

  28. Jinger looks great. Fashion is right on not showing a big swollen stomach. She and Her hubby look so Happy.She is showing class.

  29. Not every pregnancy is the same thing positive and you'll be fine

  30. Well I highly recommend prenatal care with a doctor and going to a hospital to deliver. Laboring at home for days or finding out in active labor that the baby is breech is all dangerous and preventable.

  31. I don't blame her! Her sisters have had really big babies. Don't eat too much protein Jinger! Eat enough for a healthy pregnancy but don't overdo it!

  32. Awe thinking about a 10 pounder coming out does sound scary, but it'll all work out. Love this couple!

  33. First of all you look great Jinger. We are all nervous. I think more nervous after the first, because you know what is going to happen. LOL But seriously - we are blessed to live in the USA, where we have so much help, if need be. The baby will come and be beautiful, like his/her parents.
    Big hugs...

    1. The USA has the worst birth outcomes of any developed country.

    2. Actually, they rank 26th out of 29. So, they don't have the worst. The statistics are a little misleading, given that they include a significant populace of illegal immigrants who may have had very little to no prenatal care. They also include recent arrivals who happen to birth in the U.S.-not necessarily a reflection of that country's medical system. Statistics are funny things.

    3. It is so sad but true. Most people love babyies but no one seems to care that in no other developed Western country that statistics are so horrendous. And they keep getting worse.

    4. 6:02 A broad statement like that needs sources and citations to back it up. And you need to look at it in terms of population or number of births per country.

    5. Thank you, 8:49!

    6. 8:49, you could look it up for yourself, and see that I’m right. In America there are 26 maternal deaths for every 100,000 births, in Finland there are 3. And America’s numbers get higher every year, while all other developed countries get lower.

    7. Here are the worldwide statistics for maternal mortality. You will find Canada at #160 with 7 deaths/100 000 live births and USA at #137 with 14. Canada's numbers are worse than some other countries because many people living in our remote north do not have great access to pre natal care. The USA's numbers are so much worse because so many people do not access to pre natal care. It is very well know that the USA has extremes -- some of the most advanced medical technologies of any country but also the worst access to those technologies on a population level. It's good to understand the pros and cons of your own country in order to recognise where improvements can be made.

    8. Anon 8:49 it is widely known that the US has the worst maternal outcomes in the developed world and the numbers are rates meaning that they are standardized and can be compared across countries. It's a simple Google search.

    9. 12:07 those are incorrect. Many of the women who die in the US have had prenatal care throughout their whole pregnancy and were at a hospital at the time of their birth. Just look at Fanchessca Battistellis friend.

    10. First of all, I'm pretty sure Emily Davis was thinking about NON developed countries and that Jinger will have access to care in the US, that she wouldn't get if she were in such a country. Pretty sure she wasn't thinking "It's good Jinger lives in the US and not in Finland".

      But thanks to people who took the time to look up and post actual stats. Sadly these stats are far from optimal but there is more to it than just "US stats are the worst". I'd also add that there are many women from other countries who travel to the US JUST to give birth, so that their children will become US citizens, and I'm pretty sure they get counted in the stats too.

      Now, some of them do get prenatal care, but many just run to the nearest ER when their labor starts. I've also heard some women from China travel to the US (as well as other countries) to give birth to avoid the penalties under their "one child policy" (though maybe less will do that now that it's a "two child policy").

    11. What portion of those statistics is a direct result of socioeconomic differences between the US and other countries? You can't take that out of the equation. Funny that Finland is mentioned, a country with free health insurance for everyone - universal healthcare. Exactly what people in the US have been fighting against. Better prenatal care leads to better outcomes. Yet who always stands to lose their federal funding when politicians disagree? The free and low-cost women's health clinics. Do you see a connection with those birth statistics?

    12. @12:07. Canada is 161st based on 2015 stats and we are tied with several other countries, including Holland. That rate is actually very good considering the size of Canada. Countries with lower rates do not have the geographic size and population size Canada has. We are also have a high immigration and refuge rate (been to Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal recently).

      We will never get to zero but we are working at reducing the rate.

  34. I think Jinger will go to the hospital instead of trying to have a home birth ( I hope) and I don't think her baby will be as big as the other girls were ( we'll see). She looks so cute!

    1. I agree. I don’t think Jeremy would stand by & let her go for a prolonged Home birth. He seems to have more awareness about him. If she does do a home birth do it with a CNP & not Jill. Better yet- a birthing center or a hospital. Jinger looks wonderful & stylish.

    2. 7:26, so you mean a CNM?

    3. Do not so lol I guess we both made typos

  35. It's difficult not to be nervous, having a loving and supportive husband and family helps. Hearing other people's birth experiences tends to add to the uneasy feelings, just listen to your body and all should go smoothly. Jinger looks so beautiful, pregnancy agrees with her. I must say it is nice to finally see a pregnant Duggar, dressed so cute, no tight tops or ill fitting skirts. Jinger looks comfortable and very modern. All the best as you await your precious bundle.

  36. I think every expecting mother has pregnancy nerves whether it's the first baby or the 7th. Compleatly normal! I do hope jinger is getting regular prenatal checkups. Not only is this a way to keep an eye on mother and baby, it will be a reassurance to jinger that her baby is growing and doing well. Prenatal visits can also give an estimate on the size and position of the baby. If she is seeing a liscensed medical professional she will have a clearer picture of these details in addition to a good idea of how labor and delivery will go. I'm sure she has learned from her sisters and mother that not every birth will go as planned, and sometimes, even under the best circumstances( be it a home birth or hospital birth) things can go wrong. Here's hoping for a very uneventful L&D ending with a happy healthy baby and mommy!Sending hugs and prayers to jinger!

  37. Congratulations, Jinger and Jeremy on your first child. I am glad you took the time to enjoy your marriage before having your first little one. You know each other a little bit better than before. You two are great, I have so much respect for you. You seems to be heading in the right direction in your marriage, and I pray God you are blessed each day, especially with the little one coming. I know God is good all the time and He will protect you, and takes care of you. I know you both puts God first in your life. I love you both, and the baby too. :D :D <3

  38. Jinger and Jeremy, you both look really sharp in this picture. Birth stories do make expectant mothers nervous. Get good pre natal care and have a sensible birth plan ready. Jeremy will support you through all of it. Eileen

  39. Jinger looks amazing! Love this couple. Wishing them all God’s best!

  40. I like how she's dressed. As to nerves -- an epidural does wonders.

    1. Epidurals come with risks.

    2. 6:04- Pregnancy and childbirth come with risks, too.

    3. Epidurals are not all that wonderful. It can injure your back and actually stop labor. What's more amazing is being able to move around and labor how you want. And coping with the pain through natural measures is great.

    4. The epidural I had with my last pregnancy was great - I'd been having a lot of back pain. However, my baby was very, very sleepy for the first few weeks of his life, to the point where it was very hard to get him to wake up enough to eat (And this was my fifth baby, so I know newborns can sleep a lot. This was excessive). He was losing weight and we had to keep taking him for weight checks. I often wonder if the epidural had an affect on him as well.

    5. Life is a risk. Having a baby is a risk. Getting into a car and driving down the road is a risk. Buying a home is a risk. We choose to take risks every day and each person has to choose what is best for them. I had six babies and an epidural with each. All was fine. Each labor/delivery was different. None of which had anything to do with having an epidural. While I am aware people claim epidural have been "known" to slow down labor in some cases, in my experience each epidural proved to help progress my labor forward.

    6. 10:02, I’m happy you had all good experiences with your L&Ds, so did my mom with her first four births, fifth one not so much. Having an epidural is your choice but it is also adding unnecessary danger into the equation.

    7. Anon at 10:02AM: I have no wish to get into arguments about epidurals here, but I agree that there is a risk to any approach to labor/delivery, and that in the end each person has to balance the risks and choose what is best for them. It's not a question of "epidurals are great and everyone should have them" versus "epidurals are horrible and should be banned". I hope Jinger and Jeremy make their own choice and no one bashes them for it.

    8. Coping through the pain with natural measures is great? I was reenacting scenes from "The Exorcist" during labor. Pretty sure my head spun around at least once.

  41. My son was just over 10 pounds and was a fantastic quick, natural delivery BUT I was in a hospital with monitoring, an experienced midwife and a dr down the hall if need be. Labour and delivery are so unpredictable. Home births are beautiful but I really hope Jinger will give birth at a hospital!

    1. Unfortunately Texas has the highest rate of maternal deaths in the developed world. Not a great place to choose hospital care for birth.

  42. I'll never forgwt when my fiancee felt our son kick the firat time. We were cuddling and he started kicking, i grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach he didn't say anything just pulled me in closer, i says thats our boy in there he coked out a yes. He said more in that hug then he could have said in words.

    1. Your fiancé?? You were pregnant and cuddling prior to marriage? Do you know what blog you are on??

    2. I'm sorry you can't experience the joy of "the first" on your wedding night. Theres such a joy and peaceful feeling that comes from saving yourself for marriage and for the one and only God brought you together with. Knowing that you haven't given a part of your heart and body to someone else will go a long way to having a blessed union together. May God help you as you look forward to your marriage.

    3. 8:39.. I respectfully disagree. My husband and I were not each other’s “first” anything.. well except for marriage. Neither were previously married, but that’s about our only exclusion. As Christians we have no issues with our pasts, haven’t left pieces of our hearts or bodies floating around with several other people, because IT HAS PASSED. While I completely believe being virgins on your wedding night is God’s best plan, it certainly does not guarantee purity. Anna was convinced she was saved from facing sexual immorality..that being joyfully available 24/7 would prevent infidelity etc., but that didn’t happen. However, with the forgiveness of Christ and His cleansing Blood she and Josh can be just as pure as if it never happened. @6;44. I hope for beautiful blessings on you, your baby, and future husband and marriage. With the Lord all things become new!

    4. Yup I had our son out of wed lock,and I do regret it. He is the best thing to happen to me. I'm not ashamed either.

    5. It's sad that instead of seeing the original post as a beautiful story about a family people immediately just on the fact she was not married at the time. If a woman gets pregnant before marriage and gets an abortion, she is shamed. If she keeps the baby, she is shamed. We should show love and support and see this story for what it is: a mother and father who love each other, and love their child, which is more than many have.

    6. Being exhausted that night after all the day's events? Not the best time to go figuring things out, 8:39. You can't blame couples for finding compatibility before marriage. It doesn't weaken any bonds later.

    7. Thank you to everyone for the nice comments. I am not ashamed of how my life is going. I can't wait to marry to man of my dream and father of my son and add to our family. I respect the Duggars and their belifes but also their lifestyle isnt for everyone and as they have said every child is a blessing

  43. Wow read all comments and so many people are rude how can u talk about them if u believe in God keep up the good work duggars have your clothes and babies as u want just keep Christ in your life Anen

  44. My first baby weighed over 10 pounds. C-section after 18 hours of labor. Labored in a hospital. Was able to have epidural after a certain amount of progress. Section was necessary because of baby's head size. She was larger than the dr expected.

  45. I'm trying to put this kindly, and I don't wish to offend, but Jesus taught us not to judge others. They have their reasons for doing what they do.

    1. How are we to discern right from wrong, good from evil, modest from immodest, truth from error unless we have opinions about these matters?

    2. You practice what you believe and let other do what they believe. Opinion is different than judgement.

      If I wore that, I would not feel modest— this is opinion.

      That person is not modest for wearing that — this is judgement.

      We can only control ourselves. Focus on what you do, not what others do.

    3. I think we have a right to judge others - or discern as I believe it should be called — when trying to live our faith. After all, the Bible says we shall know them By their fruits. However, we do not have the right to condemn someone. Only God can do that. But there are times we do have to judge someone because of their behavior and outward actions. It’s natural. But that doesn’t mean we forgo Gods Commandments in doing so. We must weigh the facts carefully and try to make unbiased decisions.

    4. Jesus never said not to judge but He did warn us that He will judge us the way we judge others. That's pretty scary for most people IMHO. Most of the people posting here don't know the Duggars personally and are judging them based on outward appearances. Would we want to be judged by God the same way, I sure wouldn't.

  46. Jinger’s maternity top and skinny jeans are much more flattering than her sibling immodest painted-on tops and clingy skirts. Jinger is proving to be classy.

  47. While I love Jinger’s fashion choices..she looks great..clearly she did not embrace her family’s doctrine of girls/women only wearing skirts. I find the false statements in the book she helped write stating they were HER choices, not her parents, to be a falsehood. I understand as an adult she most certainly had the right to change her mind, but clearly that’s not the case. She obviously didn’t agree with the “only dresses” ideology, but chose to claim so for the book.

    1. You said she could change her mind as an adult then state “clearly that’s not the case”. I think when you’re young you do what your parents do and at that time believe it to be your choice. When you get out on your own without that daily input of your parents you develop your “self”. You can’t hold the Duggar daughters to what they said in a book written as teens. They got married, blended with their spouse and became who they are now....and yes that too could change over time.

    2. She hadn’t yet Jeremy yet when that book was written, maybe she didn’t change her mind until after they met.

    3. People change over time. Jinger's taste in clothing and her beliefs are changing as she matures and is away from the influence of her parents. I have no doubt she was sincere in the statements she made when the book was written. If you want to slam her for changing so be it.

    4. Anon at 8:26AM, so it seems you are basically accusing Jinger of being a liar. While I would prefer it if she (and Jill) did make some public statement about what changed their minds, I don't think it's a requirement.

      I've personally changed my mind about many things since I was in high school. I started out very liberal as that was the "norm" where I grew up, then became very conservative out of rebellion, then became more of a moderate. And I'm sure someone can dig up something I wrote with conviction when I was younger, that I now disagree with, and accuse me of lying back then, too.

    5. Your tastes may change but your core values shouldn't. What you considered immodest before should be just as immodest to you later. Jinger was old enough when that book was written to understand exactly what she and her sisters were saying and why they were saying it. You don't go changing everything later and expect people not to notice it or question it.

    6. While I don't think the pants issue is anything approaching a "core value" (modesty IS but the question of pants themselves are not), I think it's fair for people to question why Jinger changed her dress code. Assuming she committed the sin of lying, to me, goes beyond that.

      I also recall some people once claimed Jinger was immodest because she wore heavy makeup. I've noticed her makeup looks a lot more natural after marriage. Yet no one is asking why she changed her mind about that.

    7. OK, so why did she change her mind about the makeup? Did she realize it wasn't modest or flattering, too?

  48. Jinger looks great! I think she can pull any outfit off at this point.I wore both tight tops and loose tops while pregnant, and still looked awful. Either I looked like a blimp, or a clunky circus tent lol

    As far as 1st time jitters, a wise woman gave me the advice to stop focusing on other peoples birth experiences and start focusing on how I wanted mine to go. Unfortunately, I received this advice at 8 months and had already fallen into the trap of focusing on the negative. It did help somewhat to calm my nerves and better prepare me for labor, but I wished I had gotten that advice sooner. Hope, pray, focus on your desired birth experience, and have plan b, c, d ready just in case.

    1. Love this post! I totally agree- plan for the birth you hope to have, but wisely lay out a back-up plan. Get solid advice from a qualified OB and store up encouraging birth stories in your heart and mind. Pray, and if you find yourself beginning to worry, pray some more. ;) Prepare and do your part and expect God to do His. <3

    2. Excellent comment @ March 27 7:48 PM!

  49. I wonder if this interview is Jinger's way of sending a message "because of these concerns, I'm not planning on giving birth at home" so that her fans aren't all shocked and disappointed if she doesn't. Or, she hasn't made up her mind yet but does want to leave room to have a hospital birth and not get flak for it.

    Though unlike her clothing choices, I'm pretty sure Jinger never wrote in a book or stated on the show that she was against the idea of hospital births. It's actually interesting that Michelle herself had many hospital births, but so far all her daughters and DILs have opted for a trial of home birth.

  50. I love Jinger and Jeremy. Praying all God's best for them!

  51. I don't think meeting Jeremy changed her views on her clothing choices ,
    and she didn't need his permission to dress the way she wanted ,
    she's an adult she realized there's nothing wrong with wearing pants....

    1. 10:30, my point was Jeremy may have helped her come to that realization, not that Jeremy forced her to change her mind or anything, it would have been fully her choice.

    2. Your thinking is right in line with the general thinking of the world. But God has called the followers of Him to dress as a peculiar people, to have a becoming modest way about them. When you look like everyone else around you...think about it, you can't hardly tell that that person is a follower of Christ. Theres a lot of people that like to rationalize or reason the truth away.

    3. The idea that women cannot ever be modest while wearing pants, is not a "Christian" one and I wish people would stop claiming that. I can think of MANY good Christian women who wear pants.

      Indeed, not even the Duggars themselves hold to such an extreme opinion; see a recently posted pic of Jill and Jessa wearing ski PANTS in 2011. Or of the yet unmarried Jana wearing board SHORTS during Joe and Kendra's bachelor/ette party.

      It also used to be considered immodest to show ANY bare leg whatsoever so the Duggars wearing knee length skirts would not be considered modest by social standards of 1890.

      There are also many Christians who believe makeup is immodest. Some think it's immodest for a woman not to cover their head, at least in church. The Duggars obviously don't believe that. And there's all sorts of arguments here about whether what they wear during pregnancy is modest or not.

      Modesty is certainly a virtue but there is far from any consensus on what a modest dress code actually is. Just because a woman wears pants or lets her knees show or whatever, does NOT mean she doesn't care about modesty at all. Or that's she's a liar if she says she does.

      It's like Christ's command to feed the poor. Many Christians have different opinions on how best to do that. It doesn't mean that people who don't support a particular government program to help the poor, don't care about the poor at all.


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