
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Gideon's 1st TLC Appearance

Gideon Martyn Forsyth

Tomorrow marks Gideon Forsyth's one-week milestone. He's a big guy who likes to eat and doesn't always enjoy sleeping during the night. Joy and Austin Forsyth say they can't find words to describe how great it is to be first-time parents. Meet Baby Gideon in the video clip below.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Gideon is too cute!!!♥️ The name is perfect! Being a mother really agrees with Joy:)

    1. joys and austins son is really cute and a good healthly size in weight. does look alot like his daddy

  2. Gideon sure is adorable. Congratulations Joy and Austin.

  3. Haven't heard of his name before. It's interesting. Anyone know if it has any particular significance/meaning?

    1. There was a Gideon in the Bible. Ive loved the name Gideon for awhile, it's just a really cool sounding name.

    2. Gideon was a military leader, judge and prophet, leader of the Israelites. The organization "Gideons International" has ensured that there is a Bible in every hotel room in the United States.

    3. Gideon bible society.
      A biblical name from Old Testament.

    4. It’s frkm the Bible.

    5. Austin said they liked the biblical name, and then his middle name is also Austin's middle name. It's all said in the video clip.

    6. Gideon is in the Bible in Judges chapters 6-8. If you want to know more about him and why they named him that you can go read and find out.

    7. Gideon is a biblical name! His story is in the book of Judges in the Bible. He was a hero and judge in the Old Testament, hence what book his story is found in! As far as name meaning goes, Gideon means "feller/hewer". I think Joy and Austin chose it for the biblical meaning though. Hope this helps!

    8. The spoke of it in the video..



    11. Gideon is a Biblical name. He was a military leader, judge and prophet.

    12. They chose the name Gideon because its a strong biblical name.

    13. Maybe referencing the Bible-it's Martin that makes me wonder what that name/spelling is all about???

    14. It's a Biblical name that seems to be becoming more and more popular. I personally love the name!

    15. There's a Gideon in the Bible.

    16. They talk about it in the video..It's a Biblical name.

    17. anon @ 5:05pm - austin mentioned that his middle name is from his grandfather (mothers father). it used to be very common to hand down the mothers maiden name as a middle name, especially for boys, or carry on a surname as a middle name from generation to generation. usually, the spelling would remain the same, and if either were the case, may account for the unusual spelling. i've seen this in my own family genealogy when i've come across unusual names (lol, and boy do i have some unusual names in my family!)

  4. just love your whole family !! GOd Bless you and that sweet baby !

  5. So wonderful!! Good job guys!

  6. Awwwww he's adorable , looks exactly like his daddy ! God bless him and his doting parents !

    Much love all the way from Sydney Australia

  7. I know Austin is very happy to have a little boy so as Joy says he can take him to work with him and do all the things he likes to do. If the had had a little girl first would he not take her to work or do things he likes with a daughter? I am not trying to stir anything but I know plenty of people who take their girls to work, teach them to fish, ride etc (if they want to that is), suppose I am just trying to say he could do all those things with a daughter too.

    1. He probably still would have

    2. My husband had almost all negative comments about our baby. He was thrilled to have a girl and then all his male colleagues and relatives said it was too bad to not have a boy. He asked me why and I explained the issue, the issue etc. Sadly, most men only care about boys. Luckily, my daughter has the best dad she could ever ask for!

    3. I agree - I guess its just a matter of perspective and how you say it. If they had a girl first, I bet they would have said the same sort of things. They probably just didn't see it that way since they had a boy.

    4. There is a special bond that sons and fathers have. Boys are who Austin relates most to, and as a son himself, he probably is excited to have that sort of relationship. I don't think they were implying that having a girl would be of lesser value to him-- instead, just noting the difference it would be. Honestly, if they had spent the video talking about all of the ways Austin would have bonded with a daughter, we all would be quite upset. I think that they were just stating something that Austin would be looking forward to upon raising a boy, or any child in general.

    5. Speaking of girls as firstborns, have we ever seen Josh really interact with Mackynzie? I mean during the years he was on the show. I don't remember him doing much with her or taking her places.

    6. Unless people say congrats on the gender of the baby, people are always going to feel like its a negative comment. When i was pregnant with my son, i had a lot of people say "Hopefully you will have a girl cause you would be a waste on a by." All because im a girly girl, it hurt having people say that and i feel like i have to prove to people im not a waste on my son

    7. That's the thing with babies. If you wanted a girl and got a boy, or wanted a boy and got a girl, you have to learn to adapt and change your thinking. That's what life is about...constant change. If you stay stuck in one way of thinking, you never know what you're really capable of. That could mean raising either a boy or a girl and enjoying the process, when you weren't sure at first that you could.

    8. 3:52- From what I've observed over the years, the parent/child bonds don't necessarily have anything to do with gender. I know many fathers who have had closer relationships with their daughters and mothers with their sons. I know that was true with my own parents. With my own son and daughter, I feel special and unique bonds with both of them, but certainly one is not stronger than the other. I think sometimes parents can become disappointed in their relationships with thier children due to unrealistic expectations, especially if personalities are very different. All a parent can do is strive to cultivate meaningful and lasting bonds, while recognizing and appreciating that your children are not clones of yourself, whether or not you share the same anatom, and never will be.

  8. if Joy is saying that were is her mother with all of this advice for her. keep the kid up as much as possible so he sleeps in the night? So much for michelle as a great mom.

    1. She said they were working on correcting it. So, mom must have already given advise. Congrats Joy And Austin he is a cutie!

    2. The baby won't produce enough melatonin before around 4 months old, so he won't really have a grasp on the difference between night and day until then. He's most likely following the sleep pattern he did when he was still in the womb. The best advice I got as a new first time mom is to sleep when the baby's sleeping and just follow the baby's rhythm. Gideon and Joy have just entered the fourth trimester. In a few months time, he'll be settling into a more consistent routine and the good night's sleep will most likely follow as he grows up.

    3. Oh please. Babies don't sleep to suit their parents, they just sleep whenever they want to. My daughter never slept all night until she was 18 months old, no matter what I did.

    4. What a ridiculous comment! My mother is one of 7, I have 20 first cousins, we have 40 kids and counting so we are a big family used to babies. I assure you that there are some that sleep well and most that do not, no matter how many techniques you try!

    5. The baby is ONE WEEK old!!! Give the girl a break, and you have no idea whether Michelle is there or not.

    6. Enough. If you don’t have something nice/positive to say to new parents then try saying nothing at all. Help be the solution not the problem in today’s world.

    7. My mom said I always had my days and nights mixed up as a baby. I still do, decades later!

    8. Can't believe people who try to sleep train a newborn !
      It's normal and healthy for a newborn (snd breastfed baby) to wake up at night. It helps with SID syndrome and it's important to help thé breastfeeding relationship.

  9. Time 6:46AM Fri 3/2/18.
    It feels like just yesterday Joy was a tomboy not into girly stuff. Now she is a first time mom with Austin & Gideon her new son could like Austin in the future. So congrats to the new parents once again.

  10. Happy for Austin that he has a son. My friends husband wanted a son, tried 8 times and they have 8 girls.LOL...Jane

    1. If that isn’t a clear message, I don’t know what is LOL. God knows better what we need than we do. Maybe a boy just isn’t in the cards for them. Your friends husband should be grateful for 8 healthy children and cherish his daughters.

    2. Agreed anon!!!

    3. they need to try again, they need one more girl for a softball team! lol

    4. 8:15 girls are just as precious as boys.

    5. What "softball" team???

    6. I don't think 9:36 had a particular softball team in mind. Just saying that if the family had another girl they could field a team. Just a fun statement.

    7. Ha, ha! We have our own baseball team- 9 boys. 😊⚾

  11. Congrats on that beautiful baby boy, Joy and Austin!

  12. Congratulations Joy and Austin on your precious bundle of sweetness 💙

  13. That little one is ADORBS!!! Makes me have baby so, so beautiful!!

  14. Wow. What a beautiful baby and parents. Both seem just completely in awe. I know both will be wonderful parents.

  15. Yep. Joy had a baby. We get it. Can we please talk about something else now?

    1. This is a BOT, I'm guessing.

    2. Yes, now let's talk about Jinger and Kendra's babies. :)


  17. Congrats Joy and Austin! What is Gideon's nickname or does he not have one?

  18. Congratulations! Gideon seems like such a sweetie. What an exciting time for the Forsyth (and Duggar!) family.

  19. It’s really sweet how Austin and Joy respond to each other. After Jinger and Jeremy, I think these two have the best chemistry. You can see how they almost finish each other’s sentences and complete their thoughts. I like the name they chose. I wouldn’t have, but I think it’s loads better than Spurgeon or Wilberforce. And Martin is a name you hardly hear anymore, so I thought their inclusion on that was cool! Poor joy, she looks so tired. I hope she gets some rest and Austin tries to aliviate some of the housework so she can sleep when baby sleeps. But I know joy has had a lot of practice with babies, so I’m sure a lot of this isn’t that new! Wishing them the best!

    1. Amen to Gideon being heaps better than Spurgeon or Wilberforce!!
      And Austin and Joy look like such calm, relaxed parents! 😊 Wishing you God’s richest blessings!

  20. joy looks absolutely amazing! motherhood suits her. it seems like she always had a kid on her hip growing up, no matter who's it was. lol, she was such a maternal tomboy. she would do awesome with 19 herself!
    very nice name choice too.

  21. Congratulations.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Perhaps I'm out of touch, but having your baby on national TV at age 1 week seems a bit much.

  24. Am I the only one who saw a resemblance between Joy and Jessa in this clip? For some reason I didn't before.

    1. Yes,the way she styled her hair 👸

    2. I have noticed a resemblance in past clips:)

  25. what one week old child sleeps through the night? That just doesn't make sense

  26. Austin & Joy are a beautiful couple, & now with Gideon a beautiful family. He’s adorable & blessed to have two loving parents. God bless all of them.

    1. A husband and wife are family even without children. When I was going through infertility I never once thought we were NOT family because of being without children. So insensitive.

    2. 11:03 -- I'm sure 9:12 didn't mean it that way.

  27. He looks just like Austin

  28. I'm at my 3000-something week milestone.

    1. HA! Happy milestone! And another happy one next week, in advance!


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