
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Joy's Due Date Has Arrived!

After nine months of waiting, newlyweds Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth have made it to their due date. Before long, they will begin a new chapter of their life as parents. When do you think Baby Forsyth will make his or her appearance?

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth due date
Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth and Austin Forsyth

Photo courtesy Joy and Austin Forsyth/


  1. Wow! Time has passed so fast!!! Praying for Y’all!

    1. I think it will be this weekend, Feb 24 - 25th. And I think it's a boy.

    2. Feb.26 i think girl

    3. February 26 or 27. I think it is a girl. Either way, I know that Joy Anna and Austin will be parents soon, and I can't wait to find the name and gender! Either way you will be great parents!


  2. My guess is the 26th but baby will come when he or she is ready.
    I wish Joy a safe delivery.

  3. OK, now I want an apology from all those people (mean) and awful other websites who accused her of getting pregnant out of wedlock. Not fair to dear Joy. I had a honeymoon baby and it was hurtful when people accused us of the same thing and it was not true. They said do the math. Well that didn't prove anything because it was over nine months. I guess I should let it go now since that baby is over 45 years old. I hope all goes well for the Forsythe baby and congratulations.

    1. I totally agree anon 8.51, I too had a honeymoon baby & had like you (& joy) the accusation of being pregnant before the wedding. I like you was not & I too feel deeply sorry for joy that this in any way has tarnished what should be a joyous time, I I have read this blog for years & only in the last few months have I been compelled to comment on anything & it's been because of the utter abuse this poor young woman has had to endure. I don't care when her baby was conceived, truly I don't but I know it's hurtful. My "baby" is now almost 23 (7th March) & I still can't let go how much people's cruel comments hurt me during what should have been a very happy time. Fortunately joy has a big family for support, I only had my husband as my mum died on my 12th birthday & I had only 18 months before my sons birth nursed my dad through terminal cancer (I also have no siblings). You may have thought baring that in mind people would have been kinder, however they were not & they seemed to relish in the fact "I had done something wrong". I hope joy has not been as affected as we much as we were with people's insensitive comments, however, I feel it has probably hurt this lovely girl greatly.

    2. It was a bigger deal decades ago to conceive before the wedding. Now, it's pretty much... who cares?! I know it doesn't make a particle of difference to me.

    3. I agree with you, don't know why people always have to talk negatively and trying to find dirt on people. If you don't have something nice to say don't say it. It is there life and what they do or don't is there business. Blessings on their new arrival

    4. I totally agree those ppl were rude & ignorant to poor joy obviously their not fans of hers if they were they would've stood up for her like we did since day ya joy & austin and can't wait to see baby forsyth

    5. 8:51 and 1:55 -- Sorry to hear that. People can be extremely cruel, sanctimonious, and backbiting -- especially in those days.

    6. I get the feeling most of the gossipers wouldn't care if some mainstream secular celebrity conceived a baby before marriage.

      The hook is "look, yet another bit of evidence that the Duggars are phony hypocrites who don't practice what they preach".

      But some even go beyond that and attack Joy personally. I really don't recall any of the other Duggar women being subjected to the fat-shaming nastiness thrown Joy's way while pregnant. What has Joy done to deserve that?

      As Joy gives the impression that her personality matches her name, I do hope that Joy being rather subdued about the pregnancy (no weekly baby bump pics) was just about her being a more private person overall. And not that she was hiding because she felt shamed and judged.

    7. What could possibly have given people reason to think that something was being covered up?

    8. The Duggars put their lives on TV and all over social media, and unfortunately nasty people will make nasty comments. I never once belived Joys baby was conceived outside wedlock, but I don't think anyone should be demanding an apology on their behalf. The family get paid to put their lives on TV, it is not done out of the goodness of their hearts, unfortunately it comes with the territory and if you cannot shrug it off then maybe TV isn't the place for you, and you need to make your social media accounts private. To the OP I am sorry you were treated that way but as you say it was forty five years ago, you knew the truth and you got the last laugh!

    9. It is because a lot of people don't educate themselves and judge unfortunately! The first 2 weeks of a pregnancy are sort of imaginary, obstetricians start at the last day of your menstruation, but around 2 weeks later the fertilazation takes place hence start of the pregnancy. Many people don't know this unfortunately, so I can understand their misunderstanding, bit wish they would not judge still!

    10. I agree! How nasty people can be!

    11. I can't agree more with you all. Joy wasn't give the chance to enjoy her pregnancy at all. I myself would have liked to see the baby bump photos. Why can't ppl just be happy for them?

    12. 9:18- I think you're projecting your own feelings onto Joy. I doubt she spends time pondering over hurtful posts on an internet forum or has not enjoyed her pregnancy because of them.

    13. My aunt and uncle had a honeymoon baby too, 9 months after the wedding. And a good friend of mine also got pregnant on her honeymoon - with TWINS! It happens. And lets face it, the Duggars are fertile people.

  4. Have no idea. I'm waiting to see what Joy and Austin name their baby. What a gorgeous picture of this sweet couple...Jane

  5. February 26 . A girl

    1. I hope so too. Girl!!

    2. They already said it is a BOY!

    3. February 25th, my birthday, and a Girl !!!

    4. 1:34, no Kendra and Joe said they're having a boy, Joy and Austin are waiting to find out.

    5. no they have not said way Austin and Joy baby gender is but they have of her brother and his wife. wishing her a wonderful safe delivery

  6. I think she'll be about two weeks late as for Jill with Israel

  7. Hopefully March 1. But only because I think it would be cool for them to have the baby in then. It's been so long since a March baby has been born. Not since Josh's birth 30 years ago.

    1. I predict March 3, so they can Have a double birthday on that day that are not twins Like the bates do, the previous two that come close to having two born on the same day, different years that aren't twins one was born day after his(spurgeon) mom (Jessa) birthday , and the other born day before his (Mason) grandmother (Michelle) birthday

  8. My guess is Baby Forsyth will be a boy and make his appearance on Sunday the 25th. He'll probably weigh about 9 lbs 3 oz. Can't wait to hear about the arrival! 😊

    1. doesn,t which gender long as born healthly and no issues show up w/ joy ending like her older sisters had during their 1st time births. hope will be smart enough have a hospital birth play it safe just in case. judging by the shear size of joys stomach is either a nearly 11lb baby or could be twins she was showing very early in the pregnancy. wish the best luck girl

  9. I hope you have a eady and safe delivery!

  10. I think it will be a boy born on 2-24-18 and weigh 9lbs 8oz and be 21 inches long. Praying for a safe delivery.

  11. I think March 8th
    Austin Jr

  12. I think she'll have baby Forsythe on Feb 27. Noah if the baby is a boy, Abigail or Sarah Grace if it's a girl.

  13. For her sake, I hope it's soon. :) I well remember the sleepless nights when I couldn't get comfortable, the aches and pains, and the eagerness to meet the babies.

  14. I’m gonna guess 2/24 that’s Saturday.....probably late night since it seems so many babies arrive in the night. Praying for safe delivery and healthy baby.

  15. I used to think girl but now something tells me boy, and I think Miles Austin would be a good name! Guess on the bday, Feb 27th..SN.

  16. Can't wait to hear about new baby. Just hope people keep negative comments away. And of course all of the "did they" or didnt they" before the wedding can go AWAY.

  17. She needs to cut her hair!

    1. I agree! But that being said, first and foremost, I hope she has an easy delivery. I predict Feb. 25- girl!

    2. Why? What if she likes her hair that long.

    3. That’s actually a great idea. Individual strands of long hair that has fallen out can easily get wrapped around baby’s fingers or toes and cut off circulation, causing serious issues.

    4. I guess it would just throw you into an absolute tizzy to know that I'm a mother and my hair goes past my hips. Oh the horror! A woman with long hair. What is the world coming to?

    5. Why? Her hair is beautiful if she loves it there is no reason to cut it.

    6. whatever for? Or are you in the old wive's tale camp that every baby takes away a tooth and every baby needs the energy of your hair to grow?? Or something equally inane? It's her hair!! Let it alone. Find something positive to say or say nothing at all. She's GORGEOUS pregnant just as she was gorgeous not pregnant.

    7. I think her hair looks wonderful. I'm tired of people criticizing people for having long hair. Your hair is your crown of glory. It says so in the Bible. Why cut it short?

    8. What are you thinking ? We are talking about a baby gender & birth date??? Why should she cut her hair ?? Maybe you should cut your hair. No we should all mind our own business, & not say silly things....!

    9. Me and my husband have long hair (down to our backside) and our daughter turned out just fine. No problems at all! Our daughter now has hair down to the back of her knees, and she's 11. It's beautiful and she gets complimented on it all the time. Nothing wrong with long hair. All the women in the 70's didn't cut their hair when they were about to have their

  18. She really is a beautiful pregnant mamma. I was wondering if she had the baby yet. Babies come on God's appointed time. I have been praying for her. I know it can be just as nerve wracking for the dad's too. The waiting.

  19. any minute. Did the family have a baby shower?

    1. Of course they did. What else to the women have to do?

  20. Oh Boy - Oh Boy on Febuary 24, 2018! That is my guess for the new little one to be. Can't wait to see him & his new nursery. Joy-Anna looks just beautiful, prayers for a healthy baby & easy delivery !!

  21. I think the baby will be a beautiful bouncy GIRL!!! 7lb. 3oz.

  22. The average natural/not-induced gestation time for first-time moms is 41w1d, so on average they'll naturally go about a week past the due date.

    1. Where did you get this crazy statistic ?

    2. My first born came 5 days early

    3. My first was 6 weeks early.

    4. My 1st born came exactly on his due date, all natural no induction, no epi!

    5. My first born was 17 days early.

    6. Yes, and some go later than average. That’s the concept of an average...

    7. My first was a month early, surprise. Every woman is different.

    8. My firstborn was 2 weeks early!

    9. Some people really don't get how statistics work .....

    10. Yep, that's what my OB and my doula and several mom friends informed me of with my first. She wanted to prepare me in case I went past my due date. Most first-time moms go past their due date.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Went into labor the day after my due date with my first.

  23. What a beautiful couple. Praying for a safe delivery and for a healthy little one

  24. My birthday is next Wednesday, the 28th, so it would be cool to share a birthday with Baby Forsyth! :)

    1. February 28 is my birthday too!

    2. Yay! I don't know about you, but I haven't found many people with that birthday. I hope you have a great birthday! :)

  25. Sunday 25 Feb 2018!

  26. Joy and Austin look so happy. Joy looks beautiful, I'm praying for a healthy delivery.

  27. In a couple of days

  28. I’m predicting it’s a a baby boy and will arrive sometime this weekend.

  29. She's such a cute little mama. I can't even begin to guess when the baby or babies will be here. Maybe February 24th? If she goes later possibly March 1st but I don't know how much longer her doctor will let her go without inducing labor.

    1. Does she even have a doctor or is she using the same person Jessa and Jill used...?

    2. Usually the doctor will induce labor if the woman is 10 to 12 days past the due date.

    3. Jill went 2 weeks over.

    4. Thank you 3;40. I had all c-sections so I'm not sure how long doctors will let their patients go.

    5. Jill and jessa did not use a doctor. And for jill that almost was fatal (twice).

      I am a bit concert about joy

    6. 5:21, we don't know what happened with her second birth, so please don't say that as if it were fact. That being said, I think you're right. They're giving a very bad name to homebirths when they don't do them correctly. Jessa was fine, but Jill waited WAY to long.

  30. Since they heavily believe that life begins at conception, they should already be considered and considering themselves parents. They're not going to 'begin' their lives as parents...they have been parents for 9 months already. Keep consistent please.

    1. My eyes got stuck rolling.

    2. It's pretty hard to parent something that has been born and isn't a person yet. Don't be cranky.

    3. I feel sorry for people who feel the need to be so nit-picky like Anon@1:39pm. Why don't you find a real problem to complain about. This is just really ridiculous.

    4. Good heavens. What a strange thing to get all up-in-arms about.

    5. No one goes around saying that they are parents until after the child is born. They will say it soon enough. Their parenting will begin when the child is born, so it doesn’t hurt to wait to say it until the child is here.

    6. You make a great point.

    7. I really feel like this comment is just to rile people up. No one doubts that they are the child’s parents already but they will not be parenting until the baby is born. I just don’t get how people have to find something negative to say about the Duggars, what they’re wearing, what they’re not wearing, when they consider themselves to be parents. Just be happy for them when blessings flow their way.

  31. I just hope it’s a safe delivery and she goes to A hospital!

    1. You don't have to go to a hospital to have a safe delivery.

    2. Jill should have gone to a hospital.

    3. Joy has two sisters who have both had difficulties with home births. I think the hospital is a good idea. If she delivers with no complications this time then go for a home birth with the next baby. Error on the side of caution.

    4. Your siblings births don't affect yours. Jessas second birth was fine.

    5. Siblings share genetics so, yes their births problems can happen to other siblings.

      Home births are safe for low risk mothers if she had a certified nurse midwife and she is close to a hospital. We do not know if Joy is low risk or not. The list of risk factors is very long and includes the size of the baby. Her sisters are obviously now high risk. I do hope that she is being looked after a certified nurse midwife who would be able to advise her as to her risk factors.

  32. Joy sure looks like Jessa here. A lot of people were guessing the arrival date on the January 10th blog too. My guess back on Jan. 10th, was today, girl, 8lbs 14 oz

  33. I'm hoping tomorrow. As that's my birthday...

  34. Time 3:50PM
    Hope It's a girl.

  35. Soon! I am praying for a safe and easy delivery. Joy looks beautiful in this pic. Eileen

  36. tomorrow would be my guess. So exciting

  37. Baby Eden Michelle; February 23rd

  38. I hope they have a girl! Just because there's so many boys around...
    And I guess the baby will take their time to come, maybe in a week or so.

  39. A boy name Beau or Ashton
    If it s a girl Spencer Charlotte or Skylar

    1. Is Skylar your favorite name or something? I assume you're the same person who suggests it every time one of them is pregnant. :)

    2. No it s no me. But I like this name. I hope if she has a girl. She will give her a strong name. A girl-boy name.

  40. It would seem preferable to keep the baby as small as possible, to avoid trouble having it.

    1. You can't control the size of the baby

    2. Yes,you can control the size of the baby by getting exercise,watching what you eat,not smoking and taking care of your self. Another thing you can do is space the pregnancies to give your body time to recover and making sure you are at heavy weight before you get pregnant. Genetics to come into play, of course, but the mother is not totally powerless.

  41. I hope it comes on my birthday! February 28, Wednesday.

  42. Tonight she'll have the baby with the next 24 to 48 hours.
    Congratulations! Hope safe delivery all gose well!

  43. It's been a long pregnancy. She got big so fast everyone jumped to conclussions with her pregnancy and her due date. I'm so glad she showed everyone who was so wrong and judging her. They are a sweet couple and best wishes in the next few days when their precious baby arrives.

    1. We dont know about that

    2. It’s been as long as any other pregnancy.

  44. I'm hoping that Baby Forsyth arrives on the 26th.

  45. Best wishes Joy & Austin!

  46. Just pray for a beautiful and healthy baby and gorgeous

  47. I think the Lord will delay enough, so everyonecan eat their horrible accusations! I pray for a quick and easy delivery in Jesus name.

    1. I hear ya. I was praying for her the whole time that God would vindicate her. There is a scripture in the Bible that where the Lord is speaking. It says every tounge that rises in judgement shall be condemned and that he is the vindicator. It has held me accountable in the words that I speak even. I know people are people and the media is the media. But even people who claimed to be fans, tore her apart this whole pregnancy. I don't even know her, but I truly felt bad for her. This is her first baby a very special time. That baby will come when God's appointed time for he/she to be born. I pray for safe delivery.

    2. Would you have thought any less of Joy and Austin, or any other couple, had they conceived before the wedding vows? It really should make no difference one way or the other to anyone else, as long as two people can be good parents.

    3. 8:42 - you are so right! Nobody cares if the bride is expecting at her wedding. The bride especially shouldn’t care. Speaking from experience (I was 4 months pregnant at my wedding), I didn’t give a darn what anybody thought and still don’t. Hopefully Joy doesn’t care either - whether it was true or not.

    4. 8:42 I would not have thought less of Joy and Austin as people. But it would have been a terrible mistake if they had conceived before the wedding. I would be more concerned about the welfare of the child, growing up knowing how they were conceived. I would not want to do that to anyone. Yes, the papers DO matter.

    5. 3:11 Yes, people DO care if the bride is expecting at her wedding. Society does not seem to care about rules anymore. But believe me, the kid WILL care, especially if people ask the child his birth date and then figure out the parents had to get married. The most wonderful thing in the world is to give a child identity. That is the greatest thing you can do by marrying FIRST, then conceiving a child. If you make a huge mistake, you have to deal with it. But it DOES matter. Big time.

  48. Feb 29th. Twins.boy and girl.

    1. Hello!! This isn’t a leap year!!

    2. You do realise that is no Feb 29th this year, rights?

    3. Twins named Donald and Doreen.

  49. She looks so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I hope she has a safe delivery!!

  50. hoping for a safe delivery and that she and baby will be alright.

  51. Wishing Joy & Austin a healthy baby & a safe & wonderful birthing experience. My guess is that Joy will deliver their bundle of joy on March 2nd and will weigh 10+lbs... ♡♡♡

  52. Joy looks like Jill in that photo. Would like them to pick a cool name.

  53. Feb. 25 (my birthday) a boy

    1. My birthday too! I am also guessing she will have a boy. Happy early birthday to you.

  54. I hope the 26th and a girl

  55. I finally realized why some people hate on Joy and Austin so much; because they are open about their political beliefs regarding being pro-life, pro-gun, etc.

    Of course, I know the other Duggars have similar beliefs. JB Jim Bob actually has held elected office. Josh had his FRC stint. I even recall Jessa being a bit more political in her SM posts when she was a newlywed, though now she seems more settled into her "wife and mommy" persona.

    However, I really don't recall Jessa getting quite as much flak for her political views as J+A have. But that was certainly in a less politically polarized time.

    1. Huh? I doubt that many people care about the views of this young couple on pro-life or guns. Commenting on this very public couple and family is not hate. It is just commenting, with no political motives. Do not assume otherwise.

    2. Curious but how can anyone be pro-life and pro-gun at the same time? And what do you mean by pro-gun? Anyone can buy any gun at any time, with no restrictions? How can people who are against all forms of birth control be gun advocates? It makes no sense to me. Either all life is precious or it is not?

  56. March 1st, Boy, Asher Martyn Forsyth

  57. Eugenia it can’t be born on the 29th of February because it’s not leap year.

  58. Feb 25th, my birthday! Good luck, Joy & Austin!!

  59. Whatever they say don’t worry about it my son was born 3/4 weeks early was in neo natal for a week due to issues but he was born 3.6 people thought he was conceived before my ex and I got married. Lol my proof in pudding my second child was born basically 4 kg at 38 weeks lol........8 yrs later I’ve had my second daughter 3.1 kgs........39 weeks now almost one..........

  60. I have a strange feeling she is having twins. I pray she has a easy delivery.. And I'm thinking she's probably gonna "pop" within the next few days...

    1. She is NOT big enough to have twins.

    2. They've said baby not babies throughout the whole pregnancy, so I doubt that

  61. March 2nd, their engagement anniversary date.

  62. I don't get why people still talk about the rumors of the conception. A lot of people don't get how pregnancy is calculated and even more people think because they had a so and so big or tiny bump everyone else must be the same.
    And by the way: Shotgun weddings and babys out of wedlock are not a new concept. The numbers haven't changed that much in the last 150 years. And guess what- it is nobodys business. So even if, there is no need to gossip.
    My guess: a boy on March 3rd

    1. Sigh. We get how the math works and don’t care if baby was conceived early. Good for them! Issue is preaching about no physical contact before engagement. Loosen up the “rules”.

  63. I'm guessing it wouln't be another februari birthday. Hope she'll have an easy delivery, cause I'm guessing there many more to come.

  64. I think it might be a smaller baby then we are used to from the duggars so far, 7-8 pounds. Hoping it is a girl cause it is no fun for the nieces anymore;)

    1. I'm thinking towards the far end of 8lbs

  65. March 1st... a week overdue

  66. Feb. 30 or 31st! Haha.😀

    1. I told everyone I decided I would celebrate my birthday on June 31 instead of my actual birth date. Most of the people I told said oh, OK.

    2. Anonymous 1:00, That is funny!😁 Some people just don't know the days of the month.

  67. Feb. 25, a boy. Probably 9 1/2 lbs.

  68. Feb 26, a girl, over 9 lbs

  69. aww congrats Joy and Austin i am praying for a safe delivery.

  70. Today is my daughter's birthday, born 28 years ago on Feb 23rd. Maybe Joy will have her baby today, girl, 8 pounds 5 ounces. Hope she has a smooth and uncomplicated delivery.

  71. My prediction is that she’s having a little girl on 26th February.

  72. On February 26th as that was when my son was born. Hope you have safe delivery and a healthy baby.

  73. March 1st, Boy, Asher Martyn Forsyth

  74. Samuel was born on July 8th, my son's birthday. Maybe baby Forsyth will be born on my daughter's birthday, February 26th.

  75. February 24th, a baby girl, and I'm praying for an easy and safe delivery!

  76. I say late tonight or early a.m. :)

  77. I control-F'd on this page. "Girl" was used 22 times (so far), and "boy" was used 22 times so far. Pretty cool that it splits exactly as you'd predict randomly.

  78. February 30th. A boy.

  79. February 31. A girl named Gertrude Joy Forsythe.

    1. Gertrude. I am French and in France It s sound uggly

    2. Billy Bob and June Carter,(Probably the same person) are not funny.

  80. March 1st. A boy named Abraham.

  81. A boy. Elliot Austin Forsyth born March 2.

    1. Elliot is Spurgeons middle name so I doubt they'll use it.

  82. Maybe Austin Jr or Aston sound cool

  83. My "guess"
    Twins - one boy/one girl OR two boys.
    I like the name Christian Terrance
    and Cullen Christopher
    Girl - Sylvia Christine
    ALL the best wishes to the Joy & Austin

  84. I think the baby's already here and People or Us magazine is busy doing the story, before the news is released. Plus with the show starting Monday, it makes sense that they would hold off breaking the news, to make a big build up. No telling when the birthdate was.

  85. I predict she's already had the baby, a magazine or TLC will break the news this weekend, and TLC will remind you to watch on Monday for a peek at the baby and the name reveal. Then Jessa will announce she's expecting.

  86. A girl and she'll be born on Fri March 2nd. They'll name her Sara Grace.


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