
Monday, February 26, 2018

First Photos of Gideon

Gideon Martyn Forsyth is three days old. To say that the new parents are thrilled is an understatement. And for those who were asking, both mother and baby are healthy.

Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth, Austin Forsyth, Gideon Martyn Forsyth

Joy and Gideon

First photo is property of and may not be used without written permission. To view the official birth announcement, visit the Duggars' website.
Second photo is courtesy


  1. He looks like Austin but with darker hair!

    1. I agree - definitely looks like his dad.

    2. I agree; he definitely looks like Daddy. What a beautiful little family they make. I think Joy and Austin will make great parents.

  2. Did Joy have to have a csection? They posted a different picture of him, and it looked like he was in a typical clear hospital bassinet.

    1. The bassinet photo was removed from People's website. Interesting.

    2. They are pictured at home when baby is 3 days old. I have never heard of a c-section mama going home by 3 days, but could any obstetrics nurses educate us on that point, please.

    3. There are other pictures floating around of visitors in their hospital room. It would be nice if the Duggars would be honest about what happened instead of the massive coverup like Samuels birth...

    4. I saw a photo online of their baby in the clear bassinet. It looked like a hospital setting to me. I don't understand why the Duggars seem to have such a stigma associated with a hospital birth. Mother and baby's health should always be the #1 priority and if it needs to be in a hospital to make sure that happens, so be it.

    5. I saw it yesterday and a question about the baby came to mind. I have a feeling others had that same question and if someone asked it out loud, that's why it was removed.

    6. People always blame the Duggars, what if it's People trying to portray them one way? Trying to portray that they have something against hospitals.

      I think People and TLC try to warp the public's view of them.

    7. They share so much of their life already. I never pry into my friends and ask so how was labor, did you have to have an epidural, enema, or whatever. Instead of always thinking there is a coverup... just send kind happy words...

    8. I only stayed in the hospital two days after my c section. If baby is feeding well, they'll let you go.

    9. That photo is showing up on People today as an “exclusive”. Guessing it was taken down for money. Nothing wrong with that.

    10. Anon at 8:27: "Massive coverup"? Last I checked, at this time none of the Duggars are elected officials, and not sharing all the details of your birth experience is NOT a crime. Jill and Derick have now chosen to step out of the spotlight. They are not obligated to share everything about their lives. Neither are Joy and Austin.

    11. Anon 8.16 the average stay in hospital in the UK for a c section is 3-4 days until pain relief is under control. Some mums do go home earlier than that if they are well & blood loss not too bad, so yes joy could of had a c section in my opinion, however, I can't speak for the USA as your hospital rules may be different, but here in the UK long gone are the days in most hospitals where you were in 7-10 days after a section. I know the mum's in my maternity unit go home 3-4 days after their sections unless there are complications with either mum or baby. Hope this helps.

    12. C section mamas go home in 3 days 3 nights. I had two c sections and insurance only covers that.

    13. They don’t want fans to know because they would start harping on their bad choices in home births. You would think after Jessa’s scare and both of Jill’s that Joy would have just gone to the hospital. Hopefully Kendra and Jinger have a little more sense for the safety of themselves and the baby.

    14. I am sure the birth was filmed. Be patient. We will find out in time.

    15. With my first C-Section, baby and I were deemed well enough to go home the next day. But I live in London, UK. Maybe it's different here?

    16. What cover up? It is not a lie to keep the truth to ones self. And they are under contract to TLC which means that they can't talk publicly about a story line before it airs. Jill was under the same constraints at the time. Whether she still is I have no idea but neither Jill or Joy is under any obligation to report any details about anything.

    17. I think it is still called confidential and private information. But somewhere along the line some of us have got the idea that we are entitled to all of their information and Ellie and Lily are the hotline to all their business. And isn't it just so frustrating when we don't get every juicy detail asap! Cause then we have to begin the nitty gritty process of digging for all that there is to know! No longer content with the happy cigar hand out news!

    18. to Anon 8:16 am -- I had a C section and went home less than 24 hr later. I just wanted to be in the comfort of my home. No one there to help me as my husband was at work but just peaceful. I cannot speak to other people's experiences but it is possible to go home quickly. It did take me almost two months to get over the severe pain from the incision but the most important thing was healthy mom and baby for us so that's why we went ahead with the c section.

    19. Anonymous 8:16 these days c section moms can be discharged at 48 hours if they want to go, otherwise you go home at 3 days if all is well.

    20. Anonymous 8:16- I had a c-section with my First, went in Sat morning and came home Monday morning- so 3 days is normal where I live

    21. 8:16, my mom had a csection and was home in 3 days😊

    22. Anon 8:16 I had a c section on a Sunday and was released on Tuesday. There were specific reasons for that though. My baby was in another hospital 2 hours away. The nurses did push me to get up and start walking throughout the day on Monday because we knew that we were shooting for a Tuesday release. I actually ended up healing from that c section quicker than my planned c section when I stayed the normal amount of time.

    23. Anon 8:16. I had 2 sections first one I left at 2 days after he was born (born at night on the 3rd left thed6th by noon) 2nd sec. I left the third day (born in the morning on the 17th and left on the 19th around 4pm) so yes she could have come home on the third day.

    24. Probably was a difficult birth since he was so big. But probably not a c-section since they went home early. Guess we'll have to wait for the show to find out! :-)

    25. I went home a little over 48 hours after a c-section and that was standard for c-section moms in the hospital I was at.

    26. no one knows for sure it was a csection .It could have been a vaginal birth,but in the hospital because of size.Makes sense

    27. There was no “massive” coverup with Samuels birth. Around the time he was born is when Derick began to have issues with TLC, so that info just didn’t make it to the show. Remember it is their birth story and there is no “requirement” for them to share the details.

    28. I had a c-section. Standard for vaginal birth was 24 hours stay after the birth, c-section was 48 hours. Those are minimum times. I got an extra 1/2 day bc my child was born late at night.

    29. How do they have home births! I about “died of pain” with my 4th child in the hospital, shaking uncontrollably tears streaming down my face, then got an epidural only 1 hour before delivery. That was the longest I had labored without pain meds. I’ve had an epidural every labor after many long hours of laboring and can’t imagine doing the whole thing pain free. Guess if you will to endure it then you can. I also have chronic hip dysplasia and am in a wheel chair at 6 months pregnant because my hips no longer work or move. So this may add to the already horrible pain of labor. Congrats to all the Duggars having babies this year-I’m sure it will be many! My girls and I love watching your show on the TLCgo APP! We can watch it any time and catch up on previous seasons.

    30. If they did have a C-section, they Probably waited to see if they could have a natural birth. It happened with my cousin and she ended up with a C-section. I did too because my son decided to flip and wrap the cord around him. They shouldn't be judged over the kind of birth they had.

    31. Nobody's judging them over the kind of birth they had. But it's strange that the Duggar girls all tried for home births, and most of those ended up in hospital anyway. You'd think that after awhile, someone would realize it's a good idea to go straight to hospital and skip the historically unsuccessful home part.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep. They both look like chipmunks!

  4. Best wishes guys! I love the name you picked!

    1. I agree, a great Name! ♡♡

    2. Reminds me of the free Bibles you find in hotel room drawers.

  5. Congratulations, Joy & Austin! You two will be great parents. May God continue to bless your family for all eternity.
    Love and prayers all the way from Minnesota!

  6. He is soooo cute!!! They will be great parents:) Congratulations!!🌹🌹🌹

  7. Congratulations Joy and Austin. I know I for one prayed that your birth would go smoothly, but that big boy must have been a shock. Love his name x

  8. Congratulations!!! He is so precious!

  9. Congratulations!! He's darling, for sure. It's always such an exciting time to get to meet your new little one.

  10. He is so precious! Children are truly a gift from the Lord. You're going to be great parents!

  11. Congratulations Austin and Joy. Such a beautiful baby.

  12. Aww. So cute. Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations Austin and Joy. Such a beautiful baby.

  14. Good lookin kid! That there's a keeper for sure!

    1. That is a comment suited to pets, employees, or friends! Not your baby!

    2. Seriously, its a term of endearment, I've heard this term since I was little. And it's nothing derogatory.

    3. I think BB is a poster who used to post under another name.

    4. I understood what Billy Bob meant and the cute way he said it. Lighten up, people!

  15. So cute!!!! Really has his daddy's looks. God bless this growing family!

  16. Ah another boy to the family. Congrats to them. he looks like Austin.

  17. Why is Joy"s face orange? Is she okay?

    1. I think it's the makeup they used.

    2. Maybe it's her make-up. Or her shirt is reflecting. Or she's been eating too many foods with Vitamin A (my son ate carrots or sweet potatoes every day when he was little, and his nose turned orange. :) ).

    3. Her face isn’t orange. Her shirt is. What do you expect her to look like after giving birth to a ten pound baby? She looks great!

    4. Just wrong shade of makeup.....just a little bit of blush,would've
      been better to perk her up,,,?
      Such a pretty babe...

    5. A ton of foundation.

    6. I think it's just Joy's shirt reflecting, because the baby's face has some orange in it, too.

  18. He is soooo adorable, and Joy looks like she is absolutely loving being a mama.

  19. How adorable! Best wishes for you with your new bundle of joy.

  20. That's now 10 grandchildren for the Duggars! 8 boys and 2 girls!

  21. Aww congrats to the both of you:). He is adorable!!

  22. What a beautiful baby! Both Austin and Joy look like naturals. Praying a smooth transition into parenthood. That is why it's good to have God in your life, because you can call on him anytime of the day or night for help:0) He is the Ulitmate Father.

    1. Yes, but they're also going to need the kind of help that helps you gives your baby something to eat at 2am when you are literally exhausted. And then cleans the house the next day.

  23. He is such a little cutie!! Joy looks so in love!

  24. Oh, he is absolutely adorable and I love his name! Congratulations and blessings to Austin & Joy and all of the extended family. So happy for them!

  25. Congratulations Joy and Austin! I like the name Gideon. :)

  26. Why did they take down the picture of Gideon in the bassinet?

    1. You can still see the bassinet on Google/Images. I would say Joy probably had a hospital birth. With a 10-pound baby, maybe Joy and Austin felt a hospital birth would be safer. I, personally, am not a fan of home births, but I hope the Duggars don't feel they have to hide a hospital birth just because they've long told the public they only do home births. As every woman know, pregnancy and birth can get very complicated. There is nothing wrong or shameful with a hospital birth.

    2. She definitely had him the hospital. But there's no telling how soon she went to the hospital or what happened first. Hopefully she didn't wait forever like Jill did. I don't know why they took down the hospital baby picture but kept the others up. Strange.

  27. Beautiful baby boy!! Looks like a hospital birth but now those pics are removed? Joy doesn't appear to have a had a c section but looks like her foundation doesn't match her skin tone or she's trying to cover up being pale? I wonder if she had to be transferred to the hospital after the birth due to blood loss like Jessa had to? Why are they being so silent about it? It's no big deal to have help from the hospital if a home birth didn't go as planned. Deleting the hospital photos just seems odd. Like they are trying to hide it. As long as mom and baby are fine then that's all that matters though.

    1. Trying to cover it up so people don’t say “this is what happens with no prenatal medical care and when you try a homebirth”. They clearly didn’t learn from Samuel’s birth...

    2. People will probably be featuring the birth story in their magazine, which would explain no details.

    3. It was People's own picture that was taken down! Had the "People exclusive" stamp on it and all.

    4. What happened during samuels birth?

    5. While the Duggars may not get prenatal care from a physician, that is NOT the same as getting "no prenatal care". Anyone who's watched the show for more than a couple years knows they do get checkups during pregnancy.

      I certainly would not endorse any woman not getting any prenatal care at all. But many pregnant women across the globe get prenatal care from midwives. There are locales even in the US where there aren't even enough OB-GYN providers available for all women to get prenatal care from a doctor. Not the same as "no prenatal care".

      And I'd personally reserve the accusation "cover up" to offenses involving actual crimes and big scandals. Getting prenatal care from a midwife is neither, IMHO.

    6. There's still the question of who gives them prenatal care. Someone licensed in the state, or Jill, or someone with Jill's same level of certification? So far, they have not shown us much to go on other than Jill doing a "checkup" on the sofa.

    7. Perhaps the poster who mentions they get no prenatal care means from a properly qualified midwife not someone who jill trained with. Never in my life can I imagine learning my midwifery skills through Internet learning & some woman who learnt the same way. It is virtually no prenatal care, as a lot of these so called midwives do not have the skills or knowledge to realise when things are going wrong. I think that's what the poster means. And as we have seen from joys sisters deliveries they have all had difficulties one way or another & apart from Henry all had to be transferred to a hospital for proper medical care.

  28. He is so cute! He looks like Austin.

  29. Joy looks so young much younger than her 20 years in these pictures.

    1. I agree! She looks like she's 14.

    2. Have you met a 14 year old? Joy just looks like a 20 year old with no eyeliner.

  30. Hi Ellie. I was just wondering did Joy have a hospital birth? Gideon is pretty big for a regular birth. Just curious. Blessings. Congrats Joy and Austin!

  31. The baby sort of looks like Austins dad Terry ,same nose

  32. Ok, they were preparing for a home birth with the pool and all; she delivered in a hospital,,,so what happened? We can't 'unsee' what we already saw, Forthys & Duggars, so be honest. What went down?

    1. The story will be in people magazine, they aren't hiding anything, just waiting for the story to be released.

    2. They do not owe you this information.

    3. We know what happened. She had a ten pound baby. Big babies don’t come out that easily. Most likely she had to go to the hospital. What does it matter? She is healthy and so is Gideon.

    4. I'd say they do owe this information to their fan base.

    5. Some fans think they are "owed" information about the exact circumstances of a baby's birth. Other fans think they are "owed" information about the exact circumstances of the baby's conception. Both are private matters. Just because the Duggars have shared large parts of their lives with the public, doesn't mean they are somehow obligated to share everything, or that they are guilty of "cover ups" if they don't.

    6. They most definitely do not "owe this information to their fan base." That's ludicrous. They didn't sign away their souls when they signed their TLC contracts.

  33. Congratulations Joy and Austin! So happy for you folks! Love the name too! We have 3 boys (&1 girl) and with every boy we contemplated Gideon as one name, but somehow never happened.... do like it though. Nice strong name.

    1. We have 4 boys and 1 girl and we were going to name one of our boys Gideon but decided not to.

  34. He is very adorable. Congratulations!

  35. He's so cute, I think he looks like Austin. They will be great parents.

  36. So sweet, congratulations to you both!

  37. Welcome baby Gideon, congratulations to you both!

  38. The Duggar girls seem to have large babies. I believe Jinger, will have a little baby girl, Around 7 pounds and 18” to 19” long. She will have black hair, Beautiful eyes and olive complexion. Congratulations, Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo.

  39. We also asked about the health of Jill and her baby, but no response as quick as this one. Also Michelle had a lot of her babies in a hospital so why can’t her girls?

    1. They are adults and get to choose for themselves where to have their children.

  40. The baby looks a little like Austin's dad Terry .

    1. A lot of boy babys look like little old of mine did....😳😬
      What a sweet cute baby.....❣

  41. Congrats! Gideon is a Bible name! He is soooooooooooooo adorable!

  42. Congrats
    You made great parents

  43. Beautiful baby and great, meaningful Bible name. Congrats!!!


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