
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

'Babe, What Did We Get!?'

Joy Duggar and Austin Forsyth honeymoon in Switzerland

On their first day in Geneva, Switzerland, Joy and Austin Forsyth feast on traditional cheese fondue (video clip from last night's episode is below). Joy is very confused when she takes a sip of what she is expecting to be regular water but what turns out to be sparkling water. She is concerned that the waiter has given them something more than just water.

If you missed last night's two-hour season premiere episode, be sure to check out our recap.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. If they knew what goes into cheese fondue in Switzerland, they wouldn't be worried about what's in the water. Austin said it...the fondue had an "aftertaste" that he didn't seem to be familiar with. Pretty sure they consumed Sauvignon Blanc wine and kirschwasser, two typical Swiss fondue ingredients.

    1. Cooked alcohol only leaves taste, the alcohol evaporates

    2. Knowing the Europeans (heheh they love their wine!) there was wine in the fondue but it really doesn't matter because all the alcohol is cooked off so you just have the flavor.

    3. I know. Europeans often use wine in many of their recipes. They don't use the types of cheese that Americans are used to eating either.

    4. My thought exactly

    5. Yes, but wouldn't the alcohol be cooked out of the fondue? She probably didn't want people saying things about her being underage and drinking an alcoholic beverage.

    6. yep, I was thinking the same...

    7. Wow interesting!

    8. 8:28 PM, she's not underage!

    9. She would not be underaged there anyway.

    10. 10:55 and 11:48, I know she's not there, but she still is in the states, so I'm sure some people would still say somethig. Also I know Michelle Duggar is very much against drinking alcoholic beverages, so that could be another reason Joy would be concerned.

    11. Common misconception that alcohol gets evaporated. It diminishes yes, but alcohol remains.

      After being added to food that then is baked or simmered for 15 minutes, 40 percent of the alcohol will be retained. After cooking for an hour, only about 25 percent will remain, but even after 2.5 hours of cooking, five percent of the alcohol will still be there.

    12. That is exactly what I thought, do they not realise there will be white wine in that fondu at the very least, a place we had it once in the Alps put vodka in it too as it 'slackens' the mixture.

    13. Love the duggars. Please tell TLC to get moving with the episodes. Joy had the baby before the honey episode aired.

  2. Does anyone know if the episodes will be available on itunes or amazon? I don't see the episode that aired last night.

    1. I know I wanted to buy the season pass.

    2. Both of last nights episodes are on Amazon. :) I watched them from there today.

    3. They are available on I tunes. I just bought the seasons pass. 😄

    4. I found the season for $9.99 on Amazon Prime

  3. last night's episode isn't available on iTunes... is there anywhere else I can buy or watch it?

  4. I know they don't drink alcool but come on, she never had sparkling water?

    1. Same thing in mineral water...yuk.

    2. No that's not surprising she's only 19 or 20 years old. She's lead a sheltered life

    3. I had it once by accident. It is terrible.

    4. European sparkling water has a more mineral taste than what they might have come across in America (Deer Park, for example). Even waters from different European countries have unique flavors. Italian San Pellegrino tastes different than French Perrier. I don't know what they drank last night. I can't get the video to play.

    5. Sparkling water is not as common in many parts of the country. It exists of course but it is not served in restaurants when you ask for water. I am from New Mexico and never had it until about 21 in a NY restaurant. I did the same thing as Joy and said this isn't water and thought it was awful. Pass judgement on her all you want but some of us average folks didn't grow up with sparkling water and many other dishes.

    6. That wouldn't be her fault.

    7. We are from the slavic background and drink sparkling water from the toddler stage. It also helps me get thorough pregnancy. Italian and french are my fave.

    8. Anon @ 10:21 San Pelligrino with ice and lemon, perfect!

    9. I suspect a large percentage of the population has never had a reason to drink sparkling water. Does not mean someone has lead a sheltered life - whether they are 20 or 70.

  5. Sparkling water and cheese fondue aren’t exactly gastronomic wonders. For someone who has travelled extensively JoyAnna has a simplistic view on foods. Travelling to other countriea should open up your eyes and taste buds to different cuisines

    1. I agree with you, but remember Joy is only 20 years old - not exactly a sophisticated age. And her traveling has probably been done with her family and parents in charge, so she likely didn't get to run around exploring all the wonderful things about a new culture that others might get the opportunity to do.

    2. Debbie, while Joy is young she is old enough that she should be past the trying new foods thing. Growing up, even when there wasn't money in the budget for travel my parents ensured that when I went out in the world I wouldn't be seen as an "ugly American". The sheltered upbringing makes one easy to spot when traveling abroad and an easy target for scammers. It's important to teach your children to be open and not judgmental of other cultures.

    3. 10:55 Do you see any irony in your post? You talk about how wrong Joy was, then explain what a good job your parents did in preparing you for adulthood, followed by a contrast of how Joy doesn't measure up. Then you sum it all up by saying parents should teach their children not to be judgmental.

    4. Gee, can't believe the judgment on this young woman! I was born and raised in Los Angeles and went to a college, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that there are things Joy knows at 20 that I didn't know at that age. Do people come to this blog just to pick the Duggars apart?

  6. Oh my what sheltered people. Fondue? It is pretty simple food. How adventurous does one need to be to eat bread and cheese? You don't have to travel the world to try dishes from other countries. It would be great to try a different recipe once a week or even once a month. Give your tastebuds a little workout.

    1. Even if what you're saying was true, it would not justify your derogatory remarks against Austin and Joy. However, I've found subtle to significant differences when sampling other countries' meats, breads, milk, butter, ice cream, produce, candy bars, etc. The Forsyth's experiences were more than just a matter of eating American made bread and cheese.

    2. 10:15 AM, just not nice.

    3. Joy knows about fondue. Her buddy Jill had a fondue party for the little girls a couple years ago, so I'm sure Joy knows about fondue.

  7. That was so cute! I love Joy. I know I may sound silly but I'm so happy I got my Duggars back. I just wish Michelle was on more....

  8. It is funny how both of these large families (Bates&Duggars) are so sheltered when it comes to food experiences. Even if you don't travel or eat out often, a lot of our different food experiences come from just having friends from different countries (Korean, Polish, Indian, Greek, British, French) Just being invited to our friend's homes has exposed us to different foods. Everyone in their circle is so similar to them...they live in a bubble.

    1. The Duggars have had the privilege of getting out A LOT! They have travelled to more locations than most of us can dream of. They travel NOT to learn and embrace others, but to promote themselves.

    2. Anon @ 10:50 I thought the same thing. The Duggar family have travelled the world, but it seems the haven't actually experienced the food and culture of the countries they have visited which is so sad. There is so much more to swiss food than fondue, but I am assuming the meal was 'set up' by the production company to film, much like all their travels were. When we travel (we are in the UK) we make a point of learning about the country we are going to, try to learn a few words of the language (thank you, hello, goodbye etc) and we always try and eat the local food, thats what travelling is all about.

    3. So agree,12:16.

    4. Ouch. I’m sure they wouldn’t want to hear that but unfortunately it is true.

    5. I don’t think families as big as the Duggar and Bates families get invited over to friends houses for dinner all that often. If I had a family as big as theirs over for dinner, it would use up nearly an entire month’s dinner budget. I don’t know many people who could afford to host a family of this size for a meal. It’s too bad, really. I bet a lot of people would love to host them if they could.

    6. .Not trying to defend and not a fan of either family, but I don't consider never tasting certain foreign cuisine or not knowing what it is a culture fail. Some towns have access to these foods, the ingredients, or the cost is too much to make it.You also have to consider allergies.

    7. Not sure how many homes they would get invited to for international cuisine, seeing there'd be 21 mouths to feed.

    8. You judge the Duggars to be living in a bubble because their lives are different than yours - would it be fair for them to make the same assessment against you since you have no understanding of their lives?

    9. All it takes is for ONE family member to be invited to a friend's home for a different cultural/food experience, and that one member can bring the knowledge home. That's how we experienced Korean food. My son got invited to a friend's home and he loved it and encouraged us to cook the same Korean recipes. They don't ALL have to go.

    10. There are many restaurants here in the U.S. that have many authentic foods. Mexican, Mandarin, Arabic, Polish, etc..

    11. Amen Anonymous 10:19 AM Well said.

  9. The Duggars really need to get out more.

  10. They have been all across Europe, South and central America, and China. I don't think that qualifies as sheltered

    1. Just because you have your passport stamped doesn't mean that you absorbed any of the other cultures, or opened your mind to how the rest of the world lives.

    2. It is sheltered when you don't embrace the full experience.

    3. It does if they don't bother to immerse themselves in the culture. It is possible to travel and never experience the beauty and diversity of the people. It is also very possible to stay close to home and have a rich experience of life. There are people from all over the world in a town near you. Make friends and "travel" for free.

    4. Even when they go away, they seem to get fixated on how different or how dangerous the rest of the world is. All you had to do was read Jill's blog messages to realize how she felt about being away from home.

  11. In Switzerland we even speak four languages... Swissgerman, French, Italian and Romansh :-)
    And yes - Fondue is made out of Swiss cheese from Switzerland

    1. So true but you can make variations of a cheese fondu with different types of cheese. I have. Also, most US grocery stores has a cheese section which sell more than kraft slices.

  12. In Switzerland we even speak four languages... Swissgerman, French, Italian and Romansh... and yes, Fondue is made out of Swiss cheese (from Switzerland) :-)

  13. I personally am not an adventurous eater. Even though, my family and I travel a good bit, I always seek out familiar foods. I don't like the idea of ordering meals that are not going to be eaten and then spending more money trying to find something to fill me. Take in consideration the size of their family, I'm sure they kept that in mind when traveling. So, I'm not surprised Joy may not have tried a lot of foods from other places.

  14. I can still remember watching the episodes in England where the family was a bit hesitant to try foreign food. Bangers and mash and leek pie were throwing them all a curve ball

    1. Of all the countries they've been to, the food in England should have been closest to home!

  15. I thought this scene was hilarious. I would be freaked out too if I thought I was drinking water and it was something different.

  16. It qualifies as sheltered if you travel but don't actually experience the culture, history and food of the countries you are visiting. The Duggars travelled to film for a TV show, with everything planned out in advance and a camera crew in tow, they really 'know' very little about other countries and cultures.

  17. Sorry for the pro-fondue people-that was a short fad two years ago, and was all the rage waaaaay back in the 1970's. No so popular-most fondue restaurants in the US are out of business. It's not exactly exotic fare. Just melted cheese with bread. Whoo hoo.

    1. I’m old enough to remember when households actually had a fondue pot back in the 70’s. We still have a fondue restaurant here in Portland Oregon, they offer many selections besides bread and cheese....I’m not sure it’s intended to be a meal, more of a social, gathering, conversation sort of experience. Chocolate with fruit is my favorite. You’re right it isn’t popular anymore and not surprising this young couple had never tried it.

    2. You can make it yourself

    3. I would hardly look to the USA to set the standard for fondue. After.all, you think cheese slices are real cheese. Really good fondue has at least three cheeses, sometimes spices, usually alcohol. And you can dip much more than bread i.e. vegetables and mushrooms. I am always amazed that those who say people criticize the Duggars are the most critical themselves.

    4. Oh you young, young people ;) — from an oldster! We made fondue (cheese, meat/veggie, and chocolate styles back when I was in elementary school in the ‘60’s :P No alcohol in ours, but some of our most fun meals.
      Part of the reason fondue restaurants close is because a 2 or 3 course fondue meal takes a long time to eat which hurts both the amount earned per table and number of tips for wait staff. The price for 2 customers is in the $70 range not counting beverages, tax, and tip — I’ve no idea what it would be in NY or other pricey cities. But tough to stay in business.

  18. cheese fondue is usually made with alcohol!!! Not sure if they knew...

    1. No, it is not. As if there was alcohol, it would have been evaporated during the cooking process. No one gets drunk from eating any dish that alcohol was added to,as part of the cooking process.

    2. The alcohol in fondue does not all cook away or evaporate.

  19. Fondue is amazing! I've lived in Switzerland years ago as I was doing my year abroad. :)

  20. Why aren’t they more dressed up? I mean, they’re on their honeymoon in Switzerland and Joy has hardly any makeup, greasy looking hair, and just a skirt while Austin sits across from her in an ill-fitting “Texas” T-shirt. Why not something a little more elegant? I’m not saying they should be in formal attire, I just mean a nice dress and dress shirt. They could have even dressed up jeans better than that. This proves that just because you have a skirt on doesn’t mean it checks all the boxes.

    1. Joy doesn't need make-up on. They don't have to get all dress up if they don't want to. They are tourist, having a nice time just being themselves, how sweet...Jane

    2. I think they wanted to relax and just enjoy themselves.....they were there you were not. I thought they looked fine.

    3. Why do Joy and Austin have to check off all YOUR boxes?

      While I do not share their lifestyle of hunting, fishing, bikes, rodeos, etc...I actually find it refreshing that Joy and Austin feel comfortable dressing casually and being themselves. Their "official" romance was short but they obviously really know and "get" each other. So what if they don't live up to conventional notions of what a romantic honeymoon is like? Good for them, I say.

    4. 3:32. I happen to agree with you completely.

  21. I don't like trying a lot of new things. My husband has gotten me to try a lot of stuff, I did try sparkling water and it isn't for me. Glad you get to experience New places and different foods. Congrats!!

  22. I knew exactly what the waiter was talking about with the best cows and the best grass making the best cheese. Every summer, we get Beemster Graskaas cheese, some of the best in the world. It's made once a year from milk produced after Dutch cows have eaten the first spring grass. There's a video online of the cows literally jumping for joy when released into the pastures for the first time in the spring. Look up Beemster Dancing Cows.

    1. Oh my word, I *love* Graskaas! It's definitely up there on my favorite cheeses list. And yes, high quality milk does wonders for flavor in cheese.

  23. Joy and Austin's honeymoon adventures were fun to watch. Joy, the same thing happen to me when I was on a trip. I asked the waiter for water and I got sparkling water. It was the first time I drink sparkling water and I was much older than you. I thought it taste awful...Jane

    1. I really don't understand how adding carbonation to water makes it taste "awful." It's just bubbles!

    2. Anon @ 11:09 Here in Europe the water that is sparkling usually has a higher mineral content than regular drinking water and you do notice it. Also carbon dioxide is acidic so that also affects the taste. Some brands are better than others usually the more expensive ones, I personally prefer sparkling water especially with a meal, it aids digestion.

    3. 11:09, I don't know how but it changes the taste. I'm not a fan either😝

    4. I think sparkling water is kinda bitter.

    5. If you are used to drinking sparkling water, you won't understand. But have you ever took a sip of something thinking its one thing, and turns out to be something else? Even if you like both drinks, that sip you took, is disgusting.

  24. Once upon a time I was reluctant to trying new foods as well. However, you don’t have to travel to expand your pallet. All you need is a good recipe, a few spices, a little know how in the kitchen and you can go around the world on your dinner plate. I’m glad Joy and Austin tried something they’ve never had before, it’s a lot of fun. Good for them!

  25. oh man the look on her face was priceless, I laughed so hard, loved the whole show.... so fun

  26. Maybe all you commenters are very worldly but you certainly do not reflect the average American. I can honestly, without malice, say that Americans are known for just eating hamburgers and fries and not having tried new foods. Most Americans only go to fast food American chains when they visit Europe; that's the only reason those restaurants are there. I am Canadian and speak many languages and spend a lot of time in Europe and I have politely chatted with the small % of Americans who get a passport and some even admit how extremely sheltered they are. So good for Austin & Joy for trying something new!

    1. "Most Americans only go to fast food American chains when they visit Europe." No. This is not an accurate claim by any measure.

    2. Not kind at all! Have you ever even been to the United States before? Do you realize you are addressing a largely American audience? Most Americans are not like that! I don’t even eat fast food at home in the U.S., let alone when I’m in Europe! I love trying the local food. Please do not judge an entire nation based off the actions of a few.

    3. The fast food chains are there because the locals are supporting them! And the companies saw markets to expand into. It's not a tourist thing at all. Their menus are different than the American menus, too.

      I also disagree with your comment that Americans eat just burgers and fries. This country was populated by immigrants, all of whom brought their cuisine with them. There is more diversity in our everyday food than you are imagining. Walk the streets of NYC at lunchtime and you will see a Mexican food cart next to a halal meat cart next to a waffles and dinges cart. You can even find the Canadian delicacy, poutine.

    4. Statistics support your observation of Americans. I am always surprised how little so many Americans know about the world and how little curiosity they have.

    5. I wonder what country 11:51 is from.

    6. What statistics, 11:51? What are your sources?

    7. So what? Maybe many Americans don't have money to travel?? Many are too busy working and trying to support families! You are extremely ignorant and foolish. Besides that, we have enough immigrants who come and open restaurants that are of different cultures. Come on now...

    8. 11:51 maybe there isn't much curiosity since many different cultures are already in America... and taking over!

    9. Anon at 5:53: Thanks for confirming the Canadian anon's generalizations about "Ugly Americans". Ironically, the supposedly All-American meal of burgers and fries wasn't actually invented in the US; burgers came from Germany, fries from Belgium. But I doubt you'd say Germans or Belgians "took over" American culture. I actually find barbeque to be a more uniquely "American" dish.

      Anyway, it's not just American tourists who eschew new cuisines. I once played unofficial tour guide for two Japanese women visiting NYC. In the midst of all the varied cuisines they could have sampled...they decided to go to McDonalds because they were familiar with it. And wound up surprised the US McDonalds is very different from the Japanese version.

      I can think of many people from other cultures who also don't have interest in any food other than what they're already familiar with.

    10. I have read various studies during which average Americans are asked easy questions about other countries. These are simple questions but the vast majority are unable to answer them. Ask these same questions or similar ones about the US of the average Brit, French, German or Canadian and the majority will answer correctly.

      There are a minority of Americans who are truly curious about the world, who travel to learn about other cultures and show respect. They do not spend the time overseas comparing,like it is some kind of contest.

      As for fast food restaurants, MacDonald's on the main road leading to the Vatican is not there because the Italians crave greasy hamburgers,bland French fries and horrible coffee.

      The comment by @5:53 says it all.

    11. This strange stereotype that people from other countries have constructed in their minds about Americans is so far from the truth, and frankly, comes across as extremely stuck-up. I'm here to tell you that Americans are not all "rubes," "hicks-from-the-sticks," and we do not survive solely on fast food. This from me, who is an country girl through-and-through. I've barely traveled out of my state, but is that a reason for people to look down on me? Apparently.

    12. Hey 2/28, 11:11 Could you send your last sentence to a lot of our country’s leadership too - both secular and religious?
      How many entire countries/peoples do we denigrate based on some peoples actions? It’s kind of an inverse of the Golden Rule e.g. “How we treat others will affect how they treat us back.” Thanks for stating so clearly what we all need to do!

  27. As sweet as she is, you can tell how isolated their upbringing was compared to most Americans. Even though they have traveled, there are things that Joy says that tells you how confined her education actually was. Sweet as pie, and butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but she's a little naive!!

  28. The Duggars sure have traveled!!! Maybe they're reaction was staged!!!

  29. This made me laugh. So cute and I can totally relate.

  30. AHem, Joyand Austin were not alone on their honeymoon, they had the film crew tagging along. How unfortunate.

  31. If you have ever taken a sip of sparkling water while expecting it to be tap water it is VERY surprising regardless of whether you are "cultured" or not. The Duggars have had the ability to travel a lot, but each country is different and as such Joy hasn't experience the food in the Swiss culture. Just because she is unfamiliar with the food doesn't make her a bad person or a more sheltered than the rest of America. Also American sparkling water is far different than European sparkling water (especially Swiss)

    1. Completely agree! The sparkling water I have in my refrigerator in MN is VERY different than the sparkling water I have had when traveling abroad.

    2. Joy's experience reminds me of the first time I ever tried Perrier - and I knew what it was, but I still thought it tasted terrible and wondered why anyone would drink it. I still don't like Perrier but I like the San Pellegrino style of sparkling water now.

      Unfortunately this clip (and others about Duggars trying new foods) seems designed to portray the Duggars are uneducated ignorant people, and get the audience to laugh at them. And I really wouldn't be surprised if TLC execs are to some extent appealing to the "let's watch the freaks and laugh at them" audience. (And the Duggars wouldn't be the only Reality family to which that applies, either.)

  32. There seem to be a lot of comments from people whose only reason for watching the show was the hope of finding a reason to devalue someone. Please realize that this is bullying behavior. Please make the choice to move on to a more constructive hobby.

  33. The Duggars and Bates have travelled to many places but it was missionary work often, so i guess seeing places and trying foods was low on their list... But the sparkling water part... Joy girl?!

  34. oh the joy of sparkling water... lol all foreigners I know loved Apfelschorle (apple juice plus sparkling water), though. But the German/Swiss bread is not appreciated as well. Wondering what they thought about that. :)
    Maybe they should have went to another restaurant?

    1. German/Swiss bread is wonderful, but it's not the same fluffy white cottony nonsense that you find on an American supermarket shelf. Americans need to learn what real bread is all about.

    2. Give them credit for at least trying new stuff. Despite all her travels with her family Joy is pretty much a "rube" when it comes to food. In order to avoid problems at meal time, Jim Bob and Michelle most likely fed their kids familiar foods instead of local cuisine. Young children are often suspicious of and won't eat food they've never seen before. That's why the family went to McDonald's when they were in Australia.

    3. Eating white bread and that junk called "American cheese" is enough to gag most people in Europe. When my daughter did her semester abroad in France she raved about the food her "host mama" cooked for her and even sent me a supply of crepe flour the woman used so I could make them for her after she came home

  35. I just watched this episode and I really enjoy this family. I see young adults who are sincere, loving, kind, caring, family oriented, intent on upholding and following their values and living them day to day. Are they perfect? No.
    I felt for Joy in the fondue restaurant. As someone with many food allergies, I am always concerned that what I order is not what I get. Especially in another country. It looked like they had a lot of fun trying things Switzerland is known for. Fondue, chocolate and skiing. I really like how supportive the siblings were to Jinger and Jeremy. What a positive interesting enjoyable episode. Eileen

    1. me too, they have wonderful values and it is refreshing to watch

  36. I was so shocked that Joy never tasted or heard of sparkling water before!

    1. I am middle aged, and I have only had it once. I hated it! With a family that large, I am sure they get free waters at restaurants to save money. Sparkling water in a bottle would cost extra. Because I don’t like it, I haven’t purchased it for my kids. I guess they are sheltered then.

    2. I hate sparkling water. Just a personal taste. My mother didn't like it so we never had it at home and I first tasted it in my 20s, even though I had even lots of types of foods. Even now, if I don't know it's sparkling, I will make a face and be startled if I have a drink without thinking about it. Because most people like sparkling water, I have to remember to ask waiters right away for still water. Just a cute normal reaction for Joy, in my opinion.

    3. I love sparkling water. The more minerals in it, the better. I can't stand chlorinated tap water.

    4. Hate sparkling water too! Who actually enjoys it? :/

    5. The first time I had sparkling water, just out of the bottle, I HATED it. I was expecting plain water, and the sparkling water was disgusting. Ten years later, I had it again, in a glass, with lots of ice, and lots of fresh lime squeezed in there, and I was HOOKED. Especially in the summer. So delicious. And I've converted a lot of people, and they all love it now too. But at restaurants here, it does not come free. It costs the same as a soft drink.

  37. My thinking is that the TV crew set that one up with the waiter because they knew that it would get a rise out of Joy.

    1. You're probably right about that. I bet the cheese fondue probably had some white wine in the recipe.

    2. yes there is ALWAYS wine in the fondue but it evaporates with heat and you just get the taste of the wine, not the alcohol.

  38. If I was going to dinner at a nice dinner, I'd dress better instead of looking like I was at a fast food place for a quick meal. But then as Joy said you can't take the "country" out of them.

    1. That is a rude and disgusting comment!

    2. I didn't get the sense the fondue place was that formal an establishment. How about the 2 guys sitting at the table next to Joy and Austin? They are both wearing T shirts, not really "well dressed" either. Are they also country hicks from the sticks?

      It is true that overall young (and not so young) people dress more casually these days than prior generations did. But I wouldn't single Joy and Austin out for that critique.

    3. It was their honeymoon. They got to choose what to wear and where to go. Do you want someone telling you how you should have dressed for different occasions? They enjoy outdoor activities. They brought clothes to be able to enjoy those. Some people might enjoy dressing up and going for nice dinners and to the opera, etc.... but Joy and Austin are not those people. God made everyone different. We don't need to look down on anyone else, because they don't make the same choices that we would make.

    4. At anon 1:20 — we DO get told what to wear on many occasions. It’s called SOCIETY. There is an established dress code almost anywhere at any place. And I thought Joy and Austin were very casual, too. I think hey could have looked a little nicer. I mean, this IS their honeymoon. You don’t take one of those every year... and they are traveling abroad which is also something you don’t always get to do. I guess I just care about my apparent more.

    5. Mary, honestly when is the last time someone told you what to wear? There are a few times when formal attire is required but that is rare. People certainly seem to wear a wide variety of clothing. I wish we could pick what others wore. I would have a lot of them cover up more. It still doesn’t matter what you think they should have looked like. It was their honeymoon and their choice. You get to pick what to wear on yours, and they have the same freedom. They were obviously going to do a lot of outdoor activities since that is what they enjoy. Those don’t require dressy clothes.

  39. Ellie and Lily -- If these are the comments you allow in, I can only imagine what you block out. Such judgment on a young woman of 20 for not knowing about fondue or mineral water... Wow!

    1. Don't you understand the whole mineral water was a set up? Joy was worried she was given alcohol so she asked her husband. She could have looked at the bottle. We are meant to learn that she is keeping to her parents`ban on alcohol,even though she is married. And she is being guided by her husband,under his umbrella.

      Also, TLC had to film something of interest for the fans. The show is boring enough.

    2. I thought her reaction to the mineral water in the clip was quite sweet, I love mineral water but if your not expecting it you would be surprised at the different taste. My daughter made me a cup of tea the other day but I'd thought it was coffee & when I tasted it I was surprised, simply because it wasn't whet I expected. I'm not surprised they havnt had mineral water it's expensive & there are a lot of them in that family. My son & daughter are extremely well travelled, very intelligent young people of a similar age to joy & Austin but neither like fizzy mineral water & in a restaurant both would ask for tap water with their meal (even though we are not against alcohol on religious grounds) & both do drink wine too sometimes.

  40. So of the naysayers need to go back and watch the videos of when they go abroad. The family is seen eating local cuisine, and embracing the culture.

    1. Actually they criticize the culture a lot. They call things weird, are resistant to try things and don't like most ethnic food (Jim Bob in Nepal, the Duggars at an Ethiopian restaurant etc etc)

    2. Not only do they call the food weird, but also the other cultural things they're exposed to. Jim Bob wouldn't stop pestering a palace guard in London, and Michelle was the most upset with him that we've ever seen her. They don't exactly travel with an attitude of respect and a willingness to learn, which is a loss on their part.

  41. Will this season be available on Amazon?

  42. One of the typical cheeses used in fondue is Emmental.
    It is a type of Swiss cheese made from whole cow's milk, named for where it is from. So, while it is not the typical Swiss cheese people in America think of as Swiss, it is a type of Swiss.

  43. Watching that cleared up any doubt I had about Joys pregnancy she wouldnt have gone hangliding if she knew she was pregnant

    1. She probably wouldn't have known she was pregnant then.

  44. Will they talk about their trip to Israel?


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