Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Dillard Brothers

We have a photo to share that might just cure your midweek blues. Big brother Israel loves to hold little Samuel!

Israel Dillard and Samuel Dillard

Photo courtesy


  1. So cute! Israel's face is looking different, older. Samuel is adorable, and looking healthy and normal. No mitts on his hands, hopefully a picture that no one will dredge up something critical to say.

    1. The mitts that were on his hands when he was first born was to keep his hands warm.

    2. He was born in the middle of the summer. I would be surprised if they were to keep his hands warm. The only reason I brought up the mitts was that some commenters kept harping on the fact that he was wearing them.

    3. Mitts are so a baby won't scratch his face, though if you are able to keep his nails trimmed they are unnecessary.

    4. My babies wore socks on their hands to keep their sharp little finger nails from scratching their face.

    5. Mitts are usually to keep a baby from scratching his face. Mine wore them. Not a big deal.

    6. Babies tend to scratch their own faces..
      That is why mitts get put on them.

    7. The mitts are so he won't scratch his face with his nails. No matter how well you trim them they will still scratch.

    8. I kept my babies' nails trimmed, and they never scratched their faces, never wore mitts.

    9. My 30 year old daughter has a tiny scar on her face that she gave herself on the day she was born. I hadn’t had a chance to get mitts on her hands yet.

  2. Kid has hands like shovels as we say here in Ireland. Hes going to be a big lad!

    1. My youngest is 6 days older than Samuel. My son's hands and feet are big. It's kinda nice seeing another baby with big hands. People comment all the time about it. I have five kids and try to compare them but every child is different.

    2. Oh, his hands are big. So cute!!

  3. Wide-eyed Samuel is thinking, "Why has every Duggar child and grandchild's birth been featured on my family's show except mine??"

    1. He’s probably thinking “ thank goodness mommy and daddy kept all that private”

    2. Meridith's wasn't either, and I'm sure Mason's won't or any of Josh and Anna's future children. If Jill and Derick don't show it, so what.

    3. Actually, he's probably thinking "I wonder if I'm gonna eat soon"

    4. I will never understand the fans wanting to see someone in pain, and then the very personal moment of birth. I also can't understand the Duggar ladies allowing it to be filmed, they have a camera man and sound guy catching everything, and then broadcast it around the world, it totally flies in the face of their modesty beliefs imo.

    5. We know why Josh's kids were constantly featured but Jill's doesn't fit how this family features new births.

  4. This picture is so adorable!

  5. How cute Israel is looking more like Derick when he was small and Samuel looks like Israel when he was younger

  6. OH my GOODNESS! Sam is so cute!!!

  7. So adorable! Samuel looks so much like Israel.

  8. They are so adorable! Samuel has grown alot. Thanks for sharing!

  9. They're both so very cute. I still think that Samuel looks like his Aunt Jessa.

  10. I think Samuel looks like Spurgeon.
    They are both so cute and growing like weeds!
    Sharon from SC

  11. Do you guys know if there will be a birth special?

    1. TLC has not announced that info, but we will let you know as soon as they do.

      Have a blessed day,
      Lily and Ellie

    2. I saw on YouTube, that show is canceled?? I hope not. Do you know any thing Lily and Ellie??

  12. They still haven't addressed if they are off the show now that they're involved in the new ministry program, or if they were requested to leave the show because of the comments about their fellow network star. I hope that the ministry program they're in now doesn't allow cameras, because that certainly distracted from their focus when they were in Central America, and made them stand out/stand apart from other missionaries, which wasn't good for them or the mission.

  13. I think they are both more Dillard than Duggar.

  14. I hope that Jill doesn't have to wait as long between baby 2 and 3 as she did between baby 1 and 2. She seems like someone who would like to have a lot of babies, and the first two were over two years apart. Maybe she will have her third before the end of next year. That would be great!

    1. Over two years apart? That's not very long. There's something to be said for giving your body a rest, especially if you've had a C-section. Also, you have no idea how many kids she wants to have or how far apart she'd like them to be. People have been known to change their minds.

    2. She has had two large babies requiring c sections, perhaps she should think less about the number of children she has and count her blessings that the two she has are healthy. They used to say two c sections not sure what they recommend today, she can be a great mother to these two sweet boys even if she doesn’t have 19.

    3. Are you serious?? Caesarean sections that close could be dangerous for mother & baby, especially with Jill’s difficult births. Take a while please.

    4. She’s had two c-sec’s. Recommendation is to wait two years before giving birth again as to prevent the scar to rupturing. So she may want to have a lot of kids, it may not be safe to do so and certainly not soon!

    5. It's dangerous to get pregnant within a year of having a c-section as the wound might not be healed enough and re-open from the strain of stretching for the pregnancy. I hope, for her and the baby's sake, she doesnt get pregnant until at least Sam's first birthday.

    6. It's recommended to space children at about 2 years apart for the health of the mother and proper recovery time.

    7. I have a feeling the OP was writing in jest, to stir things up.

    8. I had 3 C-sections because of difficult pregnancies, and the last one was the worst to recover from. Had my tubes tied.

  15. Both of these boys are so cute! I'm sure that Derick and Jill feel very blessed to have them.

  16. God bless this family as they serve others. Adorable children.

  17. What a sweet picture. Samuel has such a sweet expression-it makes me wonder if his personality is sweet too.

  18. Sam definitely has the Duggar look.

  19. Such a sweet picture, I think Samuel looks like the Dugger's and Israel looks like the Dillard bummed the season is over already,please tell me they will have a new season soon.Love this family

  20. Such cutie pies!! Ladies please let us all know as soon as you have any news on the show. Praying it comes back. If TLC does not pick the show up do you know if the family is willing to go to another network? Thanks!

    1. Another network would have to want them first. Perhaps the Duggars prefer to stay off TV. All good things must come to an end, especially TV shows. They’ve had a good run.

    2. Betty I'm sure that Counting On will be back again for another season or even better yet, a renamed show with ALL the Duggar's and in-laws on the same show! That would be wonderful as many still miss the WHOLE family and watching them ALL from week to week! And to Anon 11:12, I don't believe it is there "end" time!! So many people miss the WHOLE Duggar clan and want to see them ALL back on TV!

    3. Agree with Anony 11:12. There is a time for everything. I believe the Duggars have more than worn out their time on TV. As Jessa so elegantly stated in an interview a couple years back, they are perfectly fine being off TV.

  21. Israel is looking like Derrick when he was little!! Both boys are so cute!

  22. The boys both look so cute and healthy!

  23. I think they look very much alike.

  24. I watched Joe & Kendra's wedding and missed seeing Israel - saw a glimps of Derick holding Samuel. Would like to see a family picture soon.

    I have always enjoyed watching Derick, Jill and Israel -Need to see more of Samuel - - they have such love for each other and have good senses of humor.
    Bless their little family.

  25. Samuel looks like Derrick

  26. I agree with Anon 2:22 PM, Israel is a Dillard and Sam is a Duggar. Actually Sam looks like Jessa!

  27. I think that Samuel looks similar to his aunt Jessa.

  28. Sam looks just like his Auntie Jessa!

  29. Samuel and Israel could be twins

  30. Little Samuel is sooo cute, absolutely adorable! :) I wish Jill & Derick would share more pictures of him, babies grow and change so fast and their facial expressions are precious. He's too cute!

  31. No, I don't think they look alike...just like Jill and Jessa and Joy Anna don't look alike. The boys are uniquely made and they are beautiful children.

  32. Sam has Jessas duck lips lol


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