Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joy's Due Date

Here's another baby bump photo from Joy-Anna (Duggar) Forsyth. (Click here to see her last one.) According to Joy--soon to turn 20--she is approximately 18 weeks along, which puts her due date around early March.

Photo courtesy Joy and Austin Forsyth


  1. Still living in the RV? When they had all that help with the house before the wedding?

    1. What are you talking about? You need to explain your information.

    2. It looks like someone is spreading false information again.

    3. Wha? What RV? Who said they live in an RV, I don't remember seeing that in a story or blog post. And "all the help with the house", what house? I also don't remember reading anyplace about where they will be living once married.

    4. And even if they are why does that matter?

    5. Um. First picture was taken in an RV. Second picture taken in same RV. Leads one to believe they are still living in the RV.

    6. She's showing her pregnancy progress - that's all. She's not inviting you to criticize her living quarters. Many people live in RVs - it's not a character deficit.

    7. It takes time. Do you watch the show? They only truly had 2.5 weeks to get everything done. That is not enough time. So what if they are in a RV.

    8. They acted on the show as if they were going to get that house done. Get in there with brothers and expert friends and hammer away and git 'er done. Here we are nearly 5 months later, and we see that was nowhere near the truth.

    9. Her hair has grown more than her "bump" since the last picture!

    10. I get so tired of people using the Dugger kids as a way to vent. As far as I can tell they are a great bunch of kids trying to live good lives. Josh had definite issues and hopefully is and will continue to be under care till his,children are grown and if not then Anna needs to take herself and kuds elsewhere. But that should not be any reflection on the other kids.

    11. I get so tired of people using the Dugger kids as a way to vent. As far as I can tell they are a great bunch of kids trying to live good lives. Josh had definite issues and hopefully is and will continue to be under care till his,children are grown and if not then Anna needs to take herself and kuds elsewhere. But that should not be any reflection on the other kids.

    12. I didn't know babies weren't allowed in RVs. Odd.

    13. In Counting on Austin Stated that if the house wasn't finished they were going to stay in a RV/Caravan until it was done.

    14. They are livin in an RV because they are remodeling a house.

    15. It's probably because his family runs a summer camp for families all summer and when they do that they stay in RV's on the campsite

    16. They could of chose to keep living there after they found out she is pregnant. The fumes could be bad for the baby with paint and other stuff. Until the house is full done. It would also take away a little stress from Joy

    17. Yes, living in an RV was one of the options they discussed before they were married. I imagine that there's a lot Joy can't help with on the house now that she's pregnant, as well as possible health hazards that would make it not an ideal place for her to live right now. Not sure what the big deal is.

    18. I would imagine like a lot of people that they work on their own house at night or on the weekends. They made some changes including vaulting the ceilings which I am sure took more time, and Joy mentioned in one of the shows that they had uncovered problems. Some houses aren’t quick fixes. They may be working on another house as well during the week that they will sell, so their house has to be a side project.

    19. So I guess Joy wasn't the "first sister with her own house" after all?

  2. She looks amazing!!!!

    1. Yes Joy looks amazing god Bless Joy and her new baby prayers all goes well for them

  3. Put some droopy flab on those arms, add a bunch of wrinkles, gray hair, lose the skin tight T in exchange for a loose flannel shirt to cover up the "bump"... that could be me. Maybe I'll start a new trend on social media: post-menopausal paunches.

    1. LOL! Don't forget to include how many weeks you are post-menopausal! (I'm in the same club so I totally get it!)

    2. LOL that's hysterical

    3. This is possibly one of the weirdest comments ever.

    4. So many people killed and injured in Las Vegas and we are contemplating Joy's baby bump and immodest shirt.

    5. There's a market for everything... go for it.

    6. what an odd thing to say

    7. Love it, I'm in ,sounds good

    8. Why would you brag about looking pregnant when post-menopausal? While I understand some midlife weight gain the whole "droopy, flabby arms, gray hair, loose flannel shirt" to cover a flabby poochy tummy just shouts you don't care at all about your physical appearance. Totally given up. If you are married how terribly disrespectful and sad for your husband.

    9. I sure Joy and her husband are deeply concerned about those injured and killed in LV just like we ALL should be, but maybe consider that life does not stop. Should we not have weddings right now? Should happiness stop on the account of this shooting? I don't think so. And by the way, her shirt in not immodest in anyway at all. She is just fine. My mother always said "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" I think this might apply here......

    10. I still have my post baby weight & stomach. Baby will be 40 in January!!! Joy looks fine. Blessings to her!! & prayers for all in Las Vegas. Commenting here is in no way ignoring this tragedy.

    11. 5:43. Apparently you are unfamiliar with self- deprecating humor. This person was likely exaggerating just a tad.

    12. Oh yes, 5:43, my poor husband, having to live with a disrespectful wife who's "totally given up" because of menopause, fibromyalgia, degenerative disk disease, heart-arrhythmia, and chronic post-Lyme problems. I feel really ashamed that I haven't been able to keep myself in perfect physical shape for my husband's sake. I guess I should stop going to doctors' appointments and hit the gym instead. Be more respectful. Thanks for the advice.

    13. Being that down on yourself and your appearance is not a good "look" for you. It's never funny to stop caring about yourself.

    14. Lighten up anonymous 5:43. I believe she was being funny about her post menopausal body. As far as being disrespectful to her husband, would you say the same thing to a man who allowed himself to get old? Would that be disrespectful to his wife?

    15. 5:43 PM -- The person was making a joke -- one to which most post-menopausal women can probably relate. Sorry for you that you're lacking a sense of humor. On a serious note, does it occur to you that a person who's not in perfect shape DOES care about her appearance, but we all age and don't look as good as we once did? And what's wrong with flannel shirts? I'm younger and love them -- very in style.

    16. 10;35, fibromyalgia, post lyme problems.....you should hit the gym and stop focusing on your pretend problems.

    17. I am "5:43". I am post-menopausal well into my 50's. I do care about my health and appearance for myself and husband. I do not look like I did 25 years ago or pre-babies. However, I do not look pregnant, am not droopy, do not have gray hair, or dress slovenly. It's disrespectful to myself and my husband to just give up.

    18. 5:43 Good for you! Now trying rereading the original post, (9:00 AM) with a bit less seriousness. I'm in my mid-sixties and took the comment with the humor that I'm sure it was intended. If we can't laugh at ourselves and our human condition once in awhile, our physical appearance is the least of our problems.

    19. 11:38's comment was completely unnecessary, lacking in compassion, and and should never have been allowed to be posted. Shame on you for being so callous to someone who suffers from issues you know nothing about!

    20. @12:51. Yes, I would say it to a man as well. Yes, it would be disrespectful to his wife too. I'm an equal--respect goes both ways--kind of wife. And, yes, when my husband started putting on to much weight and was becoming less attractive I sure let him know it's not acceptable--as he has done to me from time to time. We are both well into our 50's. We are very honest with each other, very respectful of each other, and nobody is currently droopy😃

    21. 11:38, May you never get bitten by a tick. Until then, you have no idea what others suffer through. Wait, I should have said get bitten by a "pretend" tick, since you seem to think that such diseases are made up.

    22. 9:47, I feel sorry for both of you, for being so critical of each other. Outward appearances mean nothing in life. "Droopy" people can be just as beautiful in spirit, if not more so. Look with your heart, not your eyes.

    23. @11:38 You obviously know nothing about diseases. I have 2 friends who both had Lyme, both diagnosed late, one case taking 2 years for a diagnosis. She had a pacemaker installed in February because the electrical system in her heart was damaged by the disease. The other guy retired early from his engineering job because he couldn't even remember his own phone number, and was losing the ability to speak coherently. Lyme will mess up your brain like that. He now walks with a cane due to the joint damage and arthritis-like condition Lyme caused.

      Would you tell both of those people to "hit the gym" and stop pretending? If so, maybe you should "hit the books" and start learning.

  4. Thanks for the update. It is wonderful to see Joy and her little blessing.

  5. Wishing her a healthy pregnancy and an uneventful labour and delivery!

  6. After seeing the flurry of young Duggar courtships, weddings, and yet another baby bump, I am honest in saying that I'm so very thankful that my own kids pursued post-secondary education/training, careers, and experienced some independence before considering getting married and starting families. (An opinion, folks, which is allowed here, I believe!)

    1. 9:49, yes of course you are allowed your opinion; just not sure why everyone with an opinion that goes against what the Duggars believe feels the need to put it on this site.

    2. I agree, but wish all the Duggars the very best. Different strokes for different folks.

    3. Conversely, I wish I had kids younger. Work has never brought the kind of fulfillment being a mother has. Except I would have had a lot more energy if I'd had them in my 20s!

    4. Yes, you're right - you can share your opinion here. You got to teach your children your values, and Jim Bob and Michelle got to teach their children their values. Your opinion should not be attacked, and neither should the Duggars' be.

    5. Different things are priorities for different people. Please be thankful without putting others down. Just an opinion

    6. Can your children flip houses for a living. Can they swing a hammer or use a saw. Joy can.

    7. When a child is involved, a secondary or college education isn't necessary. She at least Will have helping hands when their angel arrives.. I wish them hope and love, happiness & a easy time with birth. 💓💓

    8. An opinion I share

    9. Why is Joy's head cut off from the picture? Is her bump all that's picture worthy?

    10. A Duggar girl is pregnant; get out the form fitting tshirt.

    11. Highly educated people rarely lord it over others in such a boorish manner. You should know better. You do nothing to advocate for higher education with your holier than thou attitude. It's a long fall from a high horse, my friend.

    12. I'm thankful my children pursued the paths THEY wanted. Well...I say "they" but the eldest has a severely enlarged heart with an encapsulated clot in the base so her dreams got curtailed after she the birth of her first child. No more working, disability, probably heart transplant and early death. She's now a foster mom to newborns. Her sister is a painter/writer. The boys haven't even finished college but they've apprenticed. Guess what? No college debt and excellent pay.

    13. nothing wrong with a different opinion. It's just when things get so nasty & hateful that is unnecessary. You stated your opinion and I see nothing wrong with that. In our area so many kids that are deep in debt after graduating from college then can't find a decent job.

    14. 9:49 I agree with you! I made my daughtee promise me - NO WEDDING, NO BABIES until she gets at least a 4 year college degree. She graduated with her 4 year degree May 2001 and her wedding was 10 days later! She's happily married with 3 boys and her Masters degree. She will NEVER have to depend on anyone but herself. I just can't imagine that out of all 9 Duggar daughters that none want higher educations! According to Jinger, Jeremy got her interested in books. Jeremy has a college degree, maybe he will get Jinger interested in getting a higher education than what she obtained at "Duggar Academy"! Since there isn't any babies from those two yet, I'm hoping Jinger can use this time to expand her world.

    15. Each of has different raising our children or encouraging the children in our lives. I respect the co-workers who have chosen not to get Post-secondary and are living at home. I respect the young woman who after a disastrous first relationship has decided to move back in with her parents. My son knows that he is welcome to live at home after graduation and has had it role-modelled to him bynother family that multi-generational living, with the older children working to help raise the younger child and he next generation. It's about respecting and accepting, expressing respectfully in such a way that no one feels belittled for how hey are raising their children.

    16. And I -as a 26 year old wife and mother of two- am grateful for my parents who chose the same path you did. I pursued a career, I dated my husband before we got married. It is my choice to be a SAHM right now. Emphesis is on CHOICE. And yes, we are born again christians. I respect the Duggars and their (sometimes twisted) understanding of the Bible. But I am thankful that I have a university degree, a job (we have paid maternity leave for three years here in Europe).
      Anyway...for each their own. God bless!

    17. Me. too. I have 8 grandchildren and my three children all have their degrees, 2 with Masters. I feel good knowing that they would be able to take care of themselves if ever alone.

    18. Well that's great for YOUR kids.
      There's nothing wrong with getting married and starting a family at a young age. Good for them that they aren't your kids subject to your judgment.
      But that's just another opinion, which is allowed here, as you know!

    19. Neither path in adulthood is wrong, just a matter of choice.

    20. 2:56, Then something is wrong with your area. Your state and local government aren't doing enough to attract new industry to meet the needs of those graduates. Your tax rate might be the problem, or lack of infrastructure and transportation. If your area doesn't have jobs for 4-year graduates, then either you should work to change that situation (state legislature and economic development), or those kids should leave for where there are jobs. A college education is not a waste.

    21. No one said it was wrong but I, like the poster, is also thankful that my children learned by example. They have waited till they are older, after graduate school, working and traveling,before taking that important step in life. They were adults first and did not marry the first one who came along. They were adults first before they took on adult roles.

    22. Not everyone needs to go to college to have a great life!!!

    23. I see no problem with starting a family early and young but I think the man at least should have a steady job before even getting married. Men do not do good without working. It is good for the soul and I do see a problem with the Duggar men who have gotten use to being raised on a reality paycheck which robs their families of privacy and peace and has proven over and over again with reality families that it becomes a disaster waiting to happen. I see that all the kids are doing exactly what their parents did to them and they are now raising their kids on a reality paycheck. That paycheck isn't work it is laziness.

    24. I got married at 19 had my first at 21 and became the mother of 12 children. No regrets. I figured once they are all grown I can pursue a college degree etc. My last one turned 18. Couple of our kids went into the medical field, started their own business etc. 6 in a little over 5 years have gotten married..and now a few grandbabies on the way. They are all successful! I love my life and rejoice in the goodness of God who has always provides!

    25. Anonymous October 2, 2017 at 12:30 PM- You said...

      "Can your children flip houses for a living. Can they swing a hammer or use a saw. Joy can."

      No, Joy can't flip a house and neither can any of the Duggar offspring. Austin can. Just for the record, I have a college degree, my job was research projects for a Bank President, and I've been a SAHM by choice for 16 years. I can drive a tractor, paint a room, operate a wood splitter & stack wood, hammer/saw/paint/sew clothing/weave baskets/shoot/horseback ride/draw/written Op-Ed pieces for the local paper and guest articles for several community organization, and hope to start archery instruction next week. I've helped friends renovate a home to flip too...and my last name isn't Duggar. Learning new things is fun and you never know when you'll need a skill. The more you know, the more you can help someone else.

    26. Anon @ 1;31 You need to look up the word boorish as the original poster was not being boorish. She simply stated that she was glad her own children had gone on in education before settling down. She wasn't boastful either, maybe she touched a nerve? I am always amazed at how people on this blog will be rude to others in the undying loyalty to a family they on see on TV.

    27. @3:20.. Look who is being judgemental? How do you know that the poster's children earn post-secondary educations because they were forced by the poster's judgement. Are you not the one making judgements?

      My children all have graduate degrees. We did not force them. We just allow them the opportunities. The only "judgement" from us is that we expected them to become self-supporting adults. It was their lives and to make the best of their lives; whatever path they chose we would be there for them. Like the poster, I am too happy that my children have chosen the path of education and travel before settling down. They are both engaged in making this world a better place.

    28. People who went to public school can flip houses just like the kids who were homeschooled can. Here in my region, every child goes to public school and when they are grown up, they are building their own house with the help of family and friends.
      That’s what my boyfriend and I are planing to do for the 2 years to come. So it doesn’t matter what you do in your life, you just need to find a way to be happy and be financially safe. But happy comes first.

    29. I'm 100% in favor of people taking different life paths. Not everyone is meant for a 4 year degree, which is great because that's how we get plumbers, electricians, welders, mechanics, etc. However, it's also important for a woman to have some skills so she's not up a creek if she ever has to support herself. Whether or not Joy has those skills I don't know, but wishing her well.

    30. Older Kids shouldnt raise younger kids. You don't start families you have kids.
      I think we as a society forget some people do not want to marry or marry and stay child-free. It doesn't take marriage to settle down. It makes single people seem immature or something.,Lol You can do travels and community service etc after marriage.

      BTW Derrick graduated college with no debt. It is possible.

  7. God's blessings to you Joy Anna and to dear Austin and to your little baby.

  8. I'm happy for joy that she is following her dream of being a wife and mother. I'm sure she and Austin will make wonderful godly parents. There are some people who went to college, got careers and yet are terrible parents.

    1. And there are many people who didn't go to college and get careers and are terrible parents too! Children of parents from higher sociological economic backgrounds have a higher propensity at life in comparison to those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

    2. I think the whole get married young-stay home-start a family immediately vs go to college-get a degree-get a job-get married-then start a family debate is really just an expression of people's concern. I think a number of posters are worried about the example the Duggars are setting because few, if any, of their fans have a reality TV paycheck to pay for those large families, the large house, the lifestyle that they see the Duggars living and advocating on their shows. Few viewers have a Dad who can and will employ their husband and has houses the newlywed couple can move into and begin having babies. Few have so many built-in babysitters for weekly Date Nights, nor reality TV income for all the trips. Many are concerned that impressionable young female fans are developing unrealistic expectations for their future, their future spouse/marriage/children/family life. Yes, Michelle and Jim Bob personally had some money going into the show, but let's face it, they've made a ton of money from the show. The kids themselves have no marketable job skills. Without show money, few of the adult Duggar offspring could survive on a median salary without parental propping (housing, job provided, etc.) and they'd be hard-pressed to get a job outside of lawn care/maintenance/store clerk/nanny. That's not hate or jealousy, it's just the truth. Young adults need to have solid experience with real-world expenses and costs (rent/mortgage, food cost, utility bills, medical expenses, automotive ownership/repair/insurance, life insurance costs, funeral expenses, etc.). They also need a working back-up plan should the primary breadwinner become disabled or die. Most viewers aren't going to become reality TV stars making $5,000-10,000+ an episode or being paid for appearances/speaking engagements. It's unhealthy and detrimental to hold them up as an example for how to live your live.

    3. Amen, @10:55 p.m. Well stated.

    4. Absolutely agree, 10:55! You've perfectly articulated thoughts I've had for awhile now. If their desire is to portray a godly lifestyle, their financial realities are simply not reality for most of their fan base. I share realistically with my daughter's the need for education/training in a field of employment as a necessity to make a living. If they marry and have a family, and are able to be SAHM's, wonderful, but it is a responsible choice to obtain an education for all of the reasons you mentioned in your post. Marrying and starting a family after college can still happen in a woman's mid-twenties, which is early enough.

    5. Whose dream is it really? Hers or expectations?

  9. Nice house they've got there.

    1. An RV that cost more than the house.

  10. Whoa she has a big bump for 4 or 5 mo. Her mom and sisters have big babies. I hope baby isn't going to be TOO big.

    1. I got these comments, too. Not very nice for the mom to hear.
      Of course, mine could have been related to all of the ice cream I ate!

    2. I was going to say that too. Maybe she is carrying twins.

    3. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she is carrying twins.

    4. Joy has always been bigger. Of course her baby belly is going to be larger too. She's not obsessed with being thin like her sisters are.

  11. Beautiful congrats to the soon to be new parents

  12. Congrats, beautiful, wish her a healthy pregnancy and baby and a not stressful delivery

  13. I pray that she and her husband take their time with their little Blessing enjoying their time with him/her before rushing into having another one. The Duggar girls need to enjoy their lives and husbands before having a bunch of children. My prayers are with Joy for a smooth and easy pregnancy....

    1. Don't you know, more babies means more likeliness the tv show will continue. Popping out babies is these girls' job.

    2. Anon 9:16 You are very rude. This is one of the rudest I have seen! Theses girls are living their lives the way they desire and it's so unfair for you to say that they are doing it a TV paycheck."Popping out babies" is so disrespectful.

    3. They would be having children with or without the show

    4. Like it or not, 9:16 is right that babies increase likelihood that the show will continue. Just the title, "Counting On" means they're having more babies. At the same time, they've been raised to have babies upon babies, so 10:45 is right, too.

    5. I think Anon 9:16 is very rude. Joy and Austin are having kids because they love kids and desire to have them. It is very mean to say they are doing it for the show when you have no PROOF. You might have speculations, but it's not proof. "Popping out kids" is not all these girls do. Just because they don't work and choose to be at home with their children does not mean they doing something "strange".
      It is not our place to say they are having kids for money. You people who say they are just don't like the duggars.Stop making such mean speculations.

  14. Congrats to them! These girls are roll models for my 2 teen girls and I am so appreciative for their love for Jesus and their families! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy Joy!!😊

  15. Beautiful! Best of luck sweetie! God Bless you!

  16. Seems like she's on a very similar schedule as I was with my second. I got pregnant in mid-June, due March 7. Hit 20 weeks around the middle of October, which seems on target for her timing, too. It'll definitely make watching her pregnancy a little more interesting for me! I was much smaller than Joy, however...I just looked a little chubby at this point, definitely not that round! Everyone is different, I guess!

  17. Replies
    1. That's what people said about Jill's babies too. I think they just tend to carry larger.

  18. Anonymous; apparently you dontfollow the show. Her husband flips houses, and she helps; I'd say that is a business. Higher education is not mandatory to live and be a good person. Be concerned for your own self; do what you want, but tey to be gracious to others.

    1. Gail you have to flip houses a few a year in order for that to be a lucrative business to live off of. Money made doing a flip is mostly put into another home to flip and for repairs for that home. It takes awhile to start making enough to live off of. You and I both know it is the TLC paycheck that pays their bills. The same paycheck that paid for their wedding, honeymoon and everything else. If someone wants to live off of a reality show well that's their business, but let's not pretend that it's something that its not. This guy does not get up in the morning and head to a steady job like our husbands.

    2. Is Austin licensed to do any construction work? Or is he doing all this with no formal training or oversight?

    3. Anon @ 9:48. I am also curious about Austins training and licence to carry out work on the homes he flips. I wouldn't buy any house where the work had not been carried out by professionals, I hope he isn't a 'professional' in the Duggar sense of the word!

    4. I don't know if Austin is licensed, but any time I have seen him working on houses on the show, they show professionals working with him and/or guiding him.

    5. And what if TLC is paying for their houses, rent, bills, honeymoon, wedding. Don't watch. Turn it off.

    6. TLC doesn't pay their bills. They don't take the money from TLC.

      JimBob said that in one of their books

    7. Thank you. Someone finally speaking the truth that TLC is their job. I read somewhere that the family they brings in 25 million for the show/books/speaking.Anything else they do is just a hobby to fill their time.

    8. You have to be licensed in Arkansas if you construct or renovate houses other than your own residence. I'm not sure exactly what the law says about fixing and flipping what you don't live in, or fixing and flipping a certain number of houses per year, but it is addressed because you're getting into contractor territory there. Austin's father had a license but it has expired.

    9. So if he has professionals working with him, how is he making a living (for two, or, almost three) from flipping these houses? Who's paying the professional? How can that be profitable?

    10. 12:04 please let us know in what book Jim Bob said they dont take money from TLC? I think you heard a rumor that is just not true. What would be the point of having a show if not to get paid? How are all these couples providing for their ever increasing families if they arent making money from TLC? Rental property income divided by all those pepple would not be enough to pay for living expenses, let alone planes and mansions.

  19. I bet she's having two.

    1. At this stage they would know if there were two.

  20. She is bigger than my daughter who is due in December.

  21. Congrats Joy. I'm very happy for u and your little blessing. I am 20 weeks today and due February 17th with my second boy.

  22. b.mccaulley@aol.comOctober 2, 2017 at 1:25 PM

    God bless you and your new baby

  23. While I agree that some people benefit greatly from college and career before marriage, some people do quite well doing the marriage/family thing right out of school. Sad but growing up in the 70s I was told I could be whatever I wanted to be, sadly they did not mean just a wife and mother. I am very happy with my choice to do marriage: wife, mother first, and in my later years I pursued a career. Just another opinion :)

  24. Wonderful...so happy for you both!Enjoy!!!

  25. Wow! She is 18 weeks along and it's 18 weeks since she got married. Do the Duggars think it's good to get pregnant as soon as possible after they get married? It was the same for Jill. I mean, for most women it takes a couple of months, up to a year, to get pregnant when they start trying. The Duggars must be super fertile.

    1. God saw fit for her to get pregnant right away. It was not up to the Duggars, it was up to God. :) I became pregnant 3 weeks after I got married. I wouldn't change it for the world. No man said it was "good to get pregnant as soon as possible" God said it was good to give him your life. That means allow him to be the God of all parts of our lives, not just the ones we want him to be in control of.

    2. Well, it probably runs in the family ;)

    3. Maybe they time their weddings with their cycles. Just a thought.

    4. well in that case she didn't get pregnant until 2 weeks after she was married, since you count back 2 weeks

    5. After coming off of birth control, it can take the body time to adjust. Those who aren't on bc tend to get pregnant quicker. This was the case for me. We had a 6 week old by our first wedding anniversary. Glad we didn't listen to the naysayers. :)

    6. Maybe they just know more about family planning and plan their wedding in accordance to when they can actually get pregnant.

    7. I just hope the Duggar girls start taking their Folic Acid and a good Prenatal vitamin a good 2-3 months before their wedding since a pregnancy can be a Honeymoon thing. Totally serious here.

    8. Pregnancy is usually counted from last period, so you're "pregnant" for about 2 weeks before conception. Quick to be sure, but not the wedding night.

  26. I love watching the Dugger family.I think they all have a close relationship with God ,and enjoy pursuing their choices in life.I also enjoy many other families sharing their lifestyle with us each week.

  27. So thankful to see these young people doing EXACTLY what the bible tells us to do. Women are to bear children and guide the home. Praise the Lord for godly obedience!

    1. That was two thousand years ago! Of course that's what the Bible said. Women were property back then with zero rights. Time has changed and with that our interpretation of the Bible needs to be less literal. What if women throughout history just had babies abd stayed home? All the women pioneers who played a huge part in the advancement of science, education, social services, law, business etc would never have existed. Where would we be? These women made huge contributions to humanity but according to your interpretation of the Bible, they should have stayed home and had babies only.

    2. Yes, those are their God-given responsibilities if they choose to marry. But the Proverbs 31 woman who we're supposed to emulate also ran a business and considered and bought a field out of her own earnings. She had a good business head on her shoulders. She also had her finger on the pulse of her family and knew her family members, their individual strengths and struggles (she "looked well to the ways of her household"). The New Testament mentions several respected women who didn't necessarily have children and solely keep house. We need to read the whole Book. :)

  28. hmm... Did she have an ultrasound yet? Maybe twins?

  29. children are blessing from God.

  30. Congratulations!!!!!
    love ur show
    love the values u have
    thankful to watch ur lives shared in Christ's way and in his love

  31. She is such a beautiful young lady and she will be an amazing mom! You all are an amazing family and every child that is grown and married are representing the love and compassion of Christ! What a blessing that is! Praying God's hand of protection over Joy and the baby and an easy transition as she and Austin welcome this first bundle of blessings! Also, continuing to pray for Josh, Anna and their new baby, as well! Y'all are going to need a bigger house for all of these grandbabies!! :) Such fun and very exciting! God Bless You all!!

  32. You look amazing joy! Austin and you make a beautiful couple.

  33. The best part of being pregnant is NOT being pregnant in the HOT summer months, luckily Joy will be pregnant mostly in the winter. I hope she has a happy, healthy pregnancy.

    1. Yes. Its nice to have your own personal heater in the winter. ha!

  34. Prayers that all goes well with your pregnancy and delivery!

  35. The girls have big babies and twins run in the family. SO CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU AND GOD BLESS

  36. They believe in God's will. It only takes once you know and obviously they have a Honeymoon baby!

    1. Then why did God institute guidelines in Deuteronomy for built-in birth control post-pregnancy? God is not in favor of becoming pregnant immediately after delivering a baby. He also stated in John 1:13 (when speaking of those who receive Jesus) that they are "not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will...". God, Himself, listed and acknowledged the way children come into existence. :)

    2. Anonymous 11:20. What does built-in birth control post pregnancy got to do with Joy? This is her first pregnancy.

  37. Replies
    1. I don't think so, they would have said by now.

  38. Beautiful I don't agree with a few things they do however it's there right to do as they please

  39. I'm not allowed to tell anyone yet, but I can blab here anonymously :D My eldest son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first child in late April!! I'm going to be a grandma!!! <3

    1. Lol, you are so funny!!!!! =D congratulations!!!

    2. Awwww Congrats to you happy Gramma!

    3. CONGRATS! My daughter-in-law is in labor right now with my soon to be grandson!!! :D

    4. Congrats!!!!!! :))

    5. How exciting!

    6. I can't believe you told.

  40. Congratulations to the both of you!

  41. The family needs a granddaughter this time so I hope it's a girl

  42. if she is 18 weeks along, she should know if it is a boy or a girl already.

  43. It does not mean anything if they are still in the RV. They are renovating a home that might be their forever home. They are a great couple. God bless them.

  44. Is it just me or does modesty go out the window when the Duggar girls become pregnant. Prior they wear loose fitting clothing but once pregnant everything is tight and all the curves are more than noticeable. I find this to be hypocritical. Please someone tell Joy to go buy some new clothes I don’t want to see the tight ones on her. Celebrate the baby with modesty please.

    1. It must be hard to have to deal with an ever changing body, to then criticize her clothing is a bit rude. Everything important is covered. Also buying loose clothing to cover a bump only makes a woman look larger than she is, not really a desirable outcome

    2. If you don't want to see it: don't look.

    3. 1. Note that when they are pregnant, they are married and modesty decisions are now up to them and their husband; these are allowed to be different than their parents rules
      2. Also remember she is from a family where frugality is key to success. Buying a wardrobe in three months increments is therefore not the best option, might as well use what you have as long as you can
      3. Form sharing clothes do celebrate the baby in that it is easier for documentation. If you wear the same baggy sweater with or without baby it makes remembering or separating it from other seasons less speacial. Also it gives a visible sign to others of the gift you are carrying and allows a decrease in awkward questions
      4. As she is in a turned position that could account for most of the pulling you see
      5. Her shoulders are covered, the neckline appears to be close to the base of the neck, there is no skin showing on her middle section and you cannot see a bra line under her arms or anything under the shirt. This covers ma lot of interpretations of the word modest
      6. I would respectfully remained you that Joy is no obligation to fill your wants for her wardrobe.

      May she wear wear whatever she feels comfortable with however that may appear

    4. I agree with the original sentiment. How do you go from modesty to being immodest is just months and especially when pregnant? Joy should go to goodwill and by some new clothes.

    5. Please tell Joy to go to a resale shop and buy some maternity clothes. The Duggar girls wear their clothes too tight when pregnant. I'm sure she has money since she went to Switzerland and Israel after her wedding. Or borrow some from Jill or Anna since they seem to wear modest maternity clothes. I don't care to see her ever expanding belly. That is for her husband and not the rest of us to notice.

    6. Buying loose clothing is bad because it makes you look bigger?? This time of life (almost said season...) is all about being bigger, and it's nothing to be ashamed about! What's shameful is pulling on something so tight that we can see your navel. Joy wouldn't wear that on a normal day, so there's no need to be wearing that when pregnant.

  45. I am so happy for Joy and Austin. When I was going to have my first baby, I started showing right away. I told my Dr. this must be a 10 lb. baby. He told me that it was mostly fluid. Not uncommon to bloat.

  46. The random strand of hair looks so out of place to me in this photo lol. Can’t wait to find out the gender (if they reveal it before it’s born) and what they name the baby.💛

    1. Of course they will reveal the baby's sex. There will be an entire episode around it. Sierra the party planner will plan a pink and blue themed party. It will be a real hoot.

    2. We don't know if they will do that. You would have thought that she would have done that with Jessa but she kept it a secret.

  47. Why not show her head, she's a pretty girl, no need to hide part of her. Looks like she is further along than 18 weeks and so what if she is. She's human, so is Austin, it's no big deal, things happen. Be honest and open, people will appreciate and accept that more.

    1. It's a selfie, so it might be hard to get in a good picture of the bump plus her whole head. I don't know from experience, since I never take selfies. :)

    2. That's how Joy took the picture herself. It is a selfie in the mirror; she chose to focus on her belly and cut her own head out of the picture.

    3. Let’s be honest. You don’t know that she is further along than 18 weeks. You assume that she is, because you think that she looks larger. When babies are due isn’t up to how you think someone looks. Joy is not very tall. There is no where to hide a baby. I have a tall cousin who didn’t show until she was an the end of her pregnancy. She didn’t look pregnant for months. Every woman is different and carries in her own way and shows in her own time. How someone looks and when they are due can’t be judged by appearance.

    4. Because its all about the baby belly!

  48. I find it curious Austin didn't want Joy wearing a form fitting wedding dress, but true to Duggarville once pregnant the clothes are painted on.

    1. Her shirt in no way looks painted on. Clearly you don’t get out much if you think that. Go to a mall if you want to see painted on clothes.

    2. There is no room in that t-shirt for the Holy Spirit. You need to leave room for that.

  49. Que the arched back and the immodest shirts.

  50. I do NOT think Joy looks bigger than 18 weeks. I'm small too, 5'3", and showed every bit as much. I do agree, however, with not liking the immodest clothing during pregnancy. It's not about being ashamed of your pregnant body, but rather respecting it. You still look pregnant in looser, comfortable clothing. The female body is still the female body, pregnant or not. Please, look classy.

  51. Your opinion that she "looks" more than 18 weeks along (based on one photo!) does not prove anything. Your admonition that they should be honest and open is premature to say the least. Words are capable of causing great harm. The sad part is that, once we realize we were wrong, we can't go back and "untell" all the people we told something false, or all the people they in turn told.

  52. I just feel like I need to say this. I know, that suspicion and fought finding come with being on television. To me, if you are a fan of this show, you should not be the ones casting stones of suspicion, or assumptions based on her belly size etc. All women carry different. I didn't even look pregnant until I was 7 months with my son. As fans we should instead be offering encouragement and prayers for them. Joy and Austin's actions are between them and the Lord. He knows there hearts, he knows everything about them. He knows what they prayed about even before marriage, he knows what the future plans were that might have warranted moving up the wedding. Maybe they were just trying to stay pure, and was feeling the temptation that comes with being in love? How would you feel, if somewhere speculated, and pointed out, assumed, or nit picked over your life? The one thing I admire this family for trying to follow rules, that most christian couples do not follow. God knows the plans for us, he has a purpose for this little one. I pray that she stays well, and this baby will be born healthy.

    1. If someone nit-picked over my life, I'd feel like it was time for me to get off TV and out of the public eye. You can't have it both ways. You can't be on TV and then be upset when people talk about you.

  53. how do we really know that is joy? could be another photo of Jessa why not show the face?

  54. 18 weeks also puts it as late February early March since we don't know how far into 18 weeks. A family friend has said that it was late February to one of the readers.

  55. Joy, Lifting a prayer for your little one and for his or hers precious mama. Father God, we lift Joy and Austin up to you. You have brought this couple together and now with your blessing they are starting this miracle journey as parents. We pray you will shower your love and favor on them. We lift up Joy and her pregnancy for it to be a total blessing with little side effect. God, you who breathed the world into existence can do all things. Thank you for Joy and Austin, thank you for the Duggar family. Watch over them as they continue to bless us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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