
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Kids for the Vuolos?

"We both have a soft spot in our hearts for our little nieces and nephews. And so when we see Spurgeon and Henry, it definitely makes us look forward to a family one day, as well."
-Jeremy Vuolo

On last night's season premiere episode of Counting On, the Vuolos and Seewalds meet up in San Antonio, Texas. When asked by the producer if spending time with Spurgeon and Henry makes them want to have children of their own, Jinger and Jeremy respond that they are enjoying this season of life as a couple but that they plan to start a family someday.

In the video clip below, Jessa and Ben share why San Antonio is such a special place for Jinger and Jeremy. Almost three years ago, when they were passing through the city on their way to a Duggar family vacation, the Seewalds met Jeremy...and the rest is history!

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I knew that they were waiting to start a family!!! Good for them. I wish the other Duggar couples would take note!!!

    1. I so agree. I hope the Duggar kids are not pressured once they are married to have kids. I was taught not to bring the subject up about kids once couples were married. It's nobody's business when a couple decides to have kids. I didn't get pregnant until I was married a year (by choice) and I loved that time my husband and I had together.

    2. It actually isn't our business if the other Duggar have decide to have children sooner or later. It's their choice.

    3. Why does it bother you that the other Duggar kids didn't wait to have children? They can make their own decisions. There isn't a rule against it, they just leave it up to God which is a great thing.

    4. 9:08- There's no denying that there are expectations in the Duggar doctrine that their righteous duty is to procreate. I'd like to think that God gave us birth control for a reason, so that women have more power over if and when they have children. Perhaps he saw what can happen to women when they are at the mercy of a man's desires. Even Michelle advocates always being ready and willing in that department, which is disturbing on many levels. If the Duggar kids have choices about family planning, rather than expectations, that's good. If not, I feel sorry for all of them.

    5. All this over-concern on these people having children is strange. There is more to being married than having children.

      This young couple has time to start a family, if that is their choice.

    6. 10:15 AM God didn't 'give' us birth control. Lots of man-made inventions are used for things that don't glorify God. If you are so against how this family lives, why even follow their lives???

    7. Big correction: God did NOT give us birth control. Men did. Not women! Men. BC allows men to use women so that they do not have the responsibility of children. There was a very telling PBS documentary about how the pill was made...probably 10-15 years ago. It's chilling! If you research how it was developed; WHO it was experimented on (women in poor, Caribbean islands); WHO died from it; etc...I don't think anyone would laud it as this great thing for women! The pill is anti-woman at its core and inception.

    8. Anon3:40- The Pill is not the only effective method of birth control. Furthermore, some men will use women regardless of whether or not they use contraception. It's far better for women to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies than rely on a man to who may or may not step up to the plate. Advocating having one child after another is hardly pro-woman.
      As a side note, many women use the bc pill for reasons other that contraception, such as treating endometriosis. It provided a great deal of relief for me during a time before menopause when I really needed it.

    9. Thank you 3:40, and I'm going to add to that. Birth control pills are terrible for your body, and can cause infertility, and many hormone disruptions. They have now been labeled as class 1 carcinogens.

    10. It's none of anyone's business except their's and God's.

    11. Eve didn't have birth control pills.

    12. How did birth control only become the pill? There are many forms of birth control including natural family planning or knowing when you are fertile. God gave women a brain and the ability to track our cycles...I don't see that as being against God. I see it as being smart and capable to understand my body. Cheers!

    13. Wow! In one breath it's being said for the others to take note on waiting to have children and then is followed by it's no one's business...everyone has an individual relationship and path with God..let that journey be theirs!! Also, God would never design a pill that killed His creation..that was man and in total rebellion to God. Blessings Duggars =) Keep your eyes fixed on Christ and your hands to the plow!!

    14. I disagree with you@3:40. God has given us wisdom and knowledge of biology and it's fantastic. It's a great gift to husbands and wives to be able to realistically plan the number of children they feel they can support financially, spiritually, emotionally etc. I mean the "God didn't create birth control" is kind of like saying " if God wanted us to fly He would have given us wings". After all men and women created airplanes too, and they also are fantastic. They bring relief aid and missionaries and families together. They can also be used for terrorism as in 9/11. Neither man-made devices are intrinsically bad just because they were " man made" . As far as men creating BC for the sole purpose of using women I beg to differ, and I'm concerned about the men you must be around. And I think that's a bit unfair as I've known women who have used men by "trapping" them with a pregnancy to get them to marry them. Unfortunately "using" each other is not gender specific.

    15. 3:40- There are other methods of contraception besides the pill. I don't think there's anything more anti- woman than to take away the choice of whether or not she gets pregnant . Furthermore, we will never live in a perfect world. Some men will use women regardless of birth control used and would make themselves scarce if an unplanned pregnancy is the result. Better the woman had the choice to take precautions, rather than bring more unwanted children into the world.
      By the way, the bc pill is also used to treat some medical conditions, such as endometriosis. Before menopause, it brought relief for me!

    16. Anon 3:40 pm: The pill was celebrated by women too at the time when it first was developed. Women were exhausted from having more children than they could physically handle and financially afford. The creation of the pill was not just for men, no,no,no

    17. Also keep in mind that when Jimbob and Michelle used birth control after having Josh, they lost a child due to the pill. There is a danger to birth control, and yes, I know it doesn't happen all the time, but I personally don't believe in birth control and would not encourage it---- especially since it can cause miscarriages.

    18. The bible in no way encourages any method for preventing from having children. Of course you could say that nowhere in the bible does God encourage the invention of the airplain, but that is totally different. God wants us to invent and create and discover(because it reflects his character), but there are things we can invent(like birth control) that is not good--- especially when it can cause miscarriages, and other health problems for the mother.

    19. Anon @ 5:54- You are sadly misinformed.

  2. He didn't really answer the question last night, more like tactfully avoided it.

    1. repeatedly and to an extent that brings even more attention to it. like they are trying not to say something yet have already said previously a timeline which denotes them attempting to futilely control conception.

  3. Jinger is absolutely GLOWING!

  4. I'm believing a pregnancy will happen in its own time for Jinger and Jeremy. It will be a wonderful blessing but I truly hope they aren't pressured to make it happen and have thick skin to all the pushing and comments.
    In regards to Jessa, I feel bad for all the posts about Spurggie and the bottle. Every child is different. In my case to reduce and remove, I nipped to tip of the nipple every three days. Once my daughter yelled it's broke I helped her throw them in the garbage.
    Saved a lot on orthodontics later.

    1. I agree whole heartedly. I hope Jinger and Jeremy don't give into pressure to have children specifically for ratings. I applaud them for taking time to enjoy each other alone. And agree about Surgeon and his bottle. Good Grief--he's a baby! I let my children have their bottle before bed until they were 3!! It comforted them. And oh boy did I hear every negative opinion from every MOPS lady around. Well my children are grown. They are strong Christians, highly educated, socially normal, beautifully toothed adults.

    2. I was an Olympic-style thumb sucker and never needed braces.

    3. * beautifully toothed adults* LOL 5:38!

    4. My daughter used a pacifier and her teeth were bent a bit backwards, the opposite of buck.

  5. Hahahaha! Jeremy's initial reaction is priceless!!! Jeremy is soooo not ready to start a family! Good for them for choosing when they are can't give the kids back so make sure you are ready! Happy they aren't rushing and taking time to enjoy their time together as a couple.

    1. I think Jingers face was priceless too when they asked the question. I think Jinger is really enjoying her new life with just her and Jeremy, I am sure they will have a family eventually in their own good time, but I don't see them having a huge family, maybe two or three at most.

    2. Anon 5:06. I am sure they wouldn't get pregnant just to satisfy their family.

  6. Ahhh...the skirting around the question.
    However, in their case; I applaud them, it's no ones business!

  7. This was a little awkward to watch when they almost didn't want to answer the question but then Jeremy put it in the best way possible.
    It just goes to show you that having all the kids you possibly can, isn't for every Duggar kid.
    It's neat to see once the couples get married which path they choose.

  8. They really don't seem to be at the point where they want a family now. They seem to be enjoying each other. I wonder how the family is reacting to their choice.

  9. As much as Jinger and Jeremy want to wait to start a family, the other Duggar couples don't want to wait...Jane

  10. I think it will be wonderful to watch Jeremy and Jinger start a family in the Lord's timing and their timing. And in the meantime, we're rejoicing that Anna and Josh's new son is here and doing well. Looking forward to seeing baby Mason up in the header and looking forwarding to seeing Joy-Anna and Austin's first little one.

  11. Jinger is SO pretty with straight hair!! <3

  12. They definitely said a lot without saying anything. I'd be surprised if any duggar ever admitted to any sort of family planning.

  13. Must be on birth control
    He for sure is not into that whole staying pregnant forever lol

  14. I'm so glad they are following their own paths, whatever timeline for kids that might be. It may even help Ben and Jessa rethink their choices and make new ones about adding new ones to their family ;).

    1. Their children are a blessing to them. Each family does things differently.

  15. In this family, the pressure to start having children right away must be enormous. If you don't have a positive pregnancy test within the first few months of marriage, the collective eyebrow-raising would make for an uncomfortable situation. Whether or not, or when, a couple plans to start a family is a private matter and should not be the subject of an inquisition from curious family, friends, or social media.

  16. Whenever it happens, I think they'll make great parents. On a side note, I think Jinger's hair looks more flattering like this than when it's straight. She looks beautiful in this picture!

    1. She looks great with the straight hair. Would love to see it parted not so far over to the side.

    2. When it's straight, the texture looks off.

  17. I guess I read Jeremy's response totally differently. He laughed and almost halfway said the word "no" when Jinger gave him a bit of a silencing look. He then said, "hot button issue." Whether that means it's a "hot-button" between the two of them...or their greater yet to be seen. However, if it is a hot-button between the two of them, it could be very painful for Jinger who has been taught to be submissive to her husband's desires. This isn't something to rejoice about. If they are using Natural Family Planning, maybe it is for grave reasons...only a couple can determine that with God's guidance.

    1. Maybe he said 'hot button issue' in reference to over enthusiastic fans who pounce on every photograph of his wife and say 'I see a baby bump!'maybe hes getting fed up with it all. Also if (I said IF) Jinger and he are getting pressure from her family to start a family that could also make it a 'hot button issue' everyone needs to butt out and leave them alone.

    2. I doubt her family is putting pressure on them to have kids. Being nosy and asking if they are expecting yet, yes, but telling them to have kids now I doubt it. My husband and I knew we wanted to wait a while to have kids. My idea of waiting a while and his were different. It was a hot button issue, because I was ready before he was. Then it took a while for us to get pregnant. I am sure Jinger realizes that not everyone gets pregnant as soon as they start trying, so maybe that is something they have had many discussions about.

    3. Anon @ 10:26 Being nosey and constantly asking if someone is pregnant is intrusive and also another type of pressure, no matter how close you are to someone. I hope Jinger has told her sisters to knock it off, and leave her and Jeremy alone.

  18. Since Jeremy and Jinger are both wearing dark blue button shirts, I wonder if they are the type of couple who like to intentionally try to match each other.

  19. Jinger and Jeremy are my favourite couple. So humble and nice. She is stunning and seems to have changed a bit, but in a positive way.

  20. If the Vuolos are waiting a few years to have kids, good for them, that's not my problem.
    I just hope they have a truly open heart for children whenever God decides to send them, and I also hope they are using something natural.
    I wouldn't watch the show anymore if it was confirmed that they are using any sort of artificial birth control. I started watching the show for a reason, and it wouldn't make sense to me if everything changed.
    Just saying. Again, their life, their business. I'm just stating how I feel as a Catholic mother who really loved that TV show for its initial purpose.


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