Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jana's Garden

Remember when several of the Duggars visited Magnolia Market earlier this year? Well Jana Duggar (nicknamed Jana Gaines by her family) has created a beautiful garden on the Duggar property. She planted corn, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, cucamelons, potatoes, okra, and more. Jana also created a sitting area and a "Chick Inn" chicken coop. Check out these snapshots:

 Jana Duggar

 Nephews Spurgeon Seewald and Israel Dillard

New dog Willow

Photos courtesy


  1. What a great idea! Jana, you have talent...great job! Also, Israel and Spurgeon are super adorable♡♡♡

  2. That's a lovely place made by a lovely woman. I wonder who's service dog that is though.

    1. That's not a service dog. That's a dog harness tied to a tether.

  3. Her garden loooks lovely. My garden did fair this year except my jalapeƱos failed for some reason.
    Thanks for sharing Jana's garden with us. There is nothing like home grown veggies and having enough to put away for winter.

  4. So glad that the Dillards are staying in the area to take advantage of being with family. You can preach the gospel at home and have your children have the best without going to South America and endagering their health along with yours. Glad that you are staying close to home. Take care of y0urself Jill.

  5. Jana is sooooooooo pretty!!!!!

  6. So glad Israel & Spurgeon can be together now. Jana's garden is amazing. Love the chickens.

    1. It's fun when cousins grow up together!

  7. Wow !! Absolutely beautiful!!!

  8. Jana looks beautiful great Job :) Tammy

  9. Wow - she's amazing!

  10. She is fantastically and amazingly talented, and they have chickens!!! How cute is that??? I think her garden is lovely, and I think she, and ALL the Duggars, are amazing, wonderful, talented, beautiful, and very loving people. The world DEFINITELY needs more of the Duggars!

    1. Ok.. What garden? I do not see anything actually growing. I see sticks with the names of 3 of the easiest vegetables to grow written on them. With zucchini, you put the seeds in, water, weed and just stand back. The only hard part is to pick the zucchini fast enough. LOL!

      I know that it is late September but, where the Duggars live, I would expect the growing season to not end yet. I live more north and my tomatoes are just finished. Friends of mine have just harvested their last peppers and beans.

      Chickens? Lots of people here, in the country, have chickens. Growing vegetables? Most people, even in the city, have vegetable gardens. It is hardly an amazing talent.

      It is good that the Duggars, with all their property, use some of it to grow vegetables. Perhaps they can expand the garden next year and grow more. It looks like they have the room for it. And then Jana can learn a new skill.. canning.

    2. Chickens, a vegetable garden... pretty standard in my neck of the woods!

    3. So much criticism and sarcasm. Why can't you just be happy that they're enjoying their new venture. Not everyone has the same talents and opurtunities.

  11. These are SUCH beautiful pictures of the boys, garden, chicken & Duggar family-a picture of happy children.

  12. About time they did something like this with that sprawling property.

  13. It all looks wonderful.

    1. It all looks copied from Pinterest.

    2. Is that a bad thing? Isn't that the whole purpose of Pinterest? It looks amazing wether it's from Pinterest or not! Beautiful job Janna!

    3. And the pictures on Pinterest look wonderful.

    4. Who cares? Serious!

    5. Or maybe Pinterest copied it from Jana. What's your point?

    6. Is that a problem? I love Pinterest!

    7. Is that not what Pinterest is for???

    8. Seriously, 10:11? In days gone by people got ideas from magazines, books, other people. Today it's the internet. She still did the hard work of putting it together and maintaining it, whether her ideas were all original to her or not. It looks great!

    9. So??
      What do you think Pinterest is?
      Posting your stuff so others can copy/replicate your stuff!!

    10. So what? Still you have to make it... Very nice

    11. That's why Pinterest exists so people can get really nice ideas. Sounds like you are jealous.

    12. So? That is what Pinterest is for

    13. Nothing wrong with copying or getting ideas from pinterest. That is what it is for.

    14. I agree with OP. Truly creative people come up with their own original ideas, not copy from someone else all the time. Who gets the credit then?

    15. It's better to figure out your own ideas. Teaches you to think creatively and problem solve.

    16. For all of you who are describing how to be creative the "right" way, your comments suggest that you do not engage in creative activities to begin with. Because all original art is inspired by something that already exists, and if you practiced anything creative then you would understand that. What matters is WHAT you do, not how you got the idea.
      C'mon people, Jana's work is truly impressive.

    17. I agree w/ you, 7:11. Who cares where she got her inspiration from, really? She's not claiming it's original, which is the only reason anyone should have for criticizing her, if that were the case. She did the hard work to put it together and maintain it, it looks great, and she definitely has some talent. There's a website dedicated to Pinterest fails for a reason - not everyone has the skills.

    18. lol *facepalm* to this entire conversation about whether Jana's cute garden is original or a copy of another cute garden. Who cares; it's cute either way! And... it's a garden! How original can it get? Plus, maybe instead of criticizing someone else's creation, we could spend our time making creations of our own... just a thought. :) Nice job, Jana!

    19. If all of you that criticize every move the DUGGARS make just stop watching the show and reading the emails?????
      If you can't stand them just quit.

  14. This is lovely Jana!! It's beautiful. Blessings!

  15. Beautiful!!! I love it!

  16. Jana is so talented. She did a wonderful job!

  17. Love Jana and her garden spot is so cute!! She takes a lot of hits in the social media world but she is probably my favorite Dugger! She is beautiful, kind, and I think really smart!!

  18. I'm just blown away at what Jana can do!

  19. It all looks so lovely. I'm so glad Jana has a hobby that she enjoys, she creates such beauty in her garden and surrounding areas. Well done Jana. TG from Australia

  20. Jana is so very talented and I love seeing the cute pictures of Israel and Spurgeon playing together. One note of observation regarding Jana. During the tearful powwow when everyone was saying nice things about Joy, the little girls were clearly rattled by having another sister leave. That makes sense of course given their relationships and the family dynamic. I think Jana is most affected however and doesn't intend to leave the little girls. I think she stays out of obligation because she feels like a second mother - and she genuinely loves and wants whats best for them. She knows it would be incredibly difficult on them if she were to leave. So she stays.

    1. If Jana is staying at home out of some sense of obligation towards her younger siblings, that is very sad. The married Duggars appear to visit quite often, some live close by. There's no reason for the little girls to be traumatized when an older one leaves the nest. They may feel sad for awhile, but they'll get over it. Life is all about growing up and spreading your wings- which hopefully, they will all do one day.

    2. Or she could be staying because she hasn’t found a reason to leave yet. She’s stated before she wants to marry, someday, but isn’t going to just settle for anyone. Leave her alone, she’s young. Kids shouldn’t always have to rush to leave the nest. All the older ones reassured the little ones that Joy isn’t going away (like Jinger, as Grandma or Michelle pointed out). Jana has a pretty sweet set up if you ask me. Her parents have enough resources that she’s able to live at home and explore her options. She’s been raised in a family that puts family first, so of course while living at home she’s going to help out and be close with the others. Even Jessa, Jill, and Anna have been shown to have kids over to their home a lot. I’m sure Joy will as well.

    3. Wow, you are incredibly presumptuous!

  21. Love it! I always wondered why they didn't grow more of their own food with all that space and so many mouths to feed!

    1. Probably because Michelle isn't into gardening. I could save a whole bunch of money gardening; however I prefer to support local, organic producers.

    2. They probably had zero time to prep, plan and take care of a garden when all those kids were little!!!

    3. I disagree, 6;14. Gardening is something even the smallest kids can do. They had plenty of hands and space to garden. Not every vegetable should come from a pickle jar.

  22. Really nice garden! I hope they take good care of the dog, Willow. It needs to be a forever home.

    1. Pets kind of make one-time appearances with this family. Where's the snow cat, the dog who went to the dog bath place, the hamster, and the other assorted animals ever seen on the front porch of the house?

    2. Good question 8:55. You never see an animal inside the house, or anyone loving on the pets or interacting with them in a positive way. They're just sort of....there. And then not.

    3. Because they pets didn't give permission to have their pictures posted on the internet.šŸ˜…

  23. I love it Jana! Hope you see how much talent you have! God bless!

  24. Is Jason still into the gardening like he was when he was younger?

  25. Janas garden looks so pretty. I would like to know IF jana is courting.

  26. Jana is so thoughtful and creative. Jim Bob and Michelle are so blessed to have Jana at home, for now, playing such an important family role. Someday, when she has her own home and family they will be blessed, as well. Jana is a beautiful woman with such a giving spirit.

  27. Beautiful photos! Jana is a vision in her garden. Kids too! Thank you for sharing! Wondering which family member(s) the new dog belongs to? I was just thinking how nice a pooch might fit into the Duggar family during the last episode. There is so much beautiful green space to roam. Blessings!

    1. Keeping a dog on a rope is not being a good pet owner!!! The pup needs a fenced yard to be able to run and play!!

    2. Perhaps the dog is not usually kept on the rope, but rather was there because the photographer/a film crew member/a visitor has and allergy or aversion to dogs. My spouse is highly allergic to dogs and they absolutely love him, preferring him to me (and I love dogs). If he didn't have an allergic reaction to contend with, it would be so funny!

  28. I love the tire swing! I remember my husband making a tire swing for our daughters in our front yard. We ended up putting a fence around our property because children were going on the tire swing without permission.

  29. Jana is so talented and beautiful inside and out. She could be the Christian version of Martha Stewart - would love to see her in a craft/tip/cooking/etc show of her own!

    1. Yes!!! I think Jana would be great for that!

    2. Betty! It's so good to hear from you again. I've been praying and hoping you were okay and got through Hurricane Irma.

    3. I agree, Betty. Since they feature the other older Duggar girls, I think it would be very appropriate to feature Jana on Counting On. I would love to see how she gardens, fixes up out buildings, and especially, I would love to see Jana show us how to make certain recipes from all the she grows, particularly southern dishes. That would be awesome!

    4. I can't put my finger on it, exactly, but your comment rubbed me the wrong way. Must you say that Jana could be a "Christian" Martha Stewart? Ms Stewart may be Christian for all you know. It sounds like you are saying that Christians would watch Jana because they can't watch Martha Stewart. What difference does it make, if you have a cooking show, what religion you are. Don't make Christians sound "cultish." It's just a cooking show for heaven's sake.

    5. Wow, 6:26 PM -- what a strange and rude response. You're totally off base. I appreciated 10:32's comment -- a great idea to have a Martha Stewart-type show with a Christian slant.

    6. I agree with you, 6:26! There was never anything un-Christian about Martha Stewart's show! So it makes no sense to declare that a Christian version is needed. Why compartmentalize like that? Housekeeping, cooking, and decorating are for people of all faiths, not just one group. Martha did some great Hanukkah and Passover recipes on her show and in her magazine, BTW.

  30. Looks lovely. This girl has done well. Like that jana does her own thing !

  31. Jana is so multi talented and so classy. What a gifted young lady!

  32. She is truly a jack of all trades. No wonder she isn't married yet. There isn't anyone out there as awesome as her!

    1. 2:28 Jana is beautiful and talented, and obviously you admire her very much, but she's not in a category by herself. All of us parents have awesome children with multiple talents that came from the Lord!

    2. well put @9:12. Jana is a pretty girl with the time and resources to pursue her hobbies. But she is certainly not in a category by herself.

      I know many equally and even more talented young woman than Jana, young women who have creative hobbies while holding down 9 to 5 jobs.

  33. The boys are growing up so fast. They are adorable.

  34. Beautiful job by a beautiful young lady... Wish I had the green thumb she does...

  35. Ellie thanks so much for showing us Jana's garden! Nice to see it finally! Also is that the Seewald's dog or the Duggar's dog?

  36. That girl has skills!

  37. Joanna Gaines earns money from her projects. Jana ought to put her talents and interests to work. She's a grown woman!

    1. Agreed!! Jana could excel at projects like this and could make a good income doing so. Jana is awesome!!

    2. I agree! If she is a fan of the Gains; open up a garden and home decor shop.

    3. That would be awesome if Jana turned her skills into some sort of business!

  38. With that large, beautiful property, why do we always see photo and video of the young children playing inside?

    1. LOL! That's extremely easy. It's very hard to take outdoor pictures of young children at play. I was recently looking at pictures of when my son was younger. Every good quality one was done with a telephoto lens and/or he was in profile, and/or he was playing with someone. In the case of "playing with someone", a lot of those I couldn't post because the person/person's parent didn't give permission.

  39. Is Jason still into gardening like he was when he was younger?

  40. Absolutely beautiful!!!

  41. Is Willow a Seewald puppy or a Duggar puppy? I love seeing Izzy & Spurgeon play together!!

  42. I can always images jana living in a little farm house happy. It's nice to know they have chicken I always wondered about them living of the land it would go well with there frugal leanings!

  43. 3it is do sooo lovely!!!!!!!! Kiss you, Jana dear! x

  44. It must smell terribly considering they live across from the municipal dump.

  45. Jana did a wonderful job! She's so creative and talented!!! Whose dog? Willow looks adorable but she needs a fenced in yard. Having a lead on a dog like that is very dangerous for not only the dog but for all the little ones running around. Surely the Duggar boys can get a a large portion of the yard fenced? They have the money and the means to do so or do they just not care about animals at all? Very sad to see a dog tied up that way. But then again these same ppl "train" children so guess they wouldn't treat a dog very well...

    1. Didn't you notice that in the same picture there is a small child playing? Maybe they tied the dog up to keep him out of the way of the swing while Spurgeon was on it and they generally leave him free otherwise? It's best not to make judgments about something from one picture.

  46. Wow Jana you are really Talented!
    My god make your work a expand to a good job!!
    God Bless From Melany!

  47. This has to be one of my favorite blog posts!!!! What an incredibly beautiful garden! Jana is so creative!

  48. Gardens are a lot of work...but so enjoyable and rewarding
    .....those brothers probably help with the heavy workšŸ’š šŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸ’š
    ~~~~ WHo plants a seed beneath the sod ,
    And waits to see , believes in God.~~~~~~

  49. Very nice garden. You have made a nice peaceful place. God bless you.

  50. Has Jana ever considered taking her produce to a Farmer's Market? I bet she would do very well. I am sure, however, that with such a big family, her product gets eaten up before it makes it to market. Regardless, beautiful work Jana!!!

  51. Jana, You have such a lovely Garden and Chicken Coop, Lovely Shed and plenty of land! The Duggar's have nicknamed you well (Jana Gaines)! You definitely are a Master Gardener!

  52. I don't know how hawks and raccoons and stray dogs don't get at those chickens. Around here, you have to have the Fort Knox of coops to have your chickens survive.

    1. LOL- Where we are, it's the coyotes! You're right about making your coop like Ft. Knox! My SIL is always trying to figure out a way to outsmart the predators.

  53. Why the radio silence from this family and from the Dillards about Samuel? What are the facts about his birth and Jill's delivery?

    1. Why don't you mind your own business, busybody!

    2. I was thinking that Jill and Derick prefer to stay out of the limelight now since the go fund me fiasco and the response they got from that. I hope they do live a quiet life out of the media circus. It would be such a peaceful, Godly life for them and their children. A much mentally healthy life for their children for sure. But time will tell.

    3. The only thing that really matters is that Samuel is here, and he is healthy. I would quit worrying about how he got here. If Jill decides to share one day, then it is up to her.

    4. Maybe we'll see it on the show, maybe not. Either way it's not really our business. They have the right to share what they want and keep other things private.

    5. Yes, they can share what they want and keep other things private, but it's how they choose what to air and what not to air that's the kicker. To pretend that everything in their lives is fine is not being truthful and genuine. Plus it goes against the principles they claim to uphold so strongly. If something is wrong, people will understand. Everyone goes through rough things. Sympathy is there. No need to paint your family as perfect and then keep quiet when things go wrong. Especially no need if it's done just for ratings. Nobody would have to read between the lines with the Duggars if they chose to be honest and truthful all the time.

    6. No one really knows aside from family is Samuel is healthy or not. It's the Dillard's right to remain silent on this topic. I think the only reason people think something terribly wrong occurred is because there is such silence surrounding his birth. No big announcements, no magazine/publicity coverage. Even Josh's son got more press and acknowledgement and josh and Anna are the ones "laying low". So I can see why many think baby sam is not well be it physically or mentally or both. Maybe it's Jill that is unwell? Postpartum depression due to a historectomy? The possibilities are endless and the silence is driving the nosie Rosie's crazy. I'm sure the Dillard's will open up eventually but they don't have to tell the world thier every move. I do hope all is well with Jill and sam though.

    7. Anon @ 1:37. Wow, just wow! So you don't approve of someone else's comment but how low to resort to name calling. I have to question the admin for allowing comments like yours through, do they do it for the controversy or did it just slip under the radar?

  54. The Duggar boys need to put thier building skills to work and build a large fenced in area for willow! It's very cruel to leave a dog chained/tethered outdoors, not to mention dangerous for both pup and young kiddos running around.

    1. Tethering or chaining is outlawed where I live.

    2. Looks to me like he was restrained while Spurgeon was on the swing. Maybe he'd been lunging at the swing or something, which would make it unsafe for Spurgeon. If the picture had shown the dog running around with Spurgeon swinging, no doubt someone would have said they were being unsafe by letting the dog run around and possibly knock Spurgeon down!

    3. If the dog is that much of a physical threat to the little boys, then the dog should be put in the house or in a pen, not tied up.

  55. Jana was holding up her phone at Joy's dress fitting, and there was a man on the screen, not her brother. Jana's phone usage is up. Something's afoot. I'm calling it.

  56. I admire jana so much. yes she has a wonderful garden, and a beautiful face, a sweet spirit and love and compassion for everyone. she is probably the most logical thinking of all of the older girls. no need to rush into raising babies when you can establish yourself in other things, and simply enjoy being a young lady. God will provide her needs. husband will be there when God is ready. (I wish it could have been my son, lol) I love this family


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