
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Grand-Duggar #9 is Here!

 Mackynzie Duggar, Anna Duggar, Meredith Duggar, Josh Duggar, 
Michael Duggar, Marcus Duggar

Another Duggar has joined the clan! Josh and Anna Duggar welcomed their fifth child today. He weighed 9lbs, 1 oz and was 22 inches long. As expected, this little Duggar has been given a name that starts with "M." Welcome to the world, Mason Garrett Duggar!

Garrett is a family name from Michelle's side. Her father was Garrett Ruark, and her brother is Garrett Ruark Jr. Joseph's middle name is also Garrett.

Visit to see a photo of Mason.

Photo courtesy


  1. Congratulation!! Anna and Josh your baby is gorgeous!!😍😍

  2. Congratulations Duggar Family!!!I'm a huge fan of your show...

  3. That was cutting it close with the wedding last weekend. I'm curious when her due date was. Congrats, Josh and Anna!

  4. Congratulations! Nice name, too!

  5. Congratulations and God bless you! I praise the Lord for this blessing that He gave your family! I so wish that you were all back on TV. I know that your family is missed. I love the name Mason!

  6. Congrats to y'all!!! I adore the name Mason!! He's adorable!!❤️❤️❤️

  7. Congratulations Josh and Anna, love the name you picked for your new little man! He is so precious! Bless you both!

  8. Congratulations!! God is so good! What a beautiful blessing. :)

  9. Aw...what a sweetie. God bless them all.

  10. Congratulations on your new blessing!

  11. Congrats on your blessing #5! My father's birthday is today as well. I lost him 4 years ago but he was the biggest blessing in my life

  12. Praying for Anna that this will be her last baby.

    1. Usually, the best thing to say to a mother who's just given birth is congratulations. Some things are better left unsaid altogether.

    2. Seriously....that is decision between God, her and Josh. I think God has got this.

    3. you are an evil person, why would you wish infertility on someone

    4. Very well put, sweetpea2000!

    5. Anon @ 5:40 No one wished infertility on Anna, the original poster merely said they hoped she didn't have anymore. I don't think that Anna would get much help from Josh with chores or childcare so five is a lot to take care of plus homeschool, maybe that is why they said it? Please do not call someone evil for a comment they may not have thought out, or you might have misinterpreted!

  13. I am so happy to here that a new Duggar is here! Hope we can see pictures soon!

  14. Aww!!! Congrats!!! Hope all went well!!! Praying for you guys!! :)

  15. Congrats on your new son babies are always a blessing

  16. Congratulations to all of you. Happy Birthday Mason God Bless.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS Josh and Anna on the birth of little Mason.
    GODs blessings to all of you. Lools like the boys are going to rule in the new generation!
    Sharon from SC

  18. Congratulations Josh and Anna, I so happy for you xx

  19. Congrats. Enjoy life to the fullest with your new addition.

  20. Aww congrats Duggar family!!!

  21. Mason is a nice name. Congratulations! Thank goodness he was born today on the 12th rather than on September 11th

    1. Maybe because Sept 11 is a day of sadness for our country?

    2. I think 9-11 would be a good day to have a baby. It would show that what humankind intends for evil, God intends for good. New birth is a reminder to us that God has the final say, and that God is good.

    3. People born on Sept 11 have a hard time celebrating because the country is remembering something of a sad day. Trust me I know. Sept 12 is way better. Be sad and remember the 11th and then move on to a happy 12th.

  22. what a great name. Mason. since they have been rebuilding their marriage, it is apt.

    1. Good observation!!! Yes, I agree with you

    2. I thought they named him after the jar, since all the Duggars like using Mason jars as wedding decorations.

  23. Congratulations on birth on Mason

  24. Congratulations! Babies are a precious gift from God.

  25. Congratulations Josh and Anna!!! What a precious blessing from God! Mason is super adorable♡♡♡

  26. Congratulations, what joyous news! I am so thankful to have a God who redeems. Love, Kj

  27. Congratulations! On your new little gift from God. You have a beautiful family Anna.❤

  28. So happy for you and your beautiful new baby boy! Congratulations!

  29. Congrats to the whole duggar family!!!!

  30. Congratulations! I was curious about the name Garrett since Joseph also has it. I'm glad it was explained.

  31. Congratulations and Blessings to you all

  32. Congratulations on the new addition to your family, Anna and Josh. I hope you have an easy recovery, Anna. Best wishes to you all. ❤

  33. Congratulation Josh and Anna Duggar for Mason Garrett coming in the world today.Enjoy every moment and milestone in his life with the other siblings also.He is a very sweet,handsome and cute little man.Hug to you all.

  34. Congratulations! This is great news!

  35. Congratulations on the new baby boy. Many blessings for you family.

  36. They surprised me with the name Mason. I thought for sure it would be Matthew, what with his brother named Marcus.

  37. Anna and Josh he is a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

  38. Congratulations!
    So glad to read both Mom and son are doing well.
    Many blessings and prayers
    Looking forward to seeing a picture of the sweet boy.

  39. Oh my goodness! Congratulations Duggar family! I'm very happy and I can't wait to see little Mason. God is so good!

  40. Congratulations Anna and Josh! He is a cute little one and I like his name! Eileen

  41. Congratulations to them! Such a lovely name.

  42. Replies
    1. It's too close to Madison, isn't it. I had the same reaction. I feel bad because I think a lot of people will go there.

    2. Well, of 83 comments on 9/13, you're the only two that "went there"~I never considered any commonalities between the names. Many of the comments share a love of the name they chose! Congratulations, Josh & Anna! Mason is a beautiful baby~your family is blessed!

    3. Deanna, uh, nooo...? I never thought of the name Madison until you yourself brought it up here. I think the name Mason is adorable.

    4. Never would have thought of that.

    5. No it's not, stop trying to start trouble

    6. Who care's if it's too close to Madison, there are no Madison's in their family. How does that even matter?

    7. Honestly, Im not starting trouble. I like the name Mason and think the meaning is apropos but that is the first thing I thought of and can't believe others are not making the same correlation. I think its an unfortunate choice considering and think you are going to hear backlash in the media about it. If they had a girl and named her Madison wouldnt you think that odd? Mason is almost the same name. Just take out the "di".

    8. Really?! That is a stupid suggestion!! Mason is absolutely, positively an ADORABLE name with no similarity or connection to the name Madison. The only connection they have is they are both popular M names.

    9. I agree with Deanna. The names are very similar. Identical except for one syllable. I know they didn't do that on purpose but I find it strange that they didn't realize what they were doing. They must have liked the name enough to override the comparisons.

    10. Deanna, I think you're really stretching it here.

  43. Congratulations! May the Lord pour out His blessings on this sweet family!!!

  44. Congratulations on the birth of your new son!

  45. Congratulations Anna, and I hope U will take good care of yourself!!! I think U are an amazing woman, and can forgive too!!!! Teaches us all, to forgive, even when it's hard, and to do it with a full heart!!!! Love U since 2008!!!!!!! Anna The Great!!!

  46. Great name!! Congratulations!

  47. congrats! He's a cutie and he's a big boy! my little one (born in March) was 9lbs 21 1/2 inches long.

  48. Congratulations he is beautiful hope mum and mason are well

  49. Let the blessing of Abraham be on this family.
    Congrats to Josh and Anna.

  50. Congratulations and God Bless!! So happy for you to. You have a beautiful family. Love the "M" names. I had 4 and all of them started with "K". I absolutely love the Duggar family and all the values y'all have. Y'all have taught my family a lot. I will forever be greatful.

  51. Congratulations Josh and Anna on your new baby! So happy for you.

  52. Congratulations Josh and Anna! He is a true gift from God. That will draw you closer to him and the lord. The baby will allow you to fall more and more in love with him as each day passes, because he was already a blessing of love even before he was born.

  53. Wonderful! Congratulations Duggar family!! What a beautiful blessing, a testament to God's Love and Faithfulness. Enjoy this sweet wonderful time with your little Mason.

  54. Oh how wonderful. I love his Name, it's the same as my nephew. Congratulations Anna, Josh and family 💙🌟💙 TG🇦🇺

  55. Congrats Anna and Josh. God bless.

  56. And cue the 'for the fans' congrats videos in 3 2 1.....

    1. There was never even one congrats video for Anna and Josh when Anna announced she was pregnant.

    2. In which everyone will say, "Congratulations Josh and Anna. Can't wait to see what God has in store for Mason."

    3. "I pray that he'll grow to love the lord and be a strong leader"

  57. Congratulations Josh and Anna and welcome, bsny Mason!

  58. Congratulations Josh and Anna on the birth of Mason, we cannot wait to meet him..God bless your family

  59. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so excited for you guys!

  60. So happy for them to have another precious baby boy! I'm glad that things went well for his delivery! I'm glad that they chose another "M" name. I like the name Mason.

  61. Congratulations to Josh and family. May God continue to give you blessings.

  62. Josh and Anna need to go live a quiet life away from cameras and public opinion

    1. I agree. Oprah has given celebrities that advice-- if you want your relationship to last, don't make it public.

    2. I'll second that!

    3. Isn't that what they've been doing?

    4. No that is not what they are doing since this is a post about Josh and Anna with the new baby's picture along with their other children's pictures. I would snatch my little family out of the public circus and get a job and raise them in a Godly private life. Teaching them if they work hard they will not have to depend on others for their home, or a reality tv show for their income. If this keeps up their children as they get older will be seeing Daddy's picture all over magazine covers being trashed, along with daily doses of attacks online. God's way is always the best way and that is live a quiet life,working hard and trusting God to supply. If they wouldn't dare allow TLC to be on in their homes, it probably isn't Gods will that you are on TLC in the first place.

    5. Yes lets all get our advise from Oprah...(being sarcastic) geez.
      They are getting their advise from their own Biblical convictions and its not good enough?? But Oprah has all the answers? My goodness...

  63. I absolutely love the name Mason! Congrats on your baby boy!

  64. Mason - just like the Kardashians. Now they have just one more in a long list of things in common.

    1. That's your response to the news that someone just had a baby?

    2. Yeah, the only two families in history to name their sons Mason.

    3. I see very little connection between the Duggars and the Kardashians.

    4. I see very little connection between the Duggars and the Kardashians.

  65. Congratulations and may God continue to bless you all.

  66. He is so precious!! I love the name!! Congratulations on the beautiful baby boy!!

  67. Very happy for you Josh and Anna! :) Gods blessings upon you both and your children! I wanted to ask you Ellie: I looked in the Birthday listings when I clicked birthday at the top of the bog and I noticed Austin is the only one that does not have a date listed for his birthday, how come?

  68. I truly hope Josh loves Anna as much as she obviously adores him. Praying that he never breaks that sweet woman's heart again.

  69. Congratulations!!! What a sweet, sweet boy!! Blessings!!!

  70. Congratulations Josh and Anna. I am so happy for you guys. God bless!!!

  71. Congratulations Josh and Anna on the birth of your new baby! Mason is a beautiful name! Children are blessings from God & your family is truly blessed! Enjoy all the beautiful moments together because children grow up so fast! Josh and Anna God bless you and your entire family and enjoy your new beautiful bundle of joy Mason!

  72. Congrats! Glad you are working things out. God's blessing

  73. Congratulations Josh,Anna & family. Give precious Mason hugs and kisses from your fans...Jane

  74. Congrats to Anna, Josh and family! I love the name Mason - verb "build from or strengthen with stone" - such a great strong name that if the name is chosen from that meaning, it also holds to Anna and Josh and their hopefully strengthened relationship!
    I can't wait to see more pictures of this little handsome man!

  75. Congratulations on the arrival of your son! What a cutie he is!

  76. Congratulations Anna and Josh! What a beautiful baby boy and such a blessing!! I am always amazed at Anna's births, she is always calm and she seems to give birth more easily than others. Congratulations guys!!! ❤️❤️

  77. Every good and perfect gift comes from above

  78. Congratulation to Anna,Josh,Mackynzie,Michael,Marcus and Meredith on the birth of Mason Garrett. He is adorable. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  79. Wow now there are 3 birthdays of the duggar's my immediate family shares. My youngest son's birthday is September 12th 2005, mine is April 6th 1978, my sister's is August 2nd 1982. It's a shame we don't live in the states as there could be a possibility of my youngest boy and Johanna getting together a few years down the road they are a month apart. Any how congrats on little Mason. Hoping to find out soon the sex of Joy and Austin's bundle coming. Plus also news of more duggar's weddings and babies to come.

  80. Congratulations and happy birthday Mason!

  81. Such Wonderful News...Blessing on the entire family!!!

  82. Welcome Mason Garrett Doggar!! My son's middle name is Garrett. Congrats, Josh, Anna, MacKynzie, Michael, Marcus, and Meredith!! God's richest blessings to you all!! ♥


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