
Monday, September 25, 2017

'Finding Joy's Dress' Recap

Counting On "Finding Joy's Dress"

  • It’s early May, and Michelle and the girls are packing for their trip to Mount Sterling, Kentucky. The Seewalds are also coming along, and Ben will entertain the boys while Jessa goes dress shopping with the ladies.
  • The next morning, the group flies to Dallas to meet up with Jinger. “Duggar time is…we’re always late,” says Joy. “It’s very weird for us to ever be early anywhere. Ya, it’s really bad.”
  • This will be Jinger and Jeremy’s first night apart since their wedding six months ago. “I think I’ll survive okay without Jinger,” says Jeremy. “I know it’s going to be tough without her being here, but I should be able to manage.”
  • Dwayne, a contractor who knows both the Duggars and the Forsyths, meets Austin at the fixer-upper house that he and Joy have purchased. Some of the Duggar guys come over to help create a vaulted ceiling.
  • Later, Austin, Jim Bob, Pastor Caldwell, and the Duggar brothers go skeet shooting. It’s a great opportunity for Joseph to connect with his future father-in-law. “Being Kendra’s father and being out here shooting with Joe, having a shotgun that looks like a machine gun is very advantageous,” says Pastor Caldwell. “I think every father should own at least one or two.”
  • “Now that I’ve seen Mr. Jim Bob shoot, I’m going to make sure that I stay on his good side,” says Austin. He admits that he has stayed up talking with Joy past curfew and that he and Joy have gone over their 3-second sidehug rule.
  • Joy, Michelle, Grandma, Jana, Jessa, Jinger, Ben, Spurgeon, Henry, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie arrive in Mount Sterling. They gather for lunch at Spoonful of Sugar before heading next door to Renee’s bridal.
  • Renee has designed six dresses for Joy to try on. When asked what he wants to see in the dress that Joy chooses, Austin responds: “Her in it coming down the aisle towards me on our wedding day.”
  • The first dress is fitted with white lace over tan fabric. Everyone agrees that it’s beautiful, but Joy wants a different style.
  • In the dressing room, Joy is overwhelmed and isn’t sure what she wants. “I called Austin and was like, ‘I don’t know what I want, and I feel bad because I don’t think any of these dresses are going to work, and Miss Renee has been working for such a long time,’” she says, admitting that shopping is not her thing. Austin encourages his bride-to-be and tells her that she will look beautiful in anything.
  • Option #2 is a flowy, white, polka dot dress. Joy likes everything but the polka dots. “I was so thankful for my sisters’ input,” says Joy, who decides that she wants more of an A-line cut.
  • Option #3 is a similar fit but with sleeves and all-over lace. It is very similar to Jinger’s wedding gown.
  • Option #4 is similar but with less lace and more satin. While Joy is in the dressing room, Grandma spots a dress on the rack that has a skirt that she thinks Joy will like. The top is too revealing for the Duggars, so Renee puts the bottom with a different top, and Joy loves it.
  • Renee fits Joy with a veil and hands her a bouquet of flowers. Dress shopping is complete!
  • Joy changes back into her street clothes, and everyone gathers in a circle and shares memories and photos with the bride-to-be. “We knew your name long before you were born,” says Michelle. “Sandwiched in between all those boys was Joy, and really, you have lived up to your name.”
  • “They each have a special personality and something about them that adds to the family, and when they leave, that’s missing,” says Jana. “And it’s really hard to adjust.”
  • Jana tears up as she tells Joy how much she is going to miss her. When Jennifer’s turn comes around, she breaks down crying. “Jenny is the closest to Joy as far as the girls go,” says Jinger.  
  • Down in Central America, Israel celebrates his second birthday by making a cake with Mom and Dad. They decorate it with OSU orange icing.   


  1. Flying to Kentucky by way of Dallas? The Duggar's travel agent needs a map.

    1. I thought so, too! Yes, I know about hubs and plane traffic patterns, but you could have driven to Kentucky from Arkansas by then! They certainly have enough large vehicles and adult drivers available.

    2. You could just about have driven. It would be maybe 10-11 hours, and they showed us about a 7 hour lapse between leaving the house and eating lunch/getting to the shop. One airfare I saw said $500 from Arkansas to Kentucky, per person. Times 12 or 13, plus camera crew, plus hotel, plus ground transportation, plus food... Could have bought a lot of lumber to fix that house instead.

    3. Since this was filmed TLC paid for everything. I guess it didn’t matter that it cost a lot to them

  2. I did not appreciate the "joke" Austin made about Jim Bob and guns. Implying that someone will shoot you if you don't stay on their "good side" is never funny. Having that kind of attitude about weapons isn't funny, either.

    1. I understand it's regional and mindset of some people.
      I expected it with Jimbob there....
      I don't think it's funny either.....
      You would think that they would have been a little more sensitive
      to the times we live in,today......

    2. Lighten up! It was a joke! And a funny one at that! I've heard that line used so many times. It's ok to have fun and joke around with your in-laws. Nobody pointed any guns at anyone and no threats were made! Chill!

    3. I thought it was bizarre to see a minister with what looked like an assault rifle. I don't take gun humor lightly, either. Not in this day and age when so much has happened.

    4. I also find it inappropriate to make gun jokes. If they make them around each other, then the smaller kids in both families are bound to pick up on them, too. Not a good example to set when it comes to guns and gun safety.

    5. Melissa, if someone carrying a gun came up to you and said, "You'd better stay on my good side," would you find it funny? Probably not.

    6. It wouldn't be funny if he meant it but obviously he didn't. Hunters are used to being around guns and talking about them. My dad is a hunter and has made similar jokes.

    7. Why would Pastor Caldwell make jokes about guns?! That is beyond inappropriate for a pastor!

    8. It was a JOKE. You guys are supposed to LAUGH🤣🤣🤣
      If the Duggar s never made jokes they would be considered too serious. Why do they need to be criticized so much?

    9. Really bizarre anti-gun comments. I hope all of you eat absolutely no meat nor wear leather shoes or jackets or do anything at all in your lives that involved an animal. Hunters provide meat for their families and thus decrease the need for farms. Being able to defend yourself is also a great idea. What a sad world we live in where we can't joke about anything anymore.

    10. I must be the odd man out. I'm in favor of guns. The more law-abiding people that know how to use them and carry them, the better protected we all will be.

    11. These guys were not joking around as hunters. They were joking around as if having a big gun should make someone else scared of you. And that alone is scary.

    12. Oh here we go! The snowflakes are melting over a joke...ugh.. I'm sure the poor people who got shot by that african "dreamer" at the Antioch Church in Tennessee would have appreciated having a pastor who open carried! Would have saved lives :( so yes, a preacher who knows how to shoot is a GOOD thing people!!

    13. Right, 11:35. Because that's why you go to church, to shoot people, especially if you are a preacher who's packing.

      And I take offense at how you had to call him "african" (not even a capital A).

    14. Just to clarify, the shooter in Antioch, TN, is an immigrant from Sudan, so he is in fact African. Just like it is correct to call someone born in Europe a European or someone born in Asia an Asian, it is correct to call someone born in Africa an African. The lack of capitalization is probably just a simple typo.

  3. They should have titled tonight's episode "I Don't Really Care." From John David's response to what an A-line dress is, to Joy's indecisiveness over dresses, to the audience's boredom watching all this, that title would fit.

    1. Best JD quote ever! That and "Bachelor to the rapture."

    2. true, it seems to be a big show that Joy Anna doesn't want to be a part of

    3. I thought it extremely rude of JoyAnna to shrug her shoulder and repeatedly say “I don’t care.” Renee worked so hard on the dresses exclusively for Joy and welcomed her for the day. Michelle as a mom, were you proud of Joys character that day?

    4. I wonder how much John David got paid for being on that episode also he was in the gun shooting scene..

    5. I agree, that Joy Anna, was being really rude, in this episode. This was especially true, when Renee, asked Joy, which of the six dresses she would like to try on first, and Joy's response was "I don't care." Even if you secretly hated something about all six of the dress options, there was no need to be so rude about it.

    6. So what if they shoot guns??? The media has fooled a lot of you and it's pathetic!

    7. The media has not fooled us, and neither has history. You don't need either of those to know that messing around with guns and making jokes about them is not right. Use some common sense. A 3 year old accidentally killed himself here recently because the father slipped and left a loaded gun out. "So what if they shoot guns" indeed.

    8. Maybe "the lot of us" think that conservatives and the NRA have fooled you, 11:37. It goes both ways.

  4. So at least 13 people made the trip to chose a wedding dress? And they traveled all the way to Kentucky and Miss Renee had made SIX dresses for her to try on.By the way, doesn't Miss Renee have a shop in Florida?) travel expenses for Miss Renee and her dresses.... bridal gown...airfare for over a dozen people,........hotel$$$$$$

    1. Oh please. Always picking at everything they do. Did they ask you to pay for the trip? I'm sure they didn't. It's none of our business. Move on.

    2. She opened a shop in Kentucky, so no traveling required for Miss Renee. I don't know if she still has her shop in Pensacola. Travel from Arkansas to Kentucky isn't that big of a deal.

    3. Miss Renee still has her shop in Pensacola. I live there so I see it:)

    4. In all fairness, they make it out business to see and read everything they do. I'm sure they expect criticism.

  5. If Joy didn't like wearing dresses, didn't like wedding planning, didn't like most of the dresses at the shop, and didn't want a big reception, then why in the world did she have to wear a dress, wedding plan, shop for dresses, and have a big reception? She dragged her heels the whole way thru her pre-wedding activities, including forgetting to make two important phone calls, which she shrugged off. Why didn't she and Austin elope and get married with a justice of peace? It's become quite clear that she didn't want a big wedding or anything to do with the planning. Who pushed her??

    1. People Magazine most likely. And TLC

    2. Maybe she did want a big wedding but didn't want to plan it and pick everything. She obviously has a hard time making decisions so having to make all of these decisions had to be very difficult for her.

    3. I felt like she didnt want to get married:( She's too young. She needed to wait a few more years. I've never seen such a sorrowful young bride to be.

    4. Yep, it was for the cameras! "Weddings are overrated. Oops, I mean wedding planning is overrated." (We know what you meant, Joy. You showed us again last night.)

    5. Everyone probably pushed her, after all TLC needed something to film and that's what it's all about.

    6. Their family business is based off monetizing life events for TV and magazine coverage. It's literally her job to make a spectacle of their wedding whether she wanted to or not.

    7. Anon @ 4:37 It was the big opening last season, and its still a major storyline this season. This is what this show is now courtships, engagements, weddings, prenancies and births with very little inbetween. We all know whats going to happen and have seen photographs and previews long before it airs. Joy is probably obligated to do all of this as she is part of the family and it is expected of her. I don't think she would have had much choice which is sad, they should have had the wedding THEY wanted not one fabricated for TV ratings.

  6. At least the pre-wedding stuff explains the feeling from the Wedding that Joy and Austin just wanted to get the wedding over with and get on with just being finally married and starting their life together. I think very little of this was wedding was really done with Joy in mind. Rather it was a lot of other people telling what she "ought" or "needed" to very sad. Even her one big day wasn't really hers.

    1. What do you mean by her "one big day"? I was very irate when people kept telling me my wedding was my "big day". First of all, it was an important day for me AND for my husband. Ignoring the husband and his family seems to be very popular in modern society. Second, it is just one nice day in a lifetime. I can think of dozens of other equally wonderful days. It's nice Joy let her family and Austin's have the fun of a wedding. Weddings are a fun day for everyone.

    2. Most people do think of the wedding day as the bride's big day -- the one day when she gets dressed up and all eyes are on her. It's not unusual.

    3. Anonymous at 1:35- You read a lot into my comment that I neither said nor implied. Her one big day- meaning that in their culture, it is her one big day to shine- the moment she's been raised for (to be a wife and mother) and "the husband she's been waiting for all her life" (Joy's words). I was in no way discounting the husband- I've loved and thanked God for mine for the last 31 years and it was indeed, OUR wedding all the way. Their cultural background is not the same as mine. Secondly, when I shopped for my wedding dress, I took only my mom and his (as she's like a second mom to me) for this. To us, it was far more than "one nice day in a lifetime", as you put it. It was a memorable, remarkable day as it marked the beginning of our life and all of our tomorrows together. P.S. Ten years later, I took my mom, his mom, and my sister-in-law for a special Baby Registry Day, with a girl's lunch too.

    4. I agree 1:35. I know more people who have spent thousands of dollars on weddings just to have it end in divorce a short time later :(. These people devastated naturally, but a one thing all the marriages had in common were people who were not equally yoked. Sure the wedding was gorgeous,but it's one day out of a lifetime as you stated.

  7. They already got married last season!

  8. If all the men who went shooting had worked on the house instead it would be finished by the wedding


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