
Friday, August 25, 2017

Vuolos in the Path of Harvey?

 Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo with nephews Spurgeon and Henry Seewald

The Texas coast is bracing for the arrival of Hurricane Harvey, projected to make landfall late tonight as a Category 3 hurricane. Experts are predicting catastrophic flooding and are warning that the storm could be the worst the state has seen in decades.

What does this mean for Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo? Laredo is about three hours from the coast and is not in the direct path of the storm, although the town is expecting a few inches of rainfall. Officials are working around the clock to prepare to provide shelter to evacuees from areas where Harvey will hit hardest. We know that the residents of the Texas coast and surrounding areas would appreciate prayer as they weather this storm.

Photo courtesy


  1. Maybe if the vuolos have friends near the coast they could offer them a room to stay in until it is safe again? Hoping the storm isn't as bad as predicted and everyone is ok.

    1. That would certainly be a kind thing for them to do! Unfortunately I know many people near the coast who for whatever reason don't want to leave and decide to rough it out. I'd rather be safe than sorry, personally!

  2. sending lots of prayers and calls of loving arms around those facing this hurricane

    1. This Houstonian says thank you for the prayers :)

  3. praying for them all more so Jeremy and Jing stay safe pls guys

  4. Somehow I knew you would try to tie this potentially deadly storm with the Vuolos, even though they are nowhere near the path for the worst of it.

    It would have been better to leave them out of it and just post about where people can donate to the Red Cross and other relief organizations, which are going to be overwhelmed shortly and desperately in need of funds (not just prayer).

    1. I'm sure the blogger was anticipating that some people not familiar with Texas geography would ask about the Vuolos. Thanks for your attention to the readers, Lily & Ellie!

    2. Anon at 12:18 not everyone is familiar with the geography of Texas. I didn't know that Laredo wasn't in the path of Harvey. Readers most likely would be asking. I appreciate Lily and Ellie posting and thank you suggesting donating to Red Cross.

    3. 12:18 Wow. That was rude and cold. Yes, you have the right to share an opinion, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude. Hurricanes are big news and Lillie and Ellie share anything interesting in connection with the Duggar family. They may not be in the direct path of the storm, but they will be effected in some way. I am sure they will help people who will lose homes and families.

    4. When people ask if the Vuolo's are in the path of the hurricane, as they have in comments of previous posts, it is natural to reply. Nothing to be rude or sarcastic about. Please, try to be charitable. This IS a blog about Duggars, so the posts will be about them.

    5. I thought the same thing. The Vuolo's are perfectly safe--even if it meant they would travel out of state. There are, however, thousands upon thousands without the financial resources and reality tv status to escape this monster storm. But...anything to create drama and publicity for this family.

    6. The fact they live in Texas is enough for people to wonder and ask.

      I think it's wonderful that they are letting people know they are not in direct danger and asking for prayer for those in the direct like of danger.

    7. The only thing they can do now is pray. Praying is everything .

    8. Please not the Red Cross after the fiasco of mismanagement in Haiti.

    9. notice the question mark? isnt it obvious that lily & ellie have been asked this question already and are answering it by this post? i think you really missed the point of this post, and blog for that matter

    10. Sure many people have asked about the Volo family. Be nice during disaster times.

    11. It was great to hear that they are not in the path of the storm, not everyone is familiar wth the lay out of Texas. What's amazing to me is someone as negative as you bothers to read this blog and and comment. You could have simply asked how you and others could help without the nasty backlash. Be an encourager not so judge mental.

    12. I may have started this conversation out of concern for EVERYONE in the path of the storm
      AND (so put your sarcasm somewhere else) - when I asked about their safety it was because hurricaines are known to shift. . . . . AND they could be potentially in harms way.
      Perhaps I should check with YOU before I show any interest in a serious situation.

      . . . .AND - the Duggars have been known to help out in disasterous scenarios. for exp: during and following an ice storm.

      You really annoyed me with your comment

    13. Anon @ 12:18 Well if I lived in the path of Hurricane Harvey I would hope someone is praying for me!
      Since I don't know where Laredo is, I'm glad that they posted this because I was about to ask if the Vuolos were safe.
      It would have been better for you to just post the infomation on relief organizations instead of crticizing Lily and Ellie's post.

    14. AMEN! I'm in Houston and I'm like... *eye roll* at this post. They're fine. They'll probably get an inch of rain. Here I am bracing for tornados to hit and about 35" of rain in 5 days.....

    15. This is a page about the Vuolos, not disaster relief. I think most people know about the Red Cross and how to donate. If they can find this website, I think they can find the Red Cross website.

    16. Anonymous @12:18 -
      FYI, of course this is tied to the Vuolo's. This is a blog about the Duggar Family not your local news website giving info on how to donate.
      Thanks Lilly & Ellie for the info!

    17. I thoroughly agree with your response. It doesn't always have to be about members of the Duggar family.

    18. Wow, bitter much? If they had not mentioned them then there would be 130 posts asking how they are.

    19. Anyone with a map could see they weren't going to be hit. The real question was if they were opening their church for evacuees. Or, as the OP pointed out, a reminder needed that others would be hit hard and will need help.

    20. There's never a wrong time to remind people to donate to the Red Cross.

    21. 10:28pm, may as well throw FEMA in there during Katrina, if you want to start pointing fingers.

    22. Lol people I know who live in Dallas have been getting frantic calls from out of state friends and family all week-- and they're 400 miles from where Harvey hit. So I can understand why individuals would ask.

      Houstonian here-- it's really amazing how the rain doesn't stop. And not only that, it's HEAVY rain.

  5. praying for ALL that are in Harvey's path!!!

  6. Are the Vuolos still in California vacationing? I would think they would head back to Laredo, BE THERE, and offer the church as a sanctuary for residents who have to evacuate and have no where to go. Wouldn't that be the right thing for a pastor to do? It seems he travels much more than he's home.

    1. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt since we don't know where they are or what their plans are. No need to just assume negative things about someone else.

    2. I totally get what your saying, and tbh I agree. I do wonder though, especially since they're seeing a bunch of preachers and it almost looks like they're at a conference of some kind of church-sponsored trip (maybe getting ready for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in October?) Or like continuing education for a pastor.

    3. The right thing to do is think maybe they are helping...
      and offering help....negative nellies ❗️❣❗️

    4. I find comments like this just outrageous. First of all, you make a statement not based on any facts. Something a group of posters here do all the time. Then after making that statement, you decide it IS fact and then make accusations against whichever Duggar adult child is being attacked, when it is all made up by yourself!! In this case, I also find it dangerous. This is a Category 4 Hurricane with surge water expected to be up to 12 feet with days of rain that can equal 4 feet of water falling in some areas. The state and various city officials have plans in place. Plans that they create for the safety of all concerned. An organization or church offering assistance would have to comply with those regulations and strategies that the state has in place. It is not up to an Anon poster to make rash statements on a blog in order to create venom against a couple. We have no idea what the Vuolos or their church are doing or have offered to do and what conversations may have been held with officials. Eileen

    5. not sure if it works the same in texas as it does in florida, but if there is an evacuation, no one is getting in, only out. even emergency personnel wont stay. and if you stay during an evacuation, you're on your own-dont call for help cuz no one can get there! this is a major storm!! the last thing anyone should try to do is go back until the evac is lifted. if jeremy & jinger arent home already they should stay put until after the storm. returning home after an evacuation is never a simple process either (horrific traffic/debris/power outage, etc) and can be dangerous.

      my son is 4 hours away & they're expecting at least 12 inches of rain and his in-laws even more (plus more wind) and they're about 3 hours away. for the vuolos sake, i hope they're out of harms way

    6. Why not post openly instead of anonymously. Critical much?

    7. People post anonymously because they don't have any of the other accounts listed in the profile. Nothing underhanded about it.

    8. Eileen, you are mistaken. In a disaster like this, you don't do only what is "regulated" and "planned." Plans can go quickly out the window in a disaster, as events unfold. A lot of help has to be spur of the moment, with neighbors pitching in to help neighbors when "organized relief" can't reach you. There are already stories of restaurants providing free food, people taking in strangers, and people with high-water vehicles or boats doing rescues. None of that is regulated, yet it's much-needed, and it's working.

      This storm has exceeded any "plans" a state may have had. We're watching Houston struggle moment-by-moment. Even past storm experience isn't helping. Places used as shelters before are flooded this this time. So yes, we're all watching and wondering what Jeremy's church's response will be.

    9. You can call the local chapter of your Red Cross and tell them that you have a facility that can be used as a shelter. Our church has done it.

  7. I am sorry to hear about the hurricane! I am sure Jeremy and Jinger will be ok.Hurricanes are always devastating for people!

  8. I have a sister who lives there so I will be praying for her safety as well as the safety of others including any of the readers from this blog.

    1. Thank you. It means so much knowing others are praying and thinking of us!

    2. I will be praying for all those affected by the horrific natural disaster and hoping for positive outcomes. Please let us know about your sister Regina. I will keep her in my prayers as well. Eileen

    3. Prayers for your sister and all who live in the area! Hopefully it won't be too bad but if so, praying that evacuation is calm and quick.

    4. My sister and her family are there too, Regina. I'll pray for your sister as I pray for mine.

  9. Oh please lord protect me and my kids, I'm so scared to death I'm disabled,don't have transportation to a local shelter so I'm praying the rain will be just a few sprinkle's, wish I have my Daddy here so he can help out with the kids and my self, so please (stupid hurricane Harvey) thefaster you come the faster it'll go away, please Lord hope it won't be as harsh that the light and water will be ok, I have FAITH that it'll be okay but even better if I had family close by in case of emergency I'm gonna try to not show it on my faith so my kids won't be stressed out 😔😞😱😢

    1. I hope and pray you are okay! Prayers to you and your children.

    2. @ 4:01 Prayimg for you and your children.

  10. I've had houses damaged by natural disasters five times, so I'm quite aware of what lies ahead for these families. You can pray all you want to make yourself feel better, but what the people impacted by this storm are going to need most is physical help if you're in the area (clean-up, meals, construction), building supplies, housing, and money. If your church or organization doesn't have a collection set up after the storm, see if you can start one.

  11. Our prayers go up for all in the path of the hurricanes!!!!

  12. I live in the Houston area and they are expecting 30+ inches of rain for us over the next few days. Hoping the rain is spread out. The hurricane winds aren't supposed to be too bad for my area-- the big concern is flooding. The ground here does not absorb water quickly.

  13. Is it cold where they are? Her coat looks like a wool coat.

    1. Old photograph from earlier in the year.

    2. Henry looks quite a bit younger, maybe an older photo taken in the Spring in Arkansas?

    3. Or maybe they all went on a trip up north somewhere....
      Some of you don't use your common sense...Brrrrrr 😜

  14. My daughter and grandkids are in Sugar land. I was trying to convince her yo come to east Texas. She has decided to stay there. I'm asking for prayers for them please. Prayers for Jinger and Jeremy❤

  15. Prayers for the people of Texas - may they all stay safe.

  16. Sending a lot of prayers to all of you up there in Texas as you prepare for Hurricane Harvey my best friend Pam is up there and she's preparing for this you guys are in my prayers be safe take care and God bless

  17. Sending a lot of prayers to all of you up there in Texas as you prepare for Hurricane Harvey my best friend Pam is up there and she's preparing for this you guys are in my prayers be safe take care and God bless

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Designated shelters are flooding in Houston....

    2. YES, pastors are opening churches in this disaster. Not only in Houston, where possible, but much further afield. I heard Waco and San Antonio on the news today.

    3. People are having to open makeshift shelters wherever they can. This storm exceeded all plans that the local government had in place. Now's the time for anyone with a dry space and a way to get people there to pitch in. A big church van would come in handy, as would a church kitchen. People have slept on pews in other storms and disasters.

  19. Agree @12:18.

    I understand that this can be a destructive event but I would expect that there are long standing emergency plans already formulated for those in the projected path of the hurricane. It is not like hurricanes are new events, even category 4 ones, in the Gulf Coast.

    You live in an area; you have to be aware and prepared for the extreme weather that area is subjected to. It will only be getting worse; more violent storms will be more frequent events. So, I hope that those in the path heed the instructions of authorities and keep safe. Leave when you are told to leave. Houses and cars can be replaced; your life cannot.

    Others should donate money to reputable charities, like the Red Cross to help with the material needs of those impacted. Prayers are all well and good but prayers do not provide blankets, a cot to sleep on and a hot meal.

    1. lol the authorities told us to stay put and now they're frantically trying to evacuate everyone.

    2. Prayers definitely do help! It is the way to communicate with God. God will then put a need in people's hearts to donate what is needed. He is so good!! Prayers are so needed!!

  20. I wonder where they are that they need coats? Arkansas or Texas wouldn't. It's still summer

    1. Henry looks quite a bit younger, I think it is an older photo.

    2. This is an older photo.

    3. they needed coats when the picture was taken,
      Quite a few months ago 🙄❣

  21. Prayers for all in the path of Harvey.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  22. Sending lots of prayers their way. I hope that everyone in that side of Texas is safe and that the hurricane Harvey passes through with as little damage to the state as possible.

  23. So Laredo is fine. In fact, growing up in Corpus it was where we evacuated to a time or two. It's plenty inland and actually the perfect direction to head to avoid Harvey. TX is a large state!

  24. Do Jeremy and Jinger plan to help those who are being affected by Harvey?

  25. The Alert academy is based in Texas. Maybe they could put all their training to good use and go and join in the rescue/help efforts? Not trying to be mean but we have seen a number of the boys go to these camps and the family facebook page always seems to be promoting it, this would be the perfect opportunity to show christian compassion through actions.

    1. I don't recall the boys ever helping with a disaster after that Alert training. I don't know what they're waiting for.

    2. Alert men work all the time in disasters!! They helped rebuild houses and things after a tornado in Mississippi recently to be specific.

    3. We saw them helping out after tornadoes in at least one episode.

    4. How do we know they aren't heading that way ready to help?

    5. I am sure they would help with disasters happening in their own state. It isn't recommended for people to travel toward a hurricane even to help out. They evacuate people for a reason.

      My husband has taken some emergency training to help when there is a disaster nearby. He hasn't needed to use it yet, but it is good to be prepared.

    6. I thought some of them went to Joplin Mo after the tornados and it was part of a show?

    7. Yes, I did see that the boys have helped with stuff after that Alert training.

  26. Praying for them hope they are all okay. Love and hugs. xx

  27. To those saying that a church can't be used as an evacuation center, you must not be watching the news. Everything and anything on dry ground is being used. A school, a grocery store, and even someone's own furniture store, where people are sleeping on the floor samples. In a disaster, you do what needs to be done, in the moment, and you don't wait for an official to plan it.

    1. AMEN 6:35! The most heart-warming stories coming out of this horrific disaster are the ones where people are taking matters into their own hands, providing what's needed, and saving lives!

  28. The world is a big place you know. I appreciate being told where Larado is in Texas. I live in Australia and have no idea. I waa very concerned - and saying prayers for all the people affected. So it is very helpful to learn Jeremy and Jinger are not in the direct path of the storm. Not every one lives in the USA people so we need a little help - keep up the good work.

  29. What's more important are the people who got left behind--the poor have to deal with this. They can afford to fly out of the state if they wanted to!

  30. Sending my thoughts and prayers too jinger and Jeremy and everyone in Texas who has been effected by Harvey.feom South Wales United Kingdom


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