
Monday, July 3, 2017

Tonight: 'A Boy or Girl for Jill?'

It's Monday, and you know what that means...

A new episode of Counting On airs tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT! We are on a short blogging break, so our recap will be a day or two late, but we will post it as soon as we can.

Monday, July 3
9pm: A Boy or Girl For Jill? (NEW)
The Seewalds are adjusting to being a family of four. In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy learn Spanish and test their skills at a local restaurant. Meanwhile, Joy enjoys dinner with Austin's family. Then the Dillards reveal the gender of Baby #2.
11pm: A Boy or Girl For Jill? (NEW)

Photo courtesy DCL


  1. The content of the show is just way,way too far behind real time. It's what, 6 months old or more? This baby, we already know it's a boy and his name; is about to be born any day now and we're watching a gender reveal? TLC really needs to not be so far behind. It's like watching boring reruns of an already boring show.

  2. We know its a boy he is due this month and they are going to name him Samuel Scott Dillard.

  3. we know its a boy already and he is due this month

  4. we already know its a boy due this month

  5. I loved the show tonight. Every Monday I look forward to seeing it. Jill and Derick are the cutest and sweetest couple. I'm looking forward to seeing the birth on TV. Does anyone know if it will be aired?

    1. Is that a joke? What DON'T they aire on tv??

  6. Who are Kensi (Kinsey?) and Tyler, who were on one of the teams of the mystery hunt?

    1. Kynzi is Mckynzie who is Josh' s oldest daughter. Tyler is Michelle's young relative her and JimBob are helping to take care of.

    2. Tyler is the child of a family member that Jim Bob and Michelle have taken on. And Kensi is Mackenzie, Josh and Anna's eldest child.

    3. Mackynzie (Anna and Josh's daughter) and Tyler (the nephew that Michelle and Jim Bob has custody of)

    4. Kensi (Kinsey?) is Josh and Anna's oldest child. Tyler is the little boy that is the child of a relative of Michelle's that now lives with Jim Bob and Michelle. Not positive if they have adopted him yet.

    5. I think Kensie is Derick's sister or niece – not quite sure on that. Tyler is Michelle's great-nephew who is living with them permanently after they gained custody of him from Michelle's sister.

    6. That was Josh and Anna's oldest (Kenzie is her nickname) and Michelle's neice's son.

    7. Kensi is Anna and Josh's daughter Mckynzie and Tyler is Michelle's nephew I believe whom they've taken in for awhile.

    8. Josh and Anna's daughter, MacKenzie, whom they often call Kynzie. And Tyler is Michelle's nephew whom the Duggars have guardianship of.

    9. Kensi is Mackensey (sp?) who it Josh and Anna's girl and Tyler is a family member of Michelle's that the Duggars have take in.

    10. Tyler is the child they have custody of or something. I remember there were a few posts about it earlier this year.

    11. @Anonymous 10:36 Kynzie is Jim Bob and Michelle's first grandchild (Josh and Anna's daughter) and Tyler is Jim Bob and Michelle's adopted son, and is biologically Michelle's great nephew.

    12. Kynzie is Josh and Anna's oldest daughter Mackynzie,and Tyler is Michelle's neice's son that she and Jim Bob have had guardianship of since last summer.

    13. Kensey is Josh & Anna's oldest child - her name is Mckenzie (not sure of spelling) & Tyler is the child the Duggars have "custody" of - for lack of a better word.

      I really enjoyed the show & look forward to seeing more about Jill & Derick's dilly #2 child.
      I get a kick out of their senses of humor.
      Derick seems to be a real fun loving person.

    14. Kenzi is Anna's daughter, Mackenzie's nick name. Tyler is Michelle's nephew whom is living with them.

    15. Tyler is Michelle's sister's daughter's child, and the Duggars got legal custody (not adoption) of him last year. Michelle's sister was looking after him until she had medical problems.

  7. Congrats and God bless Jill and Derrick and growing family!

  8. I think that it is to early to tell, what they will do, with Jill's birth episode. They might tack it on the end of this season, or they could save, it for next season.

  9. A good episode. It's a treat too already know the outcome, but I enjoy watching the episodes leading up to the outcome. I like Jeremy and Jinger. I believe their enjoying this time together, before even thinking about starting a family. It's a time for a husband and wife too relax and bond.....Jane

  10. It's the same over and over. Need fresh stuff and much more up-to-date.

  11. McKenzie is Ana's daughter and Tyler is a nephew that Michelle and Jim Bob have adopted.

    1. No, they are Tyler's great-aunt and great-uncle, and they only (so far) have legal custody of him.


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