
Monday, July 24, 2017

'The After Show Part 2' Recap

Counting On "The After Show Part 2"

  • As the show opens, Daphne Oz plays a clip from Jinger and Jeremy’s honeymoon. She asks which couple likes PDA the most, and the answer is unanimous: Jill and Derick. (The Dillards are not at the interview because Jill will soon deliver baby Samuel.)
  • Jim Bob and Michelle arrive with Spurgeon and Henry. When Jessa and Ben ask Spurgeon if he wants to hold the baby, Spurgeon says no and squirms away.
  • The topic turns to in-laws and grandchildren. “If each one of our kids just has five children each, then we’ll have over 100,” says Jim Bob.
  • Daphne asks about the questionnaire that Jim Bob gives to possible sons-in-law, and the Duggar dad says got the idea from another family. “When our daughters are leaving home…you want to make sure it’s going to be the best situation for them,” says Jim Bob.
  • Daphne asks if any of the guys in particular have passed with flying colors. “Each one has passed, or they wouldn’t have been married,” laughs Jim Bob. Everyone else smiles and laughs with him.
  • As the cameras start rolling after the first commercial break, Kendra walks in. Joy and Kendra were friends even before Kendra started courting Joseph.
  • Daphne shows a clip from Austin’s proposal to Joy, and the newlywed Forsyths confess that they shared a hug that was more than a side hug.
  • Joy and Austin share an interesting tidbit. After the first kiss at their wedding, Austin asked Joy if she wanted him to carry her out of the sanctuary, and Joy said no. She knew her dress was complex and didn’t want to mess it up.
  • Later, the Vuolos, Seewalds, and Forsyths face off in “the couples showdown.” Here are some of the highlights:
  • What would your wife say was the most memorable part of your honeymoon? Everyone talks about being alone for the first time, except Jessa, who answers, “Rome.” (Apparently she and Ben had both planned to say Rome, but Ben had forgotten.)
  • I wish my spouse would stop _____.
    • Jeremy: Doubting herself
    • Joy: biting his nails
    • Austin: whooping me in pool
    • Ben: getting down about her weight
  • Who takes up more than their half of the bed, him or her? Everyone says “her,” except Jessa, who says “Henry.”
  • Daphne brings out Joseph and Kendra.
  • What pet name does your wife/fiancé call you? Jeremy’s answer is “Baaaaaaabe.” Most of the couples say babe and/or lovey.
  • When asked what Joseph's hidden talent is, Kendra says, "Most people would say he’s not talkative, but he’s really good at talking with people."
  • My spouse/fiancé is afraid of____.
    • Jinger: bad breath
    • Jeremy: Texas bugs
    • Joy: nothing really
    • Austin: nothing
    • Jessa: GMOs, MSG, partially hydrogenated oils, TBHQ, cheap candles, and germs
    • Ben: bugs and spiders
    • Kendra: being in water
    • Joseph: bugs
  • Joy and Austin are the winners.


  1. Um, Jim Bob, you're math is a little off there. You won't have over 100 grandkids if each of your kids have five

    1. They have 19 kids plus Michelle's nephew whom they have taken on as their own...hence 20x5=100

    2. I think he said "around" 100. Give the guy a break😉

    3. They would have 100 if he's counting their adopted child.

    4. Jim Bob and Michelle have taken in/unofficially adopted a family member. If they consider this child (a boy) their son then the math would be 100 grandchildren.

    5. Close enough. People always expect everyone to be perfect but their selves.

    6. Yes they adopted a nephew 5 times 20 is 100

    7. He is only 5 off. Cut him some slack

    8. Actually he is correct. Since they adopted Michelle's nephew, they have 20 children.

    9. Yes they would. Your math is off.

    10. Another comical discussion. I'm starting to come here for comedy factor.

    11. Ok, does everyone need to go back to 2nd grade? ;)

    12. To everyone here saying Michelles nephew has been adopted by the Duggars, he has not been adopted, they merely have guardianship. This site is comedy gold for some of the so called 'facts' fans attribute to the Duggars lol!

  2. Is there a clip somewhere of just the after show?

  3. It was interesting to see how much each knew about each other

  4. Loved the show. Could we have an update on Jill an the baby.

  5. Thanks for the update..I just love love love this family..

  6. I just absolutely love love love this happy for all the newly weds

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed both parts of the after show. You didn't mention anything about the diapers during your recap. I thought Jeremy was hilarious. When Jessa said that they changed about 7 diapers for each of their boys per day, Jeremy was surprised. He thought it was a lot less unless one of the babies had a big lunch. Ha! He also asked why they would change a diaper when it wasn't dirty... and then he caught on that it also needs changed when they are wet. Jinger's expression during this discussion was priceless.

  8. Out was a good segment! You can tell that Joy and Austin are the most comfortable around each other- by far my fab couple followed by Jinger and Jer.

  9. I think Joy-Anna and Austin are my favorite couple.

  10. Joy Ann and austin are my favorite couple.some comfortable with each other

    1. Agree. Austin seems very mature and knowing.

    2. Yes! Austin reminds me of my husband in his demeanor

  11. I guess Joy and Austin returned to their honeymoon after this was taped, because they were married only 26 days here, but we know they were still on their honeymoon in Israel on their one month anniversary. That's too bad that they had to disrupt their holiday.

    1. I'm sure it was paid for and part of obligation to TLC

    2. TLC doesn't pay for they trips. Austin payed for it himself with the help of his parents.

      They don't take money from TLC.

  12. I really enjoyed this episode. It was great to see the questions go past the usual ones and the game was a lot of fun and a great way to learn more about each couple. Eileen

  13. They have 19 children plus they have taken in Michelle's nephew as their own hence 20x5=100.

  14. Joy and Austin seem very comfortable with each other, down-to-earth and relatable.

  15. Joy and Austin favorite couple
    The rest look like fake

  16. Jessa and Ben seemed super uncomfortable...

    1. I noticed that too! It really seems like Jessa has to walk on eggshells around Ben. She hardly ever teases/jokes (as she does with other people). The few times she did tease him it was like she had to backtrack and clarify she was teasing and he is great. Things got really awkward when she mentioned the length of their courtship. Seemed like a soft spot

    2. Jessa has attitude...

    3. Sometimes Jessa has no filter and likes being right. After two years of marriage that can get demeaning and old. They will find the balance eventually again with marriage and children.
      Jessa had to wait for Ben to be in position to even consider marriage and her parents helped. The efforts and maturity put forth should be recognized instead of being a Thorn in her memory.

  17. Could someone tell me exactly what Ben does for work???

  18. Replies
    1. Public display of affection

    2. Public display affection

    3. Thank you for answering my question.

  19. Jessa and Ben must let Henry sleep with them.

    I was waiting for Daphne to ask them what do you wear to bed?

  20. I think it's telling that Jeremy and Ben say Jinger and Jessa doubt themselves and are down on their weight, respectively. When women are told their value lies in being pretty helpmeets, it doesn't leave a lot of room for confidence.

    1. I would imagine being in the spotlight and having your appearance and every decision critiqued by millions of people would affect your self-confidence significantly. You can find tremendous self-worth in taking care of your family, but I would say that the self-worth you find in media is short-lived at best.

    2. They're both very thin, so it's strange to hear they're down on their weight.

    3. It's hard to believe Jinger would be down on her weight - she's already almost too thin. Sometimes it worries me that she might not be eating well and trying to maintain her figure only. Jessa looks fine. She looks like she's in good shape and looks like a healthy mother! You can see her weight fluctuates between children but that's only natural. She's a mother now - although she may lose weight, the pre-mother body will not come back. But that's ok! She's got two precious angels (and most like more in the future) so she shouldn't be hard on herself for not having that youthful girls weight again. As long as she keeps herself healthy is the main thing.

    4. The food in Texas were Jinger lives is different then Arkansas. Texas has a lot more spicy food they in Arkansas.

  21. Joy-Anna and Austin are my favorite. They seem so natural and comfortable with each other. Jinger and Jeremy seemed to know the least about each other. But I thought it was interesting that even Jeremy noted how Jinger always pronounces the word "Baaaabe"!

  22. Joy Anna & Austin have known each other a long time - unlike the other couples.
    My favorite couple - hands down - Jill & Derick, missed them (understandedly) on the after shows.
    I hope all is well with them.

  23. P D A
    Display of

  24. I don't think they adopted the boy....just legal guardians
    Why don't people understand that......he has a mother...❣

    1. Yes, Tyler has a biological mother and father. What is the problem with them???

  25. Nice to hear the couples banter back & forth, although "somewhat" scripted, they seemed very honest and open with their answers.
    It would be wonderful if their furture shows were similar - just every day going ons in their lives. . . no script. That type of thing has begun - i.e. Jinger & Jeremy in the Mexican Restaurant.

    Can someone update us on Jill & baby?
    Just a couple of words - thanks

  26. QUICK note: Jana & John David are truly lovely people. I wish them nothing but happiness.
    Then there is Josiah & Jason - they always seem to make us smile with their comments.
    . . . .that brings us to the twins, love to hear more about & from them.

  27. Yes Joy-Anne & Austin do seem very comfortable with each other but it could be that they knew each other plus they picked out their mates they didn't have their dad pick out their relationship

    1. They all picked out their own mates, regardless of who introduced them or where they met, just as they decided who not to pursue a friendship with.

  28. I love Jeremy's personality! I bet he and Jinger have a ball together

  29. Help! I don't mean to be dumb but what is a PDA. I don't think it was explained on the show and I'm racking my poor brain. Lol. Thanks

  30. I wish Jim Bob would make that questionnaire available to others.

    1. That questionnaire would be interesting to see...and remember when Jeremy let that cat out of the bag...Funnnnny...
      I see Jeremy as being so different than all the Duggars .
      I wish Jinger and him much,much happiness 💕

    2. I believe Jeremy has enjoyed a very main stream past (which will never come to light). He has a lot of experience to share with Jinger😉.

  31. I have to say, this was probably the most interesting show of "counting on" that I've seen! Lol! I thought this was really well done and the kids opened up more than I've ever seen. Jeremy is the best and his sense of humor really lightened things up in the room several times. Honestly, I think they should do and "aftershow" after every season! It was totally awesome. Mrs. Oz was a brilliant interviewer. She had some pointed questions to evoke good answers yet there were some lighter ones too for fun. Hope they do this again after the next season!!!

  32. Not sure why but these two episodes are no longer available. I live outside the States and have no provider to log into. Can someone tell me why they are no longer available and what I should do to be able to view. There are several episodes that are no longer available. WHY???


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