
Monday, July 17, 2017

Season Three Coming Soon!

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell

This run of new episodes ends next Monday, but no need to worry. The Duggars are coming back soon! Counting On season three premieres Monday, September 11th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT. There's a lot in store, including the segment that I (Ellie) watched from behind the scenes during filming. Check out the promo video below.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Same format- rehashing what has been shown!!

  2. This has to be a joke, there's been like 3-4 episodes? That is nowhere near a season. Their gonna lose viewers if they keep this up

    1. People have been concerned about them losing viewers from the first season. These people are like boomarangs. They just keep coming back.

  3. What?? They been a couple episodes and they've been fillers and partly repeats. What a disappointing season

    1. The summer episodes don't count as an official "season". That's why there are fewer episodes than longer seasons.

  4. I just don't get it. I guess I never will. This family's focus on marriage and babies is just SO over the top.

    1. You do not watch their lives 24/7,thos show has editors...

    2. Well, that's how they got their start on TLC. The Duggar claim to fame is having lots of kids.

  5. I really hope Jill is OK!

  6. Any word on Jed (or is it Jer?) one of the twin boys has been noticeably MIA this season.

  7. A challenge: a weeks worth of posts without mentioning courtship, engagement, marriage or babies. I don't think it can be done!

    1. Even the Duggars themselves can't achieve that!

  8. I thought what they have been airing is season 3? Are they just taking a gap (or break) like in season 2?

  9. Oh wow that was a seriously short season. Or it just feels like it just started lol. Is it just me?!

  10. If Jill and Derick (and their many visitors) totaled up the amount wasted on airfare between their "mission" location and Arkansas, and simply donated that amount to individuals or an aid organization in need, they would be bringing significantly more value to those in need. Their "missionary" lifestyle is horrendously wasteful. The only lives they are impacting are their own.

    1. You don't have the right to say that they aren't impacting anyone else's life. Only the people they've actually met and ministered to have the right to say whether it's made a difference in their lives. You certainly have the right to say that you don't like them or that you don't like Christians who share their faith, or even that you would do it differently if you were involved in missions. You just don't have the right to decide whether or not someone else appreciates what the Dillards have done for them. I'm surprised that part of your comment was approved.

    2. Aid organisations spend most of their money on staff & bribes for administration in the foreign countries. Very little goes to the people. If you truly want to help people, go help someone in your neighbourhood. Sending $ to a third-world country only makes you feel better; it doesn't actually help. If it did, we wouldn't have third-world countries anymore yet we do. Hmmm.

    3. agree on some levels. It used to be required that missionaries not have children - good reason for that.

    4. That's been a hot topic and I'm glad you shared your opinion here.
      I hope they focus on their family and Derrick return's to work to provide and afford travels.

    5. You make some interesting points, I figure that's between them and God.

    6. LisaG- I think the point is that the Dillard's could use their resources in a more productive way, rather than spending money on frequent air travel. If they truly feel they can impact the lives of others, why not do this closer to home? Money saved can be given to humanitarian efforts in other countries.

    7. I fully agree with both Lisa and Anon 1:37 !!

  11. I am excited to see that there is a season three but I am not thrilled about keep repeating what has already been seen. It is like watching rewind constantly. Love the show been watching since the kids were small. Congratulations to all the new family members as well.

  12. Season 3!? By my calculations, this'd be Season 5!

    Season 1 - Jill & Jessa's new lives.
    Season 2 - The Vuolo's Relationship.
    Season 3 - Preparing for the Vuolo Wedding.
    Season 4 - Joystin's Relationship.
    Season 5 - Josendra's Relationship.

    Fortunately, I'm keen to watch the show again...!

    1. That sounds right SuperJames :) I like the nicknames!My friend teases me and calls me "Marek"

    2. Thanks. Why do they call you Marek?
      Also, 'someone' got rather jealous when Joystin started courting back in November.

    3. It's my husband's and my name put together. Mary and Derek :). Aw I understand. Do you know the Duggar family?

    4. I thought 'someone' was jealous of Jinger, and Jessa, and Jill....

    5. Oh! Well, that's actually kind of cute.
      Yeah. I felt my heart was crushed when I read about it.
      I "met" them back in November 2013 when there were only 14 and Michelle was pregnant again. Since then I became a devout follower/fan. It wasn't until Season 8 that I followed them dearly...until the Show got cancelled. I was super excited when I got to watch the first Counting On pilot episode when it was broadcast last year. I was thrilled to see the Vuolo's relationship bloom...until they dropped the Bomb after the Wedding Episode. Since then, I haven't watched the "in between" Seasons. Hopefully I can bring myself to watch the show again.

    6. I gotcha :) they are beautiful young ladies. One day you will find the one right for you :)

    7. Anon. 11:16 - Nah! The Vuolos were a match made in Heaven, the Seewalds have a special charm, and the Dillards have hearts for the Mission. Joystin and Josendra have yet to find their Place. However, 'someone' had become infatuated with Joy years before.

    8. Anon. 7:28 - "Yes, totally!" Thanks. You know, if these Girls are my highest standard, I can't imagine the One God will choose for me!

  13. I am excited love your whole family cant wait for Joseph and kendra get married love Tammy F

  14. As usual, the video doesn't play (black box). Where do you get these videos from to embed?

  15. This was a promo for next season? It seems like a lot we've already seen?I'll be front and center though!

  16. It broke my heart in promo when Jana and the little girls were crying. As I'm some ways the girls were realized by the older girls in their buddy groups. It would be so hard to see the sibling who raised you go and esp Jana who is the only older girl life. On other note I am disappointed in TLC only showing a couple episode's.

  17. Poor Jana and girls in the promo. Those younger girls were raised by their sibling's so it would be hard I imagine seeing Joy go and get married. Jana is so patient, her time will come.

    1. Being close to a sibling who helps you get ready in the morning, when you are young, is NOT being raised by them.

  18. The seasons go way to fast. I would watch the show year round. Short seaaons we miss to much. I know a lot of people have nothing better to do than constantly pass judgement on others without considering how you would feel if someone always sat passing judgement on you. Remember that is reserved for a higher power. Now with all that said the reason I said that is because I would love to watch Anna's delivery showcased just like the others. To the Duggar family if you are reading this thank you for sharing your life with us.

    1. If they don't want judgment passed, then turn off the cameras.

    2. Why watch or follow this blog if you aren't a fan of the show ? That really makes no sense to me !

    3. Helooooo..they chose to share their life which is great but people have opinions and they all share them here, regardless of whether you like it or not.

    4. It's sad that people give themselves permission to judge people on tv. Hopefully they give more grace to people they know in real life!

    5. Jane- You have no way of knowing if Anna even wants this next delivery "showcased." Perhaps she is tired of the TLC limelight. Furthermore, protecting the privacy of her children should be a priority, don't you think?

    6. Re TLC showcasing Annas delivery, if they did show it that would mean showing Josh and that would get the show cancelled in a heartbeat.

  19. Not worried....
    Look forward to blog and other ways to keep up.
    Getting rid of Cable..
    Thanks for your efforts to keep readers informed.

    1. I got rid of cable years ago and I don't miss it for a day, neither does my son. You are paying for so much mindless non sense with cable TV. And worse yet,the rates always go up! And what do YOU as the customer get to your benefit along with the rate hike? Just a pat on the back for being a sucker.

    2. Good for you. Cable TV is a waste of money and time.

    3. If u know some tricks, you can still watch them, I know some tricks, and I hope that helps. I have not had cable for years, and I have not missed it, REALLY!!!!!

    4. Justine, please share your tricks!

  20. would it not be season 4 coming soon unless they spit season 3 in 2 which is what i think they did because on the tic website the current season is season 3 when you are looking for an episode

    1. I agree, I thought that the current season, was season three!!!

  21. Hope to see more of the family next season! Really miss all the Duggars. Just having the older girls is okay but really miss Jim Bob and Michelle, the little kids, Josh and Anna, and Grandma Duggar!

  22. I thought this was Season 3 that we were watching already! That is weird. So the "new" season in September is still going to be showing the lead-up to Joy's wedding?

    1. Much of the programming is redundant.

    2. Redundant, behind the time curve, and heavily laced with clips we've seen many times before. And then you get to see 5 commercials for crummy other shows on TLC.

    3. YES, 11:22 - I'll bet the Duggars themselves don't let the kids watch the show as it airs, because of those commercials!

  23. Parenting is hard work? No kidding. I love my kids dearly and wouldn't trade them for the world, but we have no regrets that we stopped at two.

    1. While you might flippantly say that now, you may regret that decision as you age....

    2. Or, she knows herself and will remain happy with two.

    3. There is no valid reason to regret anything like that "as you age." The number of kids you have does not guarantee anything in old age. You can have 1 totally devoted child who helps you constantly, or you can have 6 who don't want any duties and are busy with their own lives. I watched a friend get sent to a nursing home not of her choosing, with 5 kids who fought about it, wouldn't contribute financially, and wouldn't visit very often. There is no guarantee in larger numbers of children. Don't regret not having more. Work to strengthen the relationships with the ones you already have.

    4. 9:04 This is 7:57- I am already "seasoned", a senior citizen and retired. I stand by my comment about being perfecting happy with two kids (grown, of course) and no regrets for not having had more. I don't think we should selfishly bring children into the world just to keep us company in our old age!

    5. July 18 @ 9:04
      Are you suggesting that an expectation of companionship and having someone to take care of you in your senior years should be a motivation for having a big family? If so, that sounds very self-centered.

  24. Joy and the girls in her buddy group seem very sad. She's very young and with so little life experience to be a bride... best wishes to them of course.

  25. Love the show love there books

  26. I dislike the way all of the girls who get engaged/married say "This is what I've been waiting for my entire life or for SO long! REALLY? Joy is still a teenager!

    1. A lot of what they say is the same thing all who married before them say. It's robotic.

    2. Agreed. I'm not trying to be critical here, but it is a little unnerving (and a little sad) how all the girls mirror each other in facial expressions, vocal inflections, and Duggar sayings. Sometimes, it feels a little like even though they look physically different and dress individually, they're all cut from the same cloth. Maybe because of the Buddy system, they unconsciously mirror their older buddy?

  27. It does seem like the new promo is just lots of old footage.. It would certainly be nice to feel as if we were really keeping up with their lives instead of watching things from what feels like a year ago. I would love to see how Joy & Austin are adjusting to married life! Or more of just the daily routines of everyone. Especially the Vuolos out there in TX. Anything more updated. One person said it feels like constant rewinding, and I do agree. It'd be awesome to feel more updated. Love watching this sweet family!

  28. I personally wish they would just get rid of Counting on and bring back 19 Kids and counting an hr episode a week. Everything on Counting on always the same. I want to see all of the Dugger's we never get to see. The boys and little ones. Come on we even want to see Anna and even Josh.

    1. I agree. The most fun is seeing the little kids. Not the adults and not the babies and not the engagements/weddings ad nauseum.

  29. Please keep us up tp date about Jill/Derick and new baby - I was so disappointed that they were not in last night's Part 1. . .. after show.
    It is unlike the Duggar family not to be saying more about the new baby. . . . put Jill & Derick aside, OTHERS could let us know how all is going.

  30. Jana is awesome keep being you are wonderful daughter and sister and Auntie! God has plan for your life! Keep your eyes on Him you will be richly blessed! Nay sayers leave her alone!

  31. I'm wondering if TLC having troubles with what programs to air. It seems silly to air something and then turn around and air it again like it's a new episode. I don't have cable anymore but noticed that problem with other shows when we had cable. Perhaps TLC should go back to their roots and present educational programs like " Death by Chocolate" or even "The Operation"
    Anyway, that's my thoughts on why they keep rehashing stuff we already know.

  32. Joy , enough kissy-kisses .....we know you can kiss now , but we may not
    want to see it it...

    1. ALL the girls are guilty of too many public displays of affection. The grabbing of the arm is as bad as the kissing. It comes across as showing off!

    2. For pity's sake, they are a young couple in love. Physical affection is normal and healthy. What is wrong with holding each others arm or hand?

    3. Agreed on the possessive arm grabbing thing. He's a husband and a human being, not a prize trophy. It's immature and actually evidences an insecurity. He's not going anywhere (hopefully). ;). Before I get flamed, we've been happily married 25 years, happily still romancing, and have never felt the need to cling to each other for dear life in a filmed interview. LOL

    4. Once married, they keep showing off that they can kiss now. It's so weird.

  33. A better idea for season 3: Jana Courts!

    1. Or Jana gets a job with someone who's not her father.

      Or Jana goes to Arkansas State.

      Or Jana moves to her own apt.

    2. Jana graduates!

    3. I'd just love it if they followed Jana through her day or over a series of days. I get the impression that Jana is more introverted and doesn't really want to be the center of attention-she's never been one to seek out the limelight. She really evidences maturity and depth of character. She's by far my favorite Duggar, a Proverbs 31 woman to be sure.

    4. Jana marries and has children

    5. It would be nice to see something other then marriages and home births. One of them going to off to college or getting a job would be nice.

  34. I love to watch the kids grow up and begin they're own lives. Seasons are way too short for sure. I don't have to agree with everything about their beliefs to enjoy the show. I'm sure they wouldn't agree with mine either. But, we can love anyway. Don't watch if you don't enjoy. It's that simple.

  35. I love to watch the kids grow up and begin they're own lives. Seasons are way too short for sure. I don't have to agree with everything about their beliefs to enjoy the show. I'm sure they wouldn't agree with mine either. But, we can love anyway.

  36. TLC has other new show's and probably attempting to raise viewer ratings. Having season's shorten doesn't help them being behind though.
    If the next season starts in September, that will mean the next wedding won't air until January then recap everything leading up to it.
    They will probably have a contract with people magazine to keep us more current.

  37. Happy to hear you all will be coming back on in the fall! I enjoy the shoew

  38. So sorry to be losing the Duggar shows I have this coming Monday set to record in case I don't get to watch it. I don't want to miss it. I have enjoyed watching the shows.

  39. Wow! I watched this past week and can't believe (like the masses) that this "Season" is ending already!! Two of the episodes are just dedicated to recaps and couples interviews. It seems like this Season just started and now it's ending? Come on TLC, where's your previous work ethic that delivered interesting and diverse episodes versus recaps all the time!

  40. Love the show and the Duggars because they love the LORD!


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