
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Photo of Samuel Scott Dillard

As we announced, Samuel Scott Dillard was born yesterday afternoon to Jill and Derick Dillard via C-section. (Click here for details.) Above is the first photo of the new Duggar addition that has been released by the family. Both Jill and Samuel are doing well.

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  1. Congratulations, what a beautiful baby

  2. Branflakes001@yahoo.comJuly 9, 2017 at 1:08 PM


  3. That picture tells me that everything did not go pie perfect smoothly for Samuel's grand entrance. He's on oxygen, so he needed breathing help for some reason. He's got an IV and a bag of fluids, so he might have had blood sugar problems, or needed antibiotics, or something. He's on an EKG so there may have been some fetal distress with that long labor. That entire picture does not say, "Let's try for a home birth again." That says, "We need to deliver in a hospital." But he is pink and crying, so that's good.

    It's an odd picture to release without any explanations from the family, though. Here's the no attention to the tubes and monitors?

    1. Poor little boy. This pic is humilating.

    2. Get over yourself! It is a joyous occassion! He is a precious child of God and beautiful!! Keep your negativity to yourself!!

    3. The mother isn't featured holding her newborn. Very unusual.

    4. Why humiliating?

    5. I don't understand this move either but happy that the baby is healthy.

    6. Looks like they knew when a hospital birth was going to be necessary which is the first requirement of anyone contemplating a home birth. If the pregnancy was uncomplicated, it would not be unwise to plan a home birth. As a former NICU Nurse, there are many reasons why a baby may need oxygen for a short time. All babies are on monitors after birth if they need oxygen. c/section babies often have extra fluid that will absorb into their lungs over time. Not sure about the IV, however he was a large baby, and if he isn't eating due to the oxygen need, then an IV may be necessary.

    7. @1:55 pm. Why humiliating? What a weird comment. A little adorable new life being helped by modern medical intervention. A happy father. Seems like a nice pic to me.

    8. Humiliating to a newborn? Or to the parents, whom we are going to judge when we don't know all the circumstances?

    9. why? You must be "kidding"

    10. I also think that they should have waited to release a photo..

    11. They thought it was OK to release a picture of Derick shortly after his surgery! Hospital privacy doesn't seem to matter to them.

    12. Anonymous July 9 1:12PM I agree, this picture shows me that something went wrong. I really love the Duggars and I'm no one to judge them, but I've said this once here and I will say again: homebirth isn't always what people say it is. The Duggar's should be aware that there is a feminist agenda behind it. They should also be aware that there are some feminist activists behind one of the most important homebirth safety researches, and that research not only is misleading, it's being misinterpreted. I will not write everything that I wrote the last time I commented here, it would take forever. I just wish Jill a fast recovery and that baby Samuel gets well soon.

    13. Congratulations to the new parents! God is amazing... a child's birth, healthy or not is not humiliating... this is a joyous occasion. Mom and baby are alive ... that is enough reason for praise. May God be with the family during this new chapter in their lives. Welcome baby Samuel!

    14. I wondered about all the tubes etc but definitely that is too long to try for a vaginal birth after a section first time. There will now be a limit on how many babies thru birth. Adoption is option of course.

    15. I'm a twin and was born small and needed tubes. I don't find this photo humiliating. I pray that everyone is healthy and happy. Babies are a gift from God. He knew them before they were born. Praise be to God. And as for the Mom not being in the picture shown, so what. She will have plenty of time for that. This is a happy moment between a Father and his son. Congratulations!

  4. So adorable. Looks like he might have had a little birth injury on his arms. Hope he heals quickly. Congratulations to all!

    1. It's not a birth injury, it's a board to keep the IV line in place. He's hooked up to all sorts of stuff there.

    2. Agree with above my son had one!

    3. Except the IV is in the other hand not the hand with the arm board. The red glow shows there is a pulsox monitor on the arm board hand but those usually only require a single Velcro foam wrap like you see on his left foot as well.

    4. You can't really tell with the words across it.

    5. The IV is in his left hand. There are pictures out there without the writing across it.

  5. What do you mean....what can you see ?

    1. They are looking at the IV and ID bracelet.

    2. He's on oxygen, a heart monitor and has an IV line in his right arm. My guess is that he was in respiratory distress when born. The IV may be an antibiotic because of meconium aspiration. He looks good though so he should be ok.

    3. Jill had Group B strep last time when she delivered, remember? Maybe she had problems with it again?

    4. I'm thankful the boy is in good hands. I don't understand the choice to allow labor that long after knowledge the baby would be large.
      I doubt Jill had been monitored by an OBGYN consistently or plans would have been less stressful.
      People make their own choices in life and they aren't anyone's business no matter the obvious.
      We wish them good health and many blessings and prayers.

  6. Some babies are born in the hospital to women who labor in the hospital, for less time, and their babies need a little extra help. It could have happened regardless. Mom and baby are doing well. That's all that matters. Congratulations Jill, Derrick, and Israel!

    1. Mom is doing well but buy that picture doesnt look like babies doin to great.

    2. Mom would not be out of the woods for awhile, not after a C-section. There's always a blood clot risk, for starters. I know a woman who delivered C-section, was doing fine, and then....was not.... Not a happy ending.

    3. anonymous @2:48, blood clots are always a risk for any major operation,like a C-Section. That is why women are encouraged to get up and walk ASAP, after the operation. I was up and walking on the day of both of my C-Sections.

      C-Sections saves lives but they should be used sparely.

  7. 40 hours is too long for labor.

    1. I think they add the hours of pre-labour for dramatic effect, 40 hours of full on labour I doubt it, that would indeed be unhealthy for mother and child.

    2. I agree! Not good for mom or baby. Hope mom and baby will be okay!

    3. I went 36 hours with my second, so 40 hours is not too long. Granted of course she was being monitored

    4. Mine was 72 of active and I had to wait for my doctor. She was delivered in less than 10 minutes by c-section.
      The hospital monitored the baby for 24hours hooked up to everything before being placed in my room.
      They watched for stress over those days. It was exhausting but a blessing to hold her.

  8. Both her babies have been larger than normal and her pelvis may not be large enough to allow a baby to pass through. If she had a 7 or 8 pound baby she might not need the C section.

    1. That's what I was thinking and was my own issue. My doctor however didn't allow me to go through it twice and based on size my second was scheduled. My recovery was also faster.

  9. He's huge! Wow! Can't wait to see more pictures of the adorable little guy!
    By the way, hospitals oftentimes intervene more than necessary (I know this from personal experience) so just because he's got tubes, etc. doesn't mean he's not healthy. Also, I know of a mom who had 6 c-sections before having a successful home birth, and she's glad she kept trying and it was worth the wait. There is nothing wrong with at least trying at home before transferring to the hospital if necessary.
    Anyways, halleluyah for the precious new life, and congratulations to the family!

    1. They usually don't stick an IV in the arm of a perfectly healthy and stable neonate, or administer oxygen, or keep them hooked up to EKG leads, pulse-ox meter, and BP cuff. There's more to this birthing story than the family is letting on yet.

    2. Chrissy SchreckengostJuly 9, 2017 at 3:26 PM

      wow you sprout off with all that but hide your name. Ok so the baby has a monitor on and an iv stop going to every comment repeating yourself. maybe they chose to share a pic but like most people don't want to talk right now about why. give them a Break geez

    3. I doubt any of that is unnecessary intervention.

    4. She and her baby were in labor for 40 hours. To me that explains "the rest of the birthing story". I was in labor for 38 and my baby needed a little help with oxygen when he came out and he was monitored and given antibiotics through and IV to help with possible infection. But he was healthy and recovered from birth just fine. I would guess theirs was a similar experience. But if it wasn't, and we don't learn all the details, it's okay with me. Births are really personal experiences and I think it's okay to only share what you feel comfortable sharing.

    5. I'm not disagreeing with the possibility that there might be more than we are hearing at this point or saying that this particular hospital did the same thing for them, but I will say that they DO stick IVs, pulse-ox meters, etc, in those who are not really in need of them and are mostly healthy. I know because it happened to my brother, and my grandpa who is a very experienced doctor agreed that they intervened way way too much. There might have been a few complications but no reason to get freaked out and think something really bad is going on.

    6. I'm sorry but I don't understand 6 c-sections, that is so risky! Your risks are so much higher and that with a big family at home, what if God forbid anything happened?

    7. As a Nicu mom (70 day stay), ekg leads are standard. Bo cuff and pulse ox is standard on every baby
      My child was not medically fragile in any shape and he was attached to all of them (except iv) for the entire time.

    8. This was no straight forward birth, but hospitals have all different policies and some intervene a whole lot.
      The oxygen and ekg monitor are over the top his heart rate and o2 says on the monitor are normal and studies show giving babies oxygen in unnecessary situations is harmful. 100% o2 says means the oxygen shouldn't be on. His crying warrants the EKG useless with his heart rate normal too.
      The Iv fluids are a concern though. I hope Jill is ok. This picture is suggestive of pitocin used in labour, unstable diabetes, or sepsis.
      I hope baby and mother are reunited asap.

    9. why do you have to try for a home birth. In Jill's case, never should happen. She has big babies, 2 C-sections and should cease having kids, but if she must, always go to a hospital for a safe delivery.

    10. That's not necessarily true either... My son was born with hydronephrosis(enlarged kidney ), and even though he was doing really well, they hooked him up to all of those contraptions and monitored him in the NICU for several hours, just to be on the safe side. A long labor would definitely warrant the same precautions, regardless of his current symptoms.

      Each and every labor is different, I wish people would stop making assumptions just by looking at one picture. One picture is just that... ONE picture. It doesn't tell the whole story. When, and if, Jill and Derrick decide to talk about their experience... It's their life, and they have the right to make the decisions that THEY feel are right for them and their family.

      Instead of all of the rude, judgmental comments, just Pray for mama and baby's continued healing!❤

    11. I agree with 2:50 on this one. I had a C-section with my son and he was small but healthy and no tubes. There is more going on but it's up to them how much they want to share.

    12. They've already shared too much by posting that picture. They should have waited til he was off the machines.

    13. Anon 6:03, that is all standard in NICU but a baby isn't in there unless it has complications that warrant it.

  10. Gretchen MacajauskasJuly 9, 2017 at 2:29 PM

    Congratulations Derrick and Jill!!! So excited for you all!! Looking forward to hearing news of Josh and Anna's baby as well.

    1. I agree with both sentiments. Eileen

  11. Beautiful big baby, needing a bit of help from modern medicine. Thank the Lord for babies, natural as possible labours and safe, appropriate intervention when necessary. Congratulations Jill and Derrick on this precious gift.

    1. Best comment yet!

    2. I say, thank the Lord for pain meds! Had it been my delivery, I would have not been ashamed to ask for whatever the hospital had in their arsenal to give me!

  12. Praying for Jill and baby. Hope all is well.
    Hoping also that they no longer allow photos and stories with People magazine.

  13. Such a beautiful big boy he is PRECIOUS! While he did need intervention I am just thankful that he got it. No blame is necessary. Babies born via c-section sometimes do need some extra oxygen because its harder for them to transition having not been squeezed through the birth canal there lungs can get a little more "junky" sounding and they don't get the boost that going through the birth canal helps them get rid of all the gunk. Congrats Dillard family and thanks for sharing the pic of your new "little" one lol

  14. There comes a time when you realize you have big babies, Jill you are one of those! A home birth may only be the time that it comes to fast to make it. Use your midwilfe skills and tell yourself you are now high risk with 2 sections and need hospitals!

    1. agree only pet peeve cant help wonder durin the last ultar sound jill had w/ this baby why didn,t they measure to size then (( this would of been a big red warning flag sign )) the midwife she had would pushed then another c-section not home birth endangering both mother and child.

    2. Did you watch tonight? They were out of the country from 4mo. along to 7mo. and said that getting good medical care would require going to a large city, and they would only do that "if needed." So, what ultrasound could they have had past the gender-determining one?

  15. congrats to Jill, Derick, and Israel. hope there are more pictures soon! Samuel is quite a big baby.

  16. Congratulations to the Dillard and Duggar families for this precious new life!! May God's blessings be with you as you raise this sweet baby boy and your darling Izzy.

  17. Derick is all over the place, I wish for Jill's sake he knows what he is doing.

  18. Them babies of Derick and Jill are ginormous!

  19. Was expecting at least a bit of a smaller baby since she at least seemed less big. Congratulations anyhow and I hope they are as okay as they are saying cause going by this picture it seems like there might be more going on.

  20. Wow she has some big babies! Congrats Dillards!

  21. FPlease stop speculating. Instead, pray for continued good health for mom and baby. Lots of kiddos have problems...doesn't mean a thing. Congrats to the family!!!! God bless!!

  22. A few comments: 1. More than likely, the arm brace is NOT for an IV. First, the number one place for an IV in a newborn is their umbilical cord. If this doesn't work (generally because it was not started immediately after birth). The second choice is accessing a vein at the soft spot site on their head. The veins in their hands and arms are usually just two small. Additionally, if little Samuel was receiving fluids or medications, the IV bag would be hanging, not lying on the bed with him. 2. If you look at the monitor, his heart rate and oxygen rate look good. He could be completely healthy, but just a little fatigued due to the long labor. Monitoring a fatigued baby after a long labor is pretty normal. 3. Yes, 40 hours is an extremely long labor. No where, though, does it say Jill was in hard labor for 40 hours. 4. Many midwives DO have accurate equipment to monitor both the health of mom and baby during labor. Last, congratulations to the Dillards on the arrival of Samuel. May God shower blessings on this little guy.

    1. Thank you, I'm relieved reading your post among all the other speculations. Prayers to baby and mom. Hope all is well.

    2. As a nicu nurse. Heads are not the second choice, hands and feet would be, the veins are not too small

  23. Congratulations to Jill and Derrick! Jill's not in the picture, no doubt, because the recovery from a C-section is a little lengthier. Thank God for C sections. Baby looks great..just a little extra precaution. Smaller towns tend to be more aggressive in their neonatal care.

  24. Hmmm.. Does Jill have delivery problems due to allowing labor to continue very long before an epidural or identifying time for a c section??? Something is up for this "midwife" and her own births???

  25. Congratultions Dillards!! May he grow to be a man after God's own heart!

  26. Congratulations Dillard Family! God is good!!

  27. Aww so cute!! Did Jill have gestational diabetes? I have friends who had it and they had larger babies. Hope everyone is doing well :)

  28. Aw, he's a big newborn, but a cutie! Congratulations, Dillards! Can't wait to see more pics!

  29. Congratulations to the new edition!

  30. Congratulations Derrick and Jill i'm so happy for you and big brother Israel can't wait to see more counting on.Love you all thanks for being so gracious to share your life with us.Many many blessings to you both

  31. Each time I view this picture on the internet and various Duggar postings I get the same concerns. No current picture since Samuel's birth of his Mommy "Jill". Looking at newborn picture of Samuel it's evident the little one had a hard delivery. Praying Jill is doing alright since it states she was in labor 40 hours before C-section that the Lord strengthens her and gives her fast healing. Praying for Samuel that whatever effects he has from the birthing experience that the Lord gives him a fast recovery and he responds to what treatment the Hospital is doing.

  32. I had a 55 hour labor ending in a vaginal delivery under close supervision. There isn't a specific number that is too long. Every delivery is unique.

    1. Mine was similar 56 hrs and ended in a vaginal delivery no tearing etc I had a very long first stage of labour and got too tired so needed some help to get the final pushing stage very common ..... what I don't understand is in the uk if you were having a baby that size wanting a vaginal delivery following a csection they would induce 2 weeks early as mum's can often deliver babies naturally if smaller!!!!

  33. Congrats to a beautiful gift from god. you all did great

  34. What a great picture of baby and Dad! Congrats and God bless to Derrick and JIll! I am sure Israel will be a great big brother.

    1. Great picture you are joking? A new born baby who has had a rough time coming into this world, crying and hooked up to iv and monitors while dad grins to the camera. That type of picture should be shared with family only. They could have waited until he was more settled and wrapped up in dads arms to post a picture. I honestly think that they release things like this just to rile people up, which from all the comments here and on other sites it has certainly done. I suppose it increases curiosity for the full story which will appear in People magazine soon enough.

  35. Happy to see Baby Sam here, but he doesn't look to well. I mean if he were perfectly healthy he wouldn't be on a heart monitor and being given fluids. I'm not shocked though. Considering Jill had a c-section last time around you would think she would have known better than to let her labor with Samuel run over 14-15 hours without assistance. I hope that if they ever have another baby that she won't make the same bad choice to labor for so long.

    1. Maybe Jill should wait a few years before trying for more kids

  36. 40 hours is almost two whole days. That's a lot of stress on mama and baby.

  37. Thank God baby is here and apparently doing well with help from modern medicine. He's just born, we don't need to know every lil detail. Just that mom and baby are currently ok.

    1. That's right lady! It's their life and we don't have to be so persnickety!!! If any one is so concerned just pray for 'em!

    2. They do broadcast their lives for all to see, and have many blogs following them... I think comments be they good or bad, might something they should expect. Also, we can't learn from others if we are completely insular, it's like the story of the King with invisible clothes. Jill is engaging in somewhat risky behaviors with her home births (LDR nurse here) and I'm sorry I love a good home birth, what I've seen from what they show on TV these are NOT good homebirths.... it's so sad...

  38. I am a dedicated home birther, and I disagree with how long Jill waits to go to the hospial. I can't imagine how exhausted she is post-partum and nursing a newborn baby on demand. At some point you have to throw in the towel and put your pride down. I agree with some of the other posts,there is some underlying cause of the Duggar girls having such large babies. Undiagnosed gestational diabetes or something? Anna does not seem to struggle with this. I don't know that I would hire their midwives.

    1. How do you know that 39 hours was not slow labour and she only pushed for an hour? You're assuming it was 40 hours active labour.

  39. I'm glad they chose a more normal name this time. Izzy and Sammy is cute.

  40. Congratulations, Derick and Jill! That isn't a newborn.... that's a three-month-old!!! Welcome, Samuel Scott!

    1. I agree! He isn't just big. He looks like an older baby. Although she seemed to deliver right on time, he looks overdue to me. Just like Israel did.

  41. I have given birth via EMERGENCY C-Sectiin 4 times. I labored all the way through, but for last minute issues, had surgery. All in a hospital. The baby is on IV's because he was without nourishment for the entire labor. He is tired and needs a sugar boost. And it makes drawing blood, and administering medications easier. A TON of babies, born quickly, or after labor, need IV's, and oxygen. Stop arm chair quarterbacking, and praise God for his beautiful gift of life.

    1. Comparing your own experiences to what Jill just went through is also arm chair quarterbacking. Apples and oranges. Until a statement comes out from the family, who have been too silent for some reason (waiting to sell the story?), we don't know what emergencies Jill or Samuel faced. We can only go by what is shown in the picture.

    2. Oxygen is mainstream but IVs are not. They are only put in if baby needs assistance fast. If the placenta was attached properly, Samuel should have been well hydrated and nourished throughout the labor process. If Jill had become severely dehydrated than Samuel would have needed fluids upon birth. This is not routine stuff.

    3. Im hoping they are silent because they are selling the story. My mind has been going crazy with some really bad stuff.

  42. This picture only leaves me wondering WHY the Dillards like to display (seemingly) alarming medical issues without addressing them. Are we to ignore all of "extras" the baby is attached to? Nothing about Jill?

    1. I agree - the Duggars let us into their lives - "usually" post updates & pictures upon pictures. . . . it leaves me to believe things are not right. I pray they are ALL OK.

  43. The baby looks beautiful! Are you an m.d., R.N. ? Were you in the delivery room? Why don't you wait for them to tell aTheir Own Story, unless you were there! Every birth is unique and different. I know, having actually worked L&D as an R.N. please, Stop with your drama!

    1. Tamera- Many others here are Labor & Delivery nurses and NICU nurses and they totally disagree with you. Many here have also been through NICU with their own babies and they disagree with you. No one is being dramatic. The Dillards presented the public with a picture of their baby, who clearly did not have an easy birth. The picture was accompanied by scant details of the birth that many nurses and NICU mommies are well aware were far from a "best case scenario". None of the usual pictures of baby and mother or the family unit have been shared within the past few days-that is not normal behavior for the Duggar family by any standard. Even the Congratulatory videos were late in coming by Duggar standards. That naturally leads many to believe that this birth was significantly harder and different from Israel's. FYI: You aren't an MD by your own admission and you weren't in the Delivery Room either.

    2. Samuel absolutely is an adorable and beautiful baby, no doubt about it! He also has a pulse oximeter (red light glow) attached to his right hand taped to the board measuring the amount of oxygen in his blood, in addition to the heart monitor leads on his chest, the nasal canulas delivering oxygen in his nose, the blood pressure cuff on his leg, and the IV in his left arm (the tubing is draped over the purple gloved hand and the bag is visible under Derick's right arm). Praying for this sweet little boy who's had a rough delivery.

  44. The IV is in his left hand you can plainly see it. The arm board is on his right arm.

  45. The Duggar family ALWAYS posts MANY pictures, but not a one except the one with Derick of Samuel. . . shocked not to see one of the four of them together/Israel, Jill, Derick & Samuel. Having a baby IS an intimate time, BUT it is out of the norm for them NOT to post a nicer/newer picture. It does cause concern to us as THEY have let us into their lives. . . .we care.
    I do pray all is well.
    Bless this family.

    1. Im beginning to think that either Samuel is not well enough to be held by his mom or Jill is not well enough to hold him. I hope she didn't have preeclampsia complications or a hysterectomy.

    2. Yes, where are pictures of the child's mother???? No explanation as to why she is missing. Very weird how this blog deals with something like this.

  46. Lily and Elie, do you know if there will be a special for the birth (like israel's) or if we'll have to wait a new season of counting on ?
    Thank you !

  47. I think it's a little unfair of the Dillards to release such a photo to the public, fans without a brief explanation. The Duggars involving the Dillards make a living through real life events involving the
    public and build on that relationship to stay in the
    public arena & media. It's poor communicating and many of us are concerned and to know the fact even
    Samuel is poorly is enough to help us than guess in the dark & unecessary angst. To withold the photo and explanation until they were ready a few days later would be better - a little like Anna did with Mackenzie' birth.
    I hope Jill & Samuel recover well & quickly.

    1. Oh my goodness! I was about to post the exact same message. I respect their desire and need for privacy right now. However, if their radio silence is to strike an exclusive with People etc., I will stop following them. To release a photo of an obviously distressed newborn and then disappear is cruel. Im sure I'm not the only one thinking that both Samuel and Jill are fighting for their lives. This is so unusual for the Duggars not to release several pictures and statements even though a magazine article is pending. I hope all is well with them but if they are being quiet to get a higher price for their story, I will feel used and manipulated.

    2. And if they didn't post a photo at all people would complain. They can't win. I am sure they are all exhausted after the long labor and then c-section. Give them a couple more days, and I am sure we will see an updated picture. It is also possible that TLC has some say on what they release and when.

  48. For this public family to not update pictures and comments
    is very worrisome......the longer we wait....the worse our fears .


    Looks like Israel is a happy big brother ,and Derrick is a proud father again. Every precious baby brings new life. Life is amazing. Best wishes Jill and Derrick. Safe recovery Jill.

  51. Very thankful for the safe delivery but STOP and think. This is twice you labored very long and ended in a C-section. Please practice birth control and wait for your body to heal fully and hopefully you're next won't have to be a C-section. WIVES ARE NOT JUST FOR POPPING OUT SONS


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