
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Message From Josh and Anna

As most of you know, Samuel Scott Dillard was born on Saturday via C-section. Josh and Anna Duggar and their four children (Mackynzie Duggar, Michael Duggar, Marcus Duggar, and Meredith Duggar) took to YouTube to share their well wishes with the new family of four.

In March, Josh and Anna announced that they are expecting their fifth child, a son, although they have not shared the due date.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. Congrats on your new addition! Hope you are doing well. Much love ♡♡♡

  2. So happy for your family Josh and Anna! You guys are such an example of true faith and the love of God. I'm so grateful that you've shared your story.

  3. Congrats the kids are getting big all handsome n beautiful

  4. Thanking God for your lives, your testimony, your beautiful family and for the new little life you will soon be blessed with.

  5. Dear Josh and Anna, I so miss your family. It is so nice to hear from your family.

  6. Little guy is so excited for another cousin. Such a cutie!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am actually happy to see Josh again and hopefully the entire family can finally breath out after long and painful time. :)

    1. Agree. Nice to see them happy ❤

    2. Amen me too! Josh and Anna, and the entire Duggar family deserve nothing but grace and mercy and love. For the measure we judge others is the measure we ourselves will be judged also.

    3. We should also be judged according to the laws of the place where we live. Grace and mercy and love do not put anyone above those laws.

  8. Fantastic. Good to see them both together :) Can't wait to find out what they call their new baby!

  9. so good to hear from you guys!

  10. Join the herd? The herd? That's what their kids are, a herd? SMH

    1. Lighten up!!!

    2. Ever heard of tongue in cheek?!

    3. Even if it was a joke, it's an insight into how their minds work, if they think that calling a group of any children a "herd" is funny.

    4. If each of the 19 kids has just 6 kids, there will be 114 cousins. So yes, it's a herd of children. If each of the 19 kids has 19 kids, that would be 361 cousins. Michelle and Jim bob would have to get flash cards just to remember all their grandkids names.

    5. Well they have all dressed up like cows now haven't they!

    6. I have 8 grandchildren.....I have used that term and don't think anything of it. Get over it!!!

    7. Some people are vegetarians because they can see love between animals similar to love between people. There is not necessarilly shame in a person using an animal metaphor. Work like an ant is even good. But eat like a pig or sleep like a sloth is not. I do not think Anna was in the negative category. Birds of a feather SHOULD flock together, one might not like life as a lone duck, out of luck.

    8. Not much different than calling children "kids" which is commonly done in our culture and nothing thought of it. To take issue with one and not the other is a double standard. ;)

    9. Oh for goodness sake why would you pick up on a word used like that!! The family is very big we-go a herd! I call my large family the rabble!!

    10. I've heard people object to "kids," and I always shake my head. People sure do like to find funny things to be concerned about.

  11. I LOVE this family. You are all true inspirations.

  12. So very happy for you and your family. God bless!

  13. How is Jill doing?

  14. Congratulations!!!! Stay strong in the Lord. God bless.

  15. Their children are huge! I just can't believe how much they have all grown. I'm getting excited for the new little guy to get here. I think if they are sticking with M names they could name him Mathew. Anna looks stunning and it looks like the pregnancy glow is reflecting on Josh too😊
    I'm praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby boy. Weighing 9lb 7oz. 22in long.

    1. I like Mason for a boy M name.

    2. I agree.

    3. My boss's dog is named mason.

    4. I know a baby named Maverick.

  16. Good luck to Anna and four children and her new baby to be
    I just don't understand why Anna would want to have another baby with Josh·
    I don't believe he got the help he needs for his problems·
    I feel it is not right to bring another child in this family·
    What he did was awful! I don't see how Anna can ever trust him again·

    1. Because you weren't there is why you don't believe he got the help he needs. That is between him and God and him and Anna and Anna and God!

    2. Because she was there and its her life , who are you to judge anyone?

    3. Anna. I pray for you as much as I pray for myself. May our husbands make better decisions.🙏

    4. It is really not an easy world for a woman and children with out a husband and dad. I think correcting and shasping up the one you got from god is a good idea. Better than ditching him because he made some mistakes and then finding out life alone is misery and searching for love again. Love says forgive if at all possible that is a road to happiness. I just hope josh is correctable and shapes up to his role.

    5. @5:46PM I will also pray for you and your husband. The Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens so I consider it a privilege to pray for you two.

    6. It is their business. I choose to believe that God is working to heal both of them individually and bless their marriage. Anna is smart, I'm sure this baby was planned after careful consideration. Let's be happy for them and celebrate the work of the Lord.

    7. Why are comments like this allowed?! This person has no ideal what this family has done and none of us need to know. Why mean nasty comments like this is allowed on this blog I just do not get. Seems to be that they are allowing more and more of this and it is totally inappropriate!! For me and my family we support and love ALL the Duggars and it was great to hear from Josh and family!

    8. Seriously? What happened to God forgives everything? I certainly have forgiven him(that that he would care) and move on. Congrats Josh and Anna!

    9. Because Anna is a lovely lady who trusts in the Lord and what he see's for her life. Bless both Anna and Josh x

    10. I'm glad that Josh and Anna are working on their marriage. She is a fine example of grace and forgiveness. My ex-husband was heavily into pornography and affairs, but he refused to get help, and we did divorce. It was a difficult road to healing, and I do have to deal with a suspicious mind because in the beginning, I trusted no one. It is an ongoing process for anyone, and I admire Anna a lot. I think trust can be restored after the person consistently proves himself, but trust isn't automatic nor should be.

    11. The Bible says to ask for wisdom and not be double minded. You did what you had to do. Let's hope for the family that Josh understands the mercy he has been shown and stays to the right from now on.

    12. Life alone after a marriage and children in a state of divorce is lonely and miserable. No one in a Christian church will marry the woman and she is lonely. The kids are effected by this for sure. Forgiveness is a wonderful way that love can overcome and restore wholeness by healing the family. Josh and Anna should really come together in the lord Jesus and stick together. They should not think there is a better life for them apart.

    13. Oh dear. What sad church do you go to where a divorced woman is unmarriable? That reeks of legalism and absoultely nothing of God. Is biblical context even taken into account? That was a rhetorical question. God can redeem ANY situation.

  17. Oh boy. Josh. Not yet.

    1. Don't look if it bothers you.

    2. Feel the same way, don't care to see him at all, every time I do see his face I think about what he did, makes me sick.

    3. Don't be so judgmental . As if the rest of us are not sinners ourselves. If Josh has truly repented, God has forgiven him and does not condemn.

  18. Wonderful to see this family together. God's grace is all we need!!!

    1. God also requires repentance... something none of us have seen. And before you want to lecture on it doesn't involve anyone but Anna, I disagree. It's hard enough to encourage others to Christianity in these times; when a televised and well known Christian does it and seems to get away with it, it looks bad on Christianity as a whole.

    2. What lessons are his children learning from this? Daddy did some bad things but he didn't have to pay the price other people do by facing the police because Grandpa talked to someone and helped it all go away. Then he did some more bad things but it's OK because he's now suing someone who made it seem so bad. How are those proper Christian lessons or examples??????

    3. Anon @10:01. Love your post and agree 100%!

    4. Do you have evidence to back up this bold statement?

    5. How would you know if Josh has repented or not? That is between Josh and the Lord and his wife. How has Josh "gotten away with it?" I believe he has paid dearly for what happened in his life, and the Lord will deal with him not you!! I am not sure who died and made you the granddam over repentance and forgiveness, but you might want to check yourself before making anymore judgments on Josh!!

    6. I agree with you 10:01, but there really isn't a way for us to see his repentance. Those close to him on a daily basis will hopefully be seeing this.

    7. 11:43 I absolutely do not agree with you that people in society need to turn a blind eye to the bad things other people are doing because someday, after those people are dead, it will all be dealt with by some invisible power. That's not how society works. You do something bad, you're impacting the people around you, and you ARE dealt with and judged by them, in the moment. Having people around you to stay accountable to, as well as having laws to obey, are supposed to keep us from doing bad things. The scenario you paint would let everyone do whatever they wanted and nobody needs to worry about or do anything about it until after death.

    8. Josh don't ever stop speaking out because you've fallen. David is called a man after God's own heart, and his actions are written for the world to see. He repented, and the Lord still used him. As he did Moses after he murdered someone. Hold your head up. Live, smile, and rejoice in the Lord's Grace and forgiveness. God has forgiven you, Your wife and family has forgiven you. Yes, there was damage done to your character, but always remember, Man sees not as God sees. Man looks on the outer appearance, God looks on the heart. Your testimony will be judged by many, but focus on the deliverance of many who are struggling and afraid to share it, because they value the opinions of man, over the grace and mercy of God.

  19. Would so love to see a lot more of Anna and the children on the Counting On show with the other girls. Anna is just the very best and I really do admire her.

  20. Great to get to see you together as a family 💗 congratulations to Jill and Derrick on Samuel's birth.

  21. Well baby 5 will definitely be here by the end of the year if they announced in March

  22. It's great seeing the two of you and your sweet little children.

  23. Seems odd they won't tell when Anna is due.

    1. Agreed. Likely hoping to negotiate a People exclusive contract, if they haven't secured one already.

    2. The public reaction when it was announced wasn't entirely favourable, it also keeps people guessing and interested. They seem to be trying to ease Josh back into the spotlight, with pictures and now this video. I don't think it will work the public have very long memories, he certainly won't be back on TV, they would loose their show if they did that.

    3. Not odd at all, finally something that is right! They should have the privacy they so need and deserve after all they went through. They are people like you and me, and they do not have to answer to the world about every detail of their life, if they choose not to. I respect that they aren't sharing the due date.

    4. Funny how people sit and watch sinful television shows all day. See Hollywood couples cheating and divorcing. Make new movies and still make millions off of them. You sit and judge Josh, don't want him back on television, but still pay for the cable that shows you all the mess on movie stars. SMH. You'll forgive people in their worldliness over a million times that haven't repented and still support them. But you want to throw a Christian guy under the bus and end his life over something. How terrible. Love this family.

    5. Anon @ 4:35. It isn't about the cheating. Adultery in a marriage is sad no matter who it happens to, and how they deal with it is up to them, Anna and Josh included. People do not want to see Josh because of what he did to his sisters. I don't think he was being a 'christian guy' when he did either thing, and we have seen nor heard any repentance from him.

  24. Generic videos. No more pix of the baby. No pix of Jill. No pix of Israel holding his brother. Something is up. Hopefully "only" a paid exclusive photo shoot with People, and then expecting everyone to buy that rag mag.

    1. I hope Jill is okay but selling out to People magazine is not good. That is a filthy magazine.

    2. I think its mean to release a photo of the baby hooked up to support and not follow up to tell fans how he is doing. Not one picture of Jill is bizarre too. Last time, we had photographs of all of them in 24 hrs. If they are being silent for money, I won't be very impressed. Fans are very concerned.
      If they are truly dealing with a medical emergency, my heart goes out to them and I wish them the best. If they are choosing monetary gain over the loyalty of the public that support them, that is lousy.

    3. TLC's programming isn't exactly morally spotless, either, but that doesn't stop the Duggars.

    4. It's pretty sad when you can't share photos of your own family (or your own wedding) because you've sold the rights to someone else.

    5. Will someone PLEASE let us know how Jill & baby are doing? "We" collectively would love to see another picture and hear that all is OK. With "today's" ease in connecting to people I think it very odd we have not seen Jill.
      I will pray for them. Amen

    6. Been thinking same thing...something is definitely up.

    7. Not to throw a monkey wrench in the mix so to speak, but has anyone thought perhaps no word on Jill or Baby for legal reasons? From my understanding it's illegal in Arkansas to try for an unlicensed VBAC. Obviously it's not illegal to have a VBAC, but is required to be in a hospital with DR supervision in case of emergency. None of Jill's "midwife" team are qualified at that level. Clearly by Samuel's picture quite a bit of intervention was required immediately after birth, and who knows at this time how much for Jill. Just my shade...wondering if anyone knows protocol for laws regarding home birth after an emergency c-section??

    8. Reign in your anxiety 6:09 pm cause that baby looked healthy enough to survive! Little Josie was fine! So I guess Sam is fine! New baby time is not necessarily fan loyalty time. And Derick needs all the help he can get. If you are not going to send him a donation and I am not then let him masks a buck off his babys pictures if he can! More power to them! Our watching them live is just that!

    9. Good point, 9:15.

    10. "New baby time is not necessarily fan loyalty time" - Since when did that ever apply to Duggars? Every life-changing event, from courtships on up, were always cause for massive publicity pushes.

  25. So glad to see them back as a family unit, I always enjoyed Josh and his love for his family ,their courtship and his proposal is still my favorite , Josh and Anna are perfect examples of what true love and forgiveness really mean..Keep your head up Josh and I hope to see the day where you stop standing in the shadows , no one here is without sin. Love from Dallas

    1. 4:44 Amen to all you said!!It is not ours to judge.

    2. I'm with Lisa.

    3. Lisa, what a sweet soul you are. We need more people in the world who show the grace and mercy you do! After all, however we judge others,is the way we will be judged as well.

    4. Right, 7:44, it's up to a court to judge, but Josh doesn't want to appear in one of those unless he's there to get someone to pay him money.

    5. 100% agreed with you! Well said!God bless anna,Josh and their five children.☺

    6. Please do not publish negative comments. I enjoy reading the duggar family blog everyday but when I read those horrible comments make me sick.

    7. Nice to see a truly thoughtful comment!!!

    8. I agree with Lisa too. Thank Lisa for your kind words.

    9. I agree! It's not easy to stand with someone during duress, the decent,merciful comment was just great...


  26. So good to see this family of six on here! Blessings to you all on your upcoming new addition!!

  27. I appreciate the well wishes however Josh was to stay away from smart phones and Internet. What changed?

    1. I'm sure those recommendations were not a life sentence. He was not convicted of a crime, he admitted to wrong doing. Let's allow him forgiveness and stop punishing his wife and other words get over it!

    2. @kathy B
      But josh DID commit a crime!! A felony!!!! Did you forget about that? What part of CSA is NOT wrong or a crime???????

    3. Kathy- You can forgive someone, but this does not mean you have to arbitrarily surrender your trust to that person. They have to earn it back. Sometimes, trust is never completely restored after such deceit and betrayal.

  28. Marcus is adorable. I hope Anna's pregnancy is progressing well!

  29. Mostly because I'm horribly nosey, I wonder what house they're in.

  30. Little Meredith isn't looking so little anymore!

  31. What a cute message from one family to another! It's nice to see the little kids excited about their new cousin. So sweet.

    1. Yes, the herd is very excited.

    2. Sweet post here.

  32. Love seeing Josh and Anna and all the kids. I can't wait to hear about their new little one too. I love this family!

  33. So nice to see them happy. Congrats to Josh and Anna ❤❤

  34. Imagine how it feels to be the victim of something like what Josh did, and then see him sitting there as if nothing happened, knowing justice will never be served. And that he's now filed a lawsuit to profit from the incident. There is no forgiveness for that.

    1. I agree. He should not receive any monetary award.

    2. I WAS a victim of something like that a long time ago, and the perpetrator also got no punishment for what he did. Never in a million years did I think that someone in that "big fine religious family on TV" would turn out to be the same kind of person, also evading punishment. It turns my stomach whenever Josh pops up in a picture, without any warning (like today).

      And speaking as a victim, the peace you need is knowing that the person who's guilty is paying the price for what they did. Otherwise, it's your pain to bear, while they smile and pose for the camera as if nothing's wrong. It's sickening.

    3. I hope you never need forgiveness. Being perfect must be exhausting. Lawsuits aren't always about monetary gain, but rather to force compliance with confidentiality laws. All the Duggars were violated when info was released including Josh who was also a minor when the incidents occurred. Let it go.....

    4. Wow, kinda heavy comment! Reading Matthew 18:21-35 would influence most people to have forgiveness. The way this comment could be read is why if he is seeking forgiveness for himself would josh engage in a law suit against others?

    5. There is forgiveness for EVERYTHING, 7:32 PM. You just have to ask God with a repentant heart.

    6. Actually his victims didn't want to press charges!!! It's called forgiveness!!! Get over it

    7. Couldn't have said it better.

    8. I'm sorry 9:53, I can only imagine how that feels. I would not want to look someone in the eye again in that case.

    9. Thank you Kathy Borders 10:02am;
      I agree with you, it's interesting how they can behave in any way to get their revenge? Those against Duggars can break and tweak laws for their cause - to ruin this family plain, & simple!

    10. @ 2:13 How can young girls press charges for what happened? They were minors at the time. They couldn't bring a suit against another minor. Don't make it sound like the girls had any choice.

    11. He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone. Oops!! guess no one threw any. You need forgiveness yourself right now, for being in unforgiveness. Does your stomach turn the same way when you sin against others?

    12. 9:53 am in juxytaposing your incident with reports about Duggar, are you saying everything equates? A close look at the situation clarifies the particular case of Duggars. To some degree, there is an n extenuating circumstance. There was punishments imposed, job loss, contracts lost, etc. There was extensive attempts at reform. So to completely deny facts and just despise is not real. You should go for counselling if you are feeling like this over other peoples struggles and lives. You think you can be clean through despising and hate but I do not think life works that way. The action was a mistake but it does not give everyone the right to hate.

  35. Congratulations Josh and Anna, Their is power in prayer. If God be for you who can be against you. Philippines 4:13, God is in control.

  36. Glad it's a boy and not another girl...Josh should be kept out of the spotlight, he is not deserving. God Bless Anna for staying with that sorry excuse for a husband and father. I would never trust him again.
    I love the Duggers and Counting on. Have no interest in what Josh is doing or not doing. He will answer to God for what he did.

    1. You're right it is between Josh and God. If you don't want to see or hear about Josh, perhaps this is the wrong blog for you and your comments. Josh is a member of the family, you are not the judge and jury.

    2. We as people shouldn't judge, that makes us look hypocritical as Christians. Nobody's perfect. We all sin and as Christians we should be encouraging him to get better not demeaning him, its not just Josh, it's Anna, the children and Josh (it's a family unit).
      There are plenty of people who want hear from Anna and Josh, my family included. I am happy that there are positive comments on this blog. I will continue to pray for this family.

    3. And you are deserving? Everyone is a sinner! Without Christ, you are unworthy also!

    4. And you 8:04 will have to answer to God for your judgemental attitude and you will have to answer to God for the words you say. You don't need to trust him. He is NOT your husband. No he is not deserving and neither or we for that matter.

    5. As we all will because none of us are without sin.

    6. If TLC can keep him off the air while still having a program about the rest of his family, then Ellie can keep him off this blog, too.

    7. 2:17- this blog has no obligation to keep josh off their blog. Their DUGGAR blog. And yes, he is a DUGGAR. And many, many fans want to hear from them. Many many fans believe in forgiveness and repentance. And many many fans believe he has no obligation to share how he repented to Jesús and his wife. Why- because WE are not the one who he owes anything too. Public eye or not. He apologized publically and went into hiding. You may not "agree" with his treatment or even that his wife atayed- but guess what- he owes NOTHING to you. Or me or anyone else. Except god, his wife and kids and his family. If they chose to forgive, that is between them. If they chose not to forgive- that is also between them. The entitlement of people blows me away. Welcome to life- you're entitled to nothing. Especially from them.

      If you love the Duggars as you say you do, I encourage you to read 1 corinthian's 13:4-8. That is the love the Duggars share and what a precious testament they are to showing Gods love.

    8. By your ignorant comment, clearly you feel he answers to you as well.

    9. Those are your trust issues, Not Anna's, and if you have any respect for her, you wouldn't be on here bashing her husband. She knows how to forgive, and it has kept her family together. If you are married, I hope your husband doesn't make any mistakes, chances are you wouldn't forgive him. You must be married to a perfect man. Oops, sorry, a perfect man doesn't exist.

  37. Good to see Josh and Anna - a testimony of God's workmanship. I believe God will use Josh to minister to other young men who are being tempted into sexual sin. He can speak to them much like an recovering alcholic can speak to those struggling with drinking. There are most likely even those in the media, goverment agencies, city services, etc. that are also trapped sexual sin. It is all around us. God will use Josh to free others, just like Jesus used Paul, who once killed Christians, to reach the hearts of many who are trapped.

    1. Agreed, however he should probably wait a few years before doing so, and continue to fix his marriage so it's evident that he has truly repented, and will remain faithful to Anna.

    2. I don't think that is Josh's calling. I think he needs to stick at home and work on his marriage with the lovely wife Anna whom he doesn't deserve. After what he's done, I think his public is over. Time to stay away from the cameras and the money and concentrate on rebuilding his family and their trust. Also, Josh would be the last person I would want to speak to me if I had that problem. It would feel pretty rich coming from him. But I sincerely hope God blesses Anna because she is the strength and rock of that family. SHE is who needs to speak in public. There is much wisdom in her. But I think they should both leave the stress of public life alone and concentrate on raising their beautiful children and new baby.

    3. 10:23, I agree, Josh should stay close to home, and work on his relationship with his wife, Anna and their beautiful children. It was good to see Josh and Anna together, she looks happy, good to see her smiling again....Jane

  38. I can't wait to see what "M" name they use for their next baby boy!

  39. This was wonderful to see. I also like that we have seen more of the family this season.

  40. congratulations to Jill and Derek and to Josh and Anna for their future little one so good seeing them again! I miss them.

  41. Mackenzie has lovely hair now.

    1. She has become a very beautiful little girl.

    2. All of their children are adorable! :)

  42. Great example of how Gods love. There is no condemnation for those that love & trust in Jesus. So thankful all the families are healthy. Congrats to all

  43. I hope Anna has access and passwords to all Josh's electronics and other ways to verify he has repented and forsaken his biggest temptation. God forgives and it is good for Anna to forgive but don't forget trust but verify. He needs to be an open book to Anna at all times.

    1. I hope Anna watches her husbands relationship with her daughters.
      To be aware of issues that could but hopefully not repeat themselves....after all the danger is there and she is responsible for the safety of her children, knowing her husbands past.

    2. Covenant Eyes is an excellent accountability program for checking online activity.

    3. more than 50% of the church has this issue, it's silent and not talked about. Some of your wives or husband's has this issue. If you watch it with them, you both have this issue. Someone needs to come in the open and talk about it. Not hide it under a rug. It exists, it's everywhere we go. In the stores, in advertisements, on our computers. look how the young girls and women dress today. Look at the cartoons our children can be exposed to. It needs to be dealt with on a large basis publicly. Stop judging. It rips families apart everyday. This family chose to work together through it. Praise God for that.

  44. I think josh picked the nicest, kindest, most patient, woman in the world. He could not have found a better pérson than Anna.

  45. It is so refreshing to read all the positive posts. An answer to prayer. Wishing the new season well. Continued prayers for all the Duggar family.

  46. Beyond happy to see Josh and Anna posting together as a family on the family's site. Excited for you pending birth Anna- boy or girl? God bless xx

  47. what a great video! everyone is smiling & the kids are so excited about a new cousin and everyone looks so happy! so nice to see the "little" duggar family growing (& growing up)

  48. Aww what a sweet family!! The kids are growing so fast! I can't wait to see Anna and Josh's new baby. She is probably due pretty soon?

  49. I admire Anna for staying with Josh.. She is showing unconditional love for him and shows great strength. I hope Josh had learned from his weakness and recognise Anna as a driving force in his are a saint..

  50. I have mixed feelings about Josh and Anna. The Duggar family has been interesting and inspirational. I love their courting rules in place of dating. The problem with the Josh and Anna situation is that I fear that Anna stayed because she didn't have options. Unlike Tina Campbell of the gospel group MaryMary. Tina could have left her husband, but she chose to stay and work it out, which for many people was mind-blowing. I would like to feel the same way with Anna, but she doesn't have the means to support herself and her children, so did she stay for love or just for convenience like women used to do decades ago? That being said, I hope and pray that she is happy and not being taken advantage of because of the circumstances. Josh needs to realize that others are very concerned about Anna and don't want to see her hurt and humiliated like that again.

    1. Tina forgave Teddy, their both back on TV. Everyone forgave him. Why does Josh needs to hide from the public. How is he any different from Tina's husband. He hid what he did to, and he had multiple affairs. They still have great ratings. Anna has a supportive family. She chose to support her husband. I'd love to see more of Josh and Anna. It would be a testimony and hope for many couples who have endured this issue.

  51. While I look at this blog nearly every day, I have never commented. But, I felt compelled to do so this time! It made me so happy to see this video with Josh and Anna and their children! Beautiful family! I really wish we could see them more! Blessings for all and in particular the Josh and Anna Duggar family!

  52. Am I the only one who is not thrilled about Josh's reappearance? Or are you only letting the positive comments go through to make it look like everyone is over-the-top thrilled about josh?

    1. Seeing him always brings to mind what he did to his family. Best to keep him out of sight.

    2. I'm in your camp, 12:35.

    3. In total agreement too.

    4. In agreement also.

  53. It's good to see Josh,Anna , and their kids. I am happy for them.

  54. What a wonderful blessing! Keep up the Good work!

  55. I am happy to see Josh in this video.

    I say this reluctantly and I'm making a generalization, but nobody likes to have their past brought up over and over as if you have not overcome or cannot overcome sin. There is true victory in Jesus when you lay down your own fleshly desires and accept the grace and righteousness that God has provided for us in the death and resurrection of Jesus. I am glad that I am not who I once was! That said, we take up our cross daily to follow Jesus, and if we allow too much of the world back in our minds and lives, we can fall back into sin. The very best way to abide in Him is by reading the Word and being constant in prayer. Don't give up hope that you or your loved one can be changed by the Holy Spirit.

    Also, I just wanted to note that Anna holds true to the meaning of her name-- so full of grace. ❤️

  56. So happy for your Family Josh and Anna! Josh and Anna you are such an example of true faith and the love of Jesus. I am so happy that Anna has forgiven Josh. Jesus say when we forgive Jesus forgive. And what Jesus forgive is forgiven. Anna you have the best Husband because Jesus put you and Josh together and Jesus love you and your Family so much. Anna and Josh your Family is so blessed. You have four sweet Children and a little Boy on the Way. I hope for many more children. Than Children are a Blessing from Jesus. Congratulations to Josh and Anna and Family to your sweet little soon comeing Baby Boy. Greeting here from Germany. Debora

  57. Congradulations!! And well done jill! Prayers for your recovery and that you will have Joy threw the pain. ❤️ We too had 2 c sections, and know too well the emotions that can come from it. But god is great and will use this all to his glory. By his grace I can say we had our first vaginal birth on number 3.

  58. Congratulations Josh and Anna and children . I love your family Josh and Anna and all Duggar family children are blessing . Love, Tammy F

  59. So great to see you all!! Can't wait to meet your little one! Praying for you all!! Love and Blessings to all!!


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