
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Duggars Do Asia

 Jordyn Duggar and Josie Duggar, 2012

Hello there readers! Everyone needs a break, even bloggers. We're taking a short computer hiatus, but we will be back with you soon. And in the meantime, we have lots of fun, scheduled content coming your way, so keep coming back each day!

How many of you remember the Duggars' three-week trip to Asia in 2012? Before they left, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their children met a Japanese instructor at a local school to learn the basics of the language and customs. You'll see a clip of that in the first video below. The second video shows the Duggars on the streets of Tokyo.

We also want to wish our Canadian readers a happy Canada Day! How are you celebrating?

Photo/videos courtesy TLC


  1. Enjoy your break. I didnt realize you can schedule posts. I will try that with my blog. You ladies have a wonderful 4th of July! But of course you might not see this until afterwards.

  2. I am from Canada. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes to our nation. Happy 4th of July (in a few days) to our neighbors to the south. If you are taking a blogging break will you still let us know if Jill has little Sammy?

  3. I missed so much these family moments instead of watching only marriages and courtships..

  4. Has it really been 5 years since the Duggars took their World Trip!? #TimeFlies #Nostalgia #GoodMemories

  5. Michelle should not be laughing and making faces at another country's customs. Bowing is a sign of respect in Japan. What a shame Michelle didn't show much respect herself in return.

  6. Looks like those Japanese lessons stuck about as much as the Spanish ones did.

  7. i did not realize the ladies were taking a break - i am sure they need it - this blog is a lot of work i am sure. very thankful for this Duggar blog. i do remember the Duggars in Asia and the photos make me miss the old show even more. TLC please stop trying to please the haters and have all of the Duggars on the new show and please the fans.

  8. I do not remember this trip for some reason! Thank you for sharing... bring back 19 kids and counting


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