
Monday, June 19, 2017

Mozarella Cheese and Birthday Parties

Just a few hours to go until tonight's new episode of Counting On. We already posted one promo video, and we have two more to share.

The first clip is quite comical. While shopping with Jinger in Laredo, Texas, Jeremy Vuolo gets a little too excited about the five-pound block of fresh mozzarella cheese and ends up buying the whole thing. When they return home, he might just find that shredding it is going to be a bit more difficult than he imagined.

In the second video, the Duggars come together to celebrate Spurgeon Seewald's first birthday.

Photo/videos courtesy TLC


  1. Yeah.ok. buying one apple is weird. There are two of you so minimum would be two. Do they really only bury one piece of fruit at a time?

    1. I think what she meant was choosing individual apples and putting them in a bag instead of apples already in a bag. Because when they show them unpacking the groceries she has several apples.

    2. No, buying one apple when you only want one apple is actually very normal. lol

    3. Don't you think Jeremy and Jinger are really referring to Adam and Eve being tempted to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden? It seems like they are sitting on powder keg wondering if it will explode. Being married can't be all perfect a little trouble is going to come slithering along, according to the Bible.

    4. LOL--sure you meant "buy" but, yes, even when I lived on my own after college I never bought just one piece of fruit!

    5. Maybe one doesn't like apples. Let's take a look in your grocery basket or cart next time you grocery shop and we can critique you on your food amounts and choices! :)

    6. When I go to the store with my kids, they like to pick a piece of produce for a treat. One will choose an apple, one a plum, etc., one who ALWAYS chooses a cucumber! lol Some people take their kids to the store and have them choose a candy bar, but it's "weird" for someone to choose a piece of fruit? Hmmm

    7. I agree. Very odd. Buy on apple, eat it tonight, then go back and buy another one tomorrow I guess?

    8. Not everyone eats an apple a day. I have bought a single apple at times to use in a recipe. With only two of them in the house, they don't need a whole bag of apples.

  2. Buying a big block of cheese is part of this episode? Oh, help! There must be something more exciting in their lives than buying cheese.

    1. The only "excitement" I had from that scene was wondering how can they afford 5 pounds of cheese on a pastor's salary. It's about $4 for a 12 oz. package at my store. That's over $25 for cheese alone in that shopping trip. Plus once you open it, unless you freeze it, you need to use it up fairly fast before it gets moldy.

    2. But, you see, it's funny because Jeremy wanted the big block of cheese! Hahaha, those Duggars, always so much going on!

    3. There is, 5:22, but TLC won't delve into any of it or air it, for some reason known only to TLC producers and the Duggars. The show has slipped from being informative about the lives of a big family to showing people buying cheese. What's the point of filming any more if that's all you can do?

    4. I didn't get why buying the block of cheese and shredding it at home was so wrong. It's much better than buying pre-shredded cheese, which is coated with something so it won't stick together.

  3. Why are they showing the clip again of Jeremy buying so much cheese? That was shown before the wedding.
    More flashbacks?

  4. I love the Duggars hope the whole family is back soon.

  5. I think joy and austin are so cute together! I love watching them. I hope the best for themπŸ˜„

  6. The cheese situation was funny however watched the first 1/2 of f Amy and
    It was as pathetic as ever!

    1. You missed the best part.😊

  7. Not so weird I often buy only one apple or one piece of fruit

  8. Really hoping to see more of Joy and Austin. Also TLC has a full hour of Amy???!! WHY?! TLC feels it is okay to have a full hour of her but will not allow Jim Bob and Michelle 5 minutes on the show?! Come on TLC we want ALL the Duggars, - the real Duggars!

    1. Did it ever occur to you that maybe not all the Duggars want to continue being on TV?

    2. They have more than five minutes now.

    3. TLC is a business the family represent their sponsor's.
      They have their reasons and I'm glad to see the older kids having their time.
      I don't understand how Amy isn't a real Duggar. Different yes, but a comment like that is hurtful to someone's self-esteem and promotes the behaviour you see.

    4. Like it or not Amy is a real Duggar as her Mom is a Duggar by birth. She is half Duggar genes just like all of Jim Bob and Michelles kids.

    5. I agree more of Michelle. I miss her.

    6. I actually think that the programme is better without Michelle and Jimbob. Sometimes you just need to take a step backwards and let the younger generation shine. Also I find her quiet voice so hard to listen to.

    7. Anna has adopted Michelle's mannerisms, right down to that "quiet voice."

  9. I am so encouraged to know that I'm not the only person who gets excited about cheese!!!! Yum Cheeeeese!

  10. you must listen my friend... she said she wasn't in to eating healthy. So why would she buy herself an apple.

  11. Sounds like Jeremy hasn't had any Mozarella cheese in a long time!!glad he found some!

  12. When can we see the new episodes in ireland on tlc. Thank you.

  13. Jeremy is a really authentic Italian who loves mozzarella cheese so much he has no idea what quantity to purchase it in or how it is shredded. Yep, he really loves buying that fresh mozzarella. What a neat guy, that Jeremy.

    1. Oh, please. Based on that and the peeler/cheese grater moment, I'm guessing he didn't cook much as a bachelor. Now that's he's married, maybe he's excited that he'll have someone to cook the Italian things he's only been getting when his family cooks or if he gets Italian from a restaurant.

  14. Anna and Joy Anna are wayyyyy... much interesting to watch than any of the other married ladies, and look who got a complete one hour episode, AMY!!! Wow....good thing my control is working because definitely I'm changing the channel see if I can find something more interesting to watch!
    Sorry Amy, but no, thanks πŸ‘Ž
    But I really don't like watching trash in TV!

  15. Hahaha! Some of these comments are giving me a good laugh folks! If buying apples (apple?) and cheese can somehow provoke a controversy I guess truly anything can!? God bless you all and have a great night!

  16. Ughhhh that was annoying. Jeremy is totally acting for the cameras and strikes me as a little too eager to put on a show. I predict a televangelism-type deal from Jeremy soon. Will we be seeing any more Derick disses from him as he preaches? Time will tell.

    1. That's an interesting take on it. I did think that it was odd to see Pastor Jeremy picking out apples and cheese and discussing what to make for dinner. Think about how odd it would be if YOUR pastor participated in a show like this. Can you see John MacArthur on a reality show? Charles Stanley?

  17. Sorry Jeremy but that 5lb block of cheese wasn't fresh mozzarella. Fresh mozzarella is soft, silky and doesn't come in blocks. Actually it is usually stored in a whey-like liquid. I hope they had a few dozen people in for lasagna otherwise most of that cheese would go moldy before they have a chance to eat it.

    1. You're correct about fresh mozzarella being sold packed in liquid. They could always grate that block-it freezes very well in Ziploc quart-size freezer bags. Of course, it would take quite a bit of time and effort to grate it though! ;)

    2. Especially with a potato peeler!!!!!

    3. "Fresh" as in it hadn't gotten pushed to the back of the fridge and forgotten about or it hadn't turned green yet?

      Real "fresh" mozzarella is fantastic compared to the stringy (when melted) block kind. But it's usually more expensive, and harder to find in an ordinary supermarket.

  18. All the videos on your blog start playing right away. Is there a way to change the website setting so they wait until you click on them? The auto play is annoying.

  19. Love see these updates!

  20. Both of these TLC videos auto-play (simultaneously) when visiting your site. Took some scrolling around to find the videos and stop them. Not very user friendly, so I thought you'd want to know.


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