Counting On "Joy's Wedding"
- Austin and Joy-Anna arrive at Cross Church Pinnacle Hills on the morning of their wedding. They check in with wedding coordinator Laura (Jana’s friend who has appeared in several pictures on our blog). Cindy (Michelle’s childhood friend) is the wedding designer again.
- Joy joins her bridesmaids (sisters, sisters-in-law, and friends) to start hair and makeup. “Joy is just staying relaxed,” comments Jessa. “She’s not getting worked up.”
- The wedding is on a Friday evening, so, as Jill says, they have more time during the day to prepare.
- After Joy does her makeup but before she puts her dress on, she has one last chat with Austin, asking him whether she should wear a veil. He tells her that he wants whatever she wants.
- Joy is whisked away by Laura, who tells her it’s time to put her dress on. Her dad, mom, and bridesmaids are stunned. Jim Bob tears up. “Can’t believe you’re all grown up and getting married today,” says Jim Bob. “This is our fifth child to get married, and I don’t think it gets any easier.”
- Austin and his groomsmen head outside for pictures. He, too, has both friends and family standing up with him, a couple who are significantly older than he is.
- Behind the scenes, family-friend Sarah (who also helped at Jill and Jinger’s weddings) and a team of ladies is decorating 1,300 homemade cupcakes.
- “It’s going to be sad not having her at home and around like she has been, but we’re also excited that we get to keep her nearby,” says Jana.
- Joy makes sure her dad and all the girls are in their places on time. Dressmaker Renee Miller carries the train of Joy’s dream wedding gown down the stairs to the foyer.
- “My heart is beating so fast,” says Joy, as she and Jim Bob stand ready to enter the church.
- “I love you,” says Jim Bob. “You’re a good daughter.” “You’re the greatest dad,” Joy responds.
- The wedding begins, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk into the church in pairs. John-David is paired with Jennifer, and Austin brings in his mom on one arm and mother-in-law Michelle Duggar on the other.
- A beautiful rendition of “Crown Him With Many Crowns,” complete with a trumpet, signals the entry of the bride and father of the bride. Austin fights back tears and eagerly comes off stage to meet them. “You’re going to make a good husband,” Jim Bob tells Austin.
- John-David leads the congregation in a hymn before the couple says their vows. They are both beaming as they commit their lives to each other until death does them part.
- Officiant Pastor Caldwell (Kendra's father) pronounces them husband and wife, and then he pauses. Joy and Austin look at him expectantly. “Am I missing something?” he chuckles. They nod, and he gives them the cue to kiss. After the kiss, they run out of the sanctuary, and sparkly confetti rains down on the guests (a surprised from Cindy).
- “I think the first kiss was amazing,” says Austin. “It was better than I ever thought it was going to be.”
- “Every time they’ve gotten better,” Jim Bob says of the Duggar weddings. He jokes that when Joseph and Kendra get married in five years, their wedding will be amazing.
- Everyone heads to the reception hall, where Bobby, Austin’s brother-in-law, introduces the couple. Joy and Austin come out on stage and share words of appreciation. “We’re not going to be able to stay super long,” Joy adds. They cut their six-tiered cake.
- Bobby instructs the single ladies to gather for the bouquet toss. Joy turns around and acts like she’s going to toss it, but at the last minute, she walks over and hands the bouquet to Kendra. Joseph comes out, gets down on one knee, and asks Kendra to marry him. Kendra is floored. “Joe!” she exclaims. “I would love to marry you!” The two share a long, frontal hug.
- “I think it’s amazing getting to share the day with Joe and Kendra,” says Austin. “I don’t think it takes away at all. It only adds to the day.”
Rewind 6 months, when Joy and Austin’s courtship is brand new…
- Joy, Jill, and Jessa are in the girls’ room getting ready for a triple date. Joy shares that she has branched out and started wearing dresses, rather than just skirts, because Austin likes them. The three sisters shop for Joy at a local boutique.
- Meanwhile, Austin, Derick, and Ben spend time at a trampoline park. Austin knew the Duggars before Derick or Ben and watched them arrive on scene and start relationships with Jill and Jessa.
- "She's always had a lot of character and just more [maturity] than girls her age," Austin shares, when asked what drew him to Joy.
- When Austin was 17, his dad suggested he set a goal of fixing up and selling five houses. What was Austin's response? "Well I wonder where the nearest monastery is...." That was six years ago, and now Austin is finishing up his fifth house.
- Down in Laredo, newlyweds Jinger and Jeremy are cooking breakfast together. “It doesn’t really feel like there has been much of an adjustment period,” remarks Jinger.
- Jinger gathers the dirty clothes and heads down to the public laundry room. “We really see ourselves in Laredo for the long-term,” explains Jeremy. “This is where God has called us.”
- Derick gives an update on his gagging issue. He sees an allergist, who rules out asthma but finds out that Derick is a poster child for allergies. She thinks Derick has a narrowing of the esophagus related to allergies and prescribes a medication that will help boost his immune system.
- Austin arrives on the night of the triple date. "Y'all better not be making out back there," Derick says jokingly to Joy and Austin while in the car.
- The destination is MarketPlace Grill, one of the Duggars' favorite restaurants. Jill tells Derick that he can't order certain types of food. She's secretly pregnant, but she says it's just because she doesn't want her husband to smell strongly.
- Later, Jill and Derick share their happy news with Israel, who doesn't quite comprehend. They give him a baby doll and teach him how to treat it.
- Thanksgiving arrives, and some of the Duggars are away with other family, so Jim Bob and Michelle decide to celebrate in Branson, Missouri. As per Duggar tradition, they go around the room sharing things they are thankful for. Derick announces that Israel is thankful for his new shirt, which says" This is what an awesome big brother looks like."
- Everyone is thrilled. "I think my mom was the most outwardly excited one of the bunch," says Jill. "A new Dillard!" she exclaims.
So many people commenting on this blog were critical of Joseph's proposal stealing the attention from Joy and Austin, but the way they did it was perfect. The bouquet toss is the one part of the wedding reception where everyone's attention turns away from the bride and groom to the next person (supposedly) to be married, and in this case it really was! That was awesome, and a great way to surprise Kendra. People are so quick to criticize something they don't have personal knowledge of. It would be nice if the comment section were free of that kind of thing.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing as you. It sure is easy for people to criticize others when they don't have the complete picture of what happened. I loved the look of surprise on Kendra's face! I think it was a really neat way for Joe to propose! Austin and Joy seemed to really enjoy that the proposal was on their wedding day.
DeleteI agree! I loved the way he proposed! It was so cute and in no way detracted from the "attention" of the married couple. But no matter any ones opinion, I like the way the parties involved view it. Austin said it just adds to more fun memories of the day! And Joy was selfless and genuinely happy to have the proposal take place. I'd rather commend them for that rather that criticize!
DeleteThen please don't be criticizing the people who were critical. That scene could have very well stolen from the day, had Joy & Austin not been in such a hurry to get out of there. Sure it left people something to talk about, but now it seems as if Joy & Austin ditched their own reception and handed it over to Joe & Kendra. "Here's the next bride! We're outta here!" It still felt strange to have both things piggybacked in one day. And half the room didn't even realize what had happened!
DeleteSo here's the key words.. could have stolen the day- they didn't. The moment was precious and clearly the bride and groom were happy to be a part of it. Two- they didn't "Ditch" their reception. I couldn't wait to get to the honeymoon the night we were married. The wedding is for the bride and groom. The reception is for the family. It is not uncommon for a bride and groom to make a quick getaway. And you are talking about a couple that have been anxiously waiting time alone. As for the - the room didn't even know what happened- I'm sure Joe didn't propose doe the room, he proposed in a way that would surprise his soon to be bride. Finally- just because YOU felt it "felt strange"... doesn't make it strange. As for those being "critical" of those that are critical on this blog.. go complain and be hateful and ugly on a sight that is interested in your negative comments.
Delete2:57 - The scene "could have" - but it didn't, which was the point of the original poster. So many commenters jump to conclusions that put a bad light on the situation when they don't have any idea what the reality is. And that's something that should be pointed out as being flawed.
DeleteJust saw on nightly news at a wedding in Jamaica the same thing was done. Bride said she had love to share. And yes, it has been done at other weddings so nothing new.
DeleteI agree -- what a cute idea! I loved it.
Deletethis was done in typical duggar fashion! sharing the most important day in their life with another family member and not only making extra special memories, but wanting to make someone else as happy as they are! i thought it so sweet especially since joe & joy have gotten so much closer since kendra has come in the picture
DeleteLet's be thankful it was a smooth transition. Otherwise it was a tacky request. It takes decent and humble people like Joy and Austin to allow it.
DeleteBeautiful wedding! All the best to Joy and Austin... wow TLC did everything it could to keep Carlin Bates out of the pictures...
ReplyDeleteI did look for the Bates but I was not looking hard enough since there was so much going on, however, now I know they (or some of them) were there per the pics (Carlin and Erin). It would be nice to see them on each others shows more often. Not sure why either of them are hardly on each others shows. I only saw the Duggar girls once on the Bates for the wedding. I hope that changes in the future. I like both families. It is because of 19kids that I came to know the Bates.
DeleteHaha! Noticed that too. Actually, they pretty much kept her out of the entire episode.
DeleteLily & Ellie,
ReplyDeleteThis recap is going to be especially appreciated as there was some issue with the TLC programming guide and Counting On did not record on my DVR...It probably did not record on others DVR...depending on whether their DVR is set to record by time and channel v. by show.
Thankfully, I noticed my DVR was not recording and rushed to turn it on and start recording.
I am hoping to see the vows written out in either this post or a later post.
Thanks for all your hard work.
I agree. Mine cut off the last quarter of the double episode. :(
DeleteMy DVR recorded the whole thing from 8 pm tell 10pm. I didn't miss anything. They also showed it again at midnight central time zone.
Delete1. Great Couple!
ReplyDelete2. Precious Wedding
3. Loved Austin's Grandpa (i'm assuming) in the wedding party. Way to honor the family!
4. Praying for answers for Derrick's health and glad he's still pursuing an answer.
5. Tonight felt notalgic, like a 19 Kids and Counting Episode to me. :-)
6. Kendra is so sweet. Like seeing her bubbly personality on the show.
7. Did they edit out the famous Derrick and Jill show-stealing dip and kiss, that I'm guessing happened, after they pronounced Austin and Joy as husband and wife?! Haha only kidding/curious.
Regarding #7
DeleteThey probably did that, again. It's old and silly and we can blame Josh for starting that at the David Waller wedding. Josh always wanted attention. I did notice Jill walked herself down the aisle? But I don't think the rest of the girls did that. I'm not sure.
So sweet, i loved when Austin cried. Glaad Erin did Joys makeup, too bad she wasnt the one who braided it though, she is good at it.Poor Jenny, so sad, she seems to always be.😢Did Joy get married the same place as her sisters?Her dress reminded me of Michelle's renewal vows dress. I wonder where they are living? Hope this couple has a wonderful marriage😄
ReplyDeleteJenny isn't sad i'm sure. Most likely she is just a serious girl. I believe Michelle said that on 19 kids show a while back. My lil 5 yr old grand daughter is quite serious too thats just her character and its perfectly ok. Not all kids constantly smile or talk.
DeleteI really enjoyed watching Joy and Austin's wedding. They seem so very well suited to each other. I liked her dress and the bridesmaids' dresses as well. I think Cindy does a wonderful job making each wedding unique and reflective of the couple marrying. Both Joy and Austin seem very relaxed and easy about their wedding day. They are so comfortable with each other from a great foundation of friendship. Just really a nice wedding and loved how they included their best frineds Joe and Kendra in allowing the proposal. Eileen
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Anonymous June 12. This wedding was real Everyone seemed to be in a very upbeat mood. I think Joy can handle herself in any situation now or in the future. Great couple!
DeleteIt was kinda said how Joy kept asking what Joy liked and didn't seem to care about what she likes. I like to wear things my partner likes sometimes but if I want to do my hair etc I'll do it the way I like not what everyone else likes. Seems like she has no opinion at all
ReplyDeleteEh, my fashion sense is lacking, but my husband has a great sense of style. My default is to ask what he thinks, as I know that he will encourage me to look my best... I just don't always know what that is. In their case, it could be similar to my situation, or it could've been a show for the camera. Either way, if she is willing to make a quick change, then it's sweet to see her seeking his opinion.
DeleteYes! I ask my husband all the time for his advice. I've never been good at fashion so I really value his opinion and appreciate when he tells me what he thinks because I need some guidance sometimes! And I like to know that he thinks I look good.
DeleteI love seeking my husband's opinion but I agree, it seems like Joy feels she has no opinion on what she can wear etc. She should be able to do or wear something without asking permission
DeleteThe wedding was the best part! I love how it was filmed...more documentary style. It was "real"...not staged. And frankly it was riveting! We'll done, TLC! Finally!
ReplyDeleteExactly! It doesn't take away it just adds to the day!
ReplyDeleteI teared up quite a bit watching the wedding 👰
ReplyDeleteIt was beautiful!
Did not enjoy this wedding. Joy is too young and immature. Jinger's wedding was so classy and beautiful, and this wedding was too plain and simple, there was no comparison. I didn't feel the love at all. Not at all. Joe's proposal was great though, Kendra's expression of shock was priceless.
ReplyDeleteHow could you not feel the love when that young man saw her coming down the aisle, or as he choked up saying his vows? It was not perfect, or without stumbles but that made it feel more authentic..
DeleteAll that matters at the end of the wedding day is that they are married.
DeleteFrom the previous Duggar wedding episodes I've seen and this description here, it doesn't seem that the marrying couples take time to greet each of their guests. Jill and Jessa left their guests standing in a church parking lot while they had some photo ops and breezed away. Joy and Austin apparently cut the cake and let guests know they couldn't stay long? How tacky. Did they have other plans going on for the day?
ReplyDeleteIf they had as many guests as the other Duggar weddings that would be hard to individually greet 800 to 1000 people wouldn't you agree?
DeleteJoy was recorded saying "we don't have much time to spend other you", which is understandable given the size of the crowd. I don't understand why so many are invited to begin with!! Is it because of TV?? Also, someone get hold of JimBob & button his suit jacket!! He looked sloppy walking up the aisle.
DeleteI doubt the reception only lasted about five to ten minutes. They only show clips of the reception and not the whole thing. We don't know who they greeted and who they didn't. Why would we want to watch them greet their guests? That would make for boring television.
DeleteI have been to many weddings and haven't always had a chance to talk to the bride and groom. Sometimes there are just too many people surrounding them.
I don't think their guests expect anything more than a ceremony and a cupcake. It's up to them to "fellowship" with each other, not the married couple.
DeleteDo they have other plans for the day???? Ummmm, yeah- they did. What did you want to do on your wedding night. Sit around and eat cupcakes or head to the honeymoon? We let our friends and family enjoy the party and we SPLIT. I assure you, our family understood so I'm sure theirs did as well.
DeleteI think it's rude for a couple to leave the reception without having visited and spoken to every table or everyone that came. Makes you feel like you're only there as a prop in their wedding production, or only as a gift contributor.
DeleteSo awesome. I hope all the people complaining about Joe and Kendra "stealing" Joy's moment are feeling a little closedminded this morning. Looking forward to the whole season!!! And to the previous friend who made the snarky comments about Laura and that she"had" to be dating a Duggar boy... looky, looky- they do have friends.
ReplyDeleteIt was inappropriate. We can do whatever we can to cover it up. That is not a request you ask a bride/groom. Yes, Austin and Joy were great about it but poor taste. It's done and over with. Lets move on and hope someone proposes at their wedding since they're so open about the experience.
DeleteI think in this case it worked out just fine because Joy and Austin were in a hurry to leave. So it was easy to let Joe and Kendra have the spotlight while the other two slipped out. They kinda just handed the reins over. Lol.
DeleteThank goodness for flexible people like this group of three who change things up! They came hip with a completely appropriate surprise for the new member of the clan! It was great and a ton of fun!
DeleteIt was a beautiful wedding! TLC- you rose to the occasion. beautifully presented. For those that think Joy is an immature little girl- wrong She's quiet but this girl knows what she wants!
ReplyDeleteReally? She seemed to be asking Austin what he wanted an awful lot.
DeleteB/C she is in love with him!!
DeleteThe wedding coordinator Laura is so cute! I wonder if any Duggar guys are interested? John David?
ReplyDeleteI DO love this blog and the Duggar family and I AM a regular here but are we going to be saturated with Joys wedding for two or three months like we were with Jinger's wedding? I enjoy the pictures and appreciate them but after a few days I feel over it. I'd LOVE to read about AND see pics of the rest of the family and what they are doing! What is John David and Josiah and Jed and Jer up to these days?
ReplyDeleteThe ones to get the spotlight are the married or pregnant ones (or courting). Makes it seem the others don't have much to offer.
DeleteJessa did made a big deal including Jennifer and Johannah in the clothing search for Joy and TLC even had the older unmarried boys answering questions ... But only one snippet or two of Jana in whole show. She is still one of the sisters! Maybe I missed the reason she could not be in on at least the at home clothing search for Joy even if she wasn't going on the "date" .
DeleteJoy's wedding was beautiful! Can you post who was in the bridal party along with a picture (like you did for Jinger)
ReplyDeleteGreat recap Lily and Ellie! You could be news stories writers, banging out the stories just after they happen!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Looking forward to all the exciting shows up coming!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part was the prayer circle, with Austin's parents and Jim Bob and Michelle praying on the bride and groom. Loved that. That was beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBut Jim Bob's words didn't seem to be about the couple, just "bring more people to Christ." I was bracing for him to mention babies...dozens of babies...
DeleteNot being critical here,but if their parents wanted to pray a blessing over them,it should have been done in private after the ceremony. Something about praying publicly for 2 people on a huge stage, with a film crew taping for paid consumption and a thousand guests watching and listening, just smacks of the Pharisees and their very public prayers for everyone to see and hear. For whose sake did the parents publicly pray? Austin and Joy's? If so, they could have easily prayed over them in private and should have. The Bible instructs us to pray privately in our prayer closet for our Father to hear, not for the viewing audience. was a Church wedding, there is nothing ostentatious about praying in a church, is that not the norm there?
DeleteGo to Matthew 18:19 where the Lord Jesus says where ever (note it says where ever) 2 or 3 of you agree on anything it will be done for you by My Father in Heaven. Being a wedding ceremony of vows and commitment a few prayers for this seem entirely appropriate and what is wrong with that? It is called a wedding and most people are ok with the service I think.
DeleteLike the Dolly Parton song says, 'it will drive you crazy if you let it!'.
DeleteI think we are just blessed to see this ceremony and not to use it as way to that place.
Where ever, or what ever, or on earth, anyway get the point. The church corporately prayed so hard for the apostle Peter that he was released from prison by an angel. The Bible has a criticism toward people that is people are holding to a form of religion - but denying the power there of. So now here someone is criticizing people for not just being rote in a church building?!
DeleteI think this show is getting to be the same thing over and over· A courtship engagement and wedding and then babies·
ReplyDeleteThis show will not last rever as it seems to be same stories over and over·
I think it is authentic to where they are at in their journey. I enjoy watching the show and what they choose to share. I respect them in setting boundaries for what they choose to remain private.
DeleteHello there everyone and especially Lillie and Ellie! I do not recall how or (if it was said), what Michelle and grandma included with the family wedding dress? How did Joy Anna include the small part of the wedding dress in her special day? If anyone knows please share as this is a wonderful tradition that was a part of the other daughters wedding day! God bless everyone
ReplyDeleteShe had fabric squares from her grandma, mother and Austin's mother sewn into her dress.
DeleteHello there everyone and thank you for your feedback. I must have missed it when it was on tv. Have a wonderful evening!😀
Deletewhat is next Monday's show about?
ReplyDeleteYou will have to wait and find out what next Monday's shows about.
DeleteWill TLC replay this episode? I missed it last night, been waiting for a while to see it, and then missed it.......grrrrr! So bummed.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope it gets replayed, my power was out so I couldn't watch either:( TCL usually doesn't replay this show. They have the first half of the episode online. Lilly and Elly have a link posted. But I would still like to see the whole 2 hr episode.
DeleteIts on YouTube! Both EPs.. Won't give link but you should find it easlily enough
Deletethey have them on iTunes
DeleteBeautiful wedding, wonderful couple. Very touching episode. So impressed by the depth of this young couple's faith.
ReplyDeleteI loved the prayer circle!! And each parent prayed their own prayer. Looking forward to the new season!! Also wanting to see Joseph and Kendra's courtship, engagement and wedding planning and of course their wedding!! Also would like to see ALL the Duggars. When is Josh and Anna's baby due? Love this show!! ♥
ReplyDeleteBaby due in July
DeleteI LOVED the wedding! The hay at the ceremony on the ground was weird though
ReplyDeleteVery weird. Felt like a barn.
DeleteI was concerned for candles and hay and hanging foliage. I've seen "The Wizard of Oz."
DeleteIt was a beautiful wedding, but I admit I was very concerned for their elderly guests-falls being the number one injury for the elderly (often leading to a marked and rapid decline in health). I was cringing when Grandma Mary was escorted down the aisle and Austin's elderly groomsman walked as well. Then, there's the pregnant moms in attendance who do not need to fall, followed by little children who tend to get overwhelmed/excited by large gatherings and aren't paying attention to where they're going or how. Hoping the loose, scattered hay isn't going to become the latest wedding trend. :(
DeleteThe wedding was beautiful. I could tell Austin and Joy-Anna were good friends for a long time before they fell in love. So this couple really did marry their best friend. That's why they were so comfortable with each other. God Bless.....Jane
ReplyDeleteI agree. And what's most important is the marriage, not the wedding. I loved it.
DeleteGlad for the new couple but did not like the straw on the floor, or the flowers from the ceiling brides maids were a little to simple, but the prayers circle and personalized vows were a great
ReplyDeleteI think I liked everything but the straw on the floor. I understand where they wanted the idea to go, but I think I would have done something a little different than walking over it. Maybe scattered it along the sides? Lined the walk up? I could even accept the bridesmaids dresses over the straw. But whatever Joy is happy with.
DeleteNot to be critical, but maybe a better idea would have been incorporating bales of hay into the decor (like stacked off center) or even a burlap/beige tweed aisle runner instead. I hope someone or a crew got paid very well for cleaning the Church and the family and friends were not stuck cleaning up all that confetti and hay.
DeleteLovely wedding but why the brown sandals under Joy's white wedding dress? If she feels comfortable in sandals go for it but couldn't they have at least been white? I have to say for me when I saw that, it took away from her dress. It seemed completely random almost as if she rifled through the shoe bin and this is what came out. I'm not intending to be critical because I thought she looked beautiful but someone needed to help her with her shoe choice... just saying
ReplyDeleteJust guessing here, but normal bridal shoes would have been incredibly slippery with all the hay on the floor. Likely, the sandals were comfortable and went with her going away outfit. If she already had them on it cut down on the changing clothes time so they could make their getaway faster.
DeleteI agree. It looks like she lost her bridal shoes and had to make do, although they are better than bare feet.
DeleteWhen is Josh and Anna's due date???
ReplyDelete@Lily and Ellie
A long FRONTAL hug?? Wow, these Duggar kids are getting bold! Haha
ReplyDeleteSeriously, Congrats Joseph and Kendra! So cute.
I could only watch the first part of the show, the wedding part. The second part got real boring real fast. And then when they showed Derick gagging again (same old footage), that was it. Off went TLC.
ReplyDeleteThat gagging footage needs to go into the circular file once and for all! Nobody wants to watch someone else vomit.
DeleteAgreed! Yuck! 🤢
Deleteyou know, each of the duggar weddings have all been so different but each exactly reflected their particular style so well! joy wants to please austin & has expanded her comfort zone with clothes & hairstyles and austin is like "what would you like?". he's very considerate of her! i love seeing that.
ReplyDeletei'm predicting a late summer/early fall wedding for joe & kendra. looking forward too seeing their courtship unfold
Anyone found it abit hypocritical of Ben and Derick to question how Austin was going to provide for Joy when Ben has no job other than TLC and Derick relies on donation's. If your going to hive advice at least make sure your doing something first. God bless Joy and Austin in their marriage.
ReplyDeleteDidn't watch that part, but yes, that would be odd. Although Ben & Derick probably both feel like they're working, since there's income. Ben has always been doing "part-time work on Jim Bob's properties," whatever that entails. Mowing grass and cleaning toilets is all we've ever been shown. He's supposed to be busy studying, though. Derick has no income right now. He did work a little last hiatus, but that Donate button is still there, and got bigger.
DeleteBen is going to school.
Delete@ 6.53am, Ben is actually doing something. He works for Jimbob and he does interning for a ministry. He has also spoken at conferences, I'm sure that brings in money.
Delete@ 6.53am, Ben is actually doing something. He works for Jimbob and he does interning for a ministry. He has also spoken at conferences, I'm sure that brings in money.
DeleteJOsh is NOT due to deliver a baby. Anna is.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it. God has put two people to gather that loves each other very much, my heart was moved and the Lord was lifted up. What a Wonderful Wedding. It was Joy through and through. Thank you for letting us enjoy the day!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy did Joy ask what name to sign on the certificate? I thought that it would be her maiden name not her married name.
ReplyDeleteI wondered that too. After giving it some thought it came to my mind that this was a bit different because I think it is usually done after the end of the ceremony in a room away from the people. By that time the couple would have been we'd and the gal could technically go by her new name then. I am obviously using my own thinking. I need of embarrassed inside to be sitting around thinking about this. Isn't that a bit leagalistic and completely irrelevant to me?! I enjoyed watching and am thankful to see this wedding! Glory to God in Christ!
DeleteSo happy the Duggars are back! I really enjoyed these shows! They are all sdo calm. That is really something yo learn right there. I just love watching these loving, warm hearted people live! Can't seem to get enough of it!
ReplyDeleteI have met some easy does it Christian people and over time they really prospered in their lives! Easy does do it!
ReplyDeleteI don't get why some tlc are so easy to stream but counting on isn't??
ReplyDeleteI'm totally gonna invite you to my wedding