
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Joy and Austin on Babies

After their wedding at a Rogers, Arkansas, church, which was attended by 1,002 guests, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth embarked on a honeymoon. Like sisters Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald, Joy is keeping her location a secret for the time being.

When the couple returns home, they will build a house near both families, and it might not be too long before they enter parenthood.

"We love kids, and we’re excited to have a family," Joy and Austin told People Magazine. "We’re just going to see what the Lord does."

Joy-Anna also shared with People that she and Austin "want as many [kids]as the Lord thinks we can handle."

More wedding details and photos will be revealed in this week's issue of People, on newsstands Friday. Check out the video below for a preview.

We have some exclusive wedding info/news to share soon!

Photo courtesy TLC; video courtesy


  1. Thanks for sharing.Congratulations to the couple! I think it is most special that Joy included sentimental pieces to her wedding dress. Lovely. Can't wait to see this episode.

  2. Good for them! God bless you so!

  3. Oh that is so sweet they will be building their own house. I'm excited to see the finished project. I won't be buying the People magazine issue but I will flip through if while I wait in line at the store.

    1. Regina: Genuine question why don't you buy people magazine? The Duggars seem to sell all the exclusive rights to their stories to this magazine, what is wrong with it? I live in Ireland so we don't get it here.

    2. Wonder where they'll bunk in the meantime?

    3. That's what I do sometimes Regina. 😂

  4. I really wish these couples wouldn't focus so much on having children. What if children aren't the Lord's plans for them?

    1. What if children aren't YOUR OWN plans?

    2. Than the good Lord won't give them any. But here the things Anon, that's what you wish for them. But that's not what they wish for themselves. If they want to have children, that's their business and decision. Nobody elses.

    3. Then the Lord won't allow them to have kids.

    4. If children aren't in the Lord's plans for them then He won't give them any.. They are open to what He wants for their lives.

    5. What do you think they should focus on?

    6. Then they won't physically be able to get pregnant. But that's up to God to decide isn't it. Last I knew he said to be fruitful and multiply so if they can, they will. I love how they accept that opportunity so graciously.

    7. Omg don't said that. God create marriage to create a family with children and some cases people can not have children that's another thing. But if you can have them then go for it.

    8. "Families" and children don't come tied to a marriage license. You don't necessarily need that paper to have either of the first two things. And because you have that paper, you don't automatically get those two things, either.

    9. I strongly believe the Lord does not call every christian to have children. That's not a necessity to marriage. If a couple ever did feel that the Lord had other plans for them than they should not have them. We obviously know that Joy and Austin do not feel this way but don't put every married christian couple into a catagory.

    10. Some people just should not have children. Not all parents are great parents. I think if you don't really want children, you shouldn't have them. There are too many neglected kids in this world.

    11. I know a few couples that do not want children. They have careers, love to travel. Like to go on dates whenever it hits them. If that's the life you want then go for it. God did not create marriage just to have children. He created husband and wife to do what makes them happy.

    12. Some people just should not have children. Not all parents are great parents. I think if you don't really want children, you shouldn't have them. There are too many neglected kids in this world.

    13. Um, that's my entire point. Some people can't have children. It's important for that to not be the be all and end all of marriage. I just find it so strange that none of these couples have goals besides having children.

      And having children is not THE reason the Lord created marriage. Marriage was created to unite two people to live their lives together. Children may happen, but that's up to God and He can and does decide that some couples will not have children, or at least not right away.

    14. I think it's cruel to tell an infertile woman that "God" didn't want her to have children, or that it's up to "Him" so "He's" the reason she has no children. What sort of comfort would that be? Some women spend years and thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant. I would never tell a woman that "God" was the reason she had no children. Please don't ever project your idea of who gets children and who doesn't onto another woman.

    15. Respectfully who says they don't have other goals. And in my opinion having children is one of the biggest blessings God gives parents. What greater goal for them is there than being wonderful parents to the kids they so deeply desire. If that's what they want who are we to question their choice. And yes so far the others have wanted the same with might I add other goals in mind as well. They all seem to be doing great in that department. I wish the best for the newlyweds.

    16. 2:27 PM - THANK YOU. Your second paragraph is right on the money. Marriage between a man and wife is symbolic of the relationship of Jesus and His church "the bride of Christ."

    17. Really, God has nothing to do with it. Children do not "just happen".

      Most couples use birth control. They decide when or if they have children. Their use of B/C may not be as effective due to misuse etc. but God does not decide that. Some couple even take steps to permanently remove their ability to have children. God does not decide that.

      Some couples have fertility issues; again God has nothing to do with that. There are various reasons: weight, age, environmental impacts, nutrition etc.

    18. Families are the "building blocks" of society! The purpose of marriage, for thousands of years, has been for the unification of spouses AND the procreation of children. They go hand in hand, whether you want to believe that little inconvenient truth or not. Some couples may experience infertility...and yes...they may adopt. Or they may serve in other capacities and have "spiritual children." Once contraception was introduced, people started separating marriage from children...but not without its consequences. Human Vitae (you can google and read the whole document) accurately predicted that if contraception was widely accepted that 1.) Domestic abuse would sky rocket
      2.) Rape would increase
      3.) abortions would increase
      4.) children born out of wedlock would increase and will be seen as a further "burden" on society.
      Wake up, people! Contraception and sterilized marriages are not the flowers and roses you all are preaching. What love is there in a marriage the chooses to say "no" to life?!?! It becomes a marriage of selfishness. The Duggars have this one right.

    19. Humanae Vitae it's a great document, well said!

  5. When the Duggar kids get married, they say they want to have lots of babies, like very soon. Doesn't their spouses have a say in this, or are they afraid and feel like they have to go along with it.

    1. I think that the spouses know what they are getting into. And I'm sure the topic was talked about long before the wedding. I'm sure they have a say and are hopefully on the same page. Otherwise they would have called it off. Children are a pretty important thing to be on the same page about prior to marriage.

    2. I think these spouses are all on board with having as many children as God gives them.

    3. If you watch the seasons, all spouses - Anna, Derick, Ben, Jeremy has said they talked about it and wanted to have children, and wait and see what God gives them.

    4. I would guess that no one would enter a relationship with a Duggar without figuring the question of a large family would pop up!

    5. Things don't always work as planned. I had always wanted children. My husband and I talked about it before marriage. Then he turned and decided all of a sudden he never wanted kids. Then I ended up being diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and stopped have periods in my late twenties. Needless to say, no children. People don't understand. It has been like miscarrying many times over. Just because you want children does not mean it will happen. One of the Duggars out of that many may end up infertile. They should not be pushing it.

    6. Duggar Dad has said he as a 50-page "application" for potential suitors. It's safe to say, they are all on the same page about kids.

    7. 50 page application?!....that's not very romantic.

  6. I can't wait to see more on Joy's wedding!! I live in the UK so I have to rely on this blog!!

    Lilly and Ellie, can we please have more info on the duggars living at home? Like what is the Buddy System looking like now that Jana is the oldest Duggar girl at home now? Does Jana still share a bedroom with her younger sisters? How are all the school aged Duggars doing? How is Josh, Anna and their kids?
    Thank you for this blog!

    1. I'd like to know these same types of things.

    2. Great questions!

    3. Yes, I'd love to hear updates on the others as well.

    4. Yes, please put more about regular Duggar household life. I would love to read longer blog posts about the littler kids. Thanks for doing this!

    5. Yes!!! good questions, and I would like to know as well :)

  7. Jana was ALWAYS the oldest Duggar girl!

  8. I didn't know how many kids the Lord thought I could handle, because I didn't ask him. I figured he was way to busy, and I already knew how many I could handle. I told my husband-to-be that I could probably handle 2 kids and he said he could probably handle 2 also. Thank the Lord, we had two healthy kids, than I got myself fixed. That was a long time ago.

  9. Since Austin didn't build before marriage I'm assuming they will stay in a family rental?
    Wishing them the best for their future together.

  10. I feel bad for the Duggar girls. They always seem to rush into the next milestone. There isn't much talk about being content in your current situation. It's like, your engaged, when's the wedding? Your married, are you pregnant? You just had a baby! When will you try for another child? Sigh. That's a risky life to always be looking forward to the next thing instead of enjoying the present. Slow down girls! There is no race to the finish line in life.

  11. Building a house sounds interesting. It seems they would build one near the camp ground if Austin is working there. Joy-Anna seems too young to start having kids! She is only a teenager! They need a adopt a dog. Wait for the huge family. Maybe Joy could take a few college classes.

  12. Message to Jana- You are beautiful, inside and out. You're value isn't in a piece of rock, a tiny band of gold, or in tiny pink feet. You are made in the image of God, a daughter of the King. He knows the beginning from the end. He has a plan, a course mapped out for you- stay the course and you'll fulfill the destiny you were created for...not some person's idea.

    1. Not even her parents' idea, either?

  13. Congrats Joy and Austin!! So excited to share in your courtship and wedding in the upcoming season! I love all the Duggars but these are two of my favs (well they are not Duggars but Mr and Mrs Forsyth). Also impressed they are letting the Lord lead them in how many babies they are BLESSED with!

  14. They are a beautiful couple. I've always liked Joy! I'm so happy to see her happy 💟

  15. Where are they going to be living in the meantime during construction of this house?

    1. Good question. There is plenty of room in Jill and Derick's mansion I will bet!

  16. "Joy is keeping her location [honeymoon] secret for the time being."- I hope that it so that she and Austin can have some privacy as they begin their married life, as opposed to a working for money, honeymoon, complete with a TLC film crew and People photographers.

  17. I heard Jim Bob is working to find a suitor for Johanna so they'll have a good storyline for next season.

    1. Huh? Johanna is still a child, not even 16!!

    2. Someone is being sarcastic :)

    3. You can't be that gullible to believe that about JB would be doing that.😁

  18. Joy is stunning!!!


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