Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lawson Bates and Jana Duggar Courting?

A rumor has been floating around the internet that Lawson Bates, who turns 25 in July, is in a courtship with Jana Duggar, 27. (The Duggars were actually in East Tennessee visiting the Bates last week.) Visit our Bates blog to read Gil and Kelly Bates' response.

Photo courtesy duggarfamily.com


  1. This would be great, but she wants a man's man with dirt under his fingernails, and I don't think Lawson is that person.

    1. Agreed! My first thought too

    2. Somebody who loves agriculture like the Peterson Farm Bros from Assaria Kansas.

  2. I don't think Lawson gets his hands dirty. A pre-requisite according to Jana. So..nope.

    1. I don't think you can make such a call since you don't know them neither of them personally.

    2. Nobody is qualified to make any kind of claims or rumors unless they know these Duggars personally. It's getting really ridiculous how people act as if they know them and start spreading out all these lies.

    3. It is Jana's prerogative to change her mind. She said that once. That doesn't mean that would be her only possible suitor. I remember saying I preferred dark hair in a spouse It didn't happen that way. Don't take everything so concretely.

    4. Yes but hair colour for example means nothing about personality! Fair dinkum! These are two very different things.

  3. i'm so glad you guys address rumors right away! with so many similarities in their families, and being good friends, i think people have come to expect a bates/duggar relationship is probably in the future. (or are hoping for one)

    1. There is always a bit of truth in any rumor. I think they would be a very good match. They both have such giving hearts--Lawson with the sick children...Jana at the Vets homes. They are both aestheticly beautiful. They understand and support their upbringings. So..are dirty hands really that important?

    2. There are still the little ones!!😊

    3. Not sure what you are implying? That Jana has not finished raising her siblings?

    4. No, they're implying that a bates/duggar relationship could still happen with the some of the younger kids.

    5. What about the Jossip.com article on line claiming Kendra is pregnant...these rumors are hurtful and I can't understand why people are so interested in thoses they don't know, have never met nor will met. Crazy!

  4. Jana has said that she wants a guy who will get his hands dirty. Lawson doesn't strike me as that kind of guy.

    1. You can't make that call unless you know both of them personally.

  5. Oh I hope so!!! What a sweet couple they be!!!

    1. Unfortunately, it's just a rumor like the Tim one :(

    2. It is not like the "Tim one". Lawson is realistic. Tim Tebow only in JimBob's dreams.

    3. Why not Tim Tebow? Jana is beautiful and could have any man she wanted. He was crazy for not courting her! And just because he is a celebrity, does not mean he is above her. If you ask me, his loss!

    4. Hahaha... and quite a few other people!!!

    5. Tim Tebow is in a lot more dreams than just Jim Bob's, trust me.

    6. I think Tim Tebow and Jana would make a dynamic couple under other circumstances. I think the last thing he wants is to be followed around by TLC cameras and young chaperones

  6. I'm Glad you put this rumor to rest. There is so much "fake" news when it comes to the Duggars, I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Some of it is ridiculous.

    1. There's a lot of internet trolls that follow the Duggars

    2. It's because of what Josh did that people are spreading rumors. He just ride it for everyone. That's why Jill and Derek are in central America to get away from these rumors and stay away from Josh.

  7. Nobody thinks Lawson and Jana are courting.

  8. I bet Jana really enjoys the constant speculation about her relationship status. Hopefully it doesn't force her into settling for someone undeserving, like another young woman we know!

    1. Who settled? Not being rude or anything, I'm just really nosy and want to know.

    2. She's a smart girl, so I hope she won't feel rushed to settle for someone who is not perfect for her.

    3. Who? Who settled for someone undeserving? Truthfully..I've been trying to think of whom you are talking about?

    4. You are so full of it. She's 27 and obviously smart enough to wait. She also stated that she isn't going to court the first man that comes along. And Joy, why should she wait? I don't think it's anyone's business or right to tell these people how to run their lives. And she wants to get married young, that's her choice. You and trolls like you need to stop telling what these girls should and should not be doing. I hope you don't end up with one of these Duggars because you sound like a controlling person.

    5. Anon @ 1:17 Jana seems like such a lovely young woman but there is a sadness to her. I hope that if she decides to marry it will be to someone she chooses and that she really gets to know and trust him first. These young women cannot truly know the men they marry as the never get to be alone or have a private conversation. You can be alone with someone amd date without sex being involved. The parents must not trust their own parenting. Also what about John David hes also not married wheres the speculation about him?

    6. I hope Jana and all the single Duggars and Bates are able to view the constant speculation and rumours with a sense of humour and are laughing at the rumour-makers.

    7. @3:34. I agree. Such a meloncholy sense around Jana. She comes across as depressed. Maybe that's why she hasn't courted or married.

    8. She may mean Babe due to his background

    9. I wish she could date guys first, on her own. She'd learn a lot more by dating than sitting at home waiting for Dad to help pick a husband.

    10. I don't think Jana is depressed, I think she's introverted like several of her siblings. Not easy being in the public eye when you're an introvert!

    11. Babe's background? What's settling about Babe? He's a good-looking former athlete and best of all a strong Christian. And you call that settling? I'd say Jinger won the jackpot with Babe.

    12. Anon@3:13. You could be right about Jana being introverted however some of her siblings have commented that she used to be very outgoing and bubbly but something changed in her, don't know what it was but some of the speculation i've read is worrying. Anyway you would think if she was so shy her parents would give her the option of not appearing on the show.

    13. The woman who settled for someone undeserving is Anna.

  9. If Lawson is courting anyone, it's Lawson Bates.

    1. That was harsh and uncalled for. I, like many, have noticed an increasing amount of just plain nasty comments on here. I'm ALL for differing points of view. I used to enjoy reading intelligent discussions of varrying view points. Different points of views do not need to be stated with meaness. Lilly and Ellie..I can't even imagine how challenging it must be to weed through so many comments. And, I fully respect your attempt at being balanced in responses especially knowing your friends with the Duggars( and Bates). Therefore, I'm sure your ideologies run very similar. But...are there really no other posts of varying views that don't include such nastiness? I will sadly be saying goodbye to this blog (and Bates) as I no longer walk away feeling uplifted..or challenged in a positive way...after reading these blogs. The world is SO negative. I don't need to intentionally make it worse by frequenting these blogs.

    2. Completely agree

    3. Lol! Idk if this was meant to be mean but it made me laugh. Lawson is adorable and talented and focused on Lawson. <3

    4. This comment totally cracked me up! Hahaha

    5. This comment is the best thing ever. Anon 1:24. Hilarious!

    6. Haha only to true!

    7. Lawson does seem to focus on Lawson and his music career first!

    8. So true! Hahaha!! He's so awesome though ;P

  10. I just keep remembering when Lawson came out to watch his dad and brothers pouring the concrete for the new basketball court after they told him to help them.
    Definitely not Jana's type of guy.

  11. I sure do wish Jana would find someone. She is so beautiful. I pray God brings someone into your life

  12. I've been hoping those families would be connected by marriage oneday ❤❤ my favorite families

  13. Why so much unkind writing and hate-filled content. Jana is a smart girl whose Heavenly Father is her guide. I've written before concerning this, why publish the derogatory comments?
    Let's use this sight to the Glory of God!

    1. I don't see texts that are negative toward Jana. People generally like Jana very much. So don't get all defensive.

    2. Good Grief, I think you are overreacting. I read through these comments and it's quite a stretch calling any of them hate-filled.
      It's an internet forum and you will see a range of opinions.

  14. We don't get either of these shows, It's nice to hear news about the families

  15. Lawson is smitten with Emily Ann.

    1. How do you know? And she has a bf already.

  16. Oh leave the girl alone. Gees, when shes ready, she will let everyone know...Sharon

  17. I love them both,, they would make a cute couple

  18. I'm praying that they will become a couple. He is someone Jana needs someone who can take you out of the home she runs. The Bates kids are so well rounded and I love the fact their parents do not control what the older ones do.

    1. You should visit the Bates blog and read the truth.

  19. I think they would make a cute couple,,wish only the best for them if they are courting or not,, love the Bates and the Duggars,,xo

  20. They have said Lawson Bates is dating every Duggar girl as she comes of age already !

  21. I liked Tim Tebow for Jana..lol. Seriously, there was a guy named Skylar who was featured on the show when Kynzie and Michael were really little and he was hot! I think he was a friend of Josh's or a family friend. He helped Josh finish a guest room for Michelle and Jim Bob. He was a carpenter by trade, (dirt under nails,something Jana is looking for in a guy!). He was really cute though and I was so hoping he and Jana were a secret couple. But that was a few years ago, so doubt it.

  22. Lawson owns a lawn business he runs mostly by himself. I think he gets his hands dirty.

    1. With his music career he no longer has any time for that. I believe Trace took over the lawn business.

  23. Great family to be associated with but I'd be surprised if true.
    I also don't see a balance between temperament, but only time will confirm.
    Both deserve privacy no matter what tabloids print.

  24. Interesting. I thought that was a long-dead horse. But, thanks Lawson and Jana for not just lamenting about being single and letting those longings lead you into temptations. But instead do what God calls you to do, while waiting for the right match.
    BTW, I think TLC was trying to make that happen whenever the Duggars and Bates were together and filming. They kept interviewing everyone about it, and showing clips of a guy and girl talking, or one seemingly observing the other. Thanks Ellie and Lily for addressing rumors before the tabloids are able to make something of it.

  25. I doubt it, they seem kind of an awkward match. She's probably going to marry someone older, at least I think so anyway. She's so mature.

  26. In many ways I'm sad the rumour is addressed - I never believed a word of it - Jana & Lawson clearly aren't suited tog.from what I've seen. So many ridculous false rumours float around about the duggars.... and people demand to know the truth of
    them. If the rumours are true they'll show forth in time & the duggars or bates will share them when ready.

  27. I have thought this for a while.Carlin says something a bout Lawson waiting to court in two years this was said last season

  28. Lawson would be better suited to a city girl

  29. Anon 4/4 @1:24 PM...hilarious post and oh, so true.

  30. If Lawson bates was courting anybody it would be Emily ann Roberts

    1. She has a bf already.

    2. Nope, Emily Ann has a boyfriend, possibly fiance!
      Stalk her Insta.

  31. Just realized how much Lawson looks like Shawn Mendes! (Also a great singer/songwriter)

  32. It would be nice since they've been friends for a long time and have the same core values. More power to them.

  33. Why is everyone is rushing Jana to get courted and get married?

    She's 27 years old. She can make her own choices.

    Not her parents

    1. They girls just once again admitted that Dear Old Dad is the one to make the husband choices for them, too.

    2. Yes, that was in that recent Crown of Beauty (?) magazine article.

    3. The girls are smart to listen to their parents and get their advice about who to marry. If you have good parents, they are a great asset in seeing the person you are interested without emotions clouding their judgments. I have talked to many divorced people and several of them said that their parents tried to warn them against marrying their ex-spouse. They wished that they could turn back time and listen to their parents.

    4. I meant was

      That Jana can do what she wants to do (example going to college classes) without her parents interfering on her 24/7.

  34. That's cool Jana is smart and sweet.

  35. I'd love to see Jana in a courtship with a man in his 30s who's already situated in life.

    1. Agreed
      She deserves a strong and stable relationship honoring her lovely nature.

    2. I think that would be perfect for her. Kind of a Babe-like guy, only maybe a construction worker.

  36. I doubt Jana would be interested in this guy. She seems to be a peace being single and I wish others would join her!

  37. Wow..another nasty comment to incite division and anger. Do you know Lawson? From what I have seen on the shows, which is scripted and edited, Lawson seems like a genuinely nice man. He is funny, kind, hard working..hard work encompasses more than manual labor..loves The Lord, loves his family. Jana would be fortunate to have Lawson for her life partner..but would Lawson be fortunate to have Jana?

    1. Anon@ 7.45 and you have hit the nail on the head. These are scripted and edited shows so we can never be sure if what we watch on either the Duggars or Bates shows is anything like the families in 'real' life I suspect not. You cannot be sure that the Lawson you see is the true lawson, at least not 24/7.

  38. It's interesting that there's so much speculation and focus about who may be courting who in the TV "reality" world of big families. I am more curious about how these young people are pursuing their interests and career goals. It seems the Bates kids have more freedom to explore along these lines, which is a good thing. And no, I am not against marriage and family! I just think it's wise for young women to have the means and skills to support themselves.

  39. I'm curious as to why this rumor was addressed, but others in the past have not been. There are always rumors of a Bates/Duggar courtship, most notably Tori/Joe and Jinger/Lawson.

  40. Jana is too mature for Lawson. I believe the person Jana marries will be much older than she is.

    1. Not sure why some many people here pass judgment on Jana Lawson like they know them personally, and are clear on what their individual relationship needs are.
      You end up criticizing Jana and Lawson when you do this.
      I'm pretty sure we all have areas of improvement that develop throughout life and aren't necessarily buttoned up by the time we enter courtship or even marriage. ...And maturity is one of many pieces of the relationship puzzle.

  41. Just because she said she wanted a blue collar guy doesn't mean that's who she will marry. I always thought I would marry a man over 6'2 and my husband of 25 years is 5'11. But that pretty face of his gave me three beautiful kids. Some people believe you can't choose who you fall in love with. The older I get the more I understand. You can set guidelines, (religion being number one and my husband and I grew up together at church) but he went off to college and didn't notice me until he came home and I was grown up. You just know when you are in love. It's not the same as a high school sweetheart, I had one of them too, fond memories, taught me to drive, proms etc all the while the one God had for me was in college getting s degree to support our family. And he has my WHOLE heart, always has.

    1. Well now according to their theology you gave away pieces of your heart to your previous boyfriend. Hmm...

  42. Really? Why would anyone comment about the love life of a 27 year old girl? It is her business and only hers.

    1. Their lives are like an open book. They live it all out there for all to see.

  43. I think Jana probably has turn down more than a few guys and is waiting for the right one. Being that said, I can't wait too see who she picks for her future husband.

    1. I don't want to think about the ones she turned down.....

  44. Sanctimonious. Do any of you know what Christianity really is?

  45. No. Jana is far too mature for Lawson.

    1. I don't think Jana is fun enough for lawson

  46. I think Jana and Lawson are going to be a good couple and Lawson is going to be a good husband and Jana is going to be a good wife


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