
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Dillards' Response to Engagement

It has been just 24 hours since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth announced their engagement, following Austin's proposal during a horseback riding outing. Younger sisters Johannah Duggar (11) and Jennifer Duggar (9) were along as chaperones.

In the video below, Jill, Derick, and Israel Dillard share their congratulations all the way from Central America. (They returned to the mission field two weeks ago.) Be sure to get a good look at Derick's new haircut, in case you missed the pictures we posted last week.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. I must admit this felt real!

  2. I see 'very careful wording' was used with the 'announcement' of Joy's engagement. They were engaged last Christmas and the family chose to announce it now for ratings. Please stop playing with the audience and the followers on this website. Just be plain and truthful and tell the readers here that they have been engaged for months now and that they're marrying in April. All set already.

    1. I completely agree. If you look at the trees on their announcement video, there are no bids on the trees. I live in NJ and all of our trees have buds on them so I would think that the teees in the south would be much further along then trees up north due to temperature range. Also, I find it very odd to announce an engagement in Josh's birthday. I too believe that Joy was engaged in December. I don't understand why the Duggar's are not announcing things as they happen. It's not very honest, especially as they receive money from People magazine for their announcements.

    2. I am sure they have a contract with TLC that limits when they can release information. TLC is obviously looking to increase ratings, so they make them wait to make major announcements. It isn't dishonest to wait to publically make an announcement. I actually think it is better for them to wait, since it gives them some privacy for the first few weeks or months.

    3. I think it's for more than ratings...its called privacy.If you were in the public eye wouldn't you want to enjoy your special news without the whole world knowing right away?Let them enjoy it for a bit before they have to share with the world...makes sense to me.

    4. Isn't it wonderful how some posters know better than the Duggars on how the Duggars should share their lives. Personally, I am just happy to hear the news. I also hope and understand if boundaries need to be in place to protect themselves, their children, and their lives. After all, the Duggars have become great targets for online bullying, harrassment and criticism. I think they might want to keep some control over when they share news. Eileen

    5. @ Anon 11:46
      The trees here in Texas are still bare.

  3. What a difference that haircut makes!

  4. So an 11 yr old and a 9 yr old were the chaperones to make sure this couple of adults (they're getting married so they must be adults) kept true to their purity rules. What exactly would those little girls do if JoyAnna and Austin went off the rails? This whole chaperone business has gotten quite silly; usually a chaperone is someone older than the parties that need the chaperoning. Am I happy that the little girls were included in this outing? Absolutely! Most young girls love horses and what a treat this would have been for them. Am I going to believe that they were there to keep the courting couple on the straight and narrow? Nope, sorry. If JoyAnna and Austin need to be babysat by youngsters maybe they aren't ready to take a major step like marriage.

    1. The chaperones have said before they're simply just there to make sure the couple upholds their personal standards. Given the fact that they both made a vow not to make any physical contact during courtship and to only hold hands during engagement, I very much doubt they would've come this far only to have broken that promise. I'm sure they trust themselves and their parents trust them enough to not cross that line. And that is why the girls were allowed to come. Maybe the rest of the older kids were busy, it's definitely not the norm to have Johannah and Jennifer as chaperones. But regardless, the family has said before whoever chaperones knows the standards the couples have set and are totally prepared to step in and say what are you doing.

    2. Do girls that age even understand what it is they're supposed to be chaperoning against?

    3. They had the camera crew following them as well, so they had plenty of adult chaperones. I think it is sweet that she was thinking of her younger sisters on that special day.

    4. My thoughts exactly

    5. They are there as chaperones only. If JoyAnna and Austin went off the rails that would be their choice. The chaperones are not there to stop them from doing anything. The chaperones are there to remind the courting/dating couple of the choices they had made to each other, if they change their minds, who can really stop them?

    6. Obviously they don't think the couple will go "off the rails". I have never once thought it was for the couple but rather for "wagging tongues" of outsiders.

    7. What kind of culture is this that tongues would wag about whether a young couple were behaving themselves or not? How intrusive and frankly distasteful. Its nobody's business but the couple.

    8. It would be best if the kids stopped feeling the need to announce how "pure" they are all the time. Right there is a reason for raised eyebrows.

    9. Don't call them chaperones. Call it what it's is; little girls on an outing with their big sister and her boyfriend.

    10. Anon 7:48 I agree with you completely but all you have to do is read some comments on this or any site talking about the Duggars to see it is a real concern. Sad that some people spend so much time and energy telling other people how to live their lives.

    11. 12:17 Isn't that what missionaries and religion in general does, tell people how to live their lives?

    12. I can't answer for religion, because I don't believe in religion. I believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God, who created all people, tells us how to live in His Word, the Bible. Missionaries don't tell people how to live their lives. They tell them what God says in His Word. Everyone has a choice in how they respond. God is loving and kind, but He is the one who gives everyone a choice. You can choose Him or live your life any way that you want. He doesn't force anyone to obey Him.

    13. @9:13AM - No, that's not what Christian missionaries do, and that's not what Christianity is. It's a relationship with God through Jesus. It's not a set of rules as to how to live your life to get to heaven, as are some other religions.

  5. I don't know what it is, but Jill looks so much more genuinely happy in this video!!! good for her, maybe she really likes being In C-America!!

    1. I agree. I think ( no criticism) that Jill only feels valued if she's pregnant. It does agree with her however!

    2. She never looked happy there in the past. Perhaps she is happy knowing this stay won't be very long and she'll be back in the U.S. for the wedding soon.

    3. Sadly I have thought Jill has looked so unhappy for a very long while now. I'm glad to see a glimpse of her old self!

  6. video did not load but the picture of with Israel is super cute - he just gets more adorable all the time. so happy for joy and austin!

  7. So excited !!! I just the duggars.congrats joy and austin

  8. Congrats Joy and Austin!!! I just love the Duggars how they raise their children in the LORD.

  9. so excited for joy & austin! i'm sure you'll want to wait until jill & derick's new little one arrives to update the header but am wondering if you'll be including austin with joys picture?

  10. How sweet.. Austin. Austin. They were to gether long enough for Israel to learn his name. Very sweet photo of you guys. I can't wait to see pics. of your stomach. What a Loving family.

  11. Ask Jill to post weeks of Pregnancy as she did with Isreal. And put a side by side Thanks

    1. Sorry, she's too busy doing her mission work to get out the old chalkboard and pose for pictures.

    2. She's learning Spanish and going into the dangerous village. No time for selfies this time.

    3. Israel is so cute talking. Austin Austin

  12. So happy for Joy and Austin. May you marriage and lives together be a very happy and joyous one �������� How cute is little Israel! Xx

  13. They need better lighting in that video. Go outside. Natural sun light is the best. Where is Joy going to live? In a cabin at the camp?

    1. Perhaps the fifth house Austin flipped was in anticipation of this relationship. His dad challeneged him to flip 5 before courting, but he asked Joy to court mid-flip and I'm wondering if they are finishing it together...maybe he asked halfway so she could give input on finishes. :) If not, I'm sure the five flipped homes provided enough of a profit for Austin to purchase or rent a small place for the soon-to-be-married couple.

      Love these two. Austin is my favorite son-in-law so far. :)

    2. Austin is your favorite? You've seen him walk into the Duggar house without knocking, crack no smiles while in the office closet talking to Jim Bob, fix a fence, drink water, and sit on a rock. And you can tell he's your favorite already? Did you see some episodes the rest of us didn't?

    3. Lol I know Elizabeth and he's not even an in-law yet :)

    4. Wow. Flipping 5 houses by age 23. No lazy bones in him.

    5. Why is he your favorite? Just curious :)

    6. Oops, I responded below instead of here. :/

  14. Can you update the heading pictures to include Henry and Austin?

  15. So now it's time for the next grand anouncement, Jinger being pregnant. I give it a max of 6 more weeks.

    1. I think you might be wrong. Neither Jinger nor Jeremy ever seemed excited to start a family immediately. Think back to the group interview before they were married when Jeremy surprised her. Do you remember the look on her face when they were asked about having kids? They have been very careful to respond very vaguely whenever asked this question. It seems Jeremy may have convictions that differ from the Duggars in more than one area.

    2. Yes, I got the same feeling that they wanted to enjoy being a couple for a while. Time will tell though.

  16. And then there was Jana...or is she secretly married. I hope so.

    1. Or is she secretly saying no to being married and the mother of eleventeen kids, in the only quiet, passive way she can?

  17. I think it intrusive, rude and immodest for total strangers to request to see Jill's changing body. It is not her STOMACH that you're asking to's her expanding uterus and it's none of your business even though this family, who claims to be modest, flaunts it every change they get and exaggerates it with tighter clothing during pregnancy than during other times. Please maintain YOUR OWN BOUNDARIES.

    1. She was the one to show off her stomach last time to a worldwide audience. Why wouldn't viewers think she'd do the same this time to millions she doesn't know?

    2. They are completely proud of their pregnancy shapes and post selfies all the time!

  18. Joy has a smile on her face because she has accomplished her goal: she's having another baby and she knows her time over there will conclude in April....a short visit. I doubt she'll return after that.

    1. I believe you mean Jill, 3:25. Too soon for Joy, plus she's only up to hand holding and side hugs.

  19. Next we need to hear from the other parties, especially Jinger and Jeremy, since they are not in town.

  20. Good to see the current video of Jill, Derrick and Israel.
    They have taken some heat over illness and insects lately.
    Glad they turned the hot water dispenser off to avoid more burns. Small children are naturally curious and fearless.

  21. It must have been an amazing experience!

  22. Congratulations to Joy and Austin. Love all the updates. Hope Jill comes back before the wedding.

  23. I'd like to know where are Jill and Derick's wedding household and gifts being stored? Why did they ask for a lifetime's worth of wedding gifts if their intent was to bug out asap and go to Central America that soon? It doesn't make sense? This is a logical question as strangers sent them wedding gifts at their own expense, some, I'm sure, were sacrificial in nature to give to them, yet they don't come forth and say where these things are? The Dillards don't have a permanent address. What address is on their drivers' licenses? (Not asking for THE specific address).

    1. I think they decided to go into the field after Israel was born. It never seemed to be a subject of conversation before or right after their marriage. Besides, a gift is a gift and the recipient does not need to explain if they are using it or not. Sort of rude to ask imo.

    2. Most missionaries that I have known ship a container down to the mission field before they go. It would contain all of their personal items that would be expensive to replace like pots, pans, dishes, silverware, towels, clothing, books, etc. They still need things for their houses on the mission field like we do here. Some missionaries will leave items that aren't needed immediately back with family members to look after while they are gone. Then if they end up needing those things the family can ship it to them.

    3. I'll bet their wedding presents are in that storage building along with all the other unused Duggar stuff. I remember those gift registries that went on for miles. With 400+ invited guests, you're bound to wind up with a storage building full. Maybe they'll have another Duggar-sized yard sale? If they buy enough stuff from other yard sales first.

  24. Yes, I meant to type Jill, not Joy. thanks for the correction.

  25. I continue to scratch my head at many of these postings--if you don't like the way the Duggars live, act, believe, breathe and whatever of the other criticisms above or find them and their values so offensive why do you "waste" your time watching the show, reading the postings then posting your own judgment and criticism? Turn the channel. Don't visit and spend time on this website. Find something else you can enjoy watching and feel good about and let people who find value or enjoyment in this program continue to enjoy it without your negativity. Or at least provide some rational explanation as to your motives for investing your time in a program and website about people you don't like or respect. There is a Native American proverb about man being made up of two wolves one good and one evil. When asked which one prevails, the answer is the one you feed. The more you feed negativity the bigger it gets. Look for the good. The positive. If you can't find it in this program go elsewhere and leave those who enjoy it to watch without your vitriol.

    1. Some people are truly concerned about the way the Duggars present christianity and feel is not a good representation. It is full of extra biblical rules. If you don't like veiwers opinions, then don't read them. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't make them "haters". Last time I checked the Duggars willfully put themselves on television to present their way of living. It is for public viewing, so the public gets to have and opinion about their show. Or are you going to tell us all how to think?

    2. They are a good representation of Christianity. They say when something they do is a preference and not something out of the Bible. Just like wearing pants, they have said that is their preference not to wear them. They have explained a lot of the reasons for why they do things. They are basing what they do on the Bible and what they feel God wants them to do. They have never said everyone should be like us and do exactly what we do.

  26. I think Austin is my favorite because he seems genuine to the core. He seems humble, hardworking, respectful and like the kind of man who will be content with a simple life filled with family and faith. I'm bothered by men who are interested in fashion, who have to keep up with what's trendy in pop culture, or who still seem a little like high school/college-age boys. Austin seems to be a "man's man", and I think that kind of guy will always be my favorite. :)

    Unlike a lot of people here, I loved that he called her "Miss" Joy-Anna. I love the way he looks at her, like he's proud to be with her. I love that he said he's been observing her over the years and saw that she always had the right responses...It's clear he has patience and has thought through his intentions.

    The fact that he's my favorite doesn't mean I dislike the others. It just means that, so far, he's the kind of guy I'd love to see my daughter marry...and I don't know if I would have said that about the others.

    Everyone has biases and preferences. I, myself, married a man who has similar characteristics to those that I perceive in Austin, so of course he'd be my favorite. :)

    1. I don't get any of those vibes from him or his family. In fact, quite the opposite.

    2. Nice answer Elizabeth! I like all those things about Austin as well.

    3. Makes sense to me, Elizabeth.

  27. The Duggar family have taken the 'plunge' first by agreeing to be on TV in the first place. They, then, have bought in to what comes with being on TV, such as the paychecks, interview and photo money and notoriety it brings. They are not a ministry, but entertainment on TV, thus putting themselves in the position to be both complimented AND criticized for what they say and do out there. That's why.


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