
Monday, February 20, 2017

Joy and Austin Speak About Courtship

It has been three months since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth announced their courtship. The new couple will be featured on next Monday's episode of Counting On. We know you all are eager to hear more about their relationship, so check out the video below. The two chat with TLCme host Danni Star about how they met and share how their courtship has progressed.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I'm really happy for Joy to have found love. I hope that they don't wait to long to get engaged and married. Then there will be two Duggar girls living in Texas!

    1. I hope they do wait. They are both way too young. They should be in college, not a courtship.

    2. The best part is, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks they "should" be doing.

    3. Did you ever think that the reason why they are together is because this was Gods plan for them. God guided them into this journey of court ship and hopes of marriage. God was the one who made this happen and if it wasn't for him this would never have happen. Therefore I wish them both the best of luck now and to the future . I also wish them the many blessings God will send them during this time in their lives! Amen.

    4. It is so refreshing to see two young people get to know each other. I believe that your values and your morals so so much about who you are. It is something that our world Lacks. God has blessed you and brought the two of you together. look forward to watching your courtship and hopefully your engagement and your marriage. Thank you to your whole family; for sharing so much love and kindness. It is very uplifting to my faith & my heart.

    5. I wonder why Jana doesn't court

  2. OOPS! Austin lives in Arkansas! I don't know why I thought it was Texas!

    1. Maybe because his name is Austin 😂

    2. I thought he lived in Texas, too! haha.

    3. happy for joyanna. what happen to Josiahs courtship

    4. It was called off shortly after they announced it. They just decided it wasn't right for either of them.

    5. The courtship with Josiah and Marjorie was called off. Not sure of the details but just that they decided to call it off.

    6. I noticed though on last nights episode that Majorie was at the Duggars house...

    7. I seen her in the last episode so Josiah and Marjorie will probably announce they are back together.

    8. I think Josiah and Marjorie made an adorable couple, they suited each other, both very outgoing. Hope they get back together.

  3. I'm happy for Joy-Anna and Austin. The Duggar children have been finding swell partners. They are out there, I quess you have to go to the right places.

  4. If Joy didn't remember him until 5 years ago, then it's pretty irrelevant for them to keep saying they "met" 15 years ago as tiny kids. They didn't know each other growing up, clearly, based on Joy's comments. Why are they repeating this idea that they've "known each other forever?"

    1. Are you seriously getting uptight about that?

    2. Because their families have known each other for many years. But really, what difference does it make?

    3. Well, to be fair, they still met 15 years ago whether she remembers it or not.

    4. Even at five years it's longer than the other girls so they are ready to get engaged I feel is why they keep repeating fifteen years families knowing them and five years thinking he's cute and really becoming closer then three months courting next is engaged? Then married then babies... It's all just fine they are very mature for their ages too. Good luck I say.

    5. Because "they've known each other forever" implies lifelong friendship. They didn't say our families have known each other forever. Words are important, as are their meanings.

    6. If they were purposely trying to deceive people shw wouldn't have been so specific in the interview. It's really not that big of a deal.

    7. It's really nice that's it's really no ones business how or when they met or if and when they decide what their futures hold in regards to each other and the path they choose to follow together or not. God has chosen someone for everyone and if this is a chosen couple then we are very blessed to be able to witness it. Age is just a number but maturity is what matters and they both seem very mature and well rounded. God Bless both these young people as they travel the path God has chosen for each. And if they choose to spend their lives together as husband and wife then may God Bless that union.

  5. They act like polite acquaintances not kids who have known each other for years.

    1. I think they are both shy,something they have in common.

    2. When you drill down into them "knowing" each other it sounds like they barely did. More like they crossed paths as tiny kids and Joy didn't even remember.

    3. Jill and Derick still act that way and they've been married for years.

    4. Some of it might have to do with cameras being on them and all the criticism they as a family receive all the time and the fact that they are still pretty young. I would be difficult to find your way in a relationship with all these factors.

  6. Hi Ladies, the video link doesn't appear to be working here - just though I'd let you know!

    1. if you are using internet explorer this site does not like explorer and wont play

    2. I thought I was the only one it wasn't working for!

    3. Can't get it to work here and can't find it on TLC's site.

    4. It doesn't like Firefox, either.

    5. Nobody should use IE any more - least stable/safe of any browser.

    6. I use IE and I didn't have a problem watching the video! I also seen it on the seasons last episode!

  7. I can't wait to start seeing you guys together....I wonder a lot if yalls relationship is fast track....hope for a wedding this year....good luck...God Bless

    1. Why are you pushing for them to get married so soon? They are only 19!

    2. I'm not ashamed to show my name....all these negatives....Anonymous. ...if I ran this blog. I would not post. I have an opinion just like you.

    3. Wasn't Ben 19 when he married Jessa......if you ask the Lord it will work....I was 16....I graduated at 18....when we had our son I was 20 and we've been married almost 44 years.....I want brag on all the degrees I have..God Bless the Duggars....They catch negativity every way they turn.

    4. My brother and his wife got married at 16 and 17. Still together 55 yrs later. Nothing wrong with getting married young if you really love each other.

    5. She's 19. He is 24 I believe. He's much older anyways.

    6. I don't know why, but I seem to of giggled when I seen them during their interview, they are so young, and they are so innocent. Its a breath of fresh air to see that in play! (I seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable watching them) Maybe that type of innocents isn't put out there that much.) idk

  8. There's a big blank blue box where a video should be.

    I can't ever get videos to work on this site. I don't know how you're embedding them. I am using a browser that a lot of people use, it's updated, and so is my Adobe version. Something gets lost in the translation here.

    1. its not working on the tic website either

    2. if it is explorer for some reason this site will not play videos on explorer at all. try chrome

    3. What browser do you use? I use safari and never have a problem

    4. I think TLC has made the videos only available in the USA

    5. It's not working in the USA.

  9. The video doesn't seem to be working on a mobile device or on a computer...

  10. I have nothing against young love, but she just seems sooo young! I hope they have a nice, leisurely courtship and enjoy this time together without rushing anything.

    1. I agree that she is young, but I think Joy Anna's courtship will be similar to Jessa's, where they are together for a long time before moving in too fast!

    2. They not getting married tomorrow though. I know a 17y/o who got married and heard of two 16y/o. (And no they weren't forced)

  11. Aww they are perfect! Love it! :D

  12. It is apparent that they are very serious. Joy is just so young! I sincerely hope they do not rush into marriage. I know some people on this blog are hoping for another wedding but really Joy is just too young. I'm not sure how much of this is pushed on them by their parents ( Austin and Joy's) and TLC. Something just doesn't feel right about a tv show following an 18 year old on her
    dates. I do wish them all the best though

    1. I must agree and glad you word's were so well expressed.
      I do wish Joy the best in life and sincerely hope the future will determine the path taken.
      I still remember her graduation and how she said she wouldn't be attending college being needed to help with siblings.
      I do hope this isn't a convenient escape and receiving focus and attention didn't contribute to her choice.
      Austin seems to be a nice adolescent but has little to offer in education or supporting a spouse. His background is working for his parents helped at the camp.
      Joy is a talented, smart young lady.

    2. I am going to have to agree! I kind of felt uncomfortable watching them. Like if they were to get married right away, I think I would feel that it is wrong. They are so innocent, almost to innocent. Don't get me wrong, I love the Duggars, but I think after Jess and Bens weddings, that was enough for me to see, the ret need to grow up a tad bit more before they are in a serious relationship! If this is the path they want to do, then good, but I sure hope that it isn't a quick one to the marriage bed!

  13. Interviewer's exposed chest is bothersome.

    1. Did she do that again?! (I haven't seen the video yet.) I bet she's wearing that same keyhole top that she was when she interviewed Ben & Jessa.

    2. Agree. Surprising Duggars agree to these interviews with her. Her chest was exposed in an interview with Ben and Jessa too.

    3. She's not dressed like a professional, that's for sure.

    4. I agree. I'm definitely not judging her by what she wears. It doesn't matter who is wearing it, it's the shirt that I don't care for. I understand different people have different preferences in clothing, but I still feel like the respectful choice, knowing their modesty standards, would be to wear something less revealing. I totally get that in real life you will see a wide variety of clothing choices and we can't do anything about that, but I'm just saying I think it would have been more respectful. I am a female and still found it distracting.

    5. Seriously people?! A women has the right to dress whatever way she pleases and should not be judged for it. It doesn't make her any less professional. Joy and Austin are adults and should be able to handle tiny things that that

    6. 10:45 PM -- Have you been in the working world? Yes, a woman has a right to wear whatever she wants, but not every outfit is appropriate for every job. Would you wear short shorts to your job? After all, it's your "right"!

    7. I think people are making a big deal about a very small thing. I didn't even notice the first time I watched - I had to go back and watch again after reading these comments to see what they were talking about. And although it's not a neckline style I personally would wear I really don't think it's a big deal and I doubt Joy and Austen cared that much (certainly not as much as some of the commenters seem to!).

    8. They could have chosen not to get interviewed if it bothered them.

    9. That's all I was looking at, completely distracting

    10. Sounds like you are the one with issues if you think it is SO distracting that you can't watch the video in peace.

    11. I could not agree more. The interviewer, being from TLC should have had some respect for the Duggar family. The issue for me was not for Austin as much as the two Duggar boys she then went on to interview wearing the same tight top. TLC and the interviewer know in depth at how modest the Duggars are, and yet she is sitting there, leaning over, pushing her enormous bosoms into their face. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how uncomfortable the boys would have felt and TLC should be ashamed of themselves.

  14. It's a proven fact that some couples get married at a young age and be married for 50 or 60 years. Sometime they do better than those who marry in later years

    1. I got married at 19 and we just celebrated our 55th anniversary. Nothing wrong with "young."

    2. Proven fact? What is your source? Kids also get married too young and regret it the rest of their lives, fool around, and/or divorce.

    3. Since they do not hold jobs or go to college, all the girls have the goal of marriage for their lives so getting started young makes perfect sense based on their beliefs.

    4. 5:09PM - Yes, it's a proven fact that SOME (as the commenter said) couples get married early and stay happily married. Let's pray that for the Duggar couples, why don't we?

    5. Actually, the statistics show otherwise. Divorce rates are significantly higher for those who married at 25 years and younger. Those couple tend to have a higher right of 2nd or 3rd divorces as well,thus pushing up the divorce rate.

      Every couple I knew who married in their late 20s and early 30s have had long term successful marriages,over 30 years. And every couple I knew who married young (under 25) ended up divorced or extremely unhappy.

      The reason is simple..the older couples entered marriage seriously, not clouded by hormones. They both have live experiences to base the choices on and their marriages are not hard work but partnership of equals.

      The young couples,on the other hand, were controlled by their hormones and fairy tales. There is not enough friendship and commonality for the couple to weather the bad times. After the romance settled down and reality set in, they have a hard time staying together.

      Yes, it is true some marriages between under 25s work but those are not the norm.

    6. I don't know the divorce rates per age, but I will say that almost every married couple we know was married before age 25. They have all been happily married 20+ years. My husband and I were 19 and 20 when we married. We didn't get married due to hormones or fairy tales, and we entered our marriage seriously.

      I know of marriages where the people married later in life and had more problems. They were more set in their ways of doing things and didn't like to compromise. Many of them also had problems conceiving children.

      There is no set age that is the perfect age to marry. Each couple has to make their own decisions.

    7. I don't have a problem with being married young, I just find it a tad bit uncomfortable watching the Duggars doing it. I feel they have lived a sheltered life, away from the public and the normal lifestyle! It is good they have found another person that is just as sheltered and innocent. I love the show, but as soon as they aired the courtship of Joy and Austin, I cringed a tad bit!

  15. they look like the perfect pair!
    I wonder why only the Duggar girls have been marrying/courting these past 7 years?

    1. How can you tell from this short video that they are perfect for each other?

  16. Sounds like they're doing it the right way. Best wishes to them.

  17. I think it was disrespectful for the interviewer to be dressed in such a revealing blouse.

    1. I personally did not find it revealing at all. Danni has a right to wear whatever she wants.

    2. I agree she was wearing a little riskay of an outfit lol. I would have felt weird if I was Joy.

    3. She can wear whatever she wants, just like the duggars can. This is America, after all.

    4. Anon Feb 20 @ 8:03 pm, Yes people have a right to wear whatever they want, but, there is also being polite and considerate. You have to be aware and respectful of others and their comfort level. Danni should have worn something more conservative.

    5. They need a new interviewer. Bit I think tlc is doing it on purpose... if we are talking about it, than its good for business. Unfortunately

    6. If they don't like her shirt than they didn't have to be interviewed.

    7. I don't like the shirt for myself, but who cares what she wears. She has the right to wear whatever she wants. If there is a problem with that, those are your issues not hers.

    8. To Anonymous 11:47 am. Kosher Jews wouldn't eat in your house, so that part of your argument is moot. I'm a Jew, and can cook some fabulous food that meets all the kosher guidelines, but my religious relatives still won't eat it, because my home, sink, counter, dishes, and cookware are not kosher. I believe the Muslim halal laws are similar, but I'm not sure.
      Regarding the interviewer's clothing choice, they went to her place of business for this interview, etiquette in this case requires them to be respectful of her standards while in her place of business. Had the interview been conducted in the Duggar home, etiquette would require the interviewer to dress in a manner that is respectful to their standards. The concept is quite basic, really.
      I think the blouse is ugly, personally, but I don't think it's especially revealing.
      If you really want something to be upset about, why don't you think about how many children have been killed in Aleppo recently.

  18. Knowing how conservatively the Duggars dress, I am surprised that the interviewer wore that shirt. I thought she should have dressed a little more respectfully.

    1. Someone mentioned that last week and got jumped on for even bringing it up. But I agree with you!

    2. Why does she have to follow their rules? Would she expect them to follow her rules?

    3. That's like saying the duaggars should dress in less clotjubg in respect to other people. Doesn't make any sense! She can dress as she pleases, stop judging a women you don't even know!!

    4. Would you wear something like that to the Duggars' church? Maybe paired with a mini and some spiked heels? No, because you are smart enough to follow social rules.

    5. Luckily the Duggars do not decide what is socially acceptable.

    6. To all the folks who say that the young lady from TLC shouldn't have worn that particular shirt to interview the Duggars and that it was disrespectful.....Let me ask you - Why didn't Joy and Austin wear the same kind of clothing the lady from TLC wore? Now do you all see how ridiculous you sound? None of them should have follow the others dress code! The Duggars don't agree with TLC's programs, but they still do business with them. The Duggars don't agree with the contents of PEOPLE magazine, but they still do business with them. My point is that the rest of the world doesn't have to conform to the Duggars dress code, nor do I believe the Duggars would think they would. Most importantly of all, I highly doubt the Duggars were offended! They know the rest of the world may believe differently than they do.

  19. I can see the video now, but I didn't used to be able to. I like the new format better!

  20. I am SOOOO excited!! Joy has always seemed like such an amazing young woman after God's own heart! I am SO excited to hear more of her courtship and I hope they have a WONDERFUL relationship with wonderful activities, as it sounds like they've been doing! God bless them!!

  21. I can't believe they're sitting there across from that woman in her indecent top! The Duggars are strictly again immodest clothing, yet it seems like their rules relax when it comes to TLC and making money. Why do they indorse these things? It seems so hypocritical!

    1. There was nothing wrong with what the interviewer was wearing! Loosen up a little.

    2. The Duggars have always said "this is how WE do things", not You MUST be like us or we will not associate with you." I've been to enough football games to know how the cheerleaders are yet I've never heard "Mrs Pistol Pete" utter a peep about the cheerleaders at the football games she attends with her husband. She focuses on other aspects/

    3. That top was loose enough. No need to loosen up any more.

    4. It would be incredibly of the Duggars to refuse to be around people with different modesty standards as them! Also how incredibly unreasonable it would be - they would basically be stuck at home.

    5. Yo, everyone needs to calm down. Take a deep breath. This is an extreme stance to jump to the conclusion that the Duggars are hypocritical based on one interviewer's choice of clothing. Like wow. Kind of sad.

  22. Warning the video shows serious cleavage, can those of us that choose modesty get a video warning at the top please Lilly and Ellie

    1. That does not need a modesty warning! You could barely see anything. Besides, does it bother you when the Duggar women give birth on TV?

    2. I agree about the top being pretty low-cut. I'd rather not be seeing that.

    3. Everyone's opinions ,views and tastes are not the same, I think this video should have a warning to

    4. The top was inappropriate to wear in front of any young people, much less the conservative Duggars. It looks like something she'd wear to a club.

    5. Haha! Would have to agree with Anonymous 8:05!

  23. They seem so sweet together.. praying for the best for them

  24. The video is not working.

  25. Can't watch the video either, but I suspect she got a ring on Valentine's Day, if they're going more public now. You know how the Duggars tidbit at a time released to the public, when behind the scenes, things are moving faster.

  26. Joy please don't marry him. Those of you who haven't watch his parents show "Worlds strictest parents." Hard labor is in her future with this family.
    Stay with Jimbob and Michelle. Many other fish in the sea. Please give yourself some options.

    1. What station is that show on? I feel never heard of it.

    2. You are completely wrong, his parents and very nice. Anyone would be blessed to have them as inlaws!

    3. I saw that show. I think his family seemed great. I believe it's still on YouTube.

    4. I don't think Jim and Michelle would be all in for them being together of that was the case..

    5. What episode is it on YouTube?( worlds strictest parents)

  27. Nice shirt, Dani Starr.

  28. So Austin and Joy seem to have not-so-much chemistry, I think. Not feel'n it.

    1. I'll bet the camera and formal interview setting has something to do with that.

    2. Completely disagree. I felt it was almost visible the chemistry was so evident.

  29. I don't think that lady wore a decent top last time. You would think the lady would of knew better and wore something less revealing.

  30. Joy, like the other girls, is so beautiful. I love her smile! I'm happy for her that she has met someone she really cares for and I hope that if they keep moving forward, that they have a happy marriage...and if not, I hope that they end their courtship respectfully and remain friends. So much exciting stuff in the Duggar home that I'm looking forward to!

  31. Help please every time I am on this blog the videos will not play i do not have this problem anywhere else i cant figure it out???

  32. He looks so much like a younger version of jimbob! Love how he's always looking at her.

  33. Joy has grown to be such a lovely young woman. All the Duggar ladies are beautiful. I can't imagine being in Jim and Michelle's shoes. So many weddings in a few short years. With that many children that is understandable! I'd need time to recover from the last one! Whether this becomes wedding #5 in the future or not, I hope Joy and Austin follow God's will and are both happy :)

  34. Sherry from WisconsinFebruary 20, 2017 at 10:28 PM

    I'm so happy for JoyAnna and all the Duggar girls so far. They're all amazing women.

  35. I'm a little shocked by all these judging people in the comment's. Noone should be judged by the way they dress, her outfit is fine! If the duggars are so muture like people say they are, they should be able to handle someone dressed differently!!

    1. And if anyone has respect for the family, they should not dress like that in front of them.

    2. Right. The Duggars who have been interviewed by Dani have never said anything in the interviews about her blouse. They've been around all kinds of people since "19 Kids."

  36. I hope the best for you both on your new journey. I hope God will bless you both.

  37. the video will not work-can you fix it

  38. She is just too young. He seems much more aware and mature....please slow down, Joy.

  39. While I love that the duggar girls look at their men when they are talking, in this instance I find it rude to the person asking the questions. It seems like they are having a conversation together instead of with the lady asking questions.

  40. Am I the only one not being able to watch this video? I tried from both an Apple and Android device. I tried on laptop, IPad and phone. If it's because I am trying to watch it from Canada, I am going to flip now. What is wrong with these people, why are they protecting a simple innocent video so much? So annoying.

    1. I watched the video just fine on my phone. I have an iPhone no problem with the video this morning.

  41. Sincere question.

    Why are people saying immodest clothing?


    Guys need to dress modestly as well.

    Always the female. 😟

  42. I find it biased that people are pointing out that the immodest clothing that the female is wearing.

    Men should follow the same guidelines of dressing.

    Men should learn about the importance of respecting women and girls and valuing them how they dress.

    It's biased to only say that the female needs to dress modestly.

    This is my opinion.

    1. If there was a man dressed immodestly on the site, I am sure people would be pointing that out as well. It isn't biased to say the lady was dressed inappropriately. None of the men interviewed were dressed immodestly. You are correct that modesty is important for males as well as females.

    2. Huge difference of showing a little skin.

      Showing little skin is now bad?

  43. Dress codes are important.

    It should be for both on boys and girls, not just girls.

    For example:

    "Girls no bikinis
    Boys no speedo swimwear.
    And when you are out of water wear a t shirt over it at all times".

    1. Agreed. I hate to see men going shirtless. Not because I have a lust problem, but because there is no verifiable need for it. I do not want to see a perfect stranger's body when I'm driving down the street ("Put your shirt on!"-if you don't have one, I'll buy you one at the local Thrift store). I don't need to see your underwear either, with baggin' saggin' pants (I can buy you a belt or pants that fit-the Thrift store has those too). Likewise Ladies, we can find you a shirt/skirt/dress/pants that fit without holes or see-through areas. Both sexes, have a little more respect for yourselves please. You are so much more than the sum of your parts.

  44. Exactly how many boys do you see wearing speedo's outside of swim teams?

    1. Don't get to the beach much, 12:00?

    2. Not the Anonymous commenting on boys Speedos above, but I see more than I care to at my local public pool or my local Water Park. In all fairness though, they do seem to be favored primarily by the more European-types. Likewise, as a woman, both myself and my teen daughter have been embarrassed by some of what passes for Ladies/Teen swimsuits (which is why we rarely go and even then, during "off-peak" times). Dress codes are not instituted to restrict; their designed to respect and ensure everyone's comfort (not just those who want to flaunting their bodies).

  45. I can't see the video either. I have an Android tablet. And Chrome.

  46. If Joy-Anna and Austin are spending quality time getting to know one another's character, interests, and personalities, good for them! A large number of young marriages (but not all) fail because the parties involved are neither psychologically nor emotionally mature enough to care for another person's wants and needs above their own. Some "older" marriages fail for the same reason. Growing older doesn't always equate to growing up maturity-wise. Having said that, many young people have been raised in a culture of self-indulgence, entitlement, and self-gratification. They're taught that the most important thing is to love themselves, express themselves, and their personal happiness is the goal. They often know little about personal responsibility, self-sacrifice, and perseverance- many long established employers, tenured teachers, and tenured college professors will attest to this. It's human nature for people to put their best face forward trying to win the other person. Many people pretend to be /mold themselves into everything their intended is looking for, only to tire of or drop the act after the I Do's. That's defrauding the other person. They're not getting what you sold them. It's far better to take your time and make sure you're compatible with the same values and goals, see that person through several seasons (a year or more), in different situations and pressures. After all, you're going to have a lifetime together, God willing...and no one sets out to be "stuck" in a bad marriage.

  47. Got too side-tracked reading all those uncalled for comments about the shirt the lady was wearing that I forgot to congratulate Joy and Austin! Hope everything works out the way they want it to! Will be watching! Follow your hearts!

  48. They are so cute together!! And Austin sort of reminds me of Chad (Erin Bates Paine's husband). Int the way he looks at Joy.

  49. Austin seems young, but Joy seems extremely young. Opposite of Ben and Jessa. Ben seemed extremely young, a teenager. Jessa was young, but I noticed it more in Ben. Here I notice it more with Joy.

  50. All the talk that they are to young to get married. They are still in the Courtship stage of getting married. So leave them be let them get to know one another. If Michelle and Jim Bob didn't think Joy Anna couldn't handle a Courtship they wouldn't have approve them to enter into a Courtship they know if their daughter is ready for this step in her life. They trust their daughter I've always noticed that Joy Anna has a good solid head on her head that she pretty, smart, and good looking she is mature. I think that he is handsome, smart, ready to follow Gods leading and if it's to get to know one another in the possibility to get married so be it. Yes they are 19 years old and that's young to us but they have many people supporting them and advising them through this time as the get to know each other and fall deeper in love with each other and with God together as a couple. On March 2nd my parents will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary and my mom was 18 yrs old when they got married and was still in High School in fact my Dad had to sign her final report card before her graduation now that's young. She had her first baby at age 19. So in my opinion Joy Anna is old enough at almost 20 yrs old to make her own decision about her future love. I pray it works out for her personally. They are a great couple! Congratulations Austin and Joy Anna as your love continue to grow.

    1. Compare your story to that of my niece, who ran away from home on her 18th birthday to get married. Had a kid a year or two later. The marriage went bust and now she's in her 40's and on husband #4. It doesn't always work out happily ever after!

    2. Anonymous- yes but was your niece brought up to be such a loving person? Did she have multiple boyfirends? Not that those are a bad thing, the the Duggar girls all have convictions to meet "the one" and to work with them to follow the lord faithfully and utmost.They are all clearly enamored with their partners and that is amazing! There would not be as many divorces and cheating in the world if all couples are in love and beautiful as the duggar children have.

  51. Joy said she would like to get her pilot license so she could fly herself to mission places ...well well Austin has his pilot license..I assume that missionary will be their life too...God Bless yall what ever you decide in life.

  52. I have read so many comments on how long they known each other. I really don't understand why focus on this issue. The law in Arkansas on marriage is:
    Males and females shall reach the age of 18 years to contract for a marriage license in Arkansas. Males age 17 or females ages 16 or 17, may be married with parental consent.

    Nothing in the law that indicates they need to know each other any specific amount of time.

    As for what they will be doing mission work seems to be the family work. Jill and Derrick, Jinger and Jeremy and from what I understand from the show Ben is studying theology.

    What is apparent is that we are all enjoying watching the show to see what is next. Joy Anna's marriage? Will Jana start a courtship? Jill's baby.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.